
  • Dr Rebecca Ray is a clinical psychologist, author and speaker. Over the course of almost two decades of practice, Beck has helped hundreds of big-picture-thinking people, through courses and consultations, live a life that's fulfilling, unapologetic and free. Her science-backed approach delivers both hard and heart truths with an ethos of self-kindness first, always. Beck's unique expertise has seen her engage with thousands of people and sets her apart as one of Australia's most in-demand and authoritative voices in the personal development space. Beck is the author of Be Happy, The Universe Listens to Brave, The Art of Self-Kindness, Breakthrough, Setting Boundaries, Believe, Small Habits for a Big Life and Good, Great, Perfect. She lives in the soul-fed hills of the Sunshine Coast with the great loves of her life: her wife, Nyssa, son, Bennett, two rescue Irish Setters and one gangly Weimaraner.

    For more, go to - https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Book Out Now - https://www.panmacmillan.com.au/9781761265815/

  • 254 days, 12,700 kilometres, sea sickness, sharks, crocodiles and ocean. Bonnie Hancock broke numerous records on her fastest ever circumnavigation by paddle around Australia but that wasn't the achievement she is most proud of. Testing the limits of her mental and physical toughness, she learned what it means to overcome adversity and how important teamwork and perspective truly are. What looks distressing from the rocky shore or storm-tossed waves can be inspiring when you look to the heavens.

    The Girl Who Touched the Stars is a love story, a travelogue and an exhilarating exploration of human ambition coming face to face with the beauty and power of nature. But most of all it's a lesson in overcoming self-doubt, trusting others and finding your true self. Bonnie demonstrates vividly and honestly the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of reaching for the stars.

    For more, go to - https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Order now The Paramedic Mindset - https://www.panmacmillan.com.au/9781761265815/

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  • As a former special operations commander, Mark is used to operating in dynamic, high stress situations where personal and team performance means the difference between life and death.

    The same challenges are found in competition: the need to lead yourself and teams well, to stay mission-focussed, and to transform quickly when needed. In his motivating and engaging keynotes, Mark shares his experiences in leading combat units, and transforming world-class businesses to provide insights on high performance pillars.

    Mark’s mastery of the fundamentals of resilience, transformation and execution can help your team triumph in any competition.

    Mark is a former McKinsey & Company consultant and has an MBA from the Wharton School of Business.

    For more, go to - https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Pre-Order the Book - The Paramedic Mindset

  • Mark has worked in a wide range of not-for-profits and government organisations where I have utilised these skills for the good of the community. He has extensive experience in high-risk and volatile situations in the emergency services as a Constable of Police and a Firefighter for 11 years, and as a Chaplain with the Aeromedical unit of NSW Ambulance for 10 years.

    These government first responder agencies have allowed him to use a broad range of skills to assess evidence and data sources to produce innovative solutions to complex problems. He has 30 years of experience in working alongside people helping them to adapt to change, build character and grow through turmoil and trauma.

    For more, go to - https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Pre-Order the Book - The Paramedic Mindset

  • Human Durability is about going beyond resilience to sustaining optimal performance with less stress.

    Derrick was shot 14 times with a high-powered rifle and lying on the ground for 3 hours before rescue. He had been a police sniper, recovery diver and counter-terrorist operative. Just to do that job let alone survive the shooting, he needed to understand the psychology and dynamics of high-performance leadership and high-performance mental health.

    He defied the odds by physically surviving and then thriving. After two-and-a-half years of physical and psychological work and rehabilitation, he returned to full duties with Police STAR Group.

    For more, go to - https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Pre-Order the Book - The Paramedic Mindset

  • Rudolf Myhovych holds a degree in Medical Doctorate with specialisation in Neurology from Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University. Rudi is the incumbent President of CF Christian Medical Association of Ukraine , serving since September 2020. Under his leadership, the association has experienced significant growth, expanding its workforce to 28 employees, engaging 30 trainers, and mobilising a team of 100 volunteers.

    Support the Ukrainian Christian Medical Association here - https://www.cma-ukraine.com/

    Rudolf Myhovych epitomizes resilience and adaptability, embodying a steadfast commitment to personal and professional growth. His strengths lie in cultivating meaningful connections and embracing challenges with enthusiasm. A relentless pursuer of self-improvement, Rudolf thrives in dynamic environments, leveraging his exceptional communication, planning, decision-making, problem-solving, motivating, and delegation skills to drive positive change.

