
  • Is the world really run by dark occultists and if it were where would we look for evidence of it? In episode we are joined by Wayne McRoy to explore the use of black magic to shape the mass mind by looking at past world shaking events such as 9/11 and more recently Covid. Wayne shares with us his 20 plus years of knowledge on the subject and explains how these black magic spells are crafted and to what purpose. Along the way he also gives a number of the tell tale signs that what we’re being told (and watching through the screen) might in fact be a black magic spell. Then in part two Wayne gives us his take on the recent Trump assassination attempt and explains why all roads lead to Transhumanism and the Antichrist.

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation

    Guest Links:

    The Alchemical Beacon Substack – https://thealchemicalbeacon.substack.com/The Alchemical Tech Revolution Website – https://alchemicaltechrevolution.com/
  • We are joined in episode 79 by the host of Locked & Loaded on TNT Radio Live and returning guest, Rick Munn. Rick is an evangelic Christian with a background in finance who now spends his days interviewing a range of smart dissident voices live on air to try and bring his audience both hope and wisdom so that they might better manage what comes next. Rick has discussed his personal take with us in prior episodes in terms of where he thinks we are heading moreover, so in our latest chat we get an updated take from Rick. Where are we going, and how might we best ready ourselves for it. As such we focus a lot in this one on taking action and recognizing that change is something we must enact for ourselves, rather then trusting it to the politicians and ‘gurus’ promising us they know how to fix things.So in part one Rick shares with us some of his own experiences of taking direct action to solve a problem such as homeschooling his daughter when the schools began to treat kids more like prisoners than students. We also get Rick’s take on the upcoming elections and in part we talk about finance and how best to not get ripped off by the many scamsters out there looking to take your money, just when you might need it most.

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation

    Guest Links:

    Twitter: https://x.com/noreward_noriskTNT Radio Show: https://tntradio.live/shows/locked-and-loaded-with-rick-munYoutube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RickMunn1
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  • Between 2021 and 2022 cryptocurrencies experienced one of the greatest bull runs come bubbles in recent financial history. Thousands of coins hit the market. From coins with meme pet dogs as the logo to those which claimed to offer privacy and sovereignty to the buyer, offering them a ‘once in a lifetime opportunity’ to escape the system and build inter-generational wealth all at the same time. As in past financial bubbles some coins shot up in price only this time, given the lack of regulation in the market, many soared tens of thousands of percent in a matter of weeks or even days on more than one occasion.

    Like all too good to be true stories, the bubble soon burst and with it a whole industry was soon brought under scrutiny. Many of the thousands of coins marketed just a few months back as must have tokens collapsed in value…many losing 99% of there supposed value. Fraud after fraud was uncovered from within the industry as retail investors quickly realized they’d been had. The coins were worthless. The technology sketchy. The exchanges corrupt. And some, such as the mega exchange FTX now being exposed as giant black holes of financial (and political) fraud. In this instance resulting in a cool $10 Billion dollars of customer funds being siphoned off into the private bank accounts of the CEO and now prisoner (serving a 25 year sentence) Sam Bankman Fried.But make no mistake, this was just one of many scandals that have emerged from within the crypto space and in episode 79 we are joined by a crypto insider who actually took part in a the development and launch of one of the many worthless tokens during the 2021-2022 period. As part of his own path to redemption for his own role in what he feels, is a space built on corruption, deception and fraud. h now wishes to warn the world about what really goes on inside the crypto industry. An industry he feels, is beyond repair. As part of the conversation we discuss his past, what he learnt, how customers and investors can protect themselves, privacy coins like Monero, the future of Bitcoin, the FTX scandal and finally whether or not any of these assets are ‘safe’ to invest in based on his insider knowledge of the industry.

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation

    Guest Links:

    Twitter: https://x.com/JDonoghueAuthor
  • Welcome to the second episode of the Cognitive Dissidents Podcast where Mike will be joining Monica Perez (Monica Perez Show) and Hrvoje Moric (Geopolitics & Empire) to discuss the months most important topics. Be that real world events or clown world theater. In episode 2 we discuss the ever quickening march towards totalitarianism in Western nations and the AI climate scam. For members of the Parallel Mike Podcast you will also be able to join in exclusive members only listener Q&A sessions in the future, but the podcast itself is free and will be uploaded to the PMP feed once each month.Parallel Mike Podcast https://parallelmike.comMonica Perez Show https://monicaperezshow.comGeopolitics & Empire https://geopoliticsandempire.com/

  • Financial booms and busts are as old as time and in the modern era we have seen many. From the South Sea Bubble to the Dot Com Crash. But are these stock market manias really all about money or is something more insidious actually taking place? In episode 77 we uncover how financial manias have been engineered time and time again in order to help build out the global surveillance infrastructure that will make up the technocracy. Having revealed the hallmarks of the method in part one by exploring the Dot Com Crash of the year 2000, we then consider how the same process is being enacted as we speak, with cryptocurrencies, in order to put in place the final bubble that will force us to make a great leap forward towards centrally controlled digital currencies, tokenized assets and 15 minute cities.

