
  • On this episode of Rightly Dividing, the Bible shows not only our world today, the world that “now is”, it shows us the world that “then was”, and the world that “shall be”. Isn’t 3 a wonderful number? Don’t you exist as body, soul and spirit? That’s 3. Doesn’t God exist as Father, Son and Spirit? That’s 3. Jesus says He is, He was, and He will be. That’s 3. He tells John in Revelation to write the things that were, that are, and that will be. That’s 3. (I could do this all day). Is it possible that God will have created three versions of our world by the time we get to eternity? It is more than possible, it is biblical. On this episode we will show you the world that then was, the world that now is, and the world that is to come.

  • On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, Europe is literally in a state of shock today, astonied at another brilliant escape from utter disaster by Emmanuel Macron. I am reminded of another Frenchman, Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin, the 19-century illusionist that American escape artist Harry Houdini named himself after. Macron is right up there with the best of them after his stunning snap election gamble. But Macron is not out of the woods yet by any means. In order to fend off the Far Right, Macron was forced to make a deal with the Communist Far Left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon, a name that is sure to shortly become a household word. For you students of history, the climate in France, Germany and the UK right now is nearly identical to the political turmoil of the late 1920’s in Germany. Adolf Hitler was the ‘man of the hour’ then, Emmanuel Macron is the man of the hour right now. Hitler was the 555 type of Antichrist, and the question we ask today, is Emmanuel Macron Mr. 666? Join us today for a Prophecy News Podcast you will not want to miss!

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  • On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we journey to the heart of the earth to spend sometime in the lowest Hell, albeit from the fire-retardant safety of our King James Bible. Jesus preached on Hell more than He did on salvation, the blood atonement and what Heaven is like, and He did that for a very good reason. There is no more pressing question you need to answer than where will you go when you die. Nothing else even comes close to that one. The Bible keeps the main thing the main thing, and tonight on this episode of ‘Rightly Dividing’, we explore the doctrine of Hell.

  • There are four very important things about Hell that you, whether saved or lost, very much need to know. This message was preached live at Bethany Baptist Church in Saint Augustine Sunday morning July 7, 2024.

  • On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, The headlines haven’t had a workout like this in quite some time, OK, in about a week or so but you get what I mean. Stuff is happening around the world, and something is getting ready to bust out all over the place. In America, Joe Biden has outlived his usefulness to Barack Obama and the Democrats, and is fading to black in real-time. The only question is, will he step down to enjoy his remaining years with family, or will he have a visit from B613? (IYKYN). Regardless, Sleepy Joe is about to be extracted, one way or the other. Over in Europe, nothing short of a complete political realignment is happening in Germany, France and the United Kingdom. WWIII is coming, the only question is how soon? Over in Israel, war with Hezbollah in Lebanon edges closer on a daily basis, can Iron Dome survive the coming onslaught? All this and much more on this historic very broadcast of the Prophecy News Podcast on the Mudflower Streaming Network.

  • Since the start of the twentieth century, mind-boggling advances in science, medicine and technology have become commonplace. Diseases that once killed millions now bother almost no one, time-saving devices are everywhere, and with the latest scientific technology we learn more about our universe every day. So it might shock you to realize that the bible knew about many of these things and talked about them thousands of years before any scientist anywhere had a clue. Tonight we dive in! On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at 10 mind-blowing medical and scientific facts contained in your Bible, just sitting there and waiting for science to come along and ‘discover’ them. Sometimes we will remark about how great it is when science finally catches up to the King James Bible, it rarely does, but when it does happen they almost never give credit for where they learned that information. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we present 10 Amazing Medical and Scientific Facts found inside your King James Holy Bible.

