
  • The professional hobo. Probably something any family member thinks of those that do long term travel. Nora Dunn is about to smash that stereotype in this episode of the Never Ending Nomad.

    In 2006, she decided like many do, to leave their current life to head off on an adventure she felt was calling her. She got rid of her belongings and even left her financial planning business to pursue what she felt was her future.

    Since early 2007 she's been off visiting over 50 countries but doing it slower than most. That's what makes her unique and extremely interesting. It's not about notching up the numbers, it's about experiences and adventures for her.

    She shares amazing tips and tricks for how she travels cheaply, how she's dealt with explaining a huge lifestyle transformation to family and friends and how she has created a location independent career. That's the dream right?

    Check out all her work on her blog.

  • Before travelling the world, Jasper Ribbers worked for a trading firm for 6 years. At the age of 32, he realized that he didn’t just want his life to be wasted away in a “mildly stimulating profession” so he took the risk, left his job, and travelled.

    In this episode, Jasper shared about how he funded his travels through airbnb and he shares other tips and tricks for those who are already on the travelling journey as well as those who want to have the freedom to travel.

    To find out more about Jasper Ribbers, you can visit his blog: http://www.thetravelingdutchman.com/

    And of course you can check out all of my work at www.travislongmorephotography.com.au or find me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

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  • Melissa Adams is a couch surfing host with a difference. She doesn't couch surf herself but hosts dozens of people from around the world at her house in Amsterdam.

    She's a travel writer and an American expat and writes all about her new home in Amsterdam at www.wordgeisha.com

    She's amazing to listen to and her stories are fantastic!

    What is this Couchsurfing thing you ask? Couchsurfing International Inc. is a hospitality exchange and social networking website. The website provides a platform for members to "surf" on couches by staying as a guest at a host's home, host travelers, or join an event. Melissa is a host in Couchsurfing and will talk about how she chooses who she hosts. She also shares some not so good experiences with Couchsurfers and also the super interesting and fun ones. She talked about her rules as a host which make it much easier for you to figure out how you should get into the Couchsurfing world easier. She also answered a lot of questions about Couchsurfing and why Couchsurfing is not for her. She also gave advice for first time couch surfers and those who would like to try Couchsurfing.

    If you want to get in touch with me head over to Travis Longmore Photography. You can also check out some travel photos and tips there as well!

    After you listen to her you'll want to know more so check out all her work:






  • What is the future of tourism and marketing? Ian Hill has been a part of two of the largest tourism campaigns in Australia's history and tells us what he thinks will happen to tourism moving forward.

    It's fascinating to hear what he has to say about lessons learnt during those campaigns and what they're looking at doing moving forward.

    We talk about why Canberra is an awesome tourist destination and how people can pitch to tourism organisations!

    Don't forget to check out my photography page and get in touch with me! http://travislongmorephotography.com.au/

    Head over to Visit Canberra's site to see the amazing things Canberra has to offer! http://visitcanberra.com.au/

  • This episode is a doozy. Accommodation is one of the most expensive things when traveling so what would you do if you could eliminate that altogether?

    That's where Nat Smith and Jodie Thomspon and Housesittingworld.com come in handy. They talk about what house sitting means, tips to do it the right way and how to stand out from the crowd so you can land the perfect house sitting gig.

    Tune in to episode 12 to find out all the info!

    Check out there website at http://housesittingworld.com for more info.

    Don't forget to head over to my (Travis Longmore obviously) website to get in touch! http://travislongmorephotography.com.au/

  • This episode features Derek Earl Baron also known as Earl of Wandering Earl. He started travelling in 1999 in Southeast Asia and his trip hasn’t ended since. Earl travelled to search for the education that only travel taught. He had little interest in the sights that a country can offer but on the interactions and the lessons learned along the way.

    In this episode, he spoke about how he was able to sustain this lifestyle and the types of work he’s done along the way. He also gave tips on how he went out of his comfort zone and talked to random strangers he met just to learn and gather ideas and advice on travelling. He also shared his experiences in finding ways to earn money while travelling.

    When I asked him what he’d do if he started from scratch he said cruise ships! That’s a different response than I was expecting.

    He also shared his experience being kidnapped, being questioned if he was a part of some terrorist group when he arrived in the US from Afghanistan and Pakistan. He also shares some travel hacks about packing and other things, and answers some more questions about travel and people.

    You can learn a lot of creative stuff on how to fund your travelling, and also some hacks on travelling on his website: http://www.wanderingearl.com/; his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/WanderingEarl; and his twitter: https://twitter.com/wanderingearl/.

    Get in touch with me over on my website: http://travislongmorephotography.com.au/ on Twitter or Facebook!

  • This episode features Sam Pessin. He is a part of Remote Year. In this episode, Sam talks about Remote Year. Remote Year offers 75 remote workers an opportunity to travel together to 12 different countries over the course of a year. Remote Year handles logistics like itinerary, lodging, and activities and if participants don’t already have a job that allows them to work outside the office, Remote Year will help them find one.

