The Fairlight CMI changed music making forever. The "world's greatest synthesizer" offered a never-before-imagined conduit between technology and creativity. Co-founder, Kim Ryrie made it all possible and casually chats about his history and the ground-breaking technology that is the Fairlight.
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KEF, Monitor Audio, WiiM are just a few HiFi brands you constantly hear about in reviews and news. Our experts list their under-exposed brands that are as good or better. Our hosts voted best sound for 2024 - Stax SR-X9000 Headphones and Acapella Loudspeakers feature in the "blew me away" category. We discuss the destruction of Tom Evans Audio by the Mend It Mark video and wonder if anyone really cares that 9 out of 10 HiFi and audio products out of China are rubbish?
The founder of Creek Audio, Mike Creek tells the inside story of how the brand became the worldwide success it is today. Listeners are treated to a tech talk on the Class B amplifier that started it all, Mike's approach to value engineering and how retail exclusivity over mainstream distribution worked magic.
Bose takeover of McIntosh? Andrew & David can’t decide how it could ever be a good thing for HiFi. Stupid HiFi tweaks inc special bi-wire links? Kooky audio ideas no longer around including colouring CDs with a special green pen to improve sound quality? AND HiFi regrets. Both Andrew and David regret disposing of turntables but David wins the saddest turntable disposal story
Have you ever wanted to sell your speakers and try something else because they just don't sound the way you thought they would? Maybe the something else you should try is acoustics. David Spargo in Part 2 talks about the intricacies of how the brain perceives sound and practical changes you can make to take advantage of the system you love in the space you have.
Ralph Waters has a candid conversation about his philosophies on loudspeaker design and on life and shares a story of when he met the Garrott Brothers at their home.
Step into the fascinating world of audio engineering with David Spargo, a master acoustician whose journey through the recording industry is as rich as the sounds he helps create. In our latest podcast episode on Not An Audiophile, David shares his experiences from the early days to becoming a pivotal figure in the world of vinyl mastering and acoustics.
Discover the fascinating journey of Ralph Waters, founder of Richter Acoustics, in our latest Not An Audiophile - The Podcast episode. From beginnings in teaching and psychology to pioneering the Australian HiFi and audio industry, Ralph shares his insights and stories about the challenges and triumphs of building a brand in Australia that thrives and sets standards still today.
Morris Swift from Serhan Swift chats to Andrew Hutchison from Dellichord about how he ended up in electronics instead of medicine. He reminds us how much things have changed, how fast it happens and how HiFi has become somehow less expensive. Two loudspeaker manufacturers covering the fun, rewards, difficulties and costs associated with being an Australian manufacturer.
Jon De Sensi, designer and engineer of OAD Ultrafidelity Andrew Hutchison from Dellichord and Brad Serhan from Serhan Swift discuss this “staggeringly” amazing HiFi preamplifier and amplifier. Fully CNC chassis and remote control of premium grade aluminium. Australian Made and sporting some world-firsts.
Brad Serhan continues his history of Orpheus Loudspeakers including how the Orpheus Minotaur became the go-to speaker for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation as well as EMI Mastering Studios Studios 301 and Channels Seven and Ten. Introducing Kiat Low, road trips, bed bugs and great opportunities for HiFi in the 90s.
Alan discusses how a background in jet engine testing helps when designing audio amplifiers and loudspeakers. Inside the head of an engineer passionate about the intricacies of equipment and sound design, innovation and experimentation.
Matthew goes deep inside the intricacies, design, engineering and manufacture of high quality cables. From the inception of TARA Labs and the cables that took the world by storm to the new Matthew Bond Audio and his revolutionary new designs.
Renowned loudspeaker designer Brad Serhan allows us inside the concept and design of his first Orpheus loudspeaker and how the company got a start. A history of HiFi in Australia from one of Australias greats.