In this episode Toby once again sits down with renaissance man Sammy Siegler! They chat about playing in multiple bands, working for labels, helping manage the bands, mental heath check-ins, touring, new bands, his history, meeting his future band mates in school, different jobs, Venice, putting out new music, sXe, 7 Seconds, Judge, Shelter, Rival
Schools, his NY to Cali move, discovering new music and more!Please remember to rate, review and subscribe and visit us at https://www.youtube.com/tobymorseonelifeonechance
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In this episode Toby sits down with comedian Jessimae Peluso. They chat about losing her dad, LA, Syracuse, sick and purging from bodywork, comedy as a kid, teenage years, school and sports, social media, Boston, comedy, politics, Netflix tattoo show, regrets, Girl Code, HC punk, health, therapy and being in tune with your body.
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In this episode Toby sits down with model and para-athlete Kanya Sesser! They chat about extreme sports events, dropping out of college, Venice, California, freak show, her childhood, high school, discovering skateboarding, traveling and building her sports career through high school, Paralympics, modeling since high school, her upcoming projects, speaking engagements, meditating and staying positive.
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In this episode Toby sits down with vocal guru Melissa Cross! They chat about how they met, unifying music, being from Texas, moving to England, SF, and NY, sobriety, OG hip hop, SA, singing lessons, MS, beating cancer, Screaming in Zen DVD, her extensive clientele, being 27 years sober and therapy.
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In this episode Toby sits down with artist Will Carsola! They chat about going from VA to CA, Burbank bears, sheltered life, videos, ghost experience, Adult Swim, Mr. Pickles, Liquid Death, veganism, anxiety, breath work, taking the pressure off, his different projects, being a dad and social media.
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In this episode Toby sits down with N8NOFACE! They chat about the Loserville Tour, Limp Bizkit, making music for 30 years, past jobs, loving east coast rap, Tucson, becoming a dad at 17, buying equipment and making music at 18, hip-hop store, Crime Kills, LA, being into every type of music, sobriety, his videos, dream collabs, exercise, not driving, hip hop influences, therapy, spirituality, the internet and social media and positivity.
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In this episode Toby sits down with tattooer and painter Shawn Barber! They chat about his sleeping habits, flying habits, NY, being bullied at a young age, partying, Cali to Florida, teaching, commercial work, tattooing, his shop Memoir Tattoo, his family, inspirations and not being worried about the future.
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In this episode Toby has Jim Lindberg back to chat about his family, becoming an empty nester, his 3 daughters, his wife, traveling, the importance of sleep, touring, how he met his wife, solo album, Pennywise, social media, movies, dreams, therapy, different jobs, his English degree from UCLA, surfing and bands being dysfunctional families.
Please remember to rate, review and subscribe and visit us at https://www.youtube.com/tobymorseonelifeonechance
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Athletic Greens https://athleticgreens.com/oloc
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In this very special 6th year anniversary episode, Toby welcomes back his mom Linda Morse, his first podcast guest ever! They chat about quitting smoking, climate change, seeing the changes in the world, cat bites, California, the afterlife, her sons being in bands, being in the present, traveling, gambling, her age, bucket list, her relationships and being the first guest on the podcast.
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In this episode Toby sits down with photographer/director Piper Ferguson! They chat about her directing H2O videos, MTV, NY, Spain, moving to LA, art direction, her first published photo in SPIN magazine in 1999, shooting photos DIY, band photos, music videos, running the club, putting out a book, the indie scene, sobriety and therapy.
Please remember to rate, review and subscribe and visit us at https://www.youtube.com/tobymorseonelifeonechance
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Athletic Greens https://athleticgreens.com/oloc
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In this episode Toby sits down with tattoo artist Diamante Murru! They chat about being born and raised in Italy, traveling to Berlin, ending up in LA, her schooling history, Punk scene, body painting, her first tattoos, veganism, Minimal Ethic, yoga, journaling, creating biodegradable products, circus, suspension and the stigma of tattoos.
Please remember to rate, review and subscribe and visit us at https://www.youtube.com/tobymorseonelifeonechance
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Athletic Greens https://athleticgreens.com/oloc
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In this episode Toby sits down with actress/model/mental health advocate Jenna Haze! They chat about grad school, running a DIY operation, relationships, life, influenced early by Madonna, feature dancing, being a natural on set, awards for her work & company, tube sites killing the industry, her feelings on the adult industry, psychology, working in counseling, her content for OnlyFans, leaving the business on top, her TedX talk, sexual positivity, upcoming projects, different kinds of therapy and her dream life plan.