    Sam shares his experiences in Remote Year and how he started it with his friend.

    Sam also answered some quick questions like top three things in his bucket list, what country he’d stay in for the rest of his life, and more.

    You can get in touch with him and check out remote year through: https://www.facebook.com/remoteyear and http://www.remoteyear.com/blog/. You can also read from the remote’s blogs.

    To know more about Remote Year, visiting these links are a great start:




  • In this episode I talked with JD Roth (not the actor/producer!) from the website jdroth.com and founder of Get Rich Slowly who has a really amazing story about how he’s managed to find his way in the financial blogging world, sell his website he built and begin a trip in an RV around the entire U.S.A.! Not a bad effort!

    In this episode find out:

    How JD built a website large enough to sell for a huge amount of money.

    How he positioned himself within a market as an expert

    How he is going about funding a massive trip around the U.S. in an RV!

    and as usual, some awesome travel stories, tips and tricks to get you traveling further and more often!

    From his website:

    My name is J.D. Roth. I founded Get Rich Slowly, wrote Your Money: The Missing Manual, created the year-long "Get Rich Slowly" course, and contributed the monthly "Your Money" column to Entrepreneur magazine. This site is about more than money; it's a personal playground where I share big thoughts and small details from my daily life.

  • In this episode I'll tell you who is coming up on the show (and there are some rippers!) and let you know where I've been over the past few weeks as well.

    I'll let you know where I'm heading next on my adventures!

    Stay tuned for some amazing interviews coming up soon.

  • This is an update episode on all the things I've learnt from the first 6 episodes of interviews as well as what I've been up to in the 12 weeks since I've started traveling.

    I also let you know what's next and a mishap with some Nigerians...

    Listen to see what happens!

  • On this episode I’m talking with Adam Groffman who not only runs the website travelsofadam.com but he is the author of some really awesome hipster city guides which are really just as cool as they sound. He’s also a designer, marketer, blogger, travel writer and travel consultant so be prepared for some gold.

    From his website:

    In a few words, I’m a hipster travel blogger & one-time graphic designer. In 2010 I quit my job as a book designer in Boston, MA and set off on a trip around the world. Over the course of 15 months I visited more than a handful of countries from Morocco to Israel, India to Vietnam.

    It wasn’t until I met people my same age from all over the world (doing very different things than what I was doing) that I was inspired to take some action. It just seemed unfair to think they had all these amazing stories to tell, and here I was, beginning to feel more and more complacent in my generally comfortable life.

    It was on my IcelandAir flight back from Reykjavik to Boston that I realized there’s no reason to stop traveling. I could make something work somehow whether through my job or on my own. In seat 19F, I wrote up a list of questions:

    Could I travel & not work?

    Where would I go?

    How much would it cost?

    Would I be able to live like that?

    What would I learn/do?

    When would I go?

    I didn’t have all the answers (actually, I had none at that moment), but I knew they were questions I would be able to answer. Honestly, I’m surprised at how easy it was to make the decision to pick up and leave Boston without answering a single one of those questions.

  • Today I am talking with Pete Heck who happens to be one half of the duo that are Hecktiktravels.com. He and his wife Dalene did what I’d dreamt of doing for years and sold everything they owned to travel the world. On their website Pete is described as the Chief Pretty Photo Maker and as a photographer myself it’s a damn good description. Jump on to their instagram feed and see for yourself for a little travel inspiration!

    In 2014 they were named as National Geographic’s ‘Travelers of the Year’ which is just a huge accomplishment and shows just how much they’ve done.

    From their website: We are Dalene and Pete Heck, a Canadian couple who sold everything to travel the world.

    Quite regularly, one of us will look at the other and say: “I love my life.” But it wasn’t always that way.

    Up until the time we boarded a South America-bound plane in fall of 2009, we had lived a life of corporate ladder-climbing by day and retreating to the suburbs by night. We were not terribly unhappy with our lives, but knew that there had to be more out there. And then, during the first half of 2007, a barrage of personal tragedies pushed us to finally discover what that “more” was. We had learned, the very hard way, the impact of the age-old cliche: Life is too short.

    We made our move. In 2009 we blindly moved from our 2,100 square foot house full of unnecessary goods into combined luggage space of 200 litres. We then began a life of perpetual travel that has been endlessly fulfilling. We’ve taught underprivileged kids to swim in Bolivia, rode camels in the Sahara Desert, kayaked among icebergs in Greenland, and so much more.

  • Welcome to episode five of the Never Ending Nomad Podcast where I talk with travellers from around the world to get some inspiration but to also find out how they go about making money while they travel so you can too.

    This episode talks about the experiences of Savannah Grace, who started travelling at the early age of 14 with her family. Their first trip was amazingly to China. They have travelled through 140 countries and share glimpses and moments of their travels in this episode.

    In this episode, Savannah talks about how a particular trip has changed her life. How it changed her lifestyle and her perspective of the world. She shares the worst and the best experiences while travelling and how they got through all of the countries they have been through. She also shares in depth experiences in some of the countries they stayed in like Afghanistan, Pakistan and many others, how they found the people in the country and the country’s culture.

