
  • How can you change your lifestyle for yourself and your family?

    In today’s episode I had the opportunity to talk to Devan and Morgan Kline. Devan and Morgan are the founders of Burn Bootcamp - Devan is also the Visionary and Morgan is the CEO and they are husband and wife.

    In this episode you’re going to learn about what it takes to make a lasting change, and how to take control of your own story.

    You’re going to learn about how to get a family member motivated to value health and fitness if they don’t yet already.

    And you’ll get insights as to how this couple who owns a business, work together, and have 3 kids ages 8, 6, and 4 - how they plan out their time, how they navigate their schedules so they can make it all happen.

    Topics Discussed:

    How To Stay Present 04:11

    Achieving Your Life's Goals 11:26

    How Do You Manage Your Schedule As A Couple? 19:05

    Raising a Family that Values Health and Fitness 24:28

    Book: https://burnbootcamp.com/book/

    Website: https://burnbootcamp.com/





    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m a Body Optimization Coach and Creator of the 10-Week Transformation that has transformed the body and mind of over 700 people so far. The 10-WT makes it simple for former athletes who struggle to prioritize health and fitness to regain the confidence in their body that they once had.

    Learn more about Nick and Best You at www.nickcarrier.com

    Try the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation at: www.nickcarrier.com/freetrial

  • How do our hormone levels impact how we look, how we feel, and how we perform?

    Today you’re going to learn about how testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone impact our metabolism, our mood, our stress, and our energy levels.

    I’m excited to introduce you to Megan del Corral. Megan is Clinical Director and Co-Founder of Vidal Medical. Megan is a double boarded & certified nurse practitioner with over 16 years of medical experience. Megan has an extensive background in complex endocrine & metabolic disorders and is certified in hormone replacement therapy.

    Megan underwent extensive training in women’s health at The Cleveland Clinic Hospital and has completed in-depth training in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy certification through World Link Medical.

    In today’s episode you’ll learn:

    - What common issues men and women are experiencing with hormones

    - The top 3 lifestyle factors that impact our hormones

    - 3 tips to improve your sleep and stress levels

    - And 2 of the neurotransmitters that play a large role in our mood and energy levels and what we can do to change them

    Topics Discussed:

    Hormone Replacement Therapy 6:05

    Progesterone and Estrogen in Men 12:30

    Lifestyle Factors That Have the Biggest Impact on Your Hormones 22:19

    Can Progesterone Affect Your Mood? 31:50


    @mousemomentum - https://www.instagram.com/__mousemomentum_/

    @vidal_coaching - https://www.instagram.com/vidal_coaching/

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m a Body Optimization Coach and Creator of the 10-Week Transformation that has transformed the body and mind of over 700 people so far. The 10-WT makes it simple for former athletes who struggle to prioritize health and fitness to regain the confidence in their body that they once had.

    Learn more about Nick and Best You at www.nickcarrier.com

    Try the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation at: www.nickcarrier.com/freetrial

  • How I failed with my alcohol goal this past weekend and what I’m doing about it.

    If you find yourself frequently employing the all or nothing mindset with your health and fitness goals, then this episode is for you.

    Before we dive in, if you’re listening on the Apple Podcast App or Spotify be sure to hit the follow button and if you’re watching on YouTube be sure to hit like and subscribe!

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m a Body Optimization Coach and creator of The 10-Week Transformation. The 10-WT has helped over 700 people regain confidence in their bodies by making them leaner, stronger, and healthier than ever before.

    Looking for an at-home fitness program that holds you accountable to working out and eating healthy?

    Try out the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation and receive:

    - 3 workouts

    - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes

    And see if it’s a good fit for you. Try the 1-Week FREE Trial at:


  • How can you ensure to not get insulin resistance and if you have it, then how can you reverse it?

    After this episode you’re going to know what your blood sugar levels should be at at baseline, you’ll learn how much your blood sugar should increase after a meal, you’ll learn 5 key things to do to reduce your blood sugar spikes around your meal, and her top 3 stress reducing habits - the 2nd one is so good!

    Dr. Morgan Nolte is a Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist and founder of Zivli.

    Her mission is to help adults prevent diabetes, dementia, heart disease, and all the other conditions associated with insulin resistance.

    Topics Discussed:

    How to Manage Blood Sugar After a Meal 11:30

    Eat More Fiber and Less Carbohydrates 18:03

    Reversing Insulin Resistance 27:28

    Is Fructose Bad For You? 34:26

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCByB8-b3CnXYuuWWyJ_vgzA

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmorgannolte

    Website: https://www.zivli.com/

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m a Body Optimization Coach and Creator of the 10-Week Transformation that has transformed the body and mind of over 700 people so far. The 10-WT makes it simple for former athletes who struggle to prioritize health and fitness to regain the confidence in their body that they once had.

