
  • Meet our new panel

    Kash (EM physician)

    Casey (Paramedic)

    Nate (EMT)

    Why emergency medicine?

    Kash: Likes to see results in the short term rather than manage long-term problems. Decided on EM and even an EMS fellowship before starting med school after getting his EMT

    Aaron: When in PA school you really need to be at least considering primary care but I decided it was not for me. A day in primary care tended to really drag for me while emergency medicine makes the day go by quickly

    Nate: Initially wanted to be a firefighter but enjoyed the medical side more and eventually got his EMT. He loves the diversity of the patients and the chance to help people. He loves critical care transport with the increased knowledge he has gained

    Nate: Learn to slow down.

    Kash: Don’t just do something, stand there.

    Fix the underlying issue. Don’t just blindly treat numbers. Fix the why, don’t just react.

    Casey talks about a scenario where slowing down was critical to catching important details during an RSI. Sometimes the whole team gets so focused on individual tasks that simple things (like low O2 sats) can get missed.

    Checklists can be critical to making sure the simple doesn’t get missed

    We all need to have humility

    I address the video that got taken out of context after people thought we were directly comparing EMT’s to CNA’s. That was definitely not the intent.

    Nate talks about how he is proud and protective about what we do in EMS

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    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • Matt talks about our reliance on technology and how sometimes it is nice to remember that to assess a patient it is actually really simple without using technology

    Andrew: I am mostly paid to not get tricked into missing something big.

    Standards in medical education changing when there is emphasis on getting people through programs

    Keep holding high standards for your students

    Advice for the newbies:

    Andrew: You won’t fail if you are trying your best and making the best decisions you can and caring for the patient

    Aaron: Take care of yourself before you take care of patients

    Matt: Ask for help if you need it.

    Julie: Be content with where you are at

    Sarah: Progress further in medicine if you can do it

    Schasny: Don’t listen to the naysayers. Zero to hero is possible because everyone is different

    You can learn from all providers, even if they haven’t been in the field long. Sometimes experience can be greatly varied even with only a short amount of time in the career

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    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

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  • Imminent baby delivery stories

    Burnout tips: avoid the overtime. Sometimes the extra money is not worth the additional life stress.

    Make sure you get off on time and make that transition to home life.

    Andrew uses audio books so he has something to look forward to while driving to and from shift.

    Patients are often not even the source of our stress, it’s operational difficulties, interpersonal difficulties and decision fatigue.

    Decision fatigue is a big issue we face in our home lives after a significant portion of our day being in fight and flight mode

    We talk about driving lights and sirens to every call and the dangers associated with this to the crew and public

    This likely doesn’t save lives in any meaningful way that justifies the danger

    There is a big push to decrease the emergent responses

    We talk about the hazards with emergent returns, the confusion other drivers may have, the danger for the patient and crews.

    Road rage isn’t worth engaging in, remember that the bar to obtain a drivers license is very low and many of the meth-using patients we take care of will drive as well. You never know what kind of person is in that other car.

    I bring back up the discussion of “Where is God is emergency medicine?”

    We see the whole spectrum of life and death. We see people come back from the brink of death that logically shouldn’t and those that succumb that logically shouldn’t.

    We talk about strategies to compartmentalize and move on to the next patient

    Schasny talks about the traumatic life and medical experiences she has come through and how they have changed her view on religion

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • The team mentality at all levels in the ED is key to a harmonious, efficient and effective environment

    In EMS, this can be difficult on a given scene when you may not know the other responders all that well and it can be easy to get offended when no offense was meant

    Developing a thick skin is important in emergency medicine. You can’t allow negative emotions of others to affect you all day long.

    Patients can be really mean. This is just a fact that can be expected so you can make a plan to deal with it.

    One of the cool things about being an emergency medicine provider is that we are the provider that the patient has access to any time of day or night. We are not a expert in any one specialty and that is okay.

    Sarah talks about a rough shift in the fast-track part of the ED

    Andrew talks about the first code he ran as a medical student and the impact it had on him

    It is an honor to be there at a patients last moments and to help their families through it.

    It is very easy to forget the human side of emergency medicine. Ask yourself how you would act if it was your family, you were taking care of.

    Slow down. Focus on making a connection.

