
  • Embracing Movement for Wellness: Beyond the Myths

    This episode of the 'One Small Bite' podcast, hosted by David Orozco, a Registered Dietitian and Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, delves into the misconceptions surrounding exercise, movement, and their impact on health and weight loss. David revisits the conversation with intern Dianna Thomas, an expert in movement and weight loss, focusing on personal experiences with diet culture and the importance of incorporating a weight-inclusive approach to helping clients enhance their health and wellness.

    They debunk the myth of needing to engage in excessive exercise for health, discussing the signs of overtraining and emphasizing the benefits of integrating small, consistent movements into daily life for overall well-being. The episode highlights studies that question the rigid benchmarks of physical activity, like the 10,000-steps-a-day goal, advocating instead for enjoyable and sustainable forms of movement.

    David's approach—centered on curiosity, compassion, commitment, and consistency—encourages listeners to explore movement beyond conventional exercise, aiming for a healthy balance that fosters both physical and mental health for a long and nourished life One Small Bite at time!

    00:00 Welcome and Special Offer for Listeners
    01:15 Introducing the One Small Bites Show
    02:01 Diving into Movement and Weight Loss: Part Two
    02:35 Personal Stories and Debunking Diet Myths
    05:11 Understanding Overtraining and Its Effects
    14:44 The Mental and Physical Toll of Excessive Exercise
    19:41 Addressing Gym Intimidation and Promoting Inclusive Movement
    28:43 Differentiating Between Movement and Exercise
    32:08 Redefining Exercise: Beyond the Numbers
    33:25 Debunking the 10k Steps Myth: A Deep Dive
    34:30 The Impact of Movement on Longevity
    35:01 Study Insights: Steps, Intensity, and Mortality
    38:08 Challenges and Limitations of Fitness Tracking
    40:36 Personalizing Fitness: Lulu's Journey
    50:24 The Philosophy of Small Steps to Health

  • Not so long ago I had a client that came to me wanting to find the best workout routine and diet plan to lose weight and keep it off. She felt the need to find a high intensity daily training fitness plan in order for her to lose the weight and keep it off for good. She was motivated and I remember she told me she had the "willpower" to stick with it this time. However, when she started working with me she discovered the secrete to exercise and movement. What she discovered will change your view on fitness.

    Listen in today as we discuss...

    The benefits of movementThe differences between movement and exerciseWhether it's better to be moving or to exerciseHow much movement is beneficial One small approach toward moving more for a nourished life

    A little info about our wonderful guest today. Dianna is currently a dietetic intern at Emory University Hospital. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Exercise Science from Kennesaw State University and a Master's in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Georgia. She is an experienced personal trainer and group fitness instructor who has run her private personal training company, Mini But Mighty LLC, since 2019. In this role, she helps women become the strongest and most confident versions of themselves by providing weight training coaching. She is passionate about the role nutrition plays in both general health and performance and aims to improve the health of all individuals as she works to become a registered dietitian in the state of GA.

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  • Omega-3s can be a beneficial part of someone's diet, but unfortunately our oceans are being over fished to the point of depletion. What if we had an alternative to those fish oil Omega-3s? What if we could get a renewable and plant-based source of Omega-3s that can be just as healthy for us as the famous EPA and DHA omega-3s we get from fish?

    Well, we can.!

    Listen in today to part two on my discussion on Fats, where I'll cover...

    Types of omega-3sHow Omega-3s are beneficial for our healthNew plant-based alternative sources of Omega-3sThe unfortunate over fishing of our oceansA meal plan for the day with health Fats

    Looking forward to having you join in today!

  • Something so common in the nutrition and health world is this idea of the magic bullet nutrient. Fats in food used to be that magic bullet for me. I used to think that if people could just get higher amounts of monounsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids in their diet, things would be so much better. They’d be able to enjoy food, feel satiated more often, and not overeat.

    Boy was this thinking flawed!

