
  • What if the best years of your life are actually ahead of you? I believe everything we’ve been told about getting older is wrong. In today’s podcast, I’m celebrating my 50th birthday by turning the notion of aging on its head–getting older isn’t something to dread,it’s actually an opportunity for growth and new experiences if you’re willing to challenge the fearmongering around time and aging. We’ll take a deep dive into the misconceptions and mistaken narratives surrounding aging with actionable strategies and advice. Regardless of your age, this episode empowers you to embrace each phase of life intentionally and joyously.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    How can I shift my mindset about aging?

    What can I do to feel happier as I get older?

    What are some ways to embrace aging?

    How can I create a fulfilling life after 50?

    How can I feel better about getting older?

    Topics Covered:

    - Counterclockwise Study by Ellen Langer

    - Aging and Wisdom

    - Reinventing yourself at 50

    - Anti-Aging Industry

    - Anti-Bucket List

    - Empty Nest Transition

    - Counterclockwise Study Ellen Langer

    - Historical Context on Aging

    - Post-Menopausal Happiness

    Key Moments in the Show:

    [02:07] Why Do We Fear Aging?

    [08:25] The Third Stage of Life

    [10:27] Rethinking Your Life Timeline

    [10:58] How Aging Has Changed Through History

    [13:03] Does Aging Create New Opportunities?

    [15:54] Fear and Time Go Together

    [16:31] Why is Retirement Age 65?

    [22:43] Can Your Mindset Influence How You Age?

    [29:36] Your Anti-Bucket List


    Get free resources for this episode at TanyaDalton.com/connect

    Connect with Tanya Dalton on LinkedIn

    Watch the episode on YouTube

    Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts

    Full Transcript and Show Notes: TanyaDalton.com/podcast

  • Is there a dog in your head? If you’re ever worried or stressed (and who isn’t?) then the answer is yes! In today’s episode we’ll explore a fascinating analogy of how our egos are like dogs as we dive into the art of how to worry less. The inner voice in your mind shapes your reactions to uncertainties and–like a dog–it can be trained. Today’s episode uncovers why our brain loves to cling to negative thoughts and why we struggle to live in the present. You’ll get actionable tips on how to move from chronic worry to a more intentional stress-free approach to life.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    How do I stop worrying about the future?

    How can I deal with negative thoughts?

    Why do we worry about things we can't control?

    How can I live more in the present moment?

    Topics Covered:

    - Managing fear and negativity

    - Eckhart Tolle

    - Sonia Choquette

    - Managing worry

    - Brain's negativity bias

    - Relationship with ego

    - The effects of worry

    - Relationship with Ego

    - Living in the present

    Key Moments in the Show:

    [02:11] How Stress Shows Up in Your Body

    [05:30] How Your Brain is Wired to Worry

    08:55] The Unsolvable Problem with Worrying

    [12:39] How To Be Grateful for Past Mistakes

    [18:59] How to Take Charge of the Inner Critic in Your Head

    [26:40] What Kind of Dog is In Your Head?

    Get free resources for this episode at TanyaDalton.com/connect

    Connect with Tanya Dalton on LinkedIn

    Watch the episode on YouTube

    Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts

    Full Transcript and Show Notes: TanyaDalton.com/podcast

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  • Is the fear of making the wrong decision paralyzing you from taking the leap? You are not alone, so many people find themselves overwhelmed in the quest for the perfect decision. But here’s the truth: the right choice is hard to know while you are in the moment. In today’s episode we share the personal journey of our son, Jack's, college decision-making saga, unveil the unconventional "decision doughnut", and explore why embracing your emotions could be the secret weapon in effective decision-making. We tackle a listener's question about career transitions at any age, proving it’s never too late to choose your path intentionally.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    How can I make better decisions in life?

    What are effective decision-making strategies?

    How do I know if I'm making the right choice?

    What are the most important factors when making a decision?

    Topics Covered:

    - Decision Making

    - College Planning Strategies

    - Determining Important Criteria for Decisions

    - Maximizers vs. Satisficers

    - Pro-Con List Limitations

    - Emotions with Decision Making

    - The Brain and Emotions in Decisions

    - Paradox of Choice

    - Teenagers and Decision Making

    Key Moments in the Show:

    [02:06] A Chance to Win Prizes

    [06:38] The Paradox of Choice

    [07:50] Are Decisions Emotional?