    I naturally fall out of making that human connection, so I have to be intentional about connection it or I won’t happen.

    Paramedics and EMT’s have a tendency to measure success and contentment by the acuity of the calls they run. I would venture to say we need a better metric: human connection. If you can connect with your patients, this will prevent burnout in your own life and improve your patient care as well.

    Strategies for avoiding burnout: music on shift, nebulizing coffee to neutralize bad smells and planning trips

    Crazy stickers for comedic relief

    We talk about the inaccuracy of pain scales and alternate pain scales

    Schasny talks about a patient with an ingrown toenail that got up and left after hearing multiple traumas and code blues announced overhead.

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • Meet our new panel

    Matt (EMT) Julie (RN) Sarah (paramedic) Schasny (paramedic) Andrew (EM physician)

    Advice for the newbies: Don’t panic, it is not your emergency

    Find the balance of detachment while still making sure the patient feels cared for and understood

    Part of avoiding burnout is taking some time to access the human side of youself in caring for a patient while also not taking the emotional stuff home with you

    You don’t know it all when you are new. You have just been deemed safe enough to do the job.

    Knowing where your limits are is important when you are new

    Don’t be afraid to ask more questions of those around you in the beginning

    Being a new paramedic has its own challenges as there really is no one to consult or provide direct feedback after a treatment

    Some ER physicians are not familiar with EMS protocols so have some grace for this situation

    In the ED, we must remember that EMS crews have a ton of operational problems to overcome on calls AS WELL as treating the patient for an emergent condition.

    Confidence and experience only come by running call after call. You must see a lot of patients.

    Medicine is an art not an exact science

    Multitasking as an ER provider is just rapidly changing between focuses but is a huge skill you have to develop

    Be in the chaos but staying organized is key to this “multitasking”

    Another difficulty as a new ER provider is figuring out the order in which to complete the tasks you have to do

    Controlled drowning. New people need to be allowed to feel the pressure and the stress while still having a backup so they don’t experience this for the first time by themselves.

    Find a method to not let tasks get forgotten.

    I talk about overwhelm when I was a new PA

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • Keep asking “why” do get to a full understanding of what is going on

    As providers we do want questions asked of us if someone is not sure about something we ordered

    Tracey has found techniques to avoid burnout despite 24 years in emergency medicine, she says it is very individualized how you overcome burnout

    Belligerent patients do cause burnout and the job to be very difficult in general

    Taking intentional time to connect with your patients will help overcome burnout

    Tracey has advice to give patients grace

    Adam: purpose in life is important to avoid burnout. He believes he is called to be here.

    Exercise, spend time with family, move your body, work less or even work more now to work less later

    Force yourself to be social on days off, even if you might not feel like it. This will often help your mental well-being.

    Owning your mistakes is key to avoiding burnout

    Understand we will make mistakes and even when everything goes perfect, we cannot save the patient every time

    We really aren’t built to see a lot of the things we have to see in emergency medicine

    Be patient with the patients we deal with. They are going through something that we are not and have concerns we may not know about. They are scared, they are frustrated.

    You need to have a sense of humor and the ability to compartmentalize

    Compartmentalization helps to move on to other tasks that need to be done

    Kate tells a story about compartmentalization

    It is okay to set boundaries with patients that push on the limits

    Deescalating belligerent patients is a skill that can be learned

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • We talk about EKG interpretation

    Adam talks about the power of teaching

    Ongoing learning is key to performing well in emergency medicine and medicine in general

    We discuss confidence in emergency medicine and The Dunning-Kruger effect:

    People with limited competence tend towards an overestimation of their abilities

    It is very dangerous at the top of this curve before you recognize your limits

    Most of us feel this effect when we are new to a new level or field

    Building confidence depends on the individual

    I talk about my own overestimation of my abilities as a new EMT

    Your partner on the ambulance can really encourage or limit your interaction with the Dunning-Kruger Effect

    Even Adam, who admittedly doesn’t lack confidence, took about 3 years as an attending to gain confidence

    For Kim, it took about a year to really build confidence, but also notably in a busy system. However, she still wanted time before taking students. She did that at about the 3 year mark.

    As a PA, I think experience teaches you where your limits are.

