
  • Organisations which had to move to remote working and were one of the lucky ones to expand during the pandemic are faced with a new challenge - gelling existing staff with the new hires and making them embrace the company culture. This episode's guest is Will Beaton Head of People at MyTutor which has doubled in sized all while transitioning to the remote first way of working.


    Website - https://www.mytutor.co.uk/

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/will-beaton-24228b106/

    People Stories community of driven and engaged People professionals - https://www.notion.so/People-Stories-7bf7c6b3a04e453e9a0ded50172e0b77

    Have a topic you want us to cover or guest we should interview? Drop us a message at [email protected]

    Nextep Group offers premium-level support across a diverse range of remote work issues, 24 hours a day, and in multiple languages with experts in HR, Legal, Operations, Tech, Leadership and more. It's open to leaders looking for guidance, consultants and remote workers wanting to share their experience. You can join by visiting https://www.nextep.group

    Produced and hosted by Lech Guzowski from Human PM

    Human PM - https://www.human.pm

    Lech's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lech-guzowski/

    Get in touch - [email protected]

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  • What is company culture? How do you create it? What roles does it play in building a sense of community among your people spread across the entire globe? We explore these and many other questions together with Ryan Chartrand from X-Team who has built and managed remote teams from around the world for more than a decade across a variety of industries.


    Website - https://x-team.com/

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanchartrand/

    Have a topic you want us to cover or guest we should interview? Drop us a message at [email protected]

    Nextep Group offers premium-level support across a diverse range of remote work issues, 24 hours a day, and in multiple languages with experts in HR, Legal, Operations, Tech, Leadership and more. It's open to leaders looking for guidance, consultants and remote workers wanting to share their experience. You can join by visiting https://www.nextep.group

    Produced and hosted by Lech Guzowski from Human PM

    Human PM - https://www.human.pm

    Lech's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lech-guzowski/

    Get in touch - [email protected]

  • Remote working is an introverts dream and extraverts nightmare, is it really? Aoife Lenox, founder of Inside Strategies, is an Introvert Coach and Change Facilitator. In this episode, you will learn: what does it mean to be an introvert, the introverts experience of remote working, how managers and leaders can engage all personality types while remote working to maximise productivity, engagement and well-being.


    Website - http://insidestrategies.ie/

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/aoifelenox/

    Jonathan Cheek STAR Acronym - https://www.thecut.com/2015/06/apparently-there-are-four-kinds-of-introversion.html

    Creating Introvert-Friendly Workplaces by Jennifer B. Kahnweiler - https://amzn.to/2VUanJu

    The Introvert Advantage (How To Thrive In An Extrovert World) by Marti Olsen Lany - https://amzn.to/3gB9E7Y

    Introverted Leader: Building on Your Quiet Strength by Jennifer B. Kahnweiler - https://amzn.to/2Cdd5D4


    Have a topic you want us to cover or guest we should interview? Drop us a message at [email protected]


    Nextep Group offers premium-level support across a diverse range of remote work issues, 24 hours a day, and in multiple languages with experts in HR, Legal, Operations, Tech, Leadership and more. It's open to leaders looking for guidance, consultants and remote workers wanting to share their experience. You can join by visiting https://www.nextep.group


    Produced and hosted by Lech Guzowski from Human PM

    Human PM - https://www.human.pm

    Lech's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lech-guzowski/

    Get in touch - [email protected]

  • Inspired by the episode by a conversation with Matteo Grassi, this episodes kicks off a mini-series focused on mental health and inclusion. Laraine McKinnon, Talent & Culture Strategist at Emtrain, joins me to talk about the intricate balance of people and personalities in the workplace.


    Website - www.emtrain.com

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/larainemckinnon/

    Medium Article: Susan Fowler @ Uber - https://www.susanjfowler.com/blog/2017/2/19/reflecting-on-one-very-strange-year-at-uber

    Medium Article: Tracy Chou @ Pinterest - https://medium.com/@triketora/where-are-the-numbers-cb997a57252


    Have a topic you want us to cover or guest we should interview? Drop us a message at [email protected]


    Nextep Group offers premium-level support across a diverse range of remote work issues, 24 hours a day, and in multiple languages with experts in HR, Legal, Operations, Tech, Leadership and more. It's open to leaders looking for guidance, consultants and remote workers wanting to share their experience. You can join by visiting https://www.nextep.group


    Produced and hosted by Lech Guzowski from Human PM

    Human PM - https://www.human.pm

    Lech's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lech-guzowski/

    Get in touch - [email protected]

  • Once government support and furlough programmes come to end later in the year the fear is many organisations will have lay off many of their staff to stay afloat. Inspired by the belief that leaving should be as positive as joining an organisationIn, in the final episode of the mini HR series, we talk about offboarding as a way of companies taking responsibility for those being let go as well turning them into evangelists. The guests are Angelina Ebeling, the founder and CEO of acework, and Ben Hanely, founder of three&six. You will learn: what offboarding is all about, when and how to implement it, some simple ideas to improve your existing process, and the importance of knowing your individual remote team members’ personalities, so you can avoid people quitting in the first place!