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Athletic Greens https://athleticgreens.com/oloc
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In this episode Toby sits down with Vinnie Stigma & Roger Miret of Agnostic Front! They chat about their new books, how they met, supporting each other, NYC, pigeons, Agnostic Front's musical influences, Roger’s many talents, old tour stories, fishing on tour, all the different parts of Vinnie‘s book, NY ball breaking, CBGB’s, writing a new AF record, side projects, sobriety, therapy and playing for a different generation.
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Athletic Greens https://athleticgreens.com/oloc
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In this episode Toby sits down with breath work coach Lukis Mac! THey chat about growing up an emotional overweight kid, losing his father early, dropping out of school to tattoo, tattooing for 15 years, trauma and somatic therapy, the breathwork journey, Wim Hof, silent isolated retreats, veganism and his body breaking down, rapping, shows in NZ, believing in yourself through the darkness, not giving time to negative comments, his mom, tattoos and plans for the future.
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Athletic Greens https://athleticgreens.com/oloc
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In this episode Toby sits down with High Vis vocalist Graham Sayle! They chat about diverse show lineups, his earlier life, early bands, inspirations, doing different types of art, Muay Thai, therapy, Trauma Bonds, making tables, handy work, videos, his wife, love, touring and travel.
Please remember to rate, review and subscribe and visit us at https://www.youtube.com/tobymorseonelifeonechance
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In this episode Toby and Derrick sit down with Andreas Kisser of Sepultura! They chat about the final tours, celebrating life, Wim Hof, self understanding, quitting alcohol, his early life, Brazil, Sepultura history, cover band with his son, Metallica, Scorpions, New Titans on The Block, radio show with his son, Greyson joining the band, the upcoming live album box set and writing new music and creating new habits.
Please remember to rate, review and subscribe and visit us at https://www.youtube.com/tobymorseonelifeonechance
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Athletic Greens https://athleticgreens.com/oloc
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Liquid Death https://liquiddeath.com/toby
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In this episode Toby sits down with entrepreneur and all around great guy Johnny Cupcakes! They chat about his first concert, his mom, insane marketing, his brand, Hull MA, first jobs, hardcore, entrepreneurship, pranks and tricks, playing music, the Johnny Cupcakes brand, speaking gigs, collaborations, family and living situation, magic, the break in, how he relaxes, what’s happening now and the next chapter in his life.
Please remember to rate, review and subscribe and visit us at https://www.youtube.com/tobymorseonelifeonechance
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Athletic Greens https://athleticgreens.com/oloc
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In this episode Toby sits down with Josh Brolin for a part 2! It's just two friends catching up, talking about his book From Under The Truck, Dune 2, Goonies 2 ?, staying humble, punk rock guilt, SNL, Outer Range, his mother, Santa Barbara, CITO rats, writing a play, new projects, art & pooping. You can find part 1 in episode 168!
Please remember to rate, review and subscribe and visit us at https://www.youtube.com/tobymorseonelifeonechance
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Athletic Greens https://athleticgreens.com/oloc
Removery https://removery.com code TOBYH2O
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In this episode Toby sits down with Have Heart/Fiddlehead vocalist Patrick Flynn ! They chat about Boston, his first bands, his family, Have Heart, his first tour, breaking generational trauma, Fiddlehead, Ben Affleck, teaching, Dunkin Donuts, breaking up & coming back, nonviolence, politics, his wife, new projects and older bands and their message.
Please remember to rate, review and subscribe and visit us at https://www.youtube.com/tobymorseonelifeonechance
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Athletic Greens https://athleticgreens.com/oloc
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In this episode Toby sits down with birthday boy Dr. Richard Hada! They chat about how he met his wife, family, being the only dentist in the family, California, skating, football, mission in Costa Rica, his many broken teeth when he was younger, why he got into dentistry, Hada Family dental, faith, music interests, regrets, cold plunge, advancements in health professions & home dental remedies.
Please remember to rate, review and subscribe and visit us at https://www.youtube.com/tobymorseonelifeonechance
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Athletic Greens https://athleticgreens.com/oloc
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