    Adam often talks through complicated problems out loud while working in the ED

    Kim makes a great point about experienced EMT’s lacking the background knowledge and the “why” behind treatments. This “why” is critical to learn in medicine

    Adam tells a story about how the “why” is so important. You cannot blindly treat a number. You must take into account the whole clinical picture.

    Doing nothing is the right answer sometimes.

    I tell a story about a paramedic, Amanda, and how doing nothing was the right answer for a patient.

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • Stress exposure in school is very helpful for real life practice

    A good analogy for lay people: EMT is like CNA, AEMT is LPN, paramedic is RN. This helps people understand the progression of levels of care better

    Paramedics need to be learning provider type assessments on rotation not nursing assessments

    Kim talks about the zero to hero debate: Experience matters not just in emergency medicine. The main difference is the individuals drive and education

    Kim talks about a hypoglycemic patient when she was a new paramedic

    Kate talks about the difficulty in bringing up possible concerns with providers and how important it is for the providers and advocating for patients

    Adam discusses listening to EMS and the patient and the importance of what the patient looked like before they got to you.

    Understanding your EMS system is important as an ED provider

    We talk about the value of interpreting lab work in the field

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • We meet our new panelists

    Kate (EMT)

    Kim (Paramedic and educator)

    Tracey (Former paramedic and current PA)
    Adam (Former paramedic and current EM physician)

    Kate talks about how the public doesn’t know the difference between EMT’s and paramedics

    Tracey talks about a humbling experience in her early career where she did not know where her equipment was in the ambulance

    Kim talks about changes in paramedic and EMT education. Historically you retain 20% of the information in a lecture format. That has been increased to 80% retention with new techniques like switching to simulation and active learning techniques

    Putting the responsibility on the students to perfect their skills is something they will have to maintain in the field as well

    Switching to competency-based education from hours based has been a huge change

    Simulation based training is very valuable. It teaches you techniques and de-escalation techniques that you can’t learn from text books

    We talk about medical scenarios outside of work and how our skills come into play

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • Be willing to speak up. Sometimes you might be the only person to notice something important.

    We need resiliency in this field. We are all still learning, so stand up and advocate for your patient.

    Regardless of your level of care, you need to advocate for your patient.

    The hierarchy is largely in your mind. Don't be afraid to approach someone with a perceived higher status than your own.

    Take ownership over patient care

    Confidence varies in how long it takes to develop

    Be willing to be uncomfortable, it is how you will continue to learn

    Be willing to make mistakes

    EMS to in-hospital care can be a steep learning curve even as an EMT

    We talk IV’s and IO’s, staples, “foley buddies and “no no zones” discussion

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • Nate (EMT) shares his story and the issues he has been dealing with.

    Nate overdosed on medication and ended up in inpatient psych care which helped him immensely.

    He still feels grief from time to time but does have happiness more now.

    Nate wants people to know that these struggles are real and you are not alone. Don’t be afraid to talk about it. Seek counseling and therapy.

    The field we work in makes us prone to dealing with mental stress and health.

    Dark humor is a method we use to move on to the next patient or next call.

    Our job is to help the body heal itself, sometimes this doesn’t work and we can’t get caught up in the times when it doesn’t work. We must be comfortable outside of that control.

    We can’t save everyone.

    A bad partner or burned out partner on the ambulance can really ruin your experience. We all need to be willing to teach in a tactful nonjudgmental way.

    Sometimes doing nothing is the right answer if a patient needs an OR and a rapid transport is necessary

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and does

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • We meet our new panel:

    Eric (EM Physician)

    Shelby (EMT)

    Nate (EMT) and returning guest

    Sam (Prior EMT, ER RN)

    DeTessa (ER RN)

    Part of the fun part of the ER is getting to start from scratch and figure out the puzzle

    Stories do change as the patient talks with different providers

    We are not equipped to diagnosis or resolve chronic problems in the ED, we can’t provide every answer for every symptom

    The mindset of the public of what the ER is vs reality is often quite different

    We do need to understand that waiting for your ER work up can be very difficult as a patient, especially when you are in pain.

    We need to have grace for this patient perspective

    We talk about GSW patients and chaos that is present on scene and in the hospital

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is fo

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • Chris and I talk about my background and motivation for my podcast.

