
  • Have you ever thought about social norms?

    For example, have you ever thought about the things that we're “supposed to do” or what’s “expected” of us? Social norms are the unwritten rules of beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that are considered acceptable in a particular social group or culture. The container for these norms are within the conversations we have. What we should and shouldn’t do are held in our conversations that we have on a day-to-day basis. These "norms" provide us with an expected idea of how to behave and function to provide order and predictability in society.

    Dive into this episode to hear about societal norms and how they effect our decisions when we decide to leap into the 9-5 world or leap out!

    Resources mentioned in this episode are below:

    Link to the 9-5 of Be Your Own Boss Quiz is here. Link to Episode 64 on The Big Leap is here.

  • Have you ever felt like you know there is something more for you, you know that you aren’t tapping into your full potential. But then at the same time you wonder if you have what it takes and are scared of failure? I was stuck in this space for a really long time and it was really the source of so much of my anxiety and unhappiness because being in between wanting to go for it and fear of failure is not a fun limbo to be in.

    This episode shares about a book called The Big Leap by Gay Hedricks. In a nutshell this book asserts that there is only one barrier in the way of us finding happiness and fulfilment so that as individuals we can achieve our highest potential. The one barrier is called the Upper Limit Problem.


    @letgoanddiscover on Tiktok and Instagram

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  • Ever dream that you could live a fulfilling life? A life where you had healthy relationship with your career, with the people in your life, with a significant other and most importantly a healthy relationship with yourself? In today's episode we have a special guest Julie Mullins who will share with us tips and tools to find fulfilment in our lives.

    Julie Mullins is an Intuitive Energetic Healer. This means she helps people:

    Become the creator of your life and redefine what's possible so that you can move forward instead of feeling stuck Discover your soul's purpose so that you can create a career that doesn’t even feel like work Stop struggling, start aligning so that you glow with self-love and confidence Break patterns by heal past trauma like rejection, heartbreak, divorce and grief Tap into your intuition so you can finally start living YOUR life on YOUR terms Establish boundaries to protect your energy and never feel drained by other people Advanced spiritual practices so you can align your Chakra, remove dark energy, and boost your vibrational frequency

    If you would like to learn more about Julie, you can find her on her website ExpandIntoPossibility.com or see her offerings at LinkTree. She is also on Instagram and Tiktok.

    Julie is is someone I coached Out to Launch Academy, which is Cutclass’ signature course, that teaches people the step by step guide to transition out of a 9-5 to start a consultancy, side hustle, or freelance business. You can hear more from her on Ep 060 The Secret to Fast Growth

  • Reinventing yourself. Many of us come to a crossroads in our life where it’s time to reinvent ourselves. Sometimes this crossroad feels more like being backed into a corner, at least that was how it felt for me. In today’s episode I will share my story, a journey through child abuse, suicide, depression, feeling lost, building a multi$$$ business only to loose it all, file for bankruptcy while also getting a divorce and being a single mom.

    Links referenced in this episode can be found here

  • This episode is a gift from our client, friend, and collaborator Chardee McEwan.

    If you loved Episode 60 "The Secret to Fast Growth: Creating Community" but are feeling a little hesitant, confronted, concerned, or some kind of way about being with others then this hypnotic mediation is a great tool for you to rewire your subconscious.

    Many of us struggle with being with others because of things that happened in the past or experiences we have had with others that hurt or disappointed us. These past experiences programmed our subconscious to believe that it isn’t safe to put yourself out there or be with others. Our subconscious beliefs can easily be reprogrammed with hypnosis meditations (this is not the same thing as medical hypnosis). Listen to this track every morning and before bed to start seeing results in creating connection and community.

    You can find Chardee at ChardeeMagicWoman.com or on Instagram and on Out to Launch Episode 47

  • Are you an introvert? Maybe you tend to be a lone wolf? Or perhaps you are a die hard when it comes to being independent. In this episode we will hear from 5 powerful women and their experiences of being part of an aligned community. They share about what it’s like to feel lonely, or when you feel that you are crazy. They give insights on their journey from being someone who hides out to being part of a team. These fabulous women have either already left 9-5 and started businesses or they are in the process of it all. Join me as they boldly share the what they have discovered within being part of a community.