  • The first major network poll following Thursday night’s debate is out, and it contains some devastating data for President Joe Biden. According to a CBS News/You Gov poll out Sunday — a whopping 72 percent of Americans believe Biden does not have the “mental and cognitive health to serve as president.” That’s a 7 point increase from just three weeks ago. The people that actually control the White House have activated the Biden Protocol.On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, you may be reveling in the idea that pretend president Joe Biden did so badly on the debate last Thursday, but please allow me to temper your jubilance with some cold, hard reality. What you saw in that debate was all planned, was all intentional, Biden’s handlers let you see his true condition because his usefulness has come to an end. They have had this day in mind from the beginning, and the Biden Protocol was created to deal with exactly what we see happening right now. What is the Biden Protocol? Simply put, it is the steps that need to be taken to retain power when Joe Biden’s failing mind and body could no longer maintain the ruse. That time is right now, and you are watching it. On this episode, we show you the Biden Protocol, and what’s likely coming next. Also, over in France, Emmanuel Macron did very poorly in Sunday’s snap election, and must pull a rabbit out of his hat to prevent the collapse of his political career. All this and more on today’s Prophecy News Podcast!

  • It seems that everywhere I look lately, be it online or something I overhear in conversations on the streets, that so many people are repeating things they ‘know to be true’ about the return of Jesus Christ that simply are not true at all, according to the Bible. Prepare to have some of your pet theories about the end times replaced by Bible truth. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking the 3 most-popular (in my opinion) myths and misconceptions surrounding the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. They have to do with the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, bringing in the kingdom, and the end of the world. Only by rightly dividing the scriptures from a dispensational perspective can we ever hope to sort all this stuff out. Tonight we will endeavour to do exactly that on this episode of Rightly Dividing, please join us!

  • If you believe that the blood of Jesus Christ, the blood of God, cannot save your soul, then you are lost and headed for a fiery Hell. The only payment for your sin God will accept is His own shed blood. This Sunday Service was preached live at Bethany Baptist Church in Saint Augustine, Florida.

  • On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, in the lead-up to WWI, there was whispers of war everywhere you turned, Archduke Ferdinand was shot and off we went. In the lead-up to WWII, the whispers of war swirled around the funny little man with the funny little mustache, and in the blink of an eye, Nazi Germany rolled tanks into Austria and the world was suddenly at war. Europe in 2024 is a highly-unstable confederacy, straining at the seams, and in the midst of relentless chaos, there is one man at the center, adding fuel to the fire. That one man is Emmanuel Macron, a man who appeared as though sent on a mission, a mission that threatens to erupt into WWIII. At the moment, the political prognosticators are prophesying his imminent downfall, something that looks more and more likely as France heads into the snap election Macron himself called for. In Germany, a man by the name of Björn Höcke has revived the Nazi rallying cry of ‘Everything For Germany’, a slogan that was engraved on the daggers of SA commandos. Ever watch those videos of what happens when you add Mentos candy to Coke? Macron is the Coke, and Höcke is the Mentos, prepare for explosion.

  • On this episode of Rightly Dividing, all through the Old Testament, the prophets speak of the Day when Jesus Christ will sit on the throne of David, and rule the world in righteousness. It is called the Day of the Lord, a time period which starts with the Rapture of the Church, then into the time of Jacob’s trouble, Jesus returns at the Battle of Armageddon, and a one thousand year reign of Jesus Christ will commence on this Earth. For all you Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons, Preterists, and every other sect that spiritualizes actual, literal and physical events in Bible prophecy, this will be quite an eye-opener for you.

  • On this episode of Rightly Dividing, The doctrine of limited atonement—the L in TULIP—teaches that Christ effectively redeems from every people “only those who were chosen from eternity to salvation” (Canons of Dort, II.8). Does the Bible actually teach that God has already chosen who would get saved, and who will burn for for all eternity, before anyone was ever born? This is a fascinating study, one you won’t want to miss, plus we take your Bible questions on any topic from Genesis to Revelation!