    In this episode, I break down the skinny on fats in our diets. What they are, where they come from, and what to pay attention to. Listen in as I go through the four main groups of fats - Saturated, Monounsaturated, Polyunsaturated, and Trans Fatty Acids. And then in my next episode I’ll discuss Omega-3s and some alternatives to Omega-3s that can help us enjoy a longer, more nourished life.

    I’m excited for this one. This episode is packed with great information about the types of fats that are helpful, and what to look out for in the ones that aren’t. Come and join me in this two part series on the skinny on fats.

  • It’s time for Part 2 of what everyone should know about. If you haven’t had a chance to listen to the first episode, please feel free to check it out here at Episode 183.

    Supplements are just that, a supplement needed to deal with a deficiency or an insufficiency. However, they are not food, which we need to survive, and they are not drugs, which are also necessary to help us survive.

    In today’s episode I cover

    Understanding what natural really means What the supplement industry doesn’t tell youThe research on supplement qualityDangerous drug and supplement interactions Supplements effects on cancer and general healthBest resources available to help find the better quality supplementsOne small bite approach if you need to take a supplement
  • When people tell me supplements are safe because they’re natural, I often tell them that poison ivy is also natural, but you wouldn’t be rubbing it all over your face. This is but one of many problems with supplements, and quite frankly just the way the industry likes it. Supplements are not a life-long solution for nutrition. If it were that easy, why would we need food?

    Come and join me in Part 1 of this two part series on supplements. In today’s episode I'll cover

    What is a supplement and what are they forWhy and how they should be takenThe three variables to remember when taking supplementsThe quality, purity, accuracy, and dosage problemsWho regulates supplements and what to watch out forWhat is the financial implications of supplementsOne small bite approach if you need to take a supplement

    Now stay tuned for next week’s episode where I’ll finish off this two-parter by expanding on what to watch out for, and a food-focused approach will help you get the nutrients you need to help you live a long and nourished life.

  • Just like a vegetable or flower garden, living a full and long life requires several key elements to flourish. We know that hard work, dedication, and energy are necessary, but be aware of the things out of our control. For a garden it might be things like the weather, the amount of sunlight, or the critters that enjoy the fruits of your labor first. Longevity requires managing our behaviors like diet, exercising, and sleeping well, but it also requires a combined effort of community and support, access to quality education, access to quality healthcare, and a safe and secure environment. These things you might not have control over.

    In today’s episode I will explore the Social Determinants of Health and how they interplay with our lifestyle habits and behaviors to enhance longevity and help us live a nourished life.

    In today’s episode I'll cover

    The comparison of healthy garden to human health and longevityWhat are the Social Determinants of HealthDescribe each of the five determinants of healthThe connection to the 5 key ingredients from last week's episodeTalk about The Harvard Study of Adult DevelopmentDiscuss the most important finding from the Harvard Study One small bite approach to begin or enhance your SDoH
  • Which is it, live longer or live fuller? What's more important? This is actually some of the conversations I have with many of my clients. We obviously start with nutrition, but quickly move into the 'whys'. Meaning, once we start discussing why we make the food choices we do, life starts revealing itself more and more. However, what we discover is that living longer isn't only about eating the healthiest foods, it's about who we connect with, how we sleep, whether we are active on a regular basis, what habits get in the way, and more importantly the relationships we cultivate.

    That's it folks! In today's episode we will discuss the 5 Key Ingredients that will allow us to live a nourished and fulfilling life.

    We'll talk about...

    What are the 5 Key Ingredients to a longer more fulfilling lifeA description of each of these 5 ingredients and how they are importantWhy we lose sight of these 5 ingredientsWhat you can do today to get started on improving One small bite approach that will help make that start stick
  • Have you ever tried any of those meal kits or delivery services? What was your experience with them? Did you find them helpful, or were the recipes or meals too confusing or too difficult to make? How long did you stick with it, and was it worth it?

    These questions and more are what I’m going to cover in this podcast episode.