    More info on each of these lovely ladies:

    Julie can be found at expandintopossibility.com or on Instagram

    Justine was a guest on Out to Launch Episode 54

    Marlu can be found at marlusoria.com or on Out to Launch Episode 12

    Michelle can be found on Tiktok (more coming soon from her!)

    Chardee can be found at chardeemagicwomancom or on Instagram and on Out to Launch Episode 47. If you want to hear Chardee’s meditation track on creating community, click here.

  • It’s become quite common to hear people say that they are experiencing anxiety and stress. It’s also easy to have anxiety and stress spill over into all areas of our life so we end up not sleeping well, we can’t focus or concentrate which impacts our performance leading to more anxiety and stress. As the cycle continues our health and wellbeing starts to really suffer. This episode gives practical tips and solutions to get your mental and physical health back on track.

    If you are interested in the mouth tape item discussed in the episode, you can check it out here.

    Connect with Tracey on Instagram, LinkedIn or on her LinkTree.

  • Ever wish that you could verbalize or express yourself more effectively? Or perhaps when you have to do a presentation you feel nervous or experience anxiety? Maybe you even have a desire to do public speaking but it’s only a fleeting thought because the idea of getting on stage and speaking into a microphone is terrifying.

    Regardless if you would like to improve or develop communication skills for professional or personal reasons, in this episode we are joined by a presentation and public speaking expert Dr Shalando R Jones of Audacious Communication Strategies. You can find Shalando at her website, Instagram, Tiktok, and her LinkTree.

    If you would like to take our quiz to find out if your next best step is to stay at your 9-5, create a side hustle or small business, then check out our website.

  • Ever just hit a wall? Like you keep working and working, burning your candle on both ends and one day you realize that you are totally fried? You have worked yourself into exhaustion, you are at your wits end. You’ve lost your ability to be effective, in fact you can’t even think?

    Burnout can happen to anyone and at some point it happens to everyone. I am currently recovering from burnout. I haven’t hit burnout in over 2 years but this time it just snuck up on me. I worked for over a month straight without taking one full day off. As an business owner I am excited and passionate about the work I do. Most of the time it doesn’t even feel like I am working. Yet that doesn’t mean that I don’t need time to regenerate and rest.

    Here is a behind-the-scenes chat between me and my executive coach Scott Forgey in the midst of my burnout …

    If you would like to learn more about Scott and the work he does with individuals and companies, you can find out more at his website be-un.com

    Now is a great time to hit the subscribe button to make sure you do not miss an episode. Also if don’t want to receive email reminders when these episodes with Scott release, visit our website to get added to our mailing list.

    If you are feeling a pull or some kind of nagging feeling within, I invite you to follow that feeling. Just give your self and your life the spaciousness to explore the possibility of something new and different. If you want to have new results in your life, you have to take new actions. It’s time to live the life you want to design. For support, book a 1-1 call with me and we can create a strategy to get you on your path to freedom, flexibility and fulfillment.

  • What if you felt like you had hit rock bottom? In fact you saw no possibility, life had no point? The fears you face have backed you into the darkest moments of your life. You are in a global pandemic, you’re struggling with an eating disorder, and you are put on suicide hold?

    What if these hard times, when it feels like life is completely falling apart was actually the time when somewhere in the background everything is actually coming together for you?

    Today’s episode is the journey of a brave woman who has faced and is facing her deepest fears. It’s a rare opportunity to hear from someone at the beginning of her transformational journey into finding her true power.

    Check out Carra’s variety of business consulting and other services at Encompassing Creative. She also has an amazing travel blog and project called Jumping in Solo. Carra is also on Instagram and LinkedIn.

    If you are inspired by Carra and want to start exploring the possibility of starting your own business, I invite you to book an initial 1-1 strategy call with me so we can get you pointed in the right direction.

