
  • For more from and to connect with Luiza, find her here https://www.instagram.com/samarova_/GIVE IT ALL brought to you by Daniel Lawson athttps://www.parallaxxtransformations.com/

  • Josh is the resident story teller at GIVE IT ALL - dropping life lessons packaged within incredible stories every week.Josh is the founder of Virtual Solar Club providing epic financial and lifestyle creation opportunities to many around the world.Check out:https://www.virtualsolar.club/https://www.instagram.com/virtualsolarclub/GIVE IT ALL brought to you by Daniel Lawson athttps://www.parallaxxtransformations.com/

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  • Expand with Parallax Perspectives as we dive deep into the world of habits, routines, and the magic of gratitude with the inspiring Alicia, also known as Dr. Gratitude.

    Discover the secrets behind her renowned Gratitude Method and how it’s helped countless people find happiness and fulfillment.

    🔥 Highlights You Can't Miss:

    Ever wondered how to make lasting changes in your life? Alicia shares a turning point that reshaped her journey and success. Is it better to kill off bad habits or install new ones? Alicia’s unique take might surprise you. Facing the harsh realities of life: How one pivotal realization about her future changed everything for Alicia. The underestimated power of self-worth and self-respect in habit formation and personal growth. Relapsing into old habits: Alicia’s raw and honest account of her struggles and how she bounced back. Why gratitude is more than just a buzzword – learn how it can fuel your ambition without falling into the trap of scarcity.

    Challenge your perspectives and elevate a life filled with gratitude and purpose.

    This episode is packed with actionable insights and real talk that will leave you eager to start making changes today.

  • Morning Mastery: It's about optimising you from a high achieving machine, to a peak performing human!

    Given that you're here turning into the Parallaxx Perspectives Podcast and the conversations that we have, my assumption is that:

    - You already know that you have more potential within you; to crush more sales, more success in business or in relationships, to be serve at an even higher level, or simply to be more in tuned with yourself and your inner genius.

    - You are curious and possibly even committed to make these next level refinements within yourself.

    - How you'd love to become even more proficient with how to this with volition.

    If this is you, then you will love this episode and not one to be missed. I share the code in how to tap into your next level of personal performance for holistic success in life.

    To take this conversation even further, check out https://www.parallaxxtransformations.com/morning-mastery-club

  • This episode is a little different - the intention for the following interview was as avatar research for marketing and copywriting purposes. But then, it was too good not to share.

    With a name like Mike Inspire, could we really expect anything less?

    Mike Inspire shares his journey of masculine love and leadership, intertwining personal anecdotes with universal lessons on growth, responsibility, and legacy.

    From challenging hikes with his son to profound reflections on mentorship and community building, Mike's narrative is a testament to the transformative power of paternal influence and the essence of leadership as service.

    He discusses the pivotal role of personal empowerment, the intrinsic value of legacy, and how self-reflection and genuine connections forge a path to nurturing and inspiring others.

    This episode not only highlights Mike's experiences but also offers valuable insights into leading with heart, strength, and purpose.

  • Consistency is one of the major criteria in achieving scalable and sustainable success, yet it is still hugely under estimated and developed - why?

    In this episode we explore the overlooked benefits of what consistency really gives us and connect with the deeper importance of developing yet.

    We also identify where many people are challenged with developing consistency that gives us awareness on where to bring responsibility for the change required.

    And of course, the actionable steps in what to do differently to ensure that you are developing consistency in a way that will shape your intentional future with volition.

    Tune in for another conversation that we need to be discussing more widely for success together!

    This episode was inspired by our Morning Mastery Club: Forging Your Peak Performance. Check it out here https://www.parallaxxtransformations.com/morning-mastery-club

  • Hands down, Matt Lavars was an epic catalyst of inspiration and change in my life that so much of my current success today has been built on.

    I ask him about a challenge I have seen a lot with my clients, and including myself - How do we experience both gratitude for the moment while igniting ambition for more at the same time?

    It is with great pleasure, I get to share this conversation we had together in this episode of the Parallaxx Perspective Podcast.

    See you in there!