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation
  • In episode 76 we are joined by consultant, professor and AI expert Jobst Landgrebe to discuss the AI deception. By which I mean the narrative that is being heavily pushed by mainstream figures in silicon valley and the transhumanist’s that AI is one day going to become conscious and rule over humanity. Jobst explains why this is not only incorrect, but a blatant lie and misrepresentation of what AI actually is. As such Jobst explains very clearly what AI is and how it functions in a very literal sense, showing us all that there is nothing to fear from AI itself…only the people who program it to do nefarious things.

    We also discuss the underlying occultism that is inherent within the mainstream narrative around AI and transhumanism as well as the links it has to satanism and the ‘do what thou wilt’ ideology. Of course, as an expert and proponent of AI himself Jobst also tells us how AI could in fact be used for the betterment of mankind. But first and foremost people must understand just what exactly it is and where its limitations lie. Hopefully this episode will ensure you are all completely aware of that, so that you can then make your own informed decision on whether or not to embrace or shun AI technologies.

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation

    Guest Links

    Website - https://x.com/JobstLandgrebe
  • We are joined by returning guest Mads Palsvig for a no holds barred listener Q&A session in which Mads shares his opinions on a range of topics, from precious metals to the Babylonian Talmud. We also learn more about Mads vision of a future in terms of solutions. From a set 1% tax rate for digital transactions to finding justice then forgiveness for those who exploited the old system.

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation

    Guest Links

    Website - https://x.com/PalsvigPolitical Party - https://www.velstandpartiet.dk
  • Welcome to the first ever episode of the Cognitive Dissidents Podcast where Mike will be joining Monica Perez (Monica Perez Show) and Hrvoje Moric (Geopolitics & Empire) to discuss whatever craziness is happening. Be that real world events or clown world theater. For members of the Parallel Mike Podcast you will also be able to join in exclusive members only listener Q&A sessions in the future, but the podcast itself is free and will be uploaded to the PMP feed once each month.~Parallel Mike Podcast https://parallelmike.comMonica Perez Show https://monicaperezshow.comGeopolitics & Empire https://geopoliticsandempire.com/

  • What is so dangerous about the loving father archetype that they have chosen to erase it almost entirely from popular culture? In episode 74 we are joined by returning guest PJ Buys to talk about fatherhood, by looking at it's many expressions both good and bad. From the despot ruler as seen through characters like Kronos and embodied today in men like Justin Trudeau; to the self sacrificing fully embodied man as seen through JR Tolkien's Aragorn in Lord of The Rings, or Christ in the New Testament. Along the way Mike and PJ discuss there own experiences of fatherhood and PJ tells us about his own hopes and fears as he moves into the role of father himself, for the first time.

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation

    Guest Links

    Book - Gradually, Gradually, Suddenly: The Coming Financial Collapse and The Hope of Jesus Christ
  • In episode 73 we are joined by Phillip Jimenez to discuss the banking oligarchs of Renaissance Italy often referred to as the Black Nobility. Our guest explains how these powerful families, some with lineages going back over 2000 years continue wield tremendous power. More power in fact than many of the more commonly cited names such as the Warburg’s or Rothschilds.

    This in Phillips opinion is part of the illusion. The reality is these 15th and 16th century oligarchies are ruling from the shadows, controlling finance, commerce and geopolitics moreover. As part of our series Saturn’s Bankers we recently discussed the Venetians, and in this episode we extend on that conversation to add further color to the narrative.

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation

    Guest Links

    Website - https://www.youtube.com/@RetroResearch
  • As an Olympian who performed at the highest levels of sport possible, not to mention being a pharmacist who worked day in day out with medicines, Charlie Spedding thought he knew what health was about. Which is why he couldn’t understand why the patients he was seeing in his pharmacy who came to him for medicines never seemed to get better. This was great for business, but a tragedy for the individuals involved who in some cases lost their lives to illnesses like diabetes or heart disease.

    Concerned, Charlie delved into the research around diet and cardiovascular health, after which he made a startling discover. Which is that much of what he had been told about both was not just incorrect, it was in some cases designed to purposely misinform people and send them in the wrong direction! That is, towards ill health rather then good health. Oftentimes because of inner corruption given the vast profits franken-food makes the fast food industry, and even more-so the pharmaceutical industry who wind up with a never ending stream of customers who could be convinced into taking their drugs.