    Almost every week I have a client or friend ask me about these meal kits and meal service companies. There are various important points to consider if you’re thinking about trying them.

    In today’s show I’m going to give you a little history of the meal kit and meal delivery industry. Then I’ll go over some of the pros and cons of those meal kits. And then more importantly, I’m going to help you determine whether these meal kits are worth it, and what to consider if you do choose to use one.

    Here’s what I’ll cover in this episode...

    The history of the meal kit industryWhich are the most popular onesThe rise and fall of the big two Blue Apron and Hello FreshThe pros and cons of meal kits and meal delivery servicesWho these meal kits are really beneficial forWhat to consider before signing upOne Small Bite approach using them

    Hope this episode helps.

    By the way, if your company or organization is looking for a dynamic and engaging speaker for your corporate wellness programs. I'm your guy!

    I’m happy to provide your group with lunch-and-learns or education sessions on various health and nutrition topics. I also provide cooking demonstrations, fitness programs, and even smoking cessation classes. And all of my services have had very positive reviews.

    Give my contact to your HR or wellness coordinator, and for hearing this on the podcast, they get a 20% discount off the first presentation or engagement.

    Remember to give them this code, 20OSB, in order to get that 20% discount off the first session. Let's start working!

  • Back when I first started as a dietitian, I was on a mission to do two things for my practice ...
    - Create the best meal plans for my clients
    - Find the best foods to put in those plans
    I wanted to make sure I could help people improve their health with the best meal plans out there.

    Noble concept, right? Or at least I thought so!

    I used to spend hours calculating all sorts of nutrients content to create the best meals plans. I wanted to make sure they were low calorie, but contained a variety of foods. I wanted to make sure they were low in saturated fat, sodium, and sugar. They also had to be low to no processed foods in these meal plans.

    In this episode I'll discuss why meal plans are not really worth it.

    Listen in today as I discuss...

    How meal plans perpetuate diet cultureHow they are too complicated Learn the pros and cons are and who they really benefitHow meal planning can be done in a simpler and more sustainable wayOne small approach to build a way of eating that is helpful for you
  • Inflammation is part of the body's defense mechanism. It is the process by which the immune system recognizes and removes harmful and foreign stimuli and begins the healing process. Inflammation can be either acute or chronic. However, harmful stimuli may not be so foreign, and can actually be induced by ourselves.

    Body shame, weight stigma, weight bias, is sizeism. Sizeism is a prejudice or discrimination on the grounds of a person’s size or weight. This means that there is an ever present and chronic level of stress and negativity about their body.

    This stress, induced by emotional or mental negativity, can influence food choices. Often, we use hyper-palatable foods to help cope or soothe ourselves under these stressful situations. And, what's ironic is that stress is that very stimuli that increases inflammation. So is it the food or the stress that's leading to inflammation.

    In this episode I'll discuss the interplay between food choices, mental health, and inflammation. I will discuss...

    What inflammation isThe types of inflammationThe effects of inflammation on our health and longevityWhat we don’t know about inflammationDiscuss how inflammation is connected to our nourishmentHow inflammation is connected to sizeism or weight stigmaProvide you with One Small Bite to manage inflammation
  • I came across this article the other day titled Beyond Hunger: Understanding Food Noise, and I thought “Oh, this is interesting, Food Noise. I wonder if it’s something about intuitive eating or an article about weight-inclusivity.” Well spoiler alert, it isn't.

    Supposedly, this idea of Food Noise is actually a term that has been floating around healthcare and various social channels. But what it is not, is a scientific and evidenced-based term.

    That’s what I’m going to talk about in this episode...

    What is Food Noise and who’s perpetuating itHow WW is gaslighting youHow this gaslighting is blaming you How Food Noise is propaganda to sell their servicesWhat Food Noise really is and what we can do to help
  • Do you remember that saying in Jurassic Park when Dr. Alan Grant said “just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” This has always stuck with me, and is even now more relevant in our digital society. The advent of CGMs (Continuous Glucose Monitors) are going a bit viral these days, so much that people without diabetes are starting to use them. But are they actually necessary? What's the benefit of using one if you don't have diabetes? Is there an actual benefit?