    [12:23] Why Do Kids Make Bad Decisions

    [14:42] How Do I Know If I've Made a Good Decision?

    [16:46] Letting Go of Good vs Bad

    [20:04] The Two Types of Decision Makers

    [23:17] How to Make Better Decisions

    [24:27] How To Decide Where To Go for College

    [31:57] Making Big Decisions

    Get free resources for this episode at TanyaDalton.com/connect

    Connect with Tanya Dalton on LinkedIn

    Watch the episode on YouTube

    Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts

    Full Transcript and Show Notes: TanyaDalton.com/podcast

  • Think equal division of chores guarantees happiness in marriage? Think again. The truth is: it’s not the fighting about chores that’s the problem - it’s the lack of communication. In today’s episode we uncover the myth of 50-50 and explore the real ingredients to a successful marriage. John and I are pulling back the curtain on our own 25+ year relationship as we share our own strategies, including understanding each other's priorities and embracing diverse work styles leading to deeper, more meaningful connections. I’ll also share our five-step approach to divide and conquer household responsibilities, making sure everyone plays to their strengths.

    In this episode you’ll learn:
    How can I improve communication in my marriage?
    What are simple ways to divide household chores with your spouse?
    What is the best way to delegate household tasks in a marriage?
    How can I communicate better with my family?

    Topics Covered:
    - Division of household labor
    - Communication in marriage
    - Gender roles and chores
    - Effective delegation in relationships
    - Keys for stronger marriage
    - Family Meetings
    - Intentional Relationship Building

    Key Moments in the Show:
    [02:13] Appreciating the Differences in Your Marriage
    [08:37] Turning Frustration into Appreciation
    [14:10] Dividing Up Chores and Tasks with Your Spouse
    [19:23] Deciding Which Tasks Are Important
    [21:41] Who's in Charge?
    [25:17] How To Make Sure Tasks Get Done Right
    [33:32] How to Build a Strong Supportive Family

    Get free resources for this episode at TanyaDalton.com/connect

    Connect with Tanya Dalton on LinkedIn

    Watch the episode on YouTube

    Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts

    Full Transcript and Show Notes: TanyaDalton.com/podcast

  • What if embracing your weaknesses actually amplifies your strengths? In today’s episode we reveal the transformative power of embracing your true strengths—even those you might consider weaknesses. We dive into the shadow side of strengths as well the surprising positive impact of knowing your weaknesses. We discuss how this awareness can improve communication, strengthen relationships, and even assist in overcoming perfectionism, ultimately leading to a more joyful and intentional life. We talk about how strengths influence teamwork, collaboration, and parenthood. Tune in to unlock the strategic advantage of knowing yourself and others better while setting you up with a leadership approach that’s tailored to you.

    What is the best way to leverage your strengths at work?
    How can I figure out my personal strengths and weaknesses?
    How do strengths and weaknesses impact parenting styles?
    What does focusing on your strengths do to increase productivity?
    How can I communicate better with my team?

    - Leveraging strengths
    - Leadership styles
    - Communication styles
    - Employee-employer fit
    - Strengths-based productivity
    - Perfectionism in the workplace
    - Clifton Strengths Test
    - Parenting with strengths and weaknesses

    [01:42] Why Do I Need to Know My Weaknesses?
    [03:59] Is Quietness a Strength or Weakness?
    [07:16] Why We Need to Understand Our Strengths
    [11:55] Strengths Help Deepen Connections
    [19:21] Strengths in Marriage and Parenting
    [23:42] Strengths With Your Team at Work
    [29:20] Communication Strengths and Weaknesses
    [31:45] Do You Have a Leadership Guide?
    [35:53] Finding Your Superpowers

    Get free resources for this episode at TanyaDalton.com/connect

    Connect with Tanya Dalton on LinkedIn

    Watch the episode on YouTube

    Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts

  • What if you stopped fighting that loud inner voice of self-doubt? In this week’s episode we share how you can transform the way you approach your innermost thoughts and challenges by flipping the script on silencing your inner critic, disarming your negative thoughts and embracing your vulnerability. Rachael Jayne Groover is with me on the show for an empowering discussion that merges the realms of psychology, spirituality, and pragmatic lifestyle changes. RJ shares her transformative strategies to shift your mental frequency away from negative thought patterns helping you ignite a more profound awakening to your personal and professional potential.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    What are effective strategies to manage negative thoughts?