    Also, in this podcast episode, Savannah gives advice to people who wants to travel but still hasn’t pulled the trigger to go overseas; and some travel hacks and tricks to make travelling so much easier and cheaper. She answers some quick questions like what is the best advice she’s been given about travelling, what possession she can’t travel without, and a couple more.

    You can reach Savannah Grace through her website www.sihpromatum.com; on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sihpromatum-I-Grew-my-Boobs-in-China; on twitter: https://twitter.com/sihpromatum; and of course on instagram: https://instagram.com/sihpromatum/.

    Savannah also hosts a lively and super helpful Twitter chat called The Road Less Travelled (#TRLT). From her website:

    "#TRLT discusses destinations overlooked on Twitter travel chats, such as Africa, the Middle East, Central Asia and Central America. These are places that deserve to be considered as holiday options by more travellers and #TRLT is one way to generate discussion and interest in these destinations.

    Founded by Shane, Ariana and Savannah, we all possess personal experience in places infrequently travelled by others, with Afghanistan being a particular favourite for each of us.

    If you are a novice or seasoned traveller on such rarely trodden paths, or even if you are seeking to place your first foot on #TRLT then join us on the following times each Tuesday:

    US PT: 1000 US ET: 1300 (1 pm)

    UTC: 1800 (6 pm)

    West Europe: 1900 (7 pm)

    United Arab Emirates: 2100 (9pm)"

    Find out more on her website and enjoy the show!

  • Welcome to episode three of the Never Ending Nomad Podcast where I talk with travellers from around the world to get some inspiration but to also find out how they go about making money while they travel so you can too.

    On this episode is the very clever Paula Pant from AffordAnything.com. She’s been to more than 32 countries and goes about funding her travel in probably the most unique way I have found so far. She’s an ex journalist, investor and has a great saying that she believes ‘Money can fuel your wildest dreams’.

    From her website:

    I’m Paula Pant: Journalist. Globetrotter. Entrepreneur. Investor.

    I’ve traveled to 32 countries. I own six seven rental property units. I’m my own boss and I live on my own terms.

    I believe money can fuel your wildest dreams. That’s why this movement is about growing wealth, not pinching pennies.

    Afford Anything believes in harnessing money to buy back your life. Our revolution believes that life is too short to sit in a cubicle. Master your money, so you can ditch the 9-to-5 and embark on an epic adventure.

    I don’t work in a cubicle and I never sit in rush-hour traffic. I live life exactly as I want. I’ll spend 4 hours hiking on a random Tuesday if the mood strikes. Or I’ll stay up all night writing blog posts. Or I’ll travel to Bali on a whim.

    That’s because I cut ruthlessly on things that don’t matter so that I can spend lavishly on the things I love most: freedom, travel, adventure.

  • Lauren Bath became Australia's first full time Instagrammer and has amassed over 385,000 followers and created an army that love her images. She went from being a full time chef to a full time traveller in less than two years. How did she do it? Listen in and get all the information from Lauren.

    From her website:

    Lauren Bath is a chef turned photographer turned social media influencer thanks to her success on the popular photo-sharing site Instagram. An early adoption of the platform saw Lauren’s followers skyrocket way before Instagram was as widely used as it is now. In early 2013 Lauren saw potential with her 200,000+ followers and quit her job to become Australia’s first professional Instagrammer, a title she earned by her ability to monetize off her social media reach and Instagram style photography.

    Since then Lauren continues to grow her skills set and now specializes in putting together her own Instagram campaigns, drawing on her extensive knowledge of influencers and marketing. Also moving into education Lauren is gaining experience hosting social media and social photography workshops and speaking publicly about her journey. Lauren’s philosophy towards social media marketing is to continually strive to provide value and accountability to her clients whilst remaining true to her own photography and respecting her online fan base.

  • Clint Johnston is a travel hacking guru with more than 70 countries up his sleeve he's hacked his way to destinations you've always wanted. He explains how to travel super cheap or for free and how he goes about making money while he does it.

    He started travel hacking everything from airfare to accommodation and maximize every trip he took.

    “In The Last Decade I Have Mastered The Art Of Travel Hacking.” - Clint

    "My aim on TripHackr is to show you what I have learned so you can travel more often for less. Whether it is using miles to book free flights or simply learning how to Hack a Flight without miles you will learn new ways to find travel deals."

    Learn all about it in this episode of the Never Ending Nomad.

  • Have you ever wanted to travel full time? What about just make a trip cheaper or not cost you a thing? This is the podcast for you! Travis Longmore talks with travellers from around the world and disects how they go about making money while they travel. From full time Instagrammers, bloggers and writers to real estate owners this podcast will give you more tips and trips than you could hope for.

    Travis will talk with travel hackers, frequent flyer geniuses and blogging stars that have monetized their way to making a living as they travel. If you've ever pictured yourself sipping drinks by the pool in Italy while you work you need to listen closely.