  • This episode is for the hustlers who know there's more to success than just the grind.

    We're cutting through the noise to what really matters: redefining success, mastering uncertainty, and why structure is your secret weapon.

    Forget autopilot decisions; we're making moves with purpose. Tough calls? We're not following the crowd; we're setting our own course, based on our guts and goals.

    Moved to Bali during a lockdown? That was strategy, not luck.

    This one's for the achievers ready to level up by their own rules. If you're not pushing limits, you're just standing still.

    Tune in for a straight shot of reality about winning on your terms. 💥

    Subscribe here for the additional session resources:


  • Magda Kay, a celebrated intimacy expert, Tantric teacher, and author. Her mission is to enrich lives globally through increased love, pleasure, and intimacy. As the founder of the School of Intimacy and author of "No More Faking It," she has garnered significant acclaim for her work.

    Our conversation traverses various aspects of human connection, exploring the emotional and intimate facets of life. Magda's insights, based on her unique experiences and transformative journey from a corporate career to an intimacy guide, illuminate the paths to deeper self-awareness and connection.

    She emphasises the importance of internal dialogue and self-inquiry, urging listeners to embrace their true selves and foster meaningful relationships.

    Throughout the episode, themes of self-acceptance, vulnerability, and the courage to confront one's fears and desires are explored. Magda advocates for recognising and honouring personal needs, particularly in women, and the cultivation of masculine energy in men.

    For more from Magda, follow her work below:





  • Have you ever notice how we have a human tendency to focus on negative aspects or what one doesn't want, rather than positive aspirations?

    In the context of coaching, clients often struggle to articulate their desires and instead focus on what they wish to avoid. I wonder that this tendency might be an evolutionary trait, originally designed to keep humans safe from physical dangers, but now often misdirected in modern life where such immediate threats are less common.

    The discussion explores the importance of defining what one truly wants in life, beyond mere escapism or material gains. But this approach is often hindered by fears of failure and self-judgment.

    We also touch on the pitfalls of relentless pursuit of material success without emotional fulfillment, suggesting that such a path often leads to dissatisfaction and a continuous sense of lack.

    Stay tuned to until the end for a series of reflective questions to help you identify these deeper desires, focusing on what you want to do, feel, and with whom they want to share these experiences.

  • Joined by Earl Kapule, a renowned figure in the solar sales industry turned expert gratitude coach who shares the distinguished transformative power in which gratitude brings.

    Earl shares his journey from door-to-door sales to becoming a keynote speaker and coach, emphasizing how gratitude played a pivotal role in his success.

    We explore why gratitude, despite being a widely discussed topic, is often overlooked or misunderstood. Earl breaks down practical steps to integrate gratitude into daily routines, ensuring immediate and lasting benefits.

    We delves into the science behind gratitude, revealing how it can rewire our brains for positivity and resilience.

    This episode is a wealth of insights for everyone seeking to harness the power of appreciation for personal transformation.

    Explore Earl's work further through links to his social media and free training resources below.




  • Diving into the art of navigating life's unpredictable rollercoaster, we explore the power of self-acknowledgment as a tool for personal growth and resilience.

    Life, with its myriad of ups and downs, challenges us in numerous ways. Whether it's the trials we face in relationships, business, or everyday experiences, the ability to ride these waves with a sense of control and purpose can transform our journey. This episode is dedicated to helping you refine your focus to steer through these challenges effectively.

    We'll share insights into how to train your brain to focus on what is serves and empowers. This approach builds a strong foundation for resilience and adaptability, empowering you to take on life's highs and lows with greater ease and confidence.

    Throughout the episode, you'll learn practical strategies to incorporate into your daily routine. Whether you're an entrepreneur facing the rollercoaster of business, someone striving for personal growth, or just looking for ways to enhance your life experience, these insights will equip you with a "weapon" to defend against life's unpredictabilities.

  • Parallaxx Perspective conversions delve into those that challenge norms and expand choice. In this episode, we take a transformative journey into the world of emotional intimacy and relationships with the renowned Jayden Leigh.

