
  • SEASON 2 - Trailer

    It's been a few months, but it's good to back with our Kubernetes community. Since there are so many things happening around the Kubernetes community, and many people are new, we decided to move to a "season" format. Each season will include 8-10 episodes, around 12-15 minutes, that will allow the audience to progressively learn more about a specific focus area.

    In Season 2, we're going to get back to the basics of Kubernetes, both from a technology and business perspective.

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com


    In this show, we look at the core architecture of Kubernetes, and what is included within the Kubernetes project.


    Kubernetes HomepageCNCF Homepage

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com

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    In this show, we look at the why technologists and business leaders are choosing to use Kubernetes to help solve new business challenges. We highlight the various types of use-cases that can be enabled by the core technologies within Kubernetes.


    Kubernetes HomepageCNCF HomepageBusiness stories of companies using Kubernetes

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com


    In this show, we look at the how Kubernetes is created as an open source projects, with contributions from hundreds of engineers, and governance by the CNCF. We explore the frequency of releases, and how new features are categorized and updated.


    Kubernetes HomepageCNCF HomepageBusiness stories of companies using Kubernetes

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com


    In this show, we discuss the frequency of Kubernetes releases, as well as the differences between upstream project releases and vendor-created distributions (or cloud services). We also discuss why all variations of Kubernetes are not running the same version, and why this might create challenges for companies using Kubernetes.


    Kubernetes HomepageCNCF HomepageBusiness stories of companies using Kubernetes

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com


    In this show, we explore one of the most misunderstood topics surrounding Kubernetes - what is actually included in the upstream project? We also explore how this often creates gaps for companies that want to use Kubernetes as part of their application platform.


    Kubernetes HomepageCNCF HomepageBusiness stories of companies using Kubernetes

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com


    In this show, we look at what is not included in the upstream Kubernetes project, and why the add-on elements can create differences between different implementations that use Kubernetes as the orchestration engine for containerized applications.


    Kubernetes HomepageCNCF HomepageBusiness stories of companies using Kubernetes

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com


    In this show, we explore the technical skills that are most frequently needed to be success in either operating a Kubernetes platform, or building applications that use Kubernetes.


    Kubernetes HomepageCNCF HomepageBusiness stories of companies using Kubernetes

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com

  • SHOW: 75

    SHOW OVERVIEW: Chris talks with Emily Freeman (@editingemily, Ops Advocacy Manager, Microsoft) about the biggest challenges faced in cloud adoption and DevOps culture changes.


    OpenShift Homepage - http://openshift.comTry OpenShift 4 - http://try.openshift.comLearn OpenShift - http://learn.openshift.comEmily Freeman's HomepageDevOps for Dummies (book)

    Topic 1 - What is an Ops Advocacy Manager?

    Topic 2 - What are some of the biggest challenges you and your team are facing in cloud and more specifically container adoption amongst those you help?

    Topic 3 - You wrote DevOps for Dummies which is wonderful. Now you’re working on a new project? 97 Things Every Cloud Engineer Should Know. Care to tell us more about that?

    Topic 4 - The tech job train and its long term impact

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podcast.podctl.com

  • SHOW: 76

    SHOW OVERVIEW: Chris talks with Daniel Oh (@danieloh30, Principal Technical Product Marketing Manager, Red Hat) about new innovation in deploying Java applications on Kubernetes, with Quarkus.


    OpenShift Homepage - http://openshift.comTry OpenShift 4 - http://try.openshift.comLearn OpenShift - http://learn.openshift.comQuarkus HomepageUnderstanding Java Quarkus (videos)

    Topic 1 - Quarkus: What is it, how does it save developers so much time, and how do folks get started

    Topic 2 - Java developers are in demand across the planet and the Java language is evolving at the speed of cloud-native. How do you stay sharp on the skills you need and stay aware of the new things in the ecosystem?

    Topic 3 - Does this change the reality of Java development on containers? Will Quarkus help developers feel more comfortable using Java as serverless apps on immutable infrastructure (i.e. Kubernetes/OpenShift)? How does Quarkus change the reality for developers?

    Topic 4 - Does Quarkus help Spring Boot apps and Spring Developers with Kubernetes/OpenShift?

    Topic 5 - How does Quarkus unify imperative and reactive applications?