  • On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, in Israel today a whole host of things is all happening at the same time, and it's mostly not good. The good news is that the IDF operation in Rafah has been making some excellent progress with the assassination of a top Hamas leader and destroying a rocket launching pad. But the not so good news is while that's going on, Israel is on the verge of fill-blown war with Hezbollah in Lebanon, a war that many fear Israel is not prepared to fight. In addition to that, Armenia just recognized a state of Palestine, US missiles not coming to Israel quickly sparking a war of words between Biden and Netanyahu, and Netanyahu has thousands of protesters out in front of his house. Over in America, Communist China owns thousands of acres of farmland next to 19 military bases. It's almost enough to make you forget about the military pact just signed between Russia and North Korea. On this episode, we are truly a 'world at war', and on the cusp of WWIII.

  • Did you know that the life of Adolf Hitler in many ways almost a perfect match for how the Bible says the Antichrist will be when he arrives on the scene in the days after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church? Tonight we look at 7 ways that Adolf Hitler was a near-perfect type of the Biblical Antichrist, as well as take your Bible questions in another exciting NTEB Open Forum. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at how Adolf Hitler was a type of the biblical Antichrist is 7 particulars, things that match so closely it’s hard to believe that Hitler was not the actual Antichrist. Did you know that his Nazi Party ID card was 555? It was an we’ll show it to you. The next one won’t be just a type, and he will be 666. This is a fascinating study, one you won’t want to miss, plus we take your Bible questions on any topic from Genesis to Revelation!

  • White House residents and Hollywood megastars shared the stage inside Los Angeles’ Peacock Theater on Saturday night for what turned out to be a record-setting Democratic fundraising haul as President Biden‘s reelection campaign netted more than $30 million from the one-night-only event. What a great start, right up to the moment where Biden again froze on stage, ending with him being led away by the hand by his master Obama. The people who control Biden are not going to release their grip until he drops to the floor, unable to rise again. ‘Frozen Joe’ is the perfect end times president. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are officially in the midst of the strangest election ever held in America, one that gets weirder and more perverse by the day. As Barack Obama’s third term draws to a close, he is in no mood to let go of his grip on power as he angles for a fourth term in Washington. Joe Biden’s rented body is being pushed to the breaking point as he is continued to be used as the ‘front man’ for Obama in the basement. Ironically, Joe Biden years ago laughingly said he would gladly offer himself up as a ‘political prostitute’, and here at the end of his life, as his mind and body continue to fail openly, they have taken him up on his offer. Other stories we will cover today include the shakeups in Israel, the coming Disease X Bird Flu pandemic, and Europe’s mad race toward WWIII.

  • In your King James Bible, the word ‘persecution’ appears 10 times, once in Lamentations for the Tribulation, and 9 times in the New Testament. Our apostle Paul mentions ‘persecution’ 4 times in his writings. So it would appear that a fairly healthy chunk of the references apply to us, here and now. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at biblical persecution of Christians by the Roman government, historic persecution of Christians by the Roman Catholic Church, and persecution in general as a prophesied ongoing condition of the Christian church. Here in America in 2024, there is no open persecution of Christians in particular that I am aware of, and as a Christian for the past 33 years, I have not suffered any of it. But there is something that needs to be said about staying silent for the Lord because we know that there would be consequences. For example, on your job you may see egregious things taking place, especially during Pride Month, things you know you should be a witness against, and you don’t because it could affect your next raise, your next promotion, or the overall security of your job in general. I think this is what Paul has in mind when he writes about persecution in the life of Christians.