    Jayden, is an expert in discovering, recovering, and cultivating emotional connections, particularly in the context of relationships. His unique journey from aspiring to coach men to finding his true calling in coaching women is both intriguing and enlightening.

    We discuss the often-overlooked aspect of emotional depth, challenging the mainstream fixation on mindset. Jayden eloquently demystifies how mindset, while significant, is just a piece of the puzzle, and how much of our personal challenges are deeply rooted in unaddressed emotional landscapes.

    The conversation also ventures into the realm of spiritual bypassing - a critical and often misunderstood concept in personal development. Jayden's ability to articulate these complex topics in relatable terms is not only refreshing but also eye-opening, providing listeners with a new lens to view their emotional journeys.

    This episode is a wealth of insights, including practical advice for starting the journey towards emotional healing and the profound impact of emotional work on achieving holistic success in life.

    For more of his work, follow him here: https://jaydenleigh.com/ https://www.facebook.com/itsjaydenleigh https://www.instagram.com/jaydenleighofficial/

  • In this episode we explore the profound and often unspoken topic of emotional intimacy. I share insights gathered from half a decade of professional coaching, emphasising the need for more open conversations about our internal experiences.

    This episode focuses on a four-step framework towards emotional intimacy, a concept I find crucial for personal development. The conversation delves into understanding and accepting our emotional states, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and embracing even those emotions society often deems negative.

    I share my personal journey, from emotional numbness to realising the richness that comes with experiencing a full spectrum of emotions. This realisation, inspired by a mentor's insights, transformed my approach to life and relationships. I encourage listeners to understand that true joy and happiness are not external pursuits but are found within by accepting and embracing our emotions.

    We discuss how societal norms often lead to emotional suppression and how this impacts our ability to experience joy and connect with others. I offer strategies to reconnect with our emotions, including practical steps to acknowledge and embrace our feelings without judgment.

    This enlightening episode is not just about exploring emotions but about integrating this understanding into our daily lives. It's an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery and emotional freedom.

  • I had the pleasure of diving deep into the world of goal setting with Doug Bennett, a veteran financial advisor and the esteemed 'Goals Guy.' Our conversation was a treasure trove of insights, drawing from Doug's 35 years of experience in helping people design their lives and achieve their financial dreams.

    Doug kicked off by sharing his personal journey with goal setting, highlighting the transformational moments that shaped his approach. He stressed the significance of daily goal writing, a practice that helps in identifying and focusing on our most impactful objectives. What resonated with me was his emphasis on not referring back to previous days' goals, allowing our true priorities to emerge organically over time.

    We also tackled the common challenges in goal setting, like aiming too high too soon or spreading ourselves too thin across multiple goals. Doug's advice? Find that sweet spot where your goals are challenging enough to keep you engaged but achievable enough to keep you motivated.

    One of the key takeaways for me was the concept of habit stacking in goal setting. Integrating goal-writing into our daily routines can profoundly impact our consistency and success in achieving our goals. Doug's anecdotes and my reflections combined to paint a comprehensive picture of effective goal setting.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to refine their goal-setting skills or seeking inspiration to start their goal-setting journey. Join us as we unravel the art of setting and achieving goals with the expert guidance of Doug Bennett.

  • We dive into the nuanced world of goal setting, a topic that's often misunderstood and yet critically important for personal growth. I've observed how people either shy away from setting goals due to past failures or set them from a place of disempowerment. This episode aims to shift that perspective.

    We discuss the significance of not just achieving goals, but focusing on the transformation that occurs in the process. It's about who you become while chasing these goals, rather than just ticking off a checklist. I guide you through identifying areas in your life where change is most needed and encouraging you to acknowledge even the smallest successes.

    This episode is less about setting goals but more the approach to them to prepare you to push you out of your comfort zone and towards substantial growth. To assist in this journey, I've included resources like a downloadable workbook and suggest the Parallax Transformations in Progress Journal here, designed to offer structured guidance and deepen your understanding of effective goal succeeding.


  • Join us on the Parallax Perspectives with our special guest, Renee Sarah Lim. Coming in from Argentina, Renee shares her compelling journey, beginning with her Asian upbringing and evolving into a quest for true success and self-discovery.