    The Paramedic Mindset Book Pre Order Now - Pan Macmillan

    For more, go to - https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

  • David Healy is a seasoned police officer with 20 years of experience, 18 years dedicated to serving in the Special Emergency Response Team of the Queensland Police Service.

    Throughout his tenure, he underwent rigorous training as a Medic to enhance operational effectiveness in high-risk situations and search and rescue operations. Subsequently, Dave pursued advanced studies, earning a Diploma of Paramedicine, enabling him to assume managerial responsibilities in shaping the development of the Police Medic Portfolio.

    His contributions extended to the realm of Tactical Medicine, where he played a pivotal role as a founding committee member of The Australian Tactical Medical Association. He has consistently demonstrated a deep-seated concern for the health and well-being of his unit members and the broader policing community.

    Pre-Order Now! The Paramedic Mindset Book

    For more, go to - https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

  • Jeremy served as a Medic in the Australian Regular Army for 7 years. Qualified as an Underwater Medicine Clinician, Jeremy served within Special Operations Command for 4 years, which included a deployment to Afghanistan and Domestic Counter-Terrorism as a platoon medic before moving onto a civilian Intensive Care Paramedic for NSW Ambulance for 10 years.

    Now Available for Pre-Order: Paramedic Mindset Book!

    To order your copy today - Pan Macmillan - The Paramedic Mindset

    For more, check out our website - https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

  • David Georgiou is a former professional Rugby League player who had stints with Penrith Panthers and Brisbane Broncos in the NRL, as well as representing Greece between 2005 and 2012. He is now a successful business owner and entrepreneur, having owned and operated Precision Fitness 24/7 since 2014.

    Through his business, David has helped hundreds of people transform their mindsets and physiques, and is passionate about developing young athletes and educating them to achieve healthier, stronger versions of themselves. With his background in sports, David understands the importance of discipline, hard work, and perseverance in achieving success both on and off the field. He brings this same level of dedication and commitment to his work as a business owner, and is constantly striving to improve himself and his business.

    Link to his gym website:


  • Brigid is a Critical Care Paramedic based in Brisbane. Over the past twenty years she has gained extensive EMS experience in both Australia and Ireland. She is interested in educating and developing paramedics to empower them to perform at their best. Her superpower is in cultivating professional relationships to achieve the best patient outcomes.

    Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.

    For more, go to https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Music by Ehrling Music.

  • Brad Miers is a Senior Operations Supervisor and Critical Care Paramedic for the Queensland Ambulance Service. He has over 32 years' of experience in both rural and urban response. Of these, 25 years were spent working in fixed and rotary-winged aircraft.

    He was born in a small shearing town in Western Queensland and he grew up being raised by the stoic and resilient men and women of the bush. This provided him with the necessary adaptive attributes to provide the highest pre-hospital clinical care in an unpredictable environment.

    Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.

    For more, go to https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Music by Ehrling Music.

  • James is a medical doctor with an interest in the extremes of human performance and physiology. With a background in critical care medicine he has been fortunate to combine this professional experience with first hand involvement in a range of challenging environmental extremes.

    Through the completion of ultramarathons and high-altitude climbing expeditions, including a successful ascent of Mt Everest, he is passionate about translating this understanding to how our bodies and minds function when under extreme pressure.

    Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.

    For more, go to https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Music by Ehrling Music.

  • For Russell Manser, robbing a bank felt like parachuting out of a plane. The adrenaline, the rush, the risk.

    Crashing through the doors, sizing up the room, hoping the security guard in the corner didn't decide to be a hero. Leaping over the teller counters to empty the drawers where the big bank notes were kept.

    And yet, in spite of the balaclava and the weapon, he was regarded by his peers as "a gentleman" bank robber. Polite. Professional. The guns were rarely loaded. "You don't want people panicking because that will cause you problems."

    Sometimes he would even apologise and tell them to "have a good day" on the way out. The real thrill was getting out the door without being blasted in the head, holding a big bag of cash.

    But there is no such thing as a gentleman bank robber. There is just a criminal. He knows that now. He knows he traumatised and damaged people, terrified them.

    Manser, about to turn 17, was sentenced to 12 months in an adult prison to deter "kids from Mount Druitt stealing Porsches from affluent areas".