  • The old world order is receding rapidly as preparations are underway to receive the coming Antichrist, and there is perhaps no place more incendiary right now than what happened yesterday. We told you how Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman chose to not renew their Petro Dollar contract with the United States, something that gave America supreme financial dominance around the world over the past half century. Now the US will have to compete with the Chinese RMB, Euros, Yen, and Yuan, but that’s not the worst of it. CBDC with its human-implantable microchip implications is coming like a freight train. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, look anywhere around you on the global landscape, and it’s nothing but crazy town from every angle. In just the past 24 hours, we’ve learned that the Earth’s inner core has reversed its direction, NATO says a minimum of 300,000 troops are on high readiness, Pope Francis will address the G7 as king of Vatican City, and Bird Flu continues it headlong rush forward to become Disease X. Also at the G7 yesterday, the US signed a Bilateral Security Agreement with Ukraine and will help them fight Russia with boots on the ground. If all that is not enough, how about the IDF, who possesses some of the most-advanced military technology on the planet, fighting Hezbollah with a trebuchet straight out of 2 Chronicles 26:15? Only instead of flinging stones and arrows, they are hurling fireballs! Christian, the end times are no longer knocking on the door, they have kicked it in and are swarming from all directions. Flight 777 now boarding!

  • If you spend any time at all listening to Evangelicals like Andy Stanley, at some point you will hear them use the phrase ‘clobber passages’ when talking about Bible verses that are tough to hear, problematic and highly convicting. They are called ‘clobber verses’ because of their blunt impact upon the hearer, so much so that they are avoided to a fairly high degree by the same Evangelicals who named them ‘clobber passages’ in the first place. The word of God is called a ‘sword’ for a reason. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at many of the so-called clobber verses, that touch on a variety of topics and subjects, and are in the Bible for our sanctification. What the evangelicals call a clobber passage, the Bible calls conviction, and yes, they can be tough to hear especially if it’s about something we might be struggling with at the time we hear it. For the most part, the ‘clobber passages’ are Genesis 19:1-38; Leviticus 18:22, 20:13; Romans 1:25-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-11; 1 Timothy 1:9-10 and Jude 6-7. But that’s largely as it relates to the LGBTQ crowd, there are a number of clobber passages for heterosexuals as well and we will look at those. God wrote the Bible for our edification, sanctification and learning, we need not be afraid of any passages whether they ‘clobber’ or not.

  • French President Emmanuel Macron said Sunday he was dissolving the National Assembly and calling a snap legislative election after his party suffered a heavy defeat in elections for the European Parliament. In an address to the nation from the Elysee presidential palace, Macron said: “I’ve decided to give you back the choice of our parliamentary future through the vote. I am therefore dissolving the National Assembly.” The vote will take place in two rounds on June 30 and July 7, he said. Meanwhile over in Germany, the AfD Party, which espouses Nazi ideology, finished a stunning second. To say that Europe is in the midst of radical change right now would be a massive understatement. Welcome to 1933. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, everything old is suddenly new again as Europe continues to realign itself in preparation for WWIII. What’s that you say, hyperbole? Nope, that’s a factual statement and you are watching it happen. Germany was at the heart of WWI, WWII, and will play a major role in the upcoming WWIII. The difference this time around is you have Emmanuel Macron in France who just may be the biblical man of sin, and Russia, who fought on the side of the Allies in the previous two world wars, now has a rendezvous with their destiny as laid out in Ezekiel 39. And where do the Jews and Israel figure in all of this? Glad you asked. They are unwittingly preparing themselves to go into the time of Jacob’s trouble. WWIII is not the Battle of Armageddon in Revelation 19, and it is not the Battle of Gog and Magog in Revelation 20. WWIII will likely happen before the Rapture of the Church takes place. Did you really expect anything different here on Day 1,547 of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve? It’s full speed ahead for the end times on this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast!

  • There are three men in the Old Testament that play pivotal roles – Noah, Daniel and Job – and according to God, they are shining examples of personal righteousness. But these three men – Noah, Daniel and Job – do a lot more than simply show us that. They are intimately involved with events that will take place during the time of Jacob’s trouble. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we time-travel to the very near future to see what this world will look like in the days after the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church, a period known as the time of Jacob’s trouble. When the New Testament talks about this, we find ourselves constantly being directed back to three men, Noah, Daniel and Job. Jesus Himself provides the references for us to follow. Join us as we follow the ministries of Noah, Daniel and Job from the Old Testament all the way up to their likely physical return to Earth in the time of Jacob’s trouble!