    Learn more about Nick and Best You at www.nickcarrier.com

    Try the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation at: www.nickcarrier.com/freetrial

  • Is managing your time and energy one of your biggest obstacles to hitting your health and fitness goals?

    Is managing your focus and your emotions a big obstacle in you going to the gym, eating the right things, and looking the way you want to look?

    If you feel like time, energy, focus, and emotions are big parts of holding you back, then this episode is for you.

    Today I’m going to talk about time management tools that will help you more gracefully navigate these things so that you can look and feel the way you want to.

    Before we dive in, if you’re listening on the Apple Podcast App or Spotify be sure to hit the follow button and if you’re watching on YouTube be sure to hit like and subscribe!

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m a Body Optimization Coach and creator of The 10-Week Transformation. The 10-WT has helped over 700 people regain confidence in their bodies by making them leaner, stronger, and healthier than ever before.

    Looking for an at-home fitness program that holds you accountable to working out and eating healthy?

    Try out the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation and receive:

    - 3 workouts

    - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes

    And see if it’s a good fit for you. Try the 1-Week FREE Trial at:


  • How can you unlock the power of brown fat so that you can boost your metabolism naturally?

    After this episode you’re going to know what foods to eat to speed up your metabolism, whether or not fruit and vegetables are dangerous, and you’ll learn about the benefits of intermittent fasting!

    Dr. William Li is a world-renowned physician, scientist, and New York Times bestselling author, best known for his role as president and medical director of the Angiogenesis Foundation. His work has led to more than forty FDA-approved therapeutics and devices for cancer, cardiovascular disease, wound healing, and vision loss. Dr. Li examines “food as medicine” through molecular nutrition, which applies biology and biotechnology to understand not only the components of food, but also how the body responds to what it is fed.

    Topics Discussed:

    What is Activating Brown Fat in Our Bodies? 2:02

    What is Brown Fat? 10:19

    Do People in the North Have More Brown Fat? 18:55

    Basal Metabolic Rate and Brown Fat 29:12

    Eat to Beat Your Diet


    @drwilliamli: https://www.instagram.com/drwilliamli/

    YouTube: Dr. William Li

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m a Body Optimization Coach and Creator of the 10-Week Transformation that has transformed the body and mind of over 700 people so far. The 10-WT makes it simple for former athletes who struggle to prioritize health and fitness to regain the confidence in their body that they once had.

    Learn more about Nick and Best You at www.nickcarrier.com

    Try the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation at: www.nickcarrier.com/freetrial

  • Do you feel like you’re doing everything right but still can’t lose that extra body fat?

    I know it’s frustrating to feel like you’re checking all the boxes and not seeing the results, but I’m here to tell you why that’s happening and what you can do to fix it.

    Before we dive in, if you’re listening on the Apple Podcast App or Spotify be sure to hit the follow button and if you’re watching on YouTube be sure to hit like and subscribe!

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m a Body Optimization Coach and creator of The 10-Week Transformation. The 10-WT has helped over 700 people regain confidence in their bodies by making them leaner, stronger, and healthier than ever before.

    Looking for an at-home fitness program that holds you accountable to working out and eating healthy?

    Try out the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation and receive:

    - 3 workouts

    - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes

    And see if it’s a good fit for you. Try the 1-Week FREE Trial at:


  • What are the 4 best strength training exercises to improve your running performance and lower your risk of injury?

    What are the 3 most common causes of stress fractures when running? And what is Zone 2 cardio and why should it be the bulk of your running training?

    If you’re a runner, this episode is for you. If you’re not a runner, but you want to be a better runner, this episode is for you.

    Learn how to avoid injury, improve your performance, and recover faster than ever before.

    Dr. Alec Dragelin is a Rehab Chiropractor who helps people passionate about fitness get out of pain, stay injury-free, and pursue lifelong training.

    Topics Discussed:

    Bone Stress Fracture Injuries 06:26

    How To Train For A Marathon Without Losing Weight 12:36

    How to Build Your Legs With Strength Training 17:58

    Why Zone Two Is Crucial In Running 25:05



    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m a Body Optimization Coach and Creator of the 10-Week Transformation that has transformed the body and mind of over 700 people so far. The 10-WT makes it simple for former athletes who struggle to prioritize health and fitness to regain the confidence in their body that they once had.

    Learn more about Nick and Best You at www.nickcarrier.com

    Try the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation at: www.nickcarrier.com/freetrial

  • How can you both stay lean all summer and still have fun?