    At Long Bay he was put into One Wing — a protection wing — which often housed sex offenders who would otherwise be killed in the main prison. He was skinny, young, blonde and blue-eyed. A "pretty boy".

    Manser says as he was put into a cell with two paedophiles, the prison officer said, "have fun, boys".

    "I was just a kid," Manser recalls.

    Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.

    For more, go to https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Music by Ehrling Music.

  • His career in Ambulance Victoria has been rich with opportunities. Only a few years had passed after qualifying as a paramedic he was offered the opportunity to undertake intensive care training, known as MICA. He found the role at times challenging, but highly rewarding.

    Tenures at the different ambulance colleges unearthed a love of teaching that continues today and has spanned more than 25 years. Assisting paramedics to master their craft has been one of his most satisfying achievements.

    After 15 years as a paramedic, he achieved his ultimate career goal after joining Air Ambulance, working on fixed and rotary wing aircraft. He describes the role as extreme, attending to the sickest and most seriously injured patients. A role that has seen him in the waters of Bass Straight, the deep Victorian bush and on top of the highest snow-covered mountains, all to help a person in need.

    He regards his experiences working with highly talented paramedics, pilots and crewmen at Air Ambulance as a career highlight,

    “To work in a team of people committed to helping a patient in crisis is a privilege. To know that your team has played a small part in saving a life, there can be no greater reward”.

    For more go to, https://www.darrenhodge.com/

    Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.

    For more, go to https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Music by Ehrling Music

  • For as long as I can remember, I’ve been chasing “success” and running from “failure”. I’ve had super high highs and incredibly low lows. Mine is an interesting story – and for a long time it was a story I didn’t want to tell because I felt like I’d failed.

    As a kid dreaming of performing on stage, I had the life I’d always wanted by the age of 21. I was touring internationally with Savage Garden, later securing my own record deal, releasing a hit single, which became the most played Australian song on commercial radio in 2001. Success came early, but was short lived.

    By 27 I was dropped from my label, broke with no job or prospects. And then on top of it all, I lost my mum unexpectedly, and my life fell to pieces. I was lost in grief, scared shitless, and left to start again.

    This moment wasn’t fearless. It was messy and full of fear – but I made myself take just one tiny step. I went back to study and found a new outlet for my creativity.

    And I began to untell the stories I had told to myself about who I was and what I was capable of. I redefined my fucked up definition of success and started on the journey of becoming the kind of person who could make it happen.

    For more on Jen Jeavons visit her website - https://jenjeavons.com/

    Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.

    For more, go to https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Music by Ehrling Music.

  • Andrew began his training in the UK and after a brief sojourn to sail around the world he settled in Melbourne to complete his training at Western Health, where he now works.

    He is passionate about the well-being of healthcare workers and has worked with AHPRA and Safer Care Victoria to make things a little bit better. He continues to promote this through his role as a regional well-being champion.

    His other passion is knowledge translation. His work, via Don't Forget the Bubbles, has been referenced by everyone from the WHO to Jimmy Fallon.

    Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.

    For more, go to https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Music by Ehrling Music.

  • The Story Shared:

    Brad opened up about a time when a friend and fellow paramedic tragically died in a helicopter crash. The experience of dealing with another paramedic’s death on the job struck a nerve in Brad as he had to deal with his own mortality. Later on in his career, he would come to work and operate out of the same helicopter service for over 14 years. He shares how he was able to overcome the grief of his friend dying and do the same thing that killed him.

    About Brad Norris:

    Brad Nobby Norris started working for the ambulance in 1988 at the tender age of 18. He has worked as a paramedic for the past 34 years and continues to this day.

    Working as a critical care paramedic for 17 years, Brad has vast knowledge and experience in the profession demonstrated by having worked as an Urban Search and Rescue Officer, special response team leader, rescue helicopter paramedic, officer in charge, educator, and operation supervisor.

    He describes having a fantastic career with lifelong friends, and brotherhood and loved helping people. He has gone from a shy boy at school to a confident man who takes charge of challenging scenes. After all these years still going strong mentally, physically, enthusiastic and focused as a clinician is a testament to his nature.

    He is now looking forward to the next few years mentoring the younger generation and guiding them through their initial challenging years.

    Career Highlights:

    → Responding to Earthquake in New Zealand.

    → Operating in fires, floods and cyclones as a special response team leader.


    → Real-world application of paramedic skills.