    It was this discovery that led to Charlie uncovering the truth behind the lies and becoming a major advocate for real food. In his book ‘Stop Feeding Us Lies’ Charlie dispelled many falsehoods and myths around what constitutes a health diet. As well as information as to how one might go about controlling preexisting problems such as weight, diabetes and high cholesterol. So Charlie joins us in episode 72 to discuss all of the above, and share with us his most important messages on diet and health with the audience. This is one is full of practical information on diet, exercise, fasting and health in general.

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation

    Guest Links

    Website - www.stopfeedinguslies.com
  • We are back for the second installment of our series Saturn's Bankers, in which we are uncovering the hidden history of occult banking and issuance of debt as 'money'. In part 2 we are heading to the swampy lagoons of Venice to discuss the mysterious faction of families who created an almost impenetrable outpost within the failing Roman Empire. From here they essentially turned themselves into a fifth column, not just for the Byzantine Empire, but for every nation in Europe by creating a vast intelligence network. One that in a very literal sense would go on to inform the tactics used by modern day intelligence services.

    But that is not the only thing that was born out of Venice. For Venice and Italy moreover is actually the birthplace of both central banking and the horrific idea of a permanent oligarchy. That is, the decision by a small group of families to band together and create a system of commerce, finance and intelligence that served them and them alone. No common good. No greater project for the human species, and certainly no eye towards the heavens. No, this was the pursuit of wealth and power in its most raw and despicable form.

    As such, no lengths were so far to go to and no treachery so great that it would not be enacted where it to bring rewards to this secretive cabal known today by some as the Venetian Nobility. Which is why in understanding Venice, we can also go some way towards understanding the system that we have today, and who might really sit atop of it.

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation
  • Lights, cameras, action! Welcome to the grand theater where nothing is as it seems. From magic bullets that tickle your ear to a one in a billion photograph of a speeding bullet which proved you really did see, what you think you saw. But wait, there’s more! Did you hear the one about the guy who was once good friends with Jefferey Epstein who later went on to become US president on a mandate of draining the swamp, following which he helped stage the greatest scam in American history…with his infamous ‘operation warpspeed’. Well guess what, he's back and this time he really is on your side!

    In episode 70 I sit down for an unplanned conversation with Monica Perez to find out why it might be a bad idea to accept the easy, pre packaged narrative being offered and instead reassess just what it is we actually saw that day. In it we analyze some of the key pieces of ‘evidence’ and ask what right now appears to be the seemingly forbidden question ‘what if this was all just one big theater?’.

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultationGroup Coaching For Investors Begins June 2024 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psMHPQhuwc

    Guest Links

    Website & Podcast: https://monicaperezshow.com/Twitter: https://x.com/MonicaPerezShow
  • We welcome back to the show author and journalist Paul Cudenec to discuss the narrative around BRICS so that we can better understand what is fact and what is surely fiction. In his own work Paul has produced a series of three articles exploring the BRICS narrative and tracing back the links they have to banking cartels like the Rothschildes.

    With so much evidence to suggest that in the very least, nations like Brazil and Russia have had extensive past dealings with such entities is it really possible that they now offer something other than another face of the global uniparty? In episode 69 Mike and Paul put there heads together to discuss what they have found out and further the discussion on what BRICS really represents.

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation

    Guest Links

    PAUL'S ARTICLES ON BRICS: 1- https://winteroak.org.uk/2023/07/17/brics-in-the-wall-of-global-greed/2- https://winteroak.org.uk/2023/09/06/the-acorn-86/3- https://winteroak.org.uk/2023/11/01/the-acorn-88/RADICAL ORGANICS: https://orgrad.wordpress.com/TWITTER: @WinterOakPress
  • In episode 68 we invite back onto the podcast host of Geopolitics and Empire Hrvoje Moric, to discuss global conflict and the continued revealing of what appears to be an occultocracy. That is, an elite faction that is bound together not by political ideology or even wealth, but instead by their adherence to a Satanic belief structure.

    As part of our conversation we discuss BRICS and get Hrvoje's take on whether or not there is an authentic conflict taking place behind the scenes between different elite factions or if in fact most of what we are seeing is one grand deception. In which all sides bat for the same team. Mike and Hrvoje also get into the spiritual war that is taking place right now. Discussing everything from demonic visitations and the Nephilim, to the weaponization of drugs and the coming false messiah.

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation

    Guest Links

    Website: https://geopoliticsandempire.com/
  • In episode number 67 we speak with Celeste Solum. Celeste is the daughter of a Naval Intelligence Operative who went on to work for FEMA, before becoming a whistleblower and researcher who devotes her time to studying hidden tech, man made pathogens and the history of cataclysms.