    You might think that sounds like an impossible task, but I’m here to tell you today that it’s not.

    If you can do the things I discuss today with your exercise and eating routines and with this huge mindset shift, I promise it will be much easier than you actually think.

    Before we dive in, if you’re listening on the Apple Podcast App or Spotify be sure to hit the follow button and if you’re watching on YouTube be sure to hit like and subscribe!

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m a Body Optimization Coach and creator of The 10-Week Transformation. The 10-WT has helped over 700 people regain confidence in their bodies by making them leaner, stronger, and healthier than ever before.

    Looking for an at-home fitness program that holds you accountable to working out and eating healthy?

    Try out the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation and receive:

    - 3 workouts

    - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes

    And see if it’s a good fit for you. Try the 1-Week FREE Trial at:


  • Are carbs the enemy or not? If you think carbs are what’s holding you back from losing body fat, this episode is for you. You’ll learn why that’s actually not the truth.

    If you are a people pleaser and struggle to say no and set boundaries, you’re going to learn the art of the “people pleaser pause” which will change this for you forever.

    You’ll also learn how to get toned vs. bulky? You’ll learn how to eat healthy and exercise while raising 4 teenagers.

    Tara Garrison is the founder of Higher, a Health and Life Coaching company that offers training, nutrition, mindset, and biohacking coaching. She has helped many celebrities, professional athletes, and top executives optimize their health.

    Tara is the author of Short-Term Keto, host of the Inside Out Health Podcast, creator of Higher Retreats and producer of the Coach Tara App. She is a mom of 4, avid weightlifter, and Boston Marathoner.

    Topics Discussed:

    Are Carbs Good or Bad? 8:04

    Fasting and Eating Healthy 14:14

    How To Prioritize Your Health As A Mom 20:04

    How To Communicate Honestly With People 30:16



    Short Term Keto


    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m a Body Optimization Coach and Creator of the 10-Week Transformation that has transformed the body and mind of over 700 people so far. The 10-WT makes it simple for former athletes who struggle to prioritize health and fitness to regain the confidence in their body that they once had.

    Learn more about Nick and Best You at www.nickcarrier.com

    Try the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation at: www.nickcarrier.com/freetrial

  • Starting Monday May 6th, 2024 until Saturday July 13th, 2024, I am doing a new fitness goal. Last 10 weeks I was working on putting on muscle, this 10 weeks my goal is to lose body fat.

    My goal is to go from 11.8% body fat to 9% body fat in 10 weeks. And today I want to break down how I’m going about the goal setting process, the specific training techniques I’m following, and what I’m eating.

    Before we dive in, if you’re listening on the Apple Podcast App or Spotify be sure to hit the follow button and if you’re watching on YouTube be sure to hit like and subscribe!

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m a Body Optimization Coach and creator of The 10-Week Transformation. The 10-WT has helped over 700 people regain confidence in their bodies by making them leaner, stronger, and healthier than ever before.

    Looking for an at-home fitness program that holds you accountable to working out and eating healthy?

    Try out the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation and receive:

    - 3 workouts

    - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes

    And see if it’s a good fit for you. Try the 1-Week FREE Trial at:


  • Is carb cycling the best dieting approach to fat loss?

    In this episode you’re going to learn about what factors to consider when determining what diet is right for you, you’ll learn how to cycle your carbs throughout your week based on your training schedule, and you’ll learn the most optimal strategy for how to lose weight and build muscle if you're pressed for time.

    Vince Sant is the creator of the popular “Fat Loss Extreme” fitness program and Co-Founder of V Shred, one of the fastest growing online fitness brands in the world. His mission is to revolutionize women’s fitness by providing everyday women with the right tools, weight loss strategies, and programs that can help them achieve their goals.

    With a website garnering 16 million monthly hits, a 1.5 million-strong email community, and a vast social media influence of over 10 million, V Shred's continues to make a positive impact on millions of people around the globe.



    Topics Discussed:

    What Is Carb Cycling? 7:07

    Restricting Your Carbs 12:07

    Optimal High Carb Day 15:35

    Weight Loss and Muscle Building Routine 28:41

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m a Body Optimization Coach and Creator of the 10-Week Transformation that has transformed the body and mind of over 700 people so far. The 10-WT makes it simple for former athletes who struggle to prioritize health and fitness to regain the confidence in their body that they once had.

    Learn more about Nick and Best You at www.nickcarrier.com

    Try the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation at: www.nickcarrier.com/freetrial

  • From April 26th to May 4th, I embarked on a new fitness goal. My goal was to attack a detailed training plan at the gym and a detailed diet plan in the kitchen so I could see how much muscle mass I could put on in 10 weeks.

