
  • Can we go back and remember our power?

    Our energetic bodies are very different from our physical bodies. Every month it goes through a set of beautiful rhythms. If we aren’t connected to our deeper levels and honoring those moments, we can begin to feel a level of dissonance and chaotic disconnect with the world around us.

    Today’s guest is one of my closest friends, my soul sister, Anabel Vizcarra. Her valuable lessons on embodiment, are teaching women how to connect with their womb wisdom while learning to stand in their own power.

    Join us as we learn how to really listen to our intuition and birth creativity back out into the world.

    Listen up to find out how to make that SHIFT!

    Nichole Sylvester www.nicholesylvester.com

    Nichole delivers her no nonsense wisdom on awakening to the power of personal choice and radical transformation. Nothing is off limits here. She speaks from personal experience as she rebuilt her life from the depths of her own dark struggles. From drug smuggling, violent abuse and addiction as a young mother to now a bestselling author, entrepreneur and success coach helping thousands of people per year radically transform all areas of their life.

    Download your free: Awaken your Abundance Activation Series

    Watch transformation videos by Nichole on Youtube here.

    Follow Nichole on Social Media: Facebook | Youtube


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  • How many of you have ever been stressed over money? It may not be because you're lacking it. You may have tens of thousands of dollars in your accounts, but you may actually feel like it's not enough. Or that one day it's going to run out or change because of what is happening in the markets. Maybe you have a fear of something happening to you and there won’t be enough money to cover everything. Today’s talk is not just about stress as it relates to money, it is about stress in general.

    Understand that when we are stressed, what we actually are feeling is scared. There are so many people in the world who are just numbing out their life because they just weren't really ready to make a change, so what's the other option? Numb out, with food, alcohol, sex, drugs, social media, whatever you want to do to fill that space. Instead we need to be looking at; where did the overwhelm come from? Where did I start to feel the pain? Where did I feel like I had to reach for the wine or the food?

    Today's podcast is an invitation for you to explore where the overwhelm is in your life. Together let’s examine your story and learn how to let go and face what it is you are so afraid of.

    Listen up to find out how to make that SHIFT!

    Nichole Sylvester www.nicholesylvester.com

    Nichole delivers her no nonsense wisdom on awakening to the power of personal choice and radical transformation. Nothing is off limits here. She speaks from personal experience as she rebuilt her life from the depths of her own dark struggles. From drug smuggling, violent abuse and addiction as a young mother to now a bestselling author, entrepreneur and success coach helping thousands of people per year radically transform all areas of their life.

    Download your free: Awaken your Abundance Activation Series

    Watch transformation videos by Nichole on Youtube here.

    Follow Nichole on Social Media: Facebook | Youtube


    Thanks for listening! Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit rom listening, please share it using the social media buttons on this page. Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!

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  • In today’s episode I am talking to my fellow dreamers, but wait, not just any dreamer because I feel like we all have dreams. This is for my dreamers who are also doers. They are the ones who will actually experience, receive and manifest their dreams. I want to invite you to come onto the side of the dreamers that are taking action.

    As someone who has transformed their life and now lives a life beyond their wildest dreams, I get frustrated when I see people playing small on their hearts desires. For this reason today I want to explore with you what it would be like to say yes to your dreams. What if you didn’t doubt them? What if you didn’t push them away? I want to invite you to come onto the side of the dreamers that are taking action.

    Listen up to find out how to make that SHIFT!

    Nichole Sylvester www.nicholesylvester.com

    Nichole delivers her no nonsense wisdom on awakening to the power of personal choice and radical transformation. Nothing is off limits here. She speaks from personal experience as she rebuilt her life from the depths of her own dark struggles. From drug smuggling, violent abuse and addiction as a young mother to now a bestselling author, entrepreneur and success coach helping thousands of people per year radically transform all areas of their life.

    Download your free: Awaken your Abundance Activation Series

    Watch transformation videos by Nichole on Youtube here.

    Follow Nichole on Social Media: Facebook | Youtube


    Thanks for listening! Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it using the social media buttons on this page. Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!

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  • If there was one lesson that I wish I had learned sooner, it would be this; that whatever you cling to, you essentially push away. Think about that. Where in your life are you clinging, trying way too hard or hoping and wishing? The very thing you want in your life you push away, by taking out the element of trust and faith. There are many people that are suffering unnecessarily because they have given up their power. They are walking around like money is more powerful than they are.

    This is why today we are going to talk about the idea of releasing the need to over effort and try too hard around money. Once you learn this concept you can then apply it to many other areas of your life. Today is the day that you stop hoping, wishing, waiting for something outside of you to be the magic pill, a magic wand and the savior of your financial situation.