    In today's episode I'll discuss ...

    What CGM devices are and what they doWho and what they are specifically intended forThe story of how two clients fell for the trapsExplain what the research says about the benefits and costsWho should really use themHow the body better than a machineOne small approach to build interoceptive awareness

    Episode 111 - 7 Diet Trap Warning Signs - Apple Podcast, Spotify

  • Do you check your phone first thing in the morning, while burning your tongue on hot coffee, shoving a bagel on the way to work, and anxious about a million things? Are you the type of person that writes endless to-do lists each day, completes two of them, and then writes the same ones all over again and more the next day? Do you go nonstop all day long and barely have time have a meal. Are you that person that brags about getting up at 5 am to workout, and can get by with 5-6 hours of sleep?

    If you answer yes to any of these questions, then congratulations! You’re a member of the Hustle or Grind Culture.

    In this episode I'll explore the parallels of Grind Culture to that of Diet Culture and more, like...

    How 80 hour work weeks won't change the worldHow the Grind exploits people's vulnerabilities and fearsUnderstand the Trauma ResponseExplore the wisdom in copingHow to do less and still reach your dreamsOne Small Bite approach

  • Hola amigos!
    Intuitive Eating is an approach that can help break the weight-loss and subsequent weight regain cycle. It's a method of making peace with food and your body, and a way to start enjoying life again. In this episode I conclude my series on weight-cycling by telling you about how Intuitive Eating helped one of my clients finally break the shackles of diet culture, weight stigma, and healthism.

    Come on in and listen to this one. This is where we learn to live a nourished and fulfilling life.

  • Bienvenidos todos!

    Did you know that there’s a higher likelihood that you can develop cardiovascular complications like hypertension, high cholesterol, or blood fats to increase every time you try losing weight? Well, you might be thinking why. “Isn’t losing weight better for me in the long-run?” It could be if you don’t gain it, or better yet, you don’t weight-cycle.

    Listen to today’s episode where I discuss

    Why weight cycling can lead to more cardiovascular problems in the futureWhat the research is saying about weight-cycling and mortalityThe journey one of my clients took by hoping off the weight-cycle hamster wheelThe One Small Bite that can also help you get off that hamster wheel
  • We know that New Year's resolutions seem to fail us, especially when it comes to weight loss attempts. But why? In today's episode I am continuing with the series on Weight-Cycling/Don't Gain It, and discussing how weight-loss attempts can lead to a disordered eating way of living. Who wants to keep being at war with food and the body? If you're reading this, I sure you don't.

    In today's episode we'll...

    Learn how weight loss can lead to a life-long disordered eating relationshipLook at research tying weight loss approaches to Anorexia NervosaSee what the research is saying about a more sustainable approach to living a nourished life Take a deep dive into how to make small habits stick One Small Bite - Swap It Recipe

    Thanks for listening. Hey, do me a favor...

    Download the show wherever you listen to your podcasts like Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google, iHeartRadio, Castbox, etc!Hit that subscribe button so you won’t miss another episode.Big Ask: Leave a Rate and Review! Please, take a few minutes and leave me a review on your podcast app. Each review helps other listeners find the podcast, which provides me with the ability to continue bring you unique content. Share the show with friends. Spread the love.If you want to work with us, schedule an appointment or a free 15 minute discovery call. Explore our website and click Schedule an Appointment. Or, reach us by email [email protected] or phone 678-568-4714.

    Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul!

  • Bienvenidos todos!

    Happy New Year! Over the last 40-50 years we have seen diet after diet after diet, and what do we keep getting after each one? Weight gain! This on-again/off-again weight loss attempt might work for a short period of time, but we’ve seen little by little how the weight gain just comes back. We know that doing the same thing over and over again only leads to more insanity. Thank you Einstein!