    My goal was to add 3-8 lbs of muscle in 10 weeks and I ended up adding 5lbs of muscle. Today I’m going to break down how I went about the goal-setting process, what kind of training plan I followed, and what exactly I ate to make this happen.

    Before we dive in, if you’re listening on the Apple Podcast App or Spotify be sure to hit the follow button and if you’re watching on YouTube be sure to hit like and subscribe!

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m a Body Optimization Coach and creator of The 10-Week Transformation. The 10-WT has helped over 700 people regain confidence in their bodies by making them leaner, stronger, and healthier than ever before.

    Looking for an at-home fitness program that holds you accountable to working out and eating healthy?

    Try out the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation and receive:

    - 3 workouts

    - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes

    And see if it’s a good fit for you. Try the 1-Week FREE Trial at:


  • Alzheimer’s was once believed to be determined by your genetics. But now it’s believed that genetics may only contribute to 10% of the overall risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

    Dr. Tommy Wood is one of the foremost neuroscientists studying what leads to Alzheimer’s and more importantly, what can be done to mitigate risk and avoid it.

    In today’s episode you’re going to learn about specific factors that increase risk of Alzherimer’s and specific habits to implement to greatly reduce your risk.

    Dr. Tommy Wood is a celebrated neuroscientist, researcher, athletic performance coach to world champion athletes, and author of the forthcoming Future-Proof Your Brain offering timely expertise and takeaway related to brain health, cognition, focus and more – at any age.

    He’s an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Neuroscience at the University of Washington, where his laboratory focuses on brain health across the lifespan.

    Topics Discussed:

    How Much of Dementia Is Preventable? 02:20

    Cognitive Challenges for Older People 11:53

    Challenging Your Brain While Sleeping 19:27

    Alzheimer's Disease and Insulin Resistance of the Brain 31:29




    Resources Mentioned:

    Better Brain Fitness Substack

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m an entrepreneur and Body Optimization Coach who has coached over 600 people through our program - The 10-Week Transformation. The 10-WT makes it simple for former athletes who struggle to prioritize health and fitness to regain the confidence in their body that they once had.

    Learn more about Nick and Best You at www.nickcarrier.com

    Try the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation at: www.nickcarrier.com/freetrial

    - Get 3 Video Workouts

    - Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Recipes

  • Caitlin Clark - arguably the biggest name in Women’s basketball history has had meteoric rise in the sports world over the past 2 years - for good reason. She’s a stud. And today I want to break down 3 things she’s done to achieve her goals and how we can leverage those same tools to achieve our own.

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m an entrepreneur and body optimization coach who has coached over 600 people through my program - The 10-Week Transformation. The 10-WT makes it simple for former athletes who struggle to prioritize health and fitness to regain the confidence in their health that they once had.

    If this is your first time here make sure you click follow on the Apple Podcast App or Spotify so you don’t miss out on learning the latest and greatest healthy habits to form.

    Looking for an at-home fitness program that holds you accountable to working out and eating healthy?

    Try out the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation and receive:

    - 3 workouts

    - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes

    And see if it’s a good fit for you. Try the 1-Week FREE Trial at:


  • How can you turn on your longevity genes?

    During this episode you’re going to learn how you can change your own genes? Not change the genes themselves but change which genes are turned on and which ones are turned off so that you can live longer and live healthier for longer.

    Hannah Went is a molecular biologist who is changing what it means to age well. Hannah used to work for the International Peptide Society as their Director of Research and Content. Then, she saw an opportunity for methylation based age diagnostics and started TruDiagnostics in 2020.

    Since TruDiagnostic’s inception, they have created one of the largest private epigenetic health databases in the world with over 75,000 patients tested to date. Hannah has since created Everything Epigenetics where she shares insights on how DNA regulation has an impact on your health.

    In this episode Hannah ranks the top 4 habits that will help you live longer and the top one isn’t what you’d think - it’s not nutrition or exercise.

    Hannah also takes us through her daily routine and tells us what habits she does and what supplements she takes to ensure a long healthy life.

    If you care about your long term health, don’t miss this episode.

    Topics Discussed:

    Do epigenetic modifications turn genes off or on? 5:38

    Biological Age vs Chronological Age: How Good of a Predictor Is It? 10:49

    Sleep, Nutrition, Exercise 21:14

    How to Improve Your Brain as You Age 32:58


    Biological Age is Increased by Stress and Restored Upon Recovery - study by Dr. Jesse Poganik from Harvard

    Broc Shot Supplement

    Social Media:





    [email protected]

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m an entrepreneur and Body Optimization Coach who has coached over 600 people through our program - The 10-Week Transformation. The 10-WT makes it simple for former athletes who struggle to prioritize health and fitness to regain the confidence in their body that they once had.

