
  • In this episode IFS trained Family Therapist Anna Vincentz focus on becoming a Self-led parent. What it is and how to be Self-led.

    Being Self-led is a term from Internal Family Systems (IFS) and it is about being you in the present; being conscious on the inside.

    Being Self-led and parts-informed is about becoming aware of and listening to our parts (reactions, feelings, symptoms, thoughts...), becoming aware of what is going on inside of us as a reaction to our relationships and notice when it is coming from the past and when it is actually congruent to (and helpful) in and with the present.

    When and what is helpful in relationship to our children.

    Being and becoming a Self-led parent is about being conscious on the inside (being with instead of being in our parts and their reactions and feelings), which facilitates us being conscious with our children on the outside.

    Follow Parenting from the Inside on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/parentingfromtheinside/

    Read articles by Anna Vincentz on NDP, IFS and more: https://medium.com/@annavincentz

  • In this third episode on New Danish Parenting (NDP), Anna Vincentz and Joel Bubbers takes you through the 3. and last NDP principle: About the parent "Conscious Parenting," where the focus in on the parent as responsible for the relationship, on personal leadership in the family; being you, not a role, and on becoming conscious from the inside - or in IFS terms, becoming Self-led and Parts-informed. New Danish Parenting is part of the new paradigm of parenting and of being in the world. It is based on "The new child view" from Denmark and includes the foundation of attachment theory and the compassionate way of understanding us ourselves as parents through Internal Family Systems (IFS).Anna is a Danish IFS trained Family Therapist and a mother of two children (age 12 and 10) and Joel is British IFS trained Coach and a father of one (age 2). In their podcast they not only share with you their knowledge and human view, but also their personal stories and struggles as parents. Follow Parenting from the Inside on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/parentingfromtheinside/

    Read articles by Anna Vincentz on NDP, IFS and more: https://medium.com/@annavincentz

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  • In this second episode on New Danish Parenting (NDP), Anna Vincentz and Joel Bubbers takes you through the 2. NDP principle: About the relationship: "Relationships Matter Most.” 
    Here the focus is on power and worth in the parent-child relationship, how to set boundaries that feel safe and respectful to your child, and about how our children don’t stop loving their caregivers when the attachment is unsafe, they stop loving themselves. This is about love in the attachment relationship and how shame protects in the absence of (felt) love. 
    New Danish Parenting is part of the new paradigm of parenting and of being in the world. It is based on "The new child view" from Denmark and includes the foundation of attachment theory and the compassionate way of understanding us ourselves as parents through Internal Family Systems (IFS).
    Anna is a Danish IFS trained Family Therapist and a mother of two children (age 12 and 9) and Joel is British IFS trained Coach and a father of one (age 2).  
    In their podcast they not only share with you their knowledge and human view, but also their personal stories and struggles as parents.

    Follow Parenting from the Inside on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/parentingfromtheinside/

  • In the first episode on New Danish Parenting (NDP), Anna Vincentz and Joel Bubbers takes you through the 1. NDP principle: About the child: "Children Always Make Sense". 
    New Danish Parenting is part of the new paradigm of parenting and of being in the world. It is based on "The new child view" from Denmark and includes the foundation of attachment theory and the compassionate way of understanding us ourselves as parents through Internal Family Systems (IFS).
    Anna is a Danish IFS trained Family Therapist and a mother of two children (age 12 and 9) and Joel is British IFS trained Coach and a father of one (age 2).
    In their podcast they not only share with you their knowledge and human view, but also their personal stories and struggles as parents. 
    In the two following episodes we will dive into the 2. principle: About the relationship: "Relationship Matter Most" and the 3. principle: About the parent: "Conscious Parenting". 

  • In this episode of Parenting from the Inside with Anna and Joel, we take our first dive into the huge topic of attachment.

    We focus on the meaning of secure and insecure attachment and how Self-led parenting can create the secure foundation our children need to thrive in the world.

    (Listen to episode 1 to learn the basics of Internal Family Systems (IFS) if you want to hear more details about what it means to be 'Self'-led rather than 'Parts'-led).

    Attachment is the foundation of our lives - for feeling loved and building our sense of safety and security in the world. It is also an important foundation in understanding our partners and our children that can shape our parenting and help us create strong and secure relationships with those closest to us.

    Contact IFS trained Family Therapist Anna Vincentz at www.instagram.com/ifstherapy_annavincentz or at www.annavincentz.dk

    Contact IFS trained Coach Joel Bubbers at Twitter (@joelbubbers) or at [email protected]

  • Welcome to the very first episode of Parenting from the Inside - where we dive into the basics of IFS as it relates to parenting. 

    Internal Family Systems (IFS) is not just a form of psychotherapy but also a way of understanding human behavior that can help us relate in a new way both to our own children and to the younger parts of ourselves. 

    In this episode we go into the basic understanding of IFS and the different ways that our parts can show up for us. We talk about our own parenting parts and towards the end offer a short mediation for you to practice getting to know your own parts better. 

    IFS is a very respectful, healing and naturally loving way to be with ourselves, that helps us choose who we want to be in relationships with our partner and other people close to us and to be more conscious of what to pass on to our children. 

    Contact IFS trained Family Therapist Anna Vincentz at www.instagram.com/ifstherapy_annavincentz or at www.annavincentz.dk 

    Contact IFS trained Coach Joel Bubbers at Twitter (@joelbubbers) or at [email protected]