
  • In this episode, Mary Om shares her personal journey of healing the mother-daughter wound and transforming her relationship with her mother. She discusses the challenges she faced growing up with a mother who was emotionally unstable and explores the transgenerational trauma that affected their relationship. The host describes the coping mechanisms she developed, such as eating disorders and substance abuse, and how she eventually found healing through therapy, plant medicine, and reprogramming her mind. She also delves into the societal pressures and lack of support that many mothers face, and emphasizes the importance of self-love and self-care for mothers.


    mother-daughter relationship, healing, transgenerational trauma, coping mechanisms, therapy, plant medicine, reprogramming, societal pressures, self-love, self-care


    Healing the mother-daughter wound requires setting boundaries and breaking free from transgenerational trauma.Self-love and self-care are essential for mothers to thrive and provide healthy nurturing to their children.Reprogramming the mind and resolving past traumas through therapy and plant medicine can lead to healing and forgiveness.Societal pressures and lack of support for mothers contribute to the challenges they face in motherhood.Finding healthy role models and creating a supportive community can help mothers navigate the complexities of motherhood.


    The Power of Self-Love and Self-Care in MotherhoodReprogramming the Mind: From Coping Mechanisms to Healthy Coping

    Sound Bites

    "I will not come to see you ever again. I will not talk to you ever again. And I won't be at your funeral.""I'm going to do whatever it takes to heal. I'm going to do whatever it takes to become sane in my brain, to become sane in my heart.""I let ayahuasca and that plant medicine and all the celestial beings fill me with that love."


    Introduction: The Vulnerability of the Mother-Daughter Relationship

    Breaking Free: Setting Boundaries and Cutting Ties

    The Journey of Healing: Self-Love and Self-Care

    Plant Medicine and Celestial Beings: Finding Love and Support


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    BOOK YOUR 1-1 COACHING WITH ME: https://maryomrose.com/1-1-sessions/

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    UK AGENT: Anthony Kosky

    BOOK MY SHOWS: https://maryomrose.com/show/

    BOOK YOUR SEAT for our upcoming show "BECOMING THE MOTHER I WISH I HAD" : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/becoming-the-mother-i-wish-i-had-solo-stand-up-poetry-slam-workshop-qa-tickets-906153307937?aff=oddtdtcreator&keep_tld=1

    BUY YOUR EPIC NATURAL CONTRACEPTIVE CREAM 5$ OFF: https://wisewomenschoice.com/?coupon=maryomrose5

    BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - MAGIC THE MUSICAL: https://magicthemusical.love/

    Make sure you like and subscribe to get notified and find us on www.orgasmagic.com and www.maryomrose.com

    With love Always!

  • In this conversation, Mary Om Rose discusses the power of adolescence and motherhood as catalysts for change in society. She emphasizes the need to embrace and support adolescents and mothers, who are going through intense hormonal changes and are guided to produce new ideas and care. Merriam highlights the importance of creating a space for adolescents to ask questions and be valued in their discoveries, as well as the need for mothers to have support and a village to rely on. She calls for a society that places adolescents and mothers at the center and serves their needs.


    adolescence, matrecence, catalysts for change, hormonal changes, support, questions, discoveries, village, society


    Adolescence and motherhood are powerful catalysts for change in society.Both adolescents and mothers go through intense hormonal changes and produce new ideas and care.Adolescents need a space to ask questions and be valued in their discoveries.Mothers need support and a village to rely on.Society should place adolescents and mothers at the center and serve their needs.


    The Importance of Support and a Village for MothersPlacing Adolescents and Mothers at the Center of Society

    Sound Bites

    "Adolescence and matricence are the most powerful catalysts of change in society.""Now is your time to rediscover your purpose, your soul's blueprint.""What society are we creating by allowing adolescents and mothers to lead?"


    The Power of Adolescence and Motherhood

    Rediscovering Purpose and Soul's Blueprint

    Allowing Adolescents and Mothers to Lead

    Empowering Adolescents to Own Their Experiences

    The Importance of Support and Valuing Mothers

    Placing Adolescents and Mothers at the Center of Society

    Support the Show.

    Thank you friends for listening to your favourite podcast ORGASMAGIC!