    Learn more about Nick and Best You at www.nickcarrier.com

    Try the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation at: www.nickcarrier.com/freetrial

    - Get 3 Video Workouts

    - Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Recipes

  • 10-30 minute workouts for busy professionals and parents - are they worth it if they are so short?

    Today I’m going to explain why 10-30 minute workouts are not only worth it but they are great, they are sometimes essential, and can provide us with 4 specific benefits.

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m an entrepreneur and body optimization coach who has coached over 600 people through my program - The 10-Week Transformation. The 10-WT makes it simple for former athletes who struggle to prioritize health and fitness to regain the confidence in their health that they once had.

    If this is your first time here make sure you click follow on the Apple Podcast App or Spotify so you don’t miss out on learning the latest and greatest healthy habits to form.

    Looking for an at-home fitness program that holds you accountable to working out and eating healthy?

    Try out the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation and receive:

    - 3 workouts

    - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes

    And see if it’s a good fit for you. Try the 1-Week FREE Trial at:


  • How can you make your life exciting? How can you have truly fulfillment and experience true joy every single day of your life?

    In this episode I am going to present my philosophy for how to live a well rounded life that will keep you feeling motivated, fulfilled, and provide you with constant vision as to how best to approach each and every day.

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m an entrepreneur and body optimization coach who has coached over 600 people through my program - The 10-Week Transformation. The 10-WT makes it simple for former athletes who struggle to prioritize health and fitness to regain the confidence in their health that they once had.

    If this is your first time here make sure you click follow on the Apple Podcast App or Spotify so you don’t miss out on learning the latest and greatest healthy habits to form.

    In today’s solo episode, Nick breaks down what it means to get closer to the best version of yourself. He breaks down how to set goals in all areas of life so that you can become the person you were created to become.

    You can follow Nick on Instagram @ carrier_bestyou

  • What is the truth about “healthy” snacks?

    Today I’m going to address 7 common misconceptions about snacking and provide you with 7 alternative snacks that will satisfy cravings, provide you with lasting energy, and allow you to hit your goals!

    You’re listening to The Best You Podcast, where we teach you the healthy habits you need to look and feel like your Best You.

    My name is Nick Carrier and I’m an entrepreneur and body optimization coach who has coached over 600 people through my program - The 10-Week Transformation. The 10-WT makes it simple for former athletes who struggle to prioritize health and fitness to regain the confidence in their health that they once had.

    If this is your first time here make sure you click follow on the Apple Podcast App or Spotify so you don’t miss out on learning the latest and greatest healthy habits to form.

    Looking for an at-home fitness program that holds you accountable to working out and eating healthy?

    Try out the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation and receive:

    - 3 workouts

    - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner recipes

    And see if it’s a good fit for you. Try the 1-Week FREE Trial at:


  • Last month I had the amazing opportunity to speak at Ken Joslin’s CREATE Conference about how to become the healthiest version of yourself amidst the chaos of life.

    The conference was filled with people who are hungry to grow in all areas of life - their health, faith, finances, career, and relationships. I was honored to be the expert guest speaker in the health area of life.

    And I wanted to share my speech with y’all as episode #600 of The Best You Podcast.

    I thought this would be a special way for me to pay tribute to y’all - the listeners of The Best You Podcast - the Best You community.

    I started this podcast back in October of 2018 and have since released at least 1 episode and usually 2 episodes every single week.

    This podcast has allowed me to increasingly find my voice, find my expertise, and continually grow in my passion for personal development and health and fitness.

    Thank you so much for being with me over these past 5.5 years - it truly means the world that you tune in every single week to learn how to get closer to your Best You.

    And if you’re new here, please subscribe. My name is Nick Carrier and I’m an entrepreneur and body optimization coach and I’ve coached over 600 people through our program the 10-Week Transformation.

    I continue to promise to show up week in and week out with education and motivation to keep you progressing on your health and fitness journey.

    This speech of mine was one of the first of hopefully many to come on a big stage in front of a big crowd. I hope you enjoy listening to the speech as much as I enjoyed giving it.

    600 episodes down baby, here’s to 600 more and counting.

    Here’s to getting closer to your Best You with the speech I gave at Ken Joslin’s CREATE conference just last month. I hope you enjoy it!

    Learn more about Nick and Best You at www.nickcarrier.com

    Try the 1-Week FREE Trial of the 10-Week Transformation at: www.nickcarrier.com/freetrial

    - Get 3 Video Workouts

    - Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner Recipes