
  • Martin Bull har seilt verden rundt, utforsket kakao og funnet frem til en helt spesiell blanding som vi drikker hver dag på Oslo Raw.

    Hvorfor er kakao så bra, hvordan brygge en god kopp, hvilke virkestoffer planten har kortsiktig og langsiktig, hvilke hormoner som spiller inn og hva som skjer med hjernen.

    Velkommen til en god og dyp lytt i kakaoens verden :)

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  • Stress isn’t bad; it is undergoing stress while believing that stress is bad for you that makes it harmful. 

    Stress can, in fact, make us stronger, smarter, and happier—if we learn how to embrace it.

    Todays guest is one of my all time favorite pleasure and hygge inspirations, she is a naturopath, specialized women’s health, our hormones and how to give our bodies the natural remedies to live in balance. 

    In our last episode with Caroline Fibæk, we talked about how our bodies naturally heal, detoxifies and counterbalance stress hormones with pleasure. It is not about cutting stress away, but creating an environment that makes us more resilient to stress. And avoiding stress seem to not really work. Caroline talks about how to be good at stressing, the upside of stress and how to embrace and learn from it instead of controlling, avoiding or even focus on stress reduction. 

    We take about all our favorite Pleasure hacks, the upsides of stress, oxytocin activities and hygge-food and balancing supplements for everyday life.

    Find more at https://www.carolinefibaek.dk

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  • Detox er en reise inn i våre fysiske, emosjonelle, mentale og energetisk lag. Enten du er kronisk syk, anser deg som frisk og vital eller har små hverdagsplager, er detox et fantastisk og viktig verktøy for å åpne opp kroppen og gi slipp på bagasje som ikke tjener deg. Bli med inn i en skamløs samtale med Anne Wik Larsen og Tiril Refsum, om helbredelse, det helhetlige bildet, Zencleanz som the Rolls Royce of detox, sjarmen med plaquet i tarmen og løkskrelling på høyt nivå!

    Link https://zencleanz.com/?ref=OSLORAW2022

    Kupong kode: OSLORAWCAKES

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  • Are we on a mission as a whole? How can we awaken to the real lust for life, work and purpose? Today Doctor Diamantis Koukouvinos joins us to share about Chinese medicine, YinYang, stagnation in the masculine, going from doing to being and how living your authentic self can heal the body. We talk about real root causes of illness, the steps one can take and which questions to ask within. As a previously professional elite basketball player, Dr. Diamantis knew he had a different mission in life, and after becoming a naprapath he traveled to China to study functional medicine. Today he runs his own clinic assisting over hundres of clients yearly to improve their health, emotionally and physically. Join us for a deep talk about the seat of the heart and why its time for us to be free, love and create.

    Thank you for listening and here's where to find more:

    Doctor Diamantis homepage: https://www.doctordiamantis.com

    Doctor Diamantis instagram: www.instagram.com/doctordiamantis/?hl=sv

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  • Asking for help was the major shift in my life. When I met Billie ten years ago I knew I was onto another adventure, but I didn't understand the depth of the learnings I was about to embark on. When I started Oslo Raw, I doubted and feared the steps more than anything. How do we move from fear to love, from mind to heart so that we can build a life we truly enjoy living? Listen up for a lovely chat about the steps we go to live our hearts desires.


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  • In this episode, I have the pleasure of chatting with Dr. Jessica Peatross where we talk holistic health, functional medicine, why detoxing can assist you wether you are feeling sluggish, brain foggy, sick or are just curious. She gives her best tips and practical exercises to feel well, both talking the physical detox and the mental and emotional aspect. We talk detox pathways, saunas, herbs, the kill-bind-sweat protocol, pooping, enemas, supplements, breath work and much more. 

    Dr. Jess is passionate about teaching people how to be their own best doctor by educating themselves and listening to their body, and gives actionable steps to overcome health obstacles, emotional trauma and chronic illnesses.

    Dr. Jess is a former hospitalist, internal medicine based medical doctor and a certified Gerson Practitioner. Her passion lies in uncovering the mystery behind the chronic illness, whether that be stealth infections, mold, lyme, heavy metals, stress/trauma or other environmental toxicities. There are real, root cause answers for WHY the body might be malfunctioning. 

    Dr Jess is helping people all over the world to with her online programs, also go check her instagram for uptodate, inspiring and informative content.