    Angelina's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelinaebeling/

    acework - https://acework.io/

    Ben’s LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/bnhnly/

    three&six - http://threeandsix.agency/

    Proejct Sunset - https://sunset.landen.co/

    Airbnb to lay off nearly 1,900 people, 25% of the company - https://www.cnbc.com/2020/05/05/airbnb-to-lay-off-nearly-1900-people-25percent-of-company.html

    Remote Offboarding: Key tips to terminate employees remotely - https://acework.io/remote-offboarding-key-tips-to-terminate-employees-remotely/

    Heartcounts not headcoutns - https://www.trulyhumanleadership.com/?p=1352


    Have a topic you want us to cover or guest we should interview? Drop us a message at [email protected]


    Nextep Group offers premium-level support across a diverse range of remote work issues, 24 hours a day, and in multiple languages with experts in HR, Legal, Operations, Tech, Leadership and more. It's open to leaders looking for guidance, consultants and remote workers wanting to share their experience. You can join by visiting https://www.nextep.group


    Produced and hosted by Lech Guzowski from Human PM

    Human PM - https://www.human.pm

    Lech's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lech-guzowski/

    Get in touch - [email protected]

  • Onboarding is a crucial process which will leave a lasting impression on your new hires. It is important to do it right if you want them to share your organisation’s values, understand the culture and processes, and reach their full potential. I invited ANGELINA EBELING, the founder and CEO of acework, who has expertise in transitioning companies to flexible working, and regularly consults teams on effectively hiring remote talent. You will learn about: what onboarding is and why it’s important; elements of the process (pre and post boarding); what a good process looks like.


    Acework - http://acework.io

    Angelina's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelinaebeling/

    Zencaster - http://zencastr.com/


    Have a topic you want us to cover or guest we should interview? Drop us a message at [email protected] 


    Nextep Group offers premium-level support across a diverse range of remote work issues, 24 hours a day, and in multiple languages with experts in HR, Legal, Operations, Tech, Leadership and more. It's open to leaders looking for guidance, consultants and remote workers wanting to share their experience. You can join by visiting https://www.nextep.group


    Produced and hosted by Lech Guzowski from Human PM

    Human PM - https://www.human.pm

    Lech's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lech-guzowski/

    Get in touch - [email protected]

  • What is company culture? How do you align it to your business goals to become an employer of choice? We talk about this and much more with Radina Nedyalkova from Vox Advisory. Radina is a psychologist and HR expert, certified career consultant and virtual lecturer with 11 years of international HR experience working at global companies such as LinkedIn and Airbnb. Her expertise lies in establishing talent best practices across multiple regions and cross-cultural/cross-functional teams.


    Radina's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/radinanedyalkova/

    Vox Advisory - https://www.taxjar.com/jobs/

    An Everyone Culture by Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey - https://amzn.to/2yHHDeN

    Simon Sinek - People come before money - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SVqbM9Nw7Q&t=146s

    Taxjar career page - https://www.taxjar.com/jobs/

    Buffer career page - https://journey.buffer.com

    Dealers Inspire - FAQ and videos - https://www.dealerinspire.com/careers/

    REMOTEWORKMATE - cool article about Personality test Myers-Briggs and remote work https://remoteworkmate.com/collaboration/myers-briggs-personality-types-vs-remote-work/

    STEPH SMITH https://blog.stephsmith.io/best-practices-managing-remote-teams/


    Nextep Group offers premium-level support across a diverse range of remote work issues, 24 hours a day, and in multiple languages with experts in HR, Legal, Operations, Tech, Leadership and more. It's open to leaders looking for guidance, consultants and remote workers wanting to share their experience. You can join by visiting https://www.nextep.group


    Produced and hosted by Lech Guzowski from Human PM

    Human PM - https://www.human.pm

    Lech's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lech-guzowski/

  • This episode focus on the darker side of remote working, things organisations did not plan for or expect. Matte Grassi has helped many companies workdwide scale and increase revenue proving that even the most traditional organisations can not only run but thrive remotely. We talk about: the possibility of taking any business remote, the dangers of taking your business remote and the consequences that this implies, and the future of work after covid.