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podcast.podctl.com

  • SHOW: 74

    SHOW OVERVIEW: Chris talks with Matt Stratton (@mattstratton, DevOps Advocate, PagerDuty) about how to better manage OnCall Rotations, integrating DevOps concepts with OnCall, and suggestions about better organizing to handle alerting and observability.


    OpenShift Homepage - http://openshift.comTry OpenShift 4 - http://try.openshift.comLearn OpenShift - http://learn.openshift.comMatty Stratton - DevOps TalksArrested DevOps (podcast) - Matty Stratton is a co-host

    Topic 1 - Since you work at PagerDuty, how does PagerDuty use PagerDuty?

    Topic 2 - What are some interesting uses of PagerDuty you’ve seen out in the wild?

    Topic 3 - You’ve built on call rotations. You’ve got your scars. One thing I’ve noticed is discussions about alert fatigue. Do you have any suggestions around how organization can better handle on call and alerting in general? (“Fight, Flight, or Freeze - Releasing Organizational Trauma”)

    Topic 4 - DevOps at 10. For me, DevOps crossing into that double-digit year number seems to have increased awareness of it and its potential for orgs not embracing it. What have you seen in terms of organizations embracing DevOps? What are Matt’s highlights of DevOps after ten years?

    Topic 5 - You're writing an article on SysAdvent website called “15 Ways to Make On-Call More Fun”; It’s supposed to be published around December 3rd. Watch https://sysadvent.blogspot.com/ for this year’s stuff.

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podcast.podctl.com

  • SHOW: 73

    SHOW OVERVIEW: Chris talks with Marky Jackson (@markyjackson5, Senior Software Engineer, Sysdig) about the KubeCon Contributor Summit, their experiences contributing to the Kubernetes community, and involvement of the military veterans in open source communities.


    OpenShift Homepage - http://openshift.comTry OpenShift 4 - http://try.openshift.comLearn OpenShift - http://learn.openshift.comKubernetes Contributor SummitKubernetes New Contributor Workshop

    Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. This time next week we’ll be getting ready for a busy day in San Diego at KubeCon NA 2019. What are you doing at the conference?

    Topic 2 - Contributor Summit: Can you explain what this is, who should attend, and why it’s being put together?

    Topic 3 - A lot of people feel intimidated by Kubernetes. But, every year the new contributor workshop fills up quickly. Why do you think that is?

    Topic 4 - The day we’re recording this is Veterans’ Day. There are a number of veterans working in the Kubernetes community. What is it about Kubernetes that brings Veterans to the project?

    Topic 5 - Inviting more Military members active duty, reserve or retired. We want to hear from you. We need you because...

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podcast.podctl.com

  • SHOW: 72

    SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Joe Fernandes (@JoeFern1, VP of Product Management, Red Hat Cloud BU) about Red Hat's experience with Kubernetes, innovating upstream and integrating products, OpenShift 4 cloud-like architectural changes, allowing developers to be productive, and new ways to create a better customer experience.


    OpenShift Homepage - http://openshift.comTry OpenShift 4 - http://try.openshift.comLearn OpenShift - http://learn.openshift.comOpenShift Commons - http://commons.openshift.orgOpenShift Blog (Joe Fernandes) - https://blog.openshift.com/author/joefernandes/

    Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Let’s start by talking about your experience at Red Hat in managing OpenShift.

    Topic 2 - We talk a lot about Kubernetes on this show obviously. Tell us how you and the OpenShift product team first got involved with Kubernetes.

    Topic 2a - Give the audience a sense of what it takes to build (and continue to maintain) not just a commercially-supported Kubernetes distribution, but all the on-going integrations to make it a production application platform.

    Topic 2b - What are some of the things needed to evolve a platform from “just running containerized apps” to one that is intelligent enough to manage many different types of applications?

    Topic 3 - There is always some Twitter chatter that Kubernetes is too complicated and nobody should run Kubernetes except the 3 major public cloud providers. What types of things has OpenShift needed to do to be able to run “like a managed cloud platform”?

    Topic 4 - When you get “above” Kubernetes, you have to start thinking about how developers will interact with the platform. This is where there are a lot of opinions, and many new innovations/projects. How does OpenShift think about “building on the platform”?

    Topic 5 - Part of “the cloud experience” is being able to gather information about how the platform is used, in order to make better product decisions. The public cloud does this behind the scenes for every customer. Can OpenShift do anything to help create better customer experiences?