    I you are an an entrepreneur, in a high-performing career, or you want to know exactly how to be your healthiest and best self, you will definitely find some valuable tips in this episode. 

    Share with your friends and family, or wherever it might help. Enjoy! 

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  • The Voice in Our Head, Why It Matters, and How to Harness It 

    Are there right and wrong ways to communicate with ourselves, and if so, are there techniques that might be useful for us with an internal chatter that is just a little too loud?

    Today I sit down with Ethan Kross, an award-winning world-renowned scientist and psychologist who reveals the hidden power of our inner voice and shows how to harness it to combat anxiety, improve physical and mental health, and deepen our relationships with others. We explore the deeply mysterious, awesome and challenging inner voice that sometimes can be a little too loud. Kross shares his good ideas about how to manage and control this voice.

    Read more in his latest bestseller Chatter


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  • In this episode, I sit down with Ally Bogard, a leading yoga and meditation teacher, worked in the wellness world for over seventeen years leading meditation classes, retreats, immersions and teacher trainings. Born & raised in Canada, she is now based in New York City where she holds weekly group meditations, classes and speciality events for all levels of practitioners. She currently mentors, coaches and offers counsel on an individual basis.

    Today Ally shares her very profound and simple ways of stabilizing and quieting the mind. Join us in this beautiful chat about life’s simple pleasures and the power it holds. 

    She also shares a gift with us: a 40 days course of practical insights and exercises to anchor yourself in the present moment. Price usually $65

    ListenUp will help you:• Cultivate presence in your mind & body• Build a practice of mindfulness & meditation• Reduce stress levels• Calm anxiety• Cultivate agency• Boost mental focus & creativity• Listen without an agenda

    Upwards: ListenUP

    Code: SAUCE


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  • Manifestation made simple with tools and exercises to upgrade your life from within. We talk about intention, responsibility, simple pleasures, true change and happiness. Manifestation Coach, Certified Yoga Instructor, Art Therapist and Co-Founder of How You Glow, Jessie De Lowe shares her life-enhancing, enriching, and enlightening experiences with clients across the globe, and today she’s sharing her wisdom with us. In a very grounded way, Jessie brakes down the mystical word manifestation and gives us a practical way to start transforming our daily lives. 

    Jessie assists people all over the world through one-on-one Manifestation Sessions, Relationship Coaching sessions and group Manifestation Workshops that blend her background in therapeutic healing with aromatherapy, meditation, journaling and art making, De Lowe inspires people to live the most vibrant life possible and step into alignment with their soul’s true calling. Earning a Masters degree in Art Therapy from New York University, Jessie has always been intrigued by the power of alternative healing and passionate about helping others. Jessie has a new podcast entitled Madly Forever, in which she explores the secrets to healthy, successful relationships, everlasting vitality and passionate love.



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  • Tami Lynn Kent is a women’s health physical therapist, the author of Wild Feminine, Wild Creative & Mothering from Your Center and the Founder of Holistic Pelvic Care and training program. Having worked with over 10,000 women on the pelvic front lines, Tami has committed her life to holistic healing and a wild feminine rising. She focuses on the potential in our bodies and is passionate about cultivating the creative energy that is meant to run through all aspects of our lives. 

    Today Tami and I talk about the possibilities of creating wealth in every aspect of our lives when being at home with ourselves. What happens when we go within, how do we do it - and why is seeking approval from outside so imprinted in us? 

    Realign yourself with the creative currents that flow deep within, and you’ll see your work and home life transformed and inspired by this completely new understanding of creativity. - Tami

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  • Dr Tara Swart is a neuroscientist, medical doctor, executive advisor, Senior Lecturer at MIT Sloan, and author of best-seller ‘The Source’ which has translations in 36 languages. Today we talk about her way to the Source, why gut bacteria matters and how we can use our brain power to enhance our chances of success. She shares her personal stories on how Law of Attraction works, why she uses Action boards and how to find the spark in dark times. She gives her best tips to reduce stress, how to retrain our brain and how to incorporate this in leadership. 

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  • Why did we stop breathing? Tension in the belly, feelings we avoid and the long for intimacy and connection. Today we peel off the layers of our armour in a beautiful chat with breathwork and trauma release expert and author Giten Tonkov. He has assisted thousands of people worldwide over the last 25 years with helping the body to heal itself - using breath, movement, touch, emotional expression, sound and meditation. We have all felt how stress, worry and anxiety affect our breath. How can we change the pattern of holding tension and start feeling pleasure? We talk about digestive imbalances, the core of many of our issues and how the softness inside will empower us.