    Listen up to find out how to make that SHIFT!

    Nichole Sylvester www.nicholesylvester.com

    Nichole delivers her no nonsense wisdom on awakening to the power of personal choice and radical transformation. Nothing is off limits here. She speaks from personal experience as she rebuilt her life from the depths of her own dark struggles. From drug smuggling, violent abuse and addiction as a young mother to now a bestselling author, entrepreneur and success coach helping thousands of people per year radically transform all areas of their life.

    Download your free: Awaken your Abundance Activation Series

    Watch transformation videos by Nichole on Youtube here.

    Follow Nichole on Social Media: Facebook | Youtube

    Thanks for listening! Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it using the social media buttons on this page. Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!

    Subscribe to the podcast If you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. You can also subscribe from the podcast app on your mobile device.

    Leave us an iTunes review Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help our podcast rank higher on iTunes, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on iTunes.

  • Intentions and goals, are they the same?

    Today’s episode is for those of you that want to make a tremendous impact, who want to speak on stages and on podcasts.You want to be invited onto whatever stage it looks like on your platform. You have a story, a manual if you will, that is going to change someone's life. If this is on your heart, I'm speaking directly to you.

    This is a very special, inspirational, motivational podcast for tapping into your greatest creativity and producing something that is not only for you, but for the world at large. I've taken everything that I wish I had and everything that I did find and love on my book writing path combined with the strategy and the experts to help you create a best seller and also a business around this.

    Listen up to find out how to make that SHIFT!

    Nichole Sylvester www.nicholesylvester.com

    Nichole delivers her no nonsense wisdom on awakening to the power of personal choice and radical transformation. Nothing is off limits here. She speaks from personal experience as she rebuilt her life from the depths of her own dark struggles. From drug smuggling, violent abuse and addiction as a young mother to now a bestselling author, entrepreneur and success coach helping thousands of people per year radically transform all areas of their life.

    Download your free: Awaken your Abundance Activation Series

    Watch transformation videos by Nichole on Youtube here.

    Follow Nichole on Social Media: Facebook | Youtube

    Thanks for listening! Thanks so much for listening to our podcast! If you enjoyed this episode and think that others could benefit from listening, please share it using the social media buttons on this page. Do you have some feedback or questions about this episode? Leave a note in the comment section below!

    Subscribe to the podcast If you would like to get automatic updates of new podcast episodes, you can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Stitcher. You can also subscribe from the podcast app on your mobile device.

    Leave us an iTunes review Ratings and reviews from our listeners are extremely valuable to us and greatly appreciated. They help our podcast rank higher on iTunes, which exposes our show to more awesome listeners like you. If you have a minute, please leave an honest review on iTunes.

  • Have you ever hung on to a relationship for too long? Maybe it was for the history you have, maybe it was for the initial feelings you had. If you are like my clients and I, we wanted to keep them for a lifetime but that would no longer serve us. As we deepen into integrity with self and we lean into our inner authority, trusting ourselves and trusting what we feel, we begin to let go of what no longer serves in powerful ways.

    So when it comes to relationships expiring, we pay attention to the signals. The signals show up in ways that make you feel drained. You just don't feel your highest self. When you get around a certain person, you may tend to doubt yourself. You doubt your dreams. You doubt what you say, all of the criticizing coming from someone else, that's a great sign that the relationship is close to expiring or expired.

    Listen in to find out how to make this Shift!

    Nichole Sylvester www.nicholesylvester.com

    Nichole delivers her no nonsense wisdom on awakening to the power of personal choice and radical transformation. Nothing is off limits here. She speaks from personal experience as she rebuilt her life from the depths of her own dark struggles. From drug smuggling, violent abuse and addiction as a young mother to now a bestselling author, entrepreneur and success coach helping thousands of people per year radically transform all areas of their life.

    Download your free: Awaken your Abundance Activation Series

    Watch transformation videos by Nichole on Youtube here.

    Follow Nichole on Social Media: Facebook | Instagram | Youtube

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  • Do you want to know about our energy and the actions we're taking or speaking. What are we creating and what do we choose to create? Or is it speaking to the past and keeping us more anchored in something else?

    We are talking about Energetic Contradictions this week and really taking a look at what your energy is being focused on. You may really want that 6 figure income so you decide to only take on clients who are paying you $5000 yet you cringe at the thought of spending $1000 on your personal development. So your desires and actions aren’t aligned.

    Listen in to find out how to make this Shift!