    → Leadership under pressure.

    Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.

    For more, go to https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Music by Ehrling Music.

  • The Story Shared:

    Sam Bloom spoke about a time when her best friend was killed by a grenade in Africa and how she should have been with him at the time of the accident. Sam suffered from survivor’s guilt, wishing that it was her instead of her friend. She also goes on to describe the effects of the tragic accident that led to her being paralysed and in a wheelchair.

    About Sam Bloom:

    The blink of an eye, a heartbeat, a split second in time. That’s all it took for Sam Bloom’s life to change forever.

    Sam had everything she had always dreamed of. She’d travelled extensively, fulfilled her childhood dream of becoming a nurse and was a happily married mother of three young boys.

    Without warning, the dream turned into a nightmare when on a 2013 family holiday in Thailand, Sam fell through a rotten balcony railing and crashed six metres onto the concrete below.

    Lucky to be alive, she’d suffered devastating injuries, including severe damage to her spinal cord that left her paralysed from the chest down.

    Broken and hopeless, Sam reached her outer limits of physical and mental suffering. But with courage, determination and a little help from an unlikely feathered friend, she made her way back from the edge, scarred but undefeated.

    Career Highlights:

    → World Para Surfing Champion.

    → Paralympian representing Australia.

    → Her story has now been transformed into a major film produced by Naomi Watts.


    → Inspirational speaker.

    → Ambassador to multiple not-for-profit organisations.

    → Sam Bloom: Heartache & Birdsong shares Sam’s personal perspective on facing and overcoming adversity.

    For more on Sam Bloom visit her website - https://sambloom.com.au

    Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.

    For more, go to https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Music by Ehrling Music.

  • The Story Shared:

    Mandy Hickson’s fascinating story of being shot at by a missile over Iraq is truly remarkable. This story is so captivating that it could be written as its own book. Mandy details how the mission was the first she completed as the lead commander, flying her Top Gun fighter jet, the Torpedo, during the Iraq war and the critical decisions she needed to make under immense pressure.

    About Mandy Hickson:

    Finding a love of flying early in life, Mandy fought hard to achieve her ambition to be a Royal Air Force pilot. She was only the second woman to fly the Tornado GR4 on the front line, amassing over thirty years of experience within aviation, completing three tours of duty and 45 missions over Iraq during that time.

    Mandy is a highly demanded keynote speaker across a range of business sectors, where she talks with humour and great passion to inspire those around her. She has been invited to share her insights with some of the most successful organisations across the world where she describes the strategies & behaviours that can be adopted when the stakes are at their highest.

    Career Highlights:

    → Second woman to ever fly a Tornado GR4 in combat.

    → Author - An Officer, Not a Gentleman.

    → 30 Years’ experience in Aviation.


    → Human performance factors; decision-making, communication, leadership, and behaviour.

    → Keynote speaker.

    → Flight instructor.

    For more on Mandy Hickson visit her website - https://www.mandyhickson.com/

    Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.

    For more, go to https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Music by Ehrling Music.

  • The Story Shared:

    Cameron Hardiman detailed a story of a time when a rescue attempt nearly killed him. Whilst hanging from a helicopter in 40+ knots of wind and 50-foot high waves, Cameron was taken under by the giant wave. He was trying to save a sailor whose vessel was stricken by the severe weather, but he almost lost his life. This experience may not have killed him, but it changed his life forever.

    About Cameron Hardiman:

    As a member of Victoria Police's Air Wing, Cameron Hardiman felt like he was ten feet tall and bulletproof. The air wing brought him plenty of excitement and drama - from searching for missing aircraft to accidentally discovering marijuana crops to working with paramedics. But it also brought him plenty of trauma ...

    He saw his fair share of trauma and dealt with it like most coppers would: he quickly put each dangerous job out of his mind as soon as it was over. But one particular rescue in Bass Strait brought about a reckoning - and Cameron was never the same again.

    Career Highlights:

    → Victorian Rescue Helicopter as a Policeman.

    → Australian Federal Police.

    → A distinguished police officer.


    → Dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

    → Inspirational speaker and presenter.

    → Active promotor for improved mental health for all emergency service workers.

    For more read Cameron’s book - 10 feet tall and not quite bulletproof.

    Follow me on Instagram and YouTube.

    For more, go to https://www.paramedicmindset.com.au/

    Music by Ehrling Music.