    Renee discusses the cultural influences that shaped her early views on success and hard work, reflecting on the educational shifts that redirected her path. Her story is a testament to the power of redefining success to align with personal passions and calls to action.

    A key focus of the conversation is the significance of emotional intelligence in achieving holistic success. Renee offers valuable insights into how our subconscious patterns and emotions influence our professional and personal growth. She elaborates on the crucial balance between mental intent and emotional well-being, emphasizing the need for alignment for true fulfillment.

    The episode also explores the nuances between high achieving and high performing, underscoring the importance of aligning actions with intrinsic values. Renee's experience highlights the transformative impact of understanding our inner drives and desires.

    This discussion is not just informative but an invitation to reevaluate your perceptions of success and emotional health. Renee's journey serves as an inspiration for those seeking a deeper connection with their true selves and a more authentic path to success.

    Tune in for a refreshing perspective on success, emotional intelligence, and the journey to personal transformation with Renee Sarah Lynn on 'Parallax Perspectives.' Discover more about Renee's work and her unique approach to success in the show notes links.




  • In this episode of 'Parallaxx Perspectives' explore views that challenges conventional perceptions of success. In this thought-provoking session, I delve into how societal norms and capitalism have skewed our definition of success, advocating for a more personal and meaningful understanding.

    I explore the paramount importance of realising our individual potentials, emphasising the significant global impact when we fail to utilise our unique gifts. The episode takes a critical look at the entrepreneurial obsession with wealth, suggesting a pivotal shift towards valuing emotional and mental well-being above material gains.

    Sharing from my personal journey, I discuss the challenges of emotional intimacy in the realm of business and the crucial role of supportive networks. Reflecting on my own transition from the corporate world to pursuing my passions, I highlight the power of intensive focus on personal development and the essence of cultivating deep, meaningful relationships.

    The episode concludes with the introduction of an activity resource, '360 Degree Dominance,' designed to help listeners assess and pursue holistic improvements in various aspects of their lives.

    Tune in for an episode that promises not just a conversation, but a transformative journey towards redefining what truly matters in life.

    Register for full access to all unlimited complimentary resources here.

  • In the latest episode of 'Parallax Perspectives,' "Relentless Success: The Warrior Within," we welcome guest Andy Anderson. Anderson, founder of Change Labz and Relentless Education, shares his journey, illustrating how personal challenges ignited his relentless drive, pushing beyond mediocrity.

    The conversation explores the transformative role of discipline and the versatile application of relentless energy in different life areas, including fitness, personal growth, and relationships.

    A focal point is managing high-energy drive alongside softer aspects like compassion and empathy, especially in personal interactions.

    Anderson provides actionable insights on overcoming fear and inertia, stressing self-awareness and logical thinking as key to breaking barriers to success.

    The episode wraps up with Anderson motivating listeners to identify and wholeheartedly pursue their highest values for transformational growth, embodying the essence of 'Parallax Perspectives' – challenging norms and redefining success.

    Hear more from Andy:





  • Join me in 'Parallaxx Perspectives' for a revealing episode that redefines success beyond traditional boundaries. In this provoking session, I challenge the standard views on success shaped by societal norms and capitalism, advocating for a definition rooted in personal fulfillment.

    I offer the critical importance of realising individual potential, emphasising the global repercussions when we fail to harness our unique talents. This episode critically examines the entrepreneurial fixation on wealth, proposing a shift towards investing wholeheartedly in what truly matters - emotional and mental well-being.

    Sharing personal experiences, I discuss elements of my journey through emotional intimacy challenges in the business world, illustrating the vital role of strong support networks. Reflecting on I my transition from corporate life to following my passions, I underscore the transformative power of focusing intensely on personal growth and building meaningful relationships.

    We wrap up with an activity resource called Wartime Leadership for facing reality. It's a tool for listeners to deeply assess and passionately pursue improvements in various life aspects.

    Tune in to this episode for profound insights and an invigorating perspective on committing fully to what's most important in life.

    Register for full access to all unlimited complimentary resources here.