    Interestingly some of the things Celeste believes are occurring line up with past guests and episodes, albeit with her own unique spin. This is why I thought it would be great to chat to Celeste now, and in this episode we get into her past at FEMA, the weaponization of Nano technology and in part two we even discuss pole reversals and cataclysms.

    So lots in this one, and certainly one to get listeners thinking about the many bizarre agendas that seem to now be coalescing before our very eyes. To find out more about Celeste and her content check out the links below!

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation

    Guest Links

    Website one: https://celestialreport.com/Website two: https://shepherdsheart.life/pages/celeste-bio
  • In what we are dubbing 'The Lost Episode' on account of it mysteriously disappearing and then reappearing months after recording Mike is joined by podcaster Monica Perez to discuss controlled opposition. Consider this a workshop and conversation about the intricacies of spotting the red flags that indicate somebody purporting to be working on the side of good, is actually seeking to mislead and deceive the masses.

    As part of the discussion and making sense of the many characters being pitched as white hat saviors Mike and Monica discuss Trump, the 2024 election, Edward Snowdon and Julian Assange, Elon Musk and Bitcoin. Hopefully this is one that will give listeners the chance to reflect on the nature of truth and improve their own ability to understand how controlled opposition works, and how they might recognize it better, when confronted by it.

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultationGroup Coaching For Investors Begins June 2024 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psMHPQhuwc

    Guest Links

    Website & Podcast: https://monicaperezshow.com/Twitter: https://x.com/MonicaPerezShow
  • Following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917 Tsar Nicholas II and his family were captured, tortured and then brutally killed. Whilst at the time they may not have known it, understood in its greater context, they were caught in a feud stemming from almost 2000 years hence. Indeed, it origins go all the way to the great Emperor Constantine and his eventual conversion to Christianity.

    In this story we explore how two diametrically opposed factions with competing financial practices and spiritual beliefs, would begin battle for supremacy in the ashes of the Western Roman empire. One group decided to build it’s structures on a genuine desire to bring about human salvation, in service of the biblical Christ. And wealth in this context was understood as a tool for spiritual progression. The opposing faction would consist of an elitist sect who refused Christianity and chose instead, to worship the darkest elements of the pantheon of old. Possessed as it were, by evil–epistemological warfare, human traficking and slavery–became not only permissible, but a way of life. In episode one we chart this battle through Europe and explore some seminal events in relation to Russia, that occurred along the way.

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultation
  • Previous Episode With Bibhu: #54- Yuga Shift & The Coming Cataclysms - https://parallelmike.com/episode-54/

    We are joined once more by Bibhu Dev Misra accomplished researcher of ancient civilizations and author of Yuga Shift to continue where we left off in episode 54 discussing the world shaking transformation Bibhu believes is now before us. If correct, this will be the culmination of a 25,000 year cycle which results in a series of destructive cataclysms. Whilst this may sound fantastical and more science fiction than science fact, Bibhu evdiences in his book why the Yuga Cycle is not only legtimate, but that all ancient civilizations knew about it and did their utmost to pass on this vital knowledge.

    Where the speculation lies for many is when the cycle actually culminates and importantly, when the cataclysms spoke of in relgious texts the world over will reoccur. Based on his own research Bibhu believes this period of great turmult begins in 2025. As such Bibhu joins use once more to answer some of the questions that arose from his first interview on the PMP so that listeners may better prepare themselves for the difficult times ahead.

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultationGroup Coaching For Investors Begins June 2024 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psMHPQhuwc

    Guest Links

    Website: https://www.bibhudevmisra.com/Buy Bibhu's Book: Yuga Shift by Bibhu Dev Misra
  • For a time Mads Palsvig was one of the most successful bond traders in the world. Working for the investment bank Morgan Stanley Mads excelled at turning money into more money, but after the 2008 Great Financial Crisis he became increasingly concerned that the banking system he represented might not actually be working in the best interests of the public. He began to ask some tough questions, like ‘why do the central banks always seem to make the wrong decisions?’.

    This didn’t go down to well with the banking insiders he worked with, eventually resulting in Mads being fired from his role and becoming a pariah in the investment banking industry. Unrelenting, Mads continued going down the rabbit hole, becoming an outspoken critic of the ponzi banking system and the generational families who enact it.

    Enjoy The Show?

    Part 2 for Members - www.parallelmike.comMike’s Investing Community and Financial Newsletter – www.patreon.com/parallelsystemsConsult with Mike 1-2-1 - www.parallelmike.com/consultationGroup Coaching For Investors Begins June 2024 – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psMHPQhuwc

    Guest Links

    Mads Twitter Page: https://x.com/PalsvigMads Political Party Website: velstandspartiet.dk