    READ MY BOOK "BIRTH LIKE A QUEEN": https://www.amazon.com/Birth-like-Queen-Matter-Where-ebook/dp/B0CJKGH1Z4

    BOOK YOUR 1-1 COACHING WITH ME: https://maryomrose.com/1-1-sessions/

    HIRE ME AS A SPEAKER: [email protected]
    UK AGENT: Anthony Kosky

    BOOK MY SHOWS: https://maryomrose.com/show/

    BOOK YOUR SEAT for our upcoming show "BECOMING THE MOTHER I WISH I HAD" : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/becoming-the-mother-i-wish-i-had-solo-stand-up-poetry-slam-workshop-qa-tickets-906153307937?aff=oddtdtcreator&keep_tld=1

    BUY YOUR EPIC NATURAL CONTRACEPTIVE CREAM 5$ OFF: https://wisewomenschoice.com/?coupon=maryomrose5

    BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - MAGIC THE MUSICAL: https://magicthemusical.love/

    Make sure you like and subscribe to get notified and find us on www.orgasmagic.com and www.maryomrose.com

    With love Always!

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  • In this episode, Mary discusses her experiences with dream therapy and past life regression. She shares a profound dream where Jesus helps her heal from sexual abuse and explores the power of dreams and lucid dreaming for quantum healing. The host also delves into the concept of pre-incarnation and the messages she received from the divine universe before incarnating into her current life. She talks about the importance of understanding past lives and how they can impact our present experiences. The episode concludes with a discussion on the mystery of incarnation, the significance of termination of pregnancy, and embracing birth and death.


    dream therapy, past life regression, lucid dreaming, pre-incarnation, divine universe, quantum healing, termination of pregnancy, birth, death


    Dreams and lucid dreaming can provide valuable information and facilitate quantum healing.Exploring past lives through regression therapy can help retrieve gifts and resolve blockages.Understanding pre-incarnation and the messages from the divine universe can provide clarity and purpose in our current lives.Termination of pregnancy and miscarriages may have deeper meanings and spiritual implications.Embracing birth and death with radical acceptance can lead to a celebration of life.


    Embracing Birth and Death with Radical AcceptancePre-Incarnation: Messages from the Divine Universe

    Sound Bites

    "He gets the abuser out of the scene, throws him out and says, brother, that's not your place. Comes to me and asks me if he can make love to me to heal my womb.""So my friends, where I'm right now, I mean, where I was before I landed into this body, time, space, reality, let me tell you, my friends, here it's freaking nirvana, astronomical, multidimensional, universal, galactical, micro, macro, all-encompassing pleasure.""26 years of heavy mother wound abuse trauma, hell kind of life and then another seven years of deep healing and reprogramming but then you're done for good."


    Introduction and the Power of Dreams

    Lucid Dreaming and Healing from Sexual Abuse

    Pre-Incarnation and Messages from the Divine Univ

    Support the Show.

    Thank you friends for listening to your favourite podcast ORGASMAGIC!

    READ MY BOOK "BIRTH LIKE A QUEEN": https://www.amazon.com/Birth-like-Queen-Matter-Where-ebook/dp/B0CJKGH1Z4

    BOOK YOUR 1-1 COACHING WITH ME: https://maryomrose.com/1-1-sessions/

    HIRE ME AS A SPEAKER: [email protected]
    UK AGENT: Anthony Kosky

    BOOK MY SHOWS: https://maryomrose.com/show/

    BOOK YOUR SEAT for our upcoming show "BECOMING THE MOTHER I WISH I HAD" : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/becoming-the-mother-i-wish-i-had-solo-stand-up-poetry-slam-workshop-qa-tickets-906153307937?aff=oddtdtcreator&keep_tld=1

    BUY YOUR EPIC NATURAL CONTRACEPTIVE CREAM 5$ OFF: https://wisewomenschoice.com/?coupon=maryomrose5

    BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - MAGIC THE MUSICAL: https://magicthemusical.love/

    Make sure you like and subscribe to get notified and find us on www.orgasmagic.com and www.maryomrose.com

    With love Always!