    Let’s break free from weight loss attempts and start making peace with food. Let’s start not gaining weight instead of trying to lose it. Listen in to the start of my new series on weight cycling and how to make the changes you need to live a nourished life.

    In this episode I’m going to

    Help you understand what weight cycling isProvide an explanation of the Weight Cycling GraphDiscuss the research on how weight loss leads to weight gainExplain what energy adaptation is and how it leads further weight gainProvide you with One Small Bite to help you make big changes for 2024

    Where do I go from here?
    For all the details and more about this episode, feel free to visit my website.

    Download the show wherever you listen to your podcasts like Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google, iHeartRadio, Castbox, etc!Hit that subscribe button so you won’t miss another episode.Big Ask: Leave a Rate and Review! Please, take a few minutes and leave me a review on your podcast app. Each review helps other listeners find the podcast, which provides me with the ability to continue bring you unique content. Share the show with friends. Spread the love.If you want to work with us, schedule an appointment or a free 15 minute discovery call. Explore our website and click Schedule an Appointment. Or, reach us by email [email protected] or phone 678-568-4714.

    Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul!

  • Bienvenidos todos! Have you ever noticed how stress or anxiety affects your eating rhythm? Have you ever noticed how your eating rhythm affects your digestion? Well my friends, I’m going to connect the dots. I’m going to culminate the Eating Rhythm series with a deep dive into the symbiotic dance between the eating rhythm and digestion system.

    Here’s a overview of what I’m going to cover:

    Review the eating rhythm and its effects on healthDescribe my client’s digestive and eating rhythm journeyIBS, the Low FODMAP why the eating rhythm helpsChrono-nutrition and Gut microbiome connectionOne small bite eating rhythm approach that helps the digestion

    Where do I go from here?
    For all the details and more about this episode, feel free to visit my website.

    Download the show wherever you listen to your podcasts like Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google, iHeartRadio, Castbox, etc!Hit that subscribe button so you won’t miss another episode.Big Ask: Leave a Rate and Review! Please, take a few minutes and leave me a review on your podcast app. Each review helps other listeners find the podcast, which provides me with the ability to continue bring you unique content. Share the show with friends. Spread the love.If you want to work with us, schedule an appointment or a free 15 minute discovery call. Explore our website and click Schedule an Appointment. Or, reach us by email [email protected] or phone 678-568-4714.

    Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul!

  • Hola y bienvenidos to the One Small Bite show!
    Burnout in men is a chronic problem, and the worst part is how it hides beneath the surface of masculine norms. In this episode, I bring on to the show my amazing dietetic intern Laney Jones to uproot the various culprits that lead to burnout in men, how they show up in men's mental and physical health, and of course the One Small Bite that leads to a more nourished life.

    You won't want to miss this in depth analysis of the effects of burnout, and the one small mindful solution one client took that changed his health.

    The fun stuff in this episode...

    Hear about Allen's story and his challenges with burnout Understand what burnout really is and means Learn about the three main culprits of burnout in men What the evidence shows and doesn't about burnout in menFind out what the opposite of burnout is a how it's importantOne small mindful solution that helped Allen, and can help you

    Where do I go from here?
    For all the details and more about this episode, feel free to visit my website.

    Download the show wherever you listen to your podcasts like Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google, iHeartRadio, Castbox, etc!Hit that subscribe button so you won’t miss another episode.Big Ask: Leave a Rate and Review! Please, take a few minutes and leave me a review on your podcast app. Each review helps other listeners find the podcast, which provides me with the ability to continue bring you unique content. Share the show with friends. Spread the love.If you want to work with us, schedule an appointment or a free 15 minute discovery call. Explore our website and click Schedule an Appointment. Or, reach us by email [email protected] or phone 678-568-4714.

    Chop the diet mentality; Fuel Your Body; and Nourish Your Soul!