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podcast.podctl.com

  • SHOW: 71

    SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Chris Short (@ChrisShort, Technical Marketing @RedHat, CNCF Ambassador, writes at DevOps’ish) about DevOps 10th birthday, how Kubernetes helps DevOps, and the exciting news that Chris will be co-hosting PodCTL.


    Try OpenShift 4 - http://try.openshift.comLearn OpenShift - http://learn.openshift.comRed Hat announces Global Transformation Office - https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/introducing-red-hat-global-transformation-officeChris’ DevOps’ish Homepage (subscribe to the newsletter) - https://devopsish.com/

    Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Let’s talk a little bit about your background and the plethora of things you’re working on these days.

    DevOps’ish: Weekly newsletter covering cloud-native, DevOps, open source, and industry news Cloud Native Ambassador: Our Super Bowl is coming up (KubeCon)Ansible Operators (get your stickers at KubeCon)OpenShift team helping customers getting their clusters up and running

    Topic 1a - BIG NEWS! Chris Short is joining the show to be a new co-host.

    Topic 1b - MORE BIG NEWS! Kevin Behr, Jabe Bloom, John Willis, Andrew Clay Shafer are joining Red Hat to create the Global Transformation Office

    Topic 2 - A couple of weeks ago, the DevOps community (and DevOps Days) celebrated its 10yrs anniversary. You’ve been involved in that community for a number of years. What are the big trends happening around DevOps these days? (have we figured out the difference between DevOps and SRE?)

    Topic 3 - One of the common challenges that companies often talk about it scaling Agile/DevOps across their company. What are some of the things you’re seeing that enable success? What are some of the common mistakes that companies make in trying to scale?

    Topic 4 - We tend to talk about Kubernetes quite a bit on this show. As you’re beginning to work with Kubernetes more, are you finding that it helps in scaling Agile and DevOps?

    Topic 5 - You’re going to be hosting a number of the PodCTL shows going forward. What are some of the topics that you hope to cover in 2019 and 2020?

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podcast.podctl.com

  • SHOW: 70

    SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Alexis Richardson (@monadic, CEO @weaveworks) about the emerging concepts and technology behind “GitOps”.


    Gitops at Weave Works[video] GitOps - Git push all the thingsOperatorHub


    Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Tell us about your background both at Weave and your involvement in the CNCF.

    Topic 2 - Weave really started evangelizing this concept of “GitOps”. For anyone that isn’t familiar, walk us through the basics building blocks.

    Topic 3 - Git becomes the CMDB (single source of truth, single source for compliance). Developers push code (Git > CI/CD). CI/CD system builds containers and deploys to Kubernetes. What assumptions does this model make about the underlying infrastructure operations?

    Topic 4 - Let’s talk about the separation of interests between the CI system and the CD system and how this impacts security.

    Topic 5 - Let’s talk about the role of Operators in a GitOps environment. Operators (today) tend to be more focused on stateful applications, so how does this link into developer code?

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com

  • SHOW: 69

    SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian reviews the major project-level news and announcements from KubeCon Barcelona 2019, as well as gives some feedback about the overall show.


    Try OpenShift 4 - http://try.openshift.comAll of the CNCF talks/sessions (videos) from KubeContheCUBE coverage of KubeCon[NEW] CNCF Projects - Health Chart


    Kubernetes 5 year anniversary - 7700 people in BarcelonaALL the CNCF announcements during KubeConFluentd graduatedHelm v3 - no more TillerOpenTracing + OpenCensus = OpenTelemetrySMI - Service Mesh InterfaceRook 1.0 and Rook OperatorOpenEBS into CNCFVelero 1.0

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com

  • SHOW: 68

    SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Rob Szumski (@robszumski, Sr. Manager Product Management @OpenShift) about the evolution of Operators, the emerging capabilities in Kubernetes to support Operators, OperatorHub, Helm Operators and how OpenShift 4 is integrating the Operator experience.


    Try OpenShift 4 - http://try.openshift.comOperator FrameworkOperatorHub Maturing Operators (Rob’s Keynote at KubeCon 2018)OpenShift Commons - State of Operators OpenShift Commons Gathering - Operator FrameworkDiscussing Operator Framework with Brandon Philips (Eps.33)


    Topic 1 - Welcome to the show. Tell us a little about your background, and how you’re involved in Kubernetes operators.

    Topic 2 - Last year (May 2018) we spoke with Brandon Philips around the launch of Operator Framework. How has the ecosystem around Operators evolved over the last year?