    I talk about a pediatric arrest I ran that had a huge impact on me.

    We tend to dehumanize patients in this job to keep our distance, but that is not always the best technique.

    Emergency standards are standards I have developed working in the ER.

    One of those standards is to walk slowly through the department. Become mindful. Be intentional and in the moment. Think through the proper order to complete your tasks. It is not your emergency.

    Mindfulness practices are key to mitigating anxiety and stress.

    Getting off work on time is key to separating work and life and maintaining that balance. Of course, much of this is outside your control, but control as much as you can.

    Let the shift go before you get home. Refocus on the rest of your life.

    Take care of yourself before you take care of patients. Self-care is critical.

    Overtime is often needed when you need to focus on making money, but this cannot be sustained long term.

    Daily, consistent discipline will prevent a crisis or emergency down the road.

    Debriefing and talking through cases can help you process and heal from them.

    Acute and chronic burnout are different problems and require different solutions.

    Focus on the factors you have control over.

    Know your why. A powerful why can overcome a lot of how’s.

    Check out Mind the Frontline below and help their mission to improve lives of first responders:

    Resilient Response: Self-Care Strategies for Emergency Medicine (mindthefrontline.org)

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • Chris and I talk about my background and motivation for my podcast.

    I talk about a pediatric arrest I ran that had a huge impact on me.

    We tend to dehumanize patients in this job to keep our distance, but that is not always the best technique.

    Emergency standards are standards I have developed working in the ER.

    One of those standards is to walk slowly through the department. Become mindful. Be intentional and in the moment. Think through the proper order to complete your tasks. It is not your emergency.

    Mindfulness practices are key to mitigating anxiety and stress.

    Getting off work on time is key to separating work and life and maintaining that balance. Of course, much of this is outside your control, but control as much as you can.

    Let the shift go before you get home. Refocus on the rest of your life.

    Take care of yourself before you take care of patients. Self-care is critical.

    Overtime is often needed when you need to focus on making money, but this cannot be sustained long term.

    Daily, consistent discipline will prevent a crisis or emergency down the road.

    Debriefing and talking through cases can help you process and heal from them.

    Acute and chronic burnout are different problems and require different solutions.

    Focus on the factors you have control over.

    Know your why. A powerful why can overcome a lot of how’s.

    Check out Mind the Frontline below and help their mission to improve lives of first responders:

    Resilient Response: Self-Care Strategies for Emergency Medicine (mindthefrontline.org)

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • Wrapping up our conversation with Brian and Kristina (PA’s and prior paramedics) and Casey (paramedic)

    Shadow PAs in different specialties so you really know what the career looks like practically.

    Use this to find out what specialties you like, school doesn’t always give you enough time and you may not get a job in your desired specialty every time.

    You must know WHY you want to be a PA. Have a very clear understanding.

    Don’t be completely set on working in the ER as a new PA. There are a lot of other valuable specialties to gain experience in before going to the ER.

    Paramedics are well equipped with knowledge and experience for PA school. There is a lot more to learn but, in many ways, paramedics are one of the best careers to transition to PA from.

    Most of medicine does not understand the high level of training that paramedics receive.

    If you are an EMT planning on PA school, learn from your paramedics.

    In EMS, learn from those with experience regardless of their provider level.

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t repre

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • We jump back into our conversation with Brian, Kristina and Casey

    Advice for newbies

    Reflect on the calls that you run.

    What went well and what went poorly?

    Are there providers that did a great job that are worth emulating?

    Find those mentors that are worth emulating. Also make note of those that are worth avoiding.

    Keep in mind there are multiple right ways to do things.

    All of us in emergency medicine need to be ready to teach. Students and patients.

    The ability to teach demonstrates true understanding.

    Teach your thought process.

    Going from EMS to PA.

    It is not a quick process, and it is very expensive.

    It is hard on your family. You need a support system. You may be lonely.

    Paramedics, in a lot of ways, are well prepared to go to PA school but their skill set is not equipped to manage diseases long term.

    A lot of what most PA’s do is specialty work on disease processes long term and not emergent conditions.

    Being an ER PA is a lot different than it may appear from the outside. A lot of our job is care provided away from the patient. We tend to be the limiting factor, so we have to use our time efficiently. We are isolated from tasks that allow you to do the work reflexively.