  • In this conversation, Mary Om Rose shares her sexual education experience at the age of 12, where she was injected with hormones to stop her growth. She discusses the impact of these hormones on her sexuality and how she mistook sexual attraction for love. She also talks about her transformation and the importance of seeing sex as a sacred and devotional act. Mary Om shares her experience of a cervical orgasm and its connection to her spiritual journey. She concludes by emphasizing the sacredness of sexuality and the upcoming solo show on becoming the mother she wished she had.


    sexual education, hormones, growth, sexuality, love, transformation, sacred sex, cervical orgasm, spirituality, motherhood


    Sexual education is often lacking and needs to be given more importance.Hormones can have a significant impact on a person's sexuality and growth.Sexual attraction should not be mistaken for love.Sex can be a sacred and devotional act that connects us to our spirituality.Cervical orgasms are a powerful and transformative experience.Sexuality is sacred and should be respected and honored.The upcoming solo show focuses on Mariam's journey to becoming the mother she wished she had.


    The Power of Cervical OrgasmsThe Transformation to Sacred Sex


    Introduction and the Lack of Comprehensive Sexual Education

    The Impact of Hormones on Sexuality and Growth

    Mistaking Sexual Attraction for Love

    The Transformation to Sacred Sex

    The Power of Cervical Orgasms

    Becoming the Mother I Wish I Had

    Support the Show.

    Thank you friends for listening to your favourite podcast ORGASMAGIC!

    READ MY BOOK "BIRTH LIKE A QUEEN": https://www.amazon.com/Birth-like-Queen-Matter-Where-ebook/dp/B0CJKGH1Z4

    BOOK YOUR 1-1 COACHING WITH ME: https://maryomrose.com/1-1-sessions/

    HIRE ME AS A SPEAKER: [email protected]
    UK AGENT: Anthony Kosky

    BOOK MY SHOWS: https://maryomrose.com/show/

    BOOK YOUR SEAT for our upcoming show "BECOMING THE MOTHER I WISH I HAD" : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/becoming-the-mother-i-wish-i-had-solo-stand-up-poetry-slam-workshop-qa-tickets-906153307937?aff=oddtdtcreator&keep_tld=1

    BUY YOUR EPIC NATURAL CONTRACEPTIVE CREAM 5$ OFF: https://wisewomenschoice.com/?coupon=maryomrose5

    BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - MAGIC THE MUSICAL: https://magicthemusical.love/

    Make sure you like and subscribe to get notified and find us on www.orgasmagic.com and www.maryomrose.com

    With love Always!

  • In this conversation, Mary Om Rose shares her personal journey of how her darkest moments propelled her forward into her purpose. She describes hitting rock bottom and feeling unsatisfied with her life, contemplating suicide. However, a series of events, including a pregnancy and a dream about Siberia, led her to embark on a transformative journey. She took the Trans-Siberian Express to Siberia, where she attended a gathering of shamans and experienced a profound awakening. This experience shifted her paradigm and opened her up to the possibilities of motherhood and a liberated sexuality.


    In our darkest moments, there is the greatest potential for growth and transformation.Sometimes hitting rock bottom is necessary to prompt us to reevaluate our lives and make necessary changes.Following our intuition and taking risks can lead us to unexpected and life-changing experiences.Connecting with community and embracing a liberated sexuality can be empowering and transformative.Motherhood and birth can be seen as sacred and transformative experiences.


    From Darkest Moments to Purpose

    The Awakening Power of Pregnancy

    A Paradigm Shift in Birth, Sexuality, and Spirituality

    Embracing Motherhood: Taking Responsibility and Empowerment

    Support the Show.

    Thank you friends for listening to your favourite podcast ORGASMAGIC!

    READ MY BOOK "BIRTH LIKE A QUEEN": https://www.amazon.com/Birth-like-Queen-Matter-Where-ebook/dp/B0CJKGH1Z4

    BOOK YOUR 1-1 COACHING WITH ME: https://maryomrose.com/1-1-sessions/

    HIRE ME AS A SPEAKER: [email protected]
    UK AGENT: Anthony Kosky

    BOOK MY SHOWS: https://maryomrose.com/show/

    BOOK YOUR SEAT for our upcoming show "BECOMING THE MOTHER I WISH I HAD" : https://www.eventbrite.com/e/becoming-the-mother-i-wish-i-had-solo-stand-up-poetry-slam-workshop-qa-tickets-906153307937?aff=oddtdtcreator&keep_tld=1

    BUY YOUR EPIC NATURAL CONTRACEPTIVE CREAM 5$ OFF: https://wisewomenschoice.com/?coupon=maryomrose5

    BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - MAGIC THE MUSICAL: https://magicthemusical.love/

    Make sure you like and subscribe to get notified and find us on www.orgasmagic.com and www.maryomrose.com

    With love Always!