    Matteo's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/matteograssi82/

    Deel - https://www.letsdeel.com


    Nextep Group offers premium-level support across a diverse range of remote work issues, 24 hours a day, and in multiple languages with experts in HR, Legal, Operations, Tech, Leadership and more. It's open to leaders looking for guidance, consultants and remote workers wanting to share their experience. You can join by visiting https://www.nextep.group


    Produced and hosted by Lech Guzowski from Human PM

    Human PM - https://www.human.pm

    Lech's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lech-guzowski/

  • It’s the million dollar, pound, [insert your currency] question. I am joined by Fredrik Heghammar the co-founder of House of Sparks a Stockholm based consultancy supporting organisations to ignite ideas and turn them into action through education. We will talk about the importance of process in innovation and an example you can follow, the role of the facilitator in innovation workshops, and using the Knoster model to help you manage complex change effectively.


    House of Sparks - https://www.houseofsparks.com

    Fredrik's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/fredrikheghammar/

    Hives innovation platform - https://www.hives.co

    Knoster Model - https://practices.learningaccelerator.org/strategies/tool-knoster-model-for-managing-complex-change

    Zencaster - http://zencastr.com/


    Nextep Group offers premium-level support across a diverse range of remote work issues, 24 hours a day, and in multiple languages with experts in HR, Legal, Operations, Tech, Leadership and more. It's open to leaders looking for guidance, consultants and remote workers wanting to share their experience. You can join by visiting https://www.nextep.group


    Produced and hosted by Lech Guzowski from Human PM

    Human PM - https://www.human.pm

    Lech's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lech-guzowski/

  • Trust is fundamental in any relationship but it is even more important when managing a remote team. It's not just about making sure people are doing their jobs, but as managers, we have a duty of care to our team members. In this episode, you will hear from Kristina Barger - founder of Cogenta, a psychologist and cognitive scientist who works at the intersection of psychology and innovation - as we discuss ways of fostering trust in remote teams.


    Kristina's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristinabarger/


    Nextep Group offers premium-level support across a diverse range of remote work issues, 24 hours a day, and in multiple languages with experts in HR, Legal, Operations, Tech, Leadership and more. It's open to leaders looking for guidance, consultants and remote workers wanting to share their experience. You can join by visiting https://www.nextep.group


    Produced and hosted by Lech Guzowski from Human PM

    Human PM - https://www.human.pm

    Lech's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lech-guzowski/

  • Coronavirus outbreak and subsequent lockdowns caught most organisations by surprise forcing them to move to remote working overnight. Stephan Dohrn from Radical Inclusion, a fully remote consulting and training firm, which supports remote teams on communication, collaboration and leadership, joins us to provide advice and strategies on how to get your teams up and running in a short space of time. You will learn: - what skills and tools organisations need to move to remote working, - importance of creating a common space for employees, - common operational mistakes organisations make.


    Stephan's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sdohrn/

    Radical Inclusion - http://radical-inclusion.com


    Nextep Group offers premium-level support across a diverse range of remote work issues, 24 hours a day, and in multiple languages with experts in HR, Legal, Operations, Tech, Leadership and more. It's open to leaders looking for guidance, consultants and remote workers wanting to share their experience.  You can join by visiting https://www.nextep.group


    Produced and hosted by Lech Guzowski from Human PM

    Human PM - https://www.human.pm

    Lech's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lech-guzowski/

  • Time magazine has called the coronavirus outbreak the world’s largest work-from-home experiment. This begged the question, what's the difference between working remotely and working from home? Is there one or is it just semantics? Ghilaine Chan from Brilliant and Human will help provide the answer. Ghilaine is a practical and people-centric plug-in Chief of Staff/COO, working with organisations and individuals to help them perform, communicate and work together better.


    Ghilaine's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/ghilainechan/

    Brilliant and Human - https://www.brilliantandhuman.com

    Time article (The Coronavirus Outbreak Has Become the World’s Largest Work-From-Home Experiment)https://time.com/5776660/coronavirus-work-from-home/


    Nextep Group offers premium-level support across a diverse range of remote work issues, 24 hours a day, and in multiple languages with experts in HR, Legal, Operations, Tech, Leadership and more. It's open to leaders looking for guidance, consultants and remote workers wanting to share their experience.  You can join by visiting https://www.nextep.group


    Produced and hosted by Lech Guzowski from Human PM

    Human PM - https://www.human.pm

    Lech's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lech-guzowski/

  • A new podcast from the Nextep Group landing May 2020. The show will be devoted to anything and everything to do with remote work. In each episode, you will learn from the world's best remote experts and companies on how to build remote teams and overcome challenges.