    For trainings, info and questions visit: https://www.biodynamicbreath.com

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  • Today I’m chatting with Vilde Sletten, one of the first holistic skincare therapists in Norway, with a big passion for enhancing inner and outer beauty with her clients and followers. She has many years of experience and tried tons of different products to obtain the perfect skin, but she discovered that when she stopped using products, her skin started to heal. We talk about everything you need to know about natural skin and hair care. Like using no-shampoo, the strive for perfectionism and clean skin, the feeling of lack within - and how to give your skin and hair the best care. Vilde talks about facial massage, hormonal skin, beauty hacs, oils, cremes and how to welcome acne. 

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  • How can pleasure be the ultimate detox? Hormone expert Caroline Fibæk explains how by understanding and supporting our cycle we can obtain the wellbeing we seek. We talk about how the focus on being healthy and de-stressing can work the opposite way. She breaks down the process of detoxing and what we should take in consideration before we embark on on a strict diet or fast. We chat about coffee, sex, raw cakes, the positive sides of stress, raw chocolate and how to manage daily life with more intimacy, connection and wellbeing. Pleasure over the green juice ..


    Caroline is a naturopath, author of several books, is a specialist in women’s hormone system, infertility and female imbalances. Since 2007 she has helped thousands of women recovering from hormonal imbalances through her clinic and online courses. Find more information, hormone test and online courses at https://www.carolinefibaek.dk

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  • Today I have the pleasure of talking with the world leading expert on the natural hormone Oxytocin. Kerstin Moberg is a specialist in woman’s health and female physiology and has worked within these fields for more than 30 years with the focus on the healing aspects of oxytocin. Kerstin has written several books about oxytocin, and its importance and positive impact on different processes in the body. Today we talk about touch, sex, chocolate, intimacy, relationships, busy business women and how to feel well trough these corona times. Enjoy. 

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  • Today I have the pleasure of talking with Audun Myskja, a Norwegian doctor, author and musician born in 1953 - and is one of the pioneers here in Norway bringing health, eastern and shamanic traditions together with western medicine. He has written over 20 books, has received multiple prices for his work, knowledge and experience with conventional medicine and alternative treatment and music therapy for over 40 years. Today he runs the Center for Life Aid together with his wife Reidun, where they offer both school medicine and alternative medicine, combining ancient traditions with modern science and knowledge. 

    We talk about lives purpose and what our generation can learn from Auduns generation. He shares about his near death experiences while being anorexic as a teenager, how he found is purpose - and which simple steps we can go to find peace and health in our daily life. 

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  • How are 10 years of running Denmarks first and largest plant based cafe chain changing you? Founder and owner Jesper Rydahl of 42 Raw shares honestly about the journey, failures and fall backs, going internationally, bringing in meat and how to stay motivated to keep growing. We talk about how we change along with our motives and needs as humans. The mentality of an entrepreneur is forever evolving and when these are faced with acceptance, great growth and possibilities may arise. This talk is about quality, balance and staying true to yourself. He also shares his best tips to all entrepreneurs our there. 

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  • Today I have the pleasure of chatting with Susanne Holizweiler, the co-owner and co-founder of the empire Holzweiler. We talk about business, control, fear of leaning back, caring for ourselves and our babies. Balancing passion with just being can be a big challenge for many of us. We can have ideas that only action is valid contribution, and just feeling good and being is not enough. We talk about the soul of the brand, how to fuel it and who we are in the midst of it. Both Susanne and myself loves building teams and community, and creating a business based on trust, not fear. But how do we cultivate all of this this in our daily lives? 

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  • Today I have the pleasure of talking with the Hygge and Happiness expert Meik Wiking. We explore well-being, happiness and the real quality of life. What has hygge and pleasure got to do with health? Meik Wiking is one of today’s most influential happiness researchers. He is the author of several books, including the New York Times Bestsellers: The Little Book of Hygge and The Little Book of Lykke. With more than one million copies sold worldwide, in more than 35 languages, he enjoys a wide readership. He is also the founder and CEO of the Happiness Research Institute and a highly respected speaker on such topics. 

    I hope you find some inspiration to embrace pleasure as a part of a healthy lifestyle and maybe enjoy this episode with a cup of hot cocoa and whipped cream. 

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