  • UGH! Life can be so hard…

    Do you ever wonder why does life have to be so hard? Why does it have to be so complicated? Why does it have to feel like such a struggle? Maybe it seems like no matter what, you just can’t seem to have life work? Or perhaps you wonder why you are the one that always gets “caught holding the bag”… like you have to be the responsible one? Or why are you are the one who has to deal with everything all the time for everyone?!

    In this episode, we get to hear from transformational coach Scott Forgey who is a coach and trainer for large companies like Google and LinkedIn as well as an executive coach for many high performing business owners, creatives, and leaders.

    If you would like to learn more about Scott and the work he does with individuals and companies, you can find out more at his website Un (pronounced ooon).

    Now is a great time to hit the subscribe button to make sure you do not miss an episode. Also if don’t want to receive email reminders when these episodes with Scott release, get added to our mailing list.

    Here are other resources mentioned in this episode:

    9-5 or Be Your Own Boss Quiz

    Cutclass website

    Allergic to Small Talk podcast

    Build a Business Be A Boss Facebook Group

    Leslie Levito on TikTok and Instagram

  • In this episode we’re going to do a “tell your story”. The tell your story episodes are opportunities for listeners to hear about somebody else's journey leaving a nine to five job.

    The “tell your stories” are opportunities for you to hear from other people on how they did it. Or if they're in the process, what is it that they're working through in order to finally leave nine to five? And so today we are joined by Justine Jones.

    Justine is an Alum of Cutclass’ Out to Launch Academy, our signature 10 week course, that teaches people the step by step guide to transition out of a 9-5 to start a consultancy, side hustle, or freelance business.

    Justine is currently a Cloud Engineer with Amazon and she also started freelancing over the last 6 months where she develops curriculums.

    Check out this story to hear about Justine’s journey from 9-5 to full-time freedom and flexibility.

    Reach out to Justine on LinkedIn

    Learn more about Out to Launch Academy here

  • Have you ever felt worried that you aren’t good enough or that your co-workers or friends are finally going to figure out that you are a fake or a fraud? Maybe you feel like you don’t deserve the accomplishments, title, or success you have? If you have ever had any of these or similar thoughts running through your mind then let me reassure you that you are NOT alone. An estimated 70% of all people deal with feeling imposter syndrome either at some point or chronically.

    In this episode, we learn techniques on how to deal with imposter syndrome by transformational coach Scott Forgey who is a coach and trainer for large companies like Google and LinkedIN as well as an executive coach for many high performing business owners, creatives, and leaders.

    If you would like to learn more about Scott and the work he does with individuals and companies, you can find out more at his website https://www.be-un.com/

    Now is a great time to hit the subscribe button to make sure you do not miss an episode. Also if don’t want to receive email reminders when these episodes with Scott release, visit https://www.letscutclass.com/llevito to get added to our mailing list.

  • Imagine your're in corporate and you are told that your position is not “redundant” or in other words there has been a restructure and your position is gone. Now imagine if this happened to you 3 times! You might start looking for more security by starting your own business which is exactly what Tracey Howes did.

    In this Tell Your Story (TYS) episode you will hear how Tracey left her 9-5 to start her journey as a small business owner. Tracey has had a variety of businesses from restaurant consulting to social media agency. Through a series of twist and turns (and some help from the Universe) Tracey now is coaching people and fulfilling her passion by teaching people how to do functional breathing (aka breath correctly for optimal health and wellness)... a path she discovered from her free diving activities.

    If you’d like to connect with Tracey, you can find her:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/traceymayhowes/ LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/traceyhowes/ Tracey’s offerings: https://linktr.ee/traceyhowes

    Ready to explore leaving your 9-5? Schedule an initial call with me here.

  • What if you followed the plan… you went to school, did well, honed your talent and went and got a job. And not just any job but a sweet job with a good working environment, good benefits, and everything that you thought you always wanted… but there was still something that was missing. You checked the boxes, followed the path to success but you STILL are don’t feel fulfilled?