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • We meet our new panelists

    Brian and Kristina (PA’s and former paramedic’s). Casey is back!

    Transitioning from paramedic to PA

    Professionalism is a big emphasis in PA school.

    This was something I learned as an EMT from a great paramedic partner early in my career as well.

    Professionalism in EMS is a cultural and personal aspect to strive for.

    PA school also wants you to keep in mind you are representing their program and PA’s in general.

    Teaching the newbies

    We all need to have the confidence to pull aside the newbies and make them aware of dangerous overconfidence and arrogance when we see it.

    Even though it is confrontational.

    Seek out mentors when you are new.

    Be a mentor for new people because sometimes they aren’t confident enough to ask for one.

    We don’t really have to find the exact problem that the patient is having, we are trying to figure out what the patient needs.

    Be an investigator.

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us ar

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • We discuss what things we want others to know about our careers.

    In EMS we can tend to jump immediately to being confrontational, even when the other person isn’t meaning to be confrontational.

    We all have different scopes and different levels of knowledge.

    Casey wants people to know that paramedic’s get extensive training in 12 lead interpretation.

    Lucas wants people to know that doctors are not the boss or supervisor or the manager, we are a team and we each have our roles.

    Egos tend to make people see the system in a hierarchy. We all need to be willing to teach and check our ego.

    A good EMT will catch things that paramedics are missing.

    Nurses are hard workers and tend to be on their feet longer than paramedics.

    Advice for newbies:

    You can’t save everyone, regardless of how well you function.

    The job is not all emergencies.

    Take care of yourself before you take care of others. There may be times when you must prioritize other things in life, but long term, you must take care of yourself.

    Have an identity outside of your profession.

    Create rituals that help you perform during your day.

    Casey prays every day before his shift to be his best self and take the best care of his patients.

    Keep a journal. You may want the specifics of certain details later in life.

    Create healthy hobbies.

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • Meaningful patient interactions – Hold on to them.

    The mundane calls, the rude patients, the horrible things we see - those are the price we pay for the one call where you save someone or have a meaningful interaction.

    It is an honor to take care of patients that can’t get help in any other medical setting except the ER.

    Find one thing every shift that you find fulfilling. Be intentional. Find that thing. Someone sweet, someone grateful, someone you helped.

    You need the right expectations. Not every patient is dying, and too much high acuity will actually take its toll on you as well.

    Micaela talks about the MCI she ran and her question of how could God be present in the destruction. She came to realize that God is not in the event, He’s in the healing and the processing of the event.

    Providers should be educating those with less education and that want to learn.

    Some things get easier with time, and you don’t have to think about them as much.

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affilia

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...

  • Our new panelists:

    Lucas- ER Physician, Micaela- Paramedic, Alex- Paramedic, Rebecca- ER RN, Casey- Paramedic

    We discuss struggles with caring for patients that have perpetrated violent crimes.

    Recognize your own bias and your personal history that may affect patient care.

    It’s important to have a good self-care plan because you can’t pour from an empty cup.

    Pediatric calls will stick with you. They require intentionality to overcome.

    We all carry scars with us.

    Understand that we are human, and it is normal to feel emotions, but we owe it to our next patient to continue to be our best self.

    Don’t miss opportunities to tell your family and friends you love them. Life is fragile.

    Find the “thing” that works for you to help you heal from the things we see. Exercise, walk, talk with someone, watch a movie.

    Overcome the challenges in a healthy way. Healing instead of coping.

    Embrace the beautiful moments.

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for educational and en

    Support the show

    If you want to support the show, follow the links below for some great health and fitness products.

    My favorite protein:

    My favorite 1ST Phorm Energy Drinks:


    My favorite creatine supplement


    My favorite pre-workout supplement

    If you want to work on your nutrition, increase your energy, improve your physical and mental health, I highly recommend 1st Phorm. Check them out here so they know I sent you.

    1st Phorm | The Foundation of High Performance Nutrition

    Everything you hear today from myself and my guests is opinion only and doesn’t represent any organizations or companies that any of us are affiliated with. The stories you hear have been modified to protect patient privacy and any resemblance to real individuals is coincidental. This is for ed...