    Topic 3 - We spoke with Clayton Coleman and Derek Carr about how Operators are now core to the architecture of OpenShift 4, but what role do Operators play for applications running on Kubernetes or OpenShift?

    Topic 4 - How are complex applications getting turned into Operators? What’s the model to get them engaged with the SDK and Metering frameworks?

    Topic 5 - How is OpenShift 4 interacting with OperatorHub?

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com

  • SHOW: 67

    SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Annette Clewett (@aclewett, Senior Architect @RedHat) and Travis Nielsen (@STravisNielsen, Senior Principal Software Engineer @RedHat) about software-defined storage, managing storage with Kubernetes, and how Rook is bringing the Operator model to storage systems like Ceph.


    Try OpenShift 4 - http://try.openshift.comProject Rook - Storage Orchestration for KubernetesDeep Dive: Rook (video) - KubeCon 2018Ceph on OpenShift with Rook (video) - Commons Gathering 2019Rook Channel on Slack


    Topic 1 - Welcome both of you to the show. Before we get into discussing Ceph and Rook, can you tell us about your background around these projects?

    Topic 2 - One of the most frequent requests we get from listeners is to discuss how to integrate (and manage) storage into OpenShift/Kubernetes environments. Let’s talk about storage needs for OpenShift/Kubernetes infrastructure (masters, logging, monitoring, etc.) vs. storage for applications.

    Topic 3 - Help us understand the difference between a storage manager like Rook and a storage system like Ceph. Where does one start and the next one stop?

    Topic 4 - Rook now uses the Operator pattern for managing underlying storage systems. How does the Operator technology help make managing (and lifecycling) storage easier or more robust?

    Topic 5 - As you talk to users of Ceph and Rook, what are some of the best practices that you’re seeing them implement?

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com

  • SHOW: 66

    SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Marc Boorshtein (@mlbian, CTO at Tremolo Security) about trends in Kubernetes security, and how to think about the Kubernetes Extended Authentication Model.


    Try OpenShift 4 - http://try.openshift.comBeyond RBAC in OpenShift – Open Policy AgentOpenShift Commons Briefing: Securing OKD at Multiple LayersKubernetes Security


    Topic 1 - Welcome back to the show. Your focus is on security. What’s one new thing that’s really interesting to your right now, and what’s one “mundane” thing you’re seeing all the time that isn’t getting enough discussion?

    Topic 2 - A few weeks ago we talked with John Osbourne about “Kubernetes Policy”. This is very different than “Authentication” or “Authorization”. For people that don’t live around security, can you help us understand the difference between policy and the things that make up AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting)?

    Topic 3 - You and I were talking a few months ago at OpenShift Commons Gathering in London about “the Kubernetes extended authorization model”, and I wonder if you could elaborate on that a little bit.

    Topic 4 - What are some of the areas where you feel like there isn’t enough awareness, especially for production environments, between policy and AAA models (e.g. Kubernetes elements vs. user-level elements)?

    Topic 5 - Give us a quick set of thoughts on how any of this changes if we start doing multi-cluster or Federation.

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com

  • SHOW: 65

    SHOW OVERVIEW: Brian talks with Paul Morie (@cheddarmint, Sr. Principal Software Engineer @RedHat, Reviewer/Approver of Federation v2) about the evolution of multi-cluster and Federation v2 in Kubernetes.


    Try OpenShift 4 - http://try.openshift.comKubernetes Federation v2 - https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/federation-v2Kubernetes Federation v2 on OperatorHub - https://operatorhub.io/operator/alpha/federation.v0.0.6Kubernetes Federation v2 on OpenShift 3.11 - https://blog.openshift.com/kubernetes-federation-v2-on-openshift-3-11/


    Topic 1 - Let’s start with some basics. The differences between “Federation” and “Multi-Cluster”?

    Topic 2 - What are the basic functionality that needs to be in place to federate more than 1 cluster together (authentication, registry, cluster registry, network routing, etc.)

    Topic 3 - What are some of the mechanisms that help determine which cluster a container should run?

    Topic 4 - Is the current design intended to handle applications that span clusters, or is the expectation that apps live in a single cluster? What about deploying the same app to multiple clusters?

    Topic 5 - For more advanced capabilities, such as intelligence to know where to dynamically place an application, would that be something that’s within Kubernetes, or any external service?

    Email: PodCTL at gmail dot com
    Twitter: @PodCTL
    Web: http://podctl.com