    Nichole Sylvester www.nicholesylvester.com

    Nichole delivers her no nonsense wisdom on awakening to the power of personal choice and radical transformation. Nothing is off limits here. She speaks from personal experience as she rebuilt her life from the depths of her own dark struggles. From drug smuggling, violent abuse and addiction as a young mother to now a bestselling author, entrepreneur and success coach helping thousands of people per year radically transform all areas of their life.

    Download your free: Awaken your Abundance Activation Series

    Watch transformation videos by Nichole on Youtube here.

    Follow Nichole on Social Media: Facebook | Instagram | Youtube

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  • Money Blocks…….yeah those things you go looking for and aren’t sure how to fix them or find them So when you're looking for a money block and you think you have a money book and you're looking for one because you're like, I have a money block, I gotta figure this thing out. Where is it? You're looking for the wrong thing.

    If you're someone that has identified with having a block in some sort of way, I know how powerful you are. I know how powerful I am. We all are infinitely resourced. Just take that in for a moment. You are infinitely resource. That means you have access to infinite resources, but here's the thing. You've got to be willing. You've got to be willing to drop the struggle and the struggle is found in that word block.

    My hope for you is that by the end of this podcast episode, you are willing to say, I'm done with that conversation.

    Listen in to find out how to make this Shift!

    Nichole Sylvester


    Nichole delivers her no nonsense wisdom on awakening to the power of personal choice and radical transformation. Nothing is off limits here. She speaks from personal experience as she rebuilt her life from the depths of her own dark struggles. From drug smuggling, violent abuse and addiction as a young mother to now a bestselling author, entrepreneur and success coach helping thousands of people per year radically transform all areas of their life.

    Download your free: Awaken your Abundance Activation Series

    Watch transformation videos by Nichole on Youtube here.

    Follow Nichole on Social Media: Facebook | Instagram | Youtube

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  • Your radical transformation requires one key component, one ingredient that can not be left out. In fact, transformation will not occur unless you are willing to say yes to this one thing. Tune in to find out what it is!

    I connected with thousands of people every year who want radical transformation.

    How to change my relationship?

    How to change my eating?

    How to change my ability to make certain amounts of income.?

    How can I leave this relationship?

    How can I have boundaries with my friendships?

    How can I witnessed my own worth?

    You asked for transformation, but are you willing to weather the winds of change? I asked that because everyone wants to have better relationships, more intimacy, more money, more peace, more joy, more laughter, more love.

    You know that you are just a few decisions away from an entirely different life experience and that's the power that we hold.

    Yet when it comes time to do the actual work, we (collectively human race) tend to want to stay in our patterns so listen up to find out how to make that SHIFT!

    Nichole Sylvester


    Nichole delivers her no nonsense wisdom on awakening to the power of personal choice and radical transformation. Nothing is off limits here. She speaks from personal experience as she rebuilt her life from the depths of her own dark struggles. From drug smuggling, violent abuse and addiction as a young mother to now a bestselling author, entrepreneur and success coach helping thousands of people per year radically transform all areas of their life.

    Download your free: Awaken your Abundance Activation Series

    Watch transformation videos by Nichole on Youtube here.

    Follow Nichole on Social Media: Facebook | Instagram | Youtube

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  • Welcome to The Oh Shift Show, this is episode 1 and we are kicking it off by sharing with you WHY SHIFT MATTERS. Oh Shift is a journey from chaos the consciousness. What you can expect here is once per week real talk on radical transformation. My main message is that there's excellence in humanness. Just us being us. Everything that I'm going to say is good enough. And I want to really invite you to explore what that would be like for you. What would it be like to just show up and say, Hey, I'm inspired to do this thing and I know that I'm going to show up and just do my best and that's going to be good enough. I allow myself to be human versus trying to be perfect, which isn't even a thing. And when we try to be perfect, we disconnect from the people that actually need us when we show up as our authentic selves. That's what I want to do on the show when it's me sharing my wisdom, my messages and lessons I learned throughout my days!

    Nichole Sylvester


    Nichole delivers her no nonsense wisdom on awakening to the power of personal choice and radical transformation. Nothing is off limits here. She speaks from personal experience as she rebuilt her life from the depths of her own dark struggles. From drug smuggling, violent abuse and addiction as a young mother to now a bestselling author, entrepreneur and success coach helping thousands of people per year radically transform all areas of their life.

    Download your free: Awaken your Abundance Activation Series

    Watch transformation videos by Nichole on Youtube here.

    Follow Nichole on Social Media: Facebook | Instagram | Youtube

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