    Join me in today’s episode of Out to Launch which is a "Tell Your Story". We do TYS episodes to share the story and journey of how someone else made the transition from being a full time employee to finding their full time freedom through starting their own business so you can hear about the ups and downs, the bravery and courage, and how someone else did it.

    Meet Lindsey Stefanka, who through our program Out to Launch Academy recently left her job as a copywriter and SEO expert to become a freelancer who specializing in copywriting for social-minded businesses. Check out Lindsey's work at MindMyContent.

    If you are ready to take your next steps to start a business or side hustle, you can book an initial call with use to explore your options here.

  • What if you could have a dream job where you got to work for a company that you loved? AND you were inspired and passionate about the work that you do? This episode shares the journey of one special lady Sophie Needelman who found her dream job with Thought Leader, a company dedicated to helping people land a TEDx Talk. Together we dive into Sophie’s story, her process in actually landing a dream job, the ingredients of great company culture, and what it’s like to have a job where you are an intrapreneur.

    Resources mentioned in this episode: Thought Leader Blog: https://thought-leader.com/blog/get-a-ted-talk/ 9-5 Quiz: https://www.letscutclass.com/9-to-5-or-be-your-own-boss
  • A world that works for 7.7 billion people, where each and every person gets what they need. Could you imagine that? A world that works for each and every person, with no one left behind and no one left out? When you hear that idea of everyone is winning in this game called life do you think "wow… that would be amazing?" Or do you think "that could never happen?" This episode dives into scarcity conversations and how a scarcity mindset leads us to take certain behaviors which, in the short term, help manage scarcity but in the long term, only make matters worse. This episode also explores the framework of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and how to build a life that unlocks your fullest potential. If you're looking to build a solid future and would like to take the 9 to 5 or Be Your Own Boss Quiz, the link is: https://www.letscutclass.com/9-to-5-or-be-your-own-boss

  • To leave your comfort zone is to live your live fully— you are going all out. But HOW do you get out of your comfort zone? Right outsize the comfort zone is the fear zone and sometimes it gets so scary it’s just easier and feels safer to stay in the comfort zone. This episode explores how to go beyond the comfort zone and fear zone out into the learning and growth zone which is where al the magic and fun in life happens because we are growing and developing.

    For additional resources: Episode 44 of Out to Launch shares some ways to shift from being inside your head and in the comfort zone to being a doer who is making things happen. There is also a free PDF that lists different ways to create who you are being which you can find at https://cutclass.mykajabi.com/otl-4-types

    To learn more about our various offerings, visit https://www.letscutclass.com/ or to specifically see what I am up to you can check out https://www.letscutclass.com/llevito.

  • One of the best ways to achieve what you want is if you have a powerful WHY, a strong reason to overcome any hurdle, and reason why you have to make things happen. What if you had a really successful career as a psychotherapist and hypnotherapist but you kept feeling this consistent pull into sharing your more magical gifts like shamanic healing and clearing people’s energy fields? And what if a large reason why you were going to finally leave your 9-5 was because you lived in Australia but the love of your life lived in Canada and having your own business was the way to have it all work out?

    To learn more about Chardee, you can find her at her website https://www.chardeemagicwoman.com/ or Instagram https://www.instagram.com/chardee_magicwoman

    If you are interested in scheduling a chat with Leslie, visit https://www.letcutclass.com/llevito

  • Does you ever feel like you aren’t good with numbers? Or even if you knew your business numbers, you wouldn’t know what to do with them? Business boils down to money. Money boils down to numbers— and that brings up a fear or dread of math. While there a those who love math and spreadsheets, research show that 93% of Americans suffer from some level of math anxiety.

    In this episode, we will look at why math has gotten such a bad rap and how to shift your experience of math so that you can use business math and data to see insights and opportunities, make better business decisions, and feel confident about your business numbers.

    To get on our waitlist for resources around money, finance, and accounting check out https://cutclass.mykajabi.com/otl-KYN-waitlist