    How can spiritual awakening impact daily life?

    What is the mind, body, and spirit connection?

    What can I do to overcome self-doubt?

    Topics Covered:

    - Internal dialogue and self-doubt

    - Distancing from negative thoughts

    - Ego and personal development

    - Spiritual awakening process

    - Inner peace in daily life

    - Mind-body-spirit connection

    - Self-improvement vs. letting go

    - Dealing with inner dialogues

    Key Moments in the Show:

    [02:52] The Pressure to Conform

    [06:20] Finding That Inner Peace

    [09:26] The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

    [12:47] How We Subconsciously Sabotage Ourselves

    [15:25] Personal Growth and Discomfort

    [17:41] How Can We Reframe How We Look at Our Ego?

    [22:15] Strategies for Managing Negative Thoughts

    [26:58] The Why-Free Diet

    Get free resources for this episode at TanyaDalton.com/connect

    Connect with Tanya Dalton on LinkedIn

    Watch the episode on YouTube

    Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts

    Full Transcript and Show Notes: TanyaDalton.com/podcast

  • Think every leader needs to start their day at dawn to achieve greatness? Think again. It’s time to swap out early alarms for meaningful morning rituals. In this episode, we dismantle the myth that success demands a ruthless morning routine. We talk about how habits create shortcuts to productivity and how habit stacking creates structure. However, when we add in emotional depth we can actually transform daily tasks from mundane to monumental. This boots our productivity–not just in the morning, but all day long. When we upgrade routines into rituals, we can turn autopilot living into a life of purpose.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    How do habits impact productivity?

    What is habit stacking and how does it work?

    What is the difference between routines and rituals?

    How can I create a meaningful morning routine?

    Topics Covered:

    - Routines vs Rituals

    - Morning Routines

    - Habits in Productivity

    - Duke University Habits Study

    - Habit Cues

    - Habit Stacking

    - Intentional Morning Blueprint

    Key Moments in the Show:

    [02:30] Why Do We Need Habits?

    [04:27] Weirdest Celebrity Habit Fact

    [05:42] How Habits Create More Brainspace

    [06:53] Habit Stacking is a Fancy World for Routine

    [08:57] Shifting from Routines to Rituals

    [11:30] Creating Stronger Transitions for Your Day

    [13:12] Increasing Productivity While Working Remotely

    [19:18] Rigid Structure Doesn't Make You Productive

    [24:37] The One Question to Answer to Decide Your Morning Routine

    Get free resources for this episode at TanyaDalton.com/connect

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    Full Transcript and Show Notes:


  • Is the life you're leading the one you've always dreamed of, or are you just ticking boxes on society's checklist? I know I was for far too long. After months of grappling with health challenges and facing the reality of burnout, I’m back with a new episode where we dive into the question, “Does your life spark joy?”In this week’s episode I talk about the power of my Radical Sabbatical and how it helped me to reassess, realign and realize how important it is to build a sustainable life that resonates with who you are, not just what you do.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    How can I figure out what makes me happy?

    What do I need to prioritize for my mental health?

    What makes me happy?

    How can I recognize when I need a break?

    Topics Covered:

    - Radical Sabbatical

    - Today Show Appearance

    - Perimenopause

    - Substack

    - Women’s Health

    - Self-Care and Burnout

    Key Moments in the Show:

    [02:54] The Radical Sabbatical & The Today Show

    [06:11] Radical Sabbatical & The Murder Scene

    [09:50] My Body Was Clearly Telling Me

    [12:44] The Worst Word

    [17:10] Feeling Like You're in The Void

    [21:21] What's the Plan Moving Forward?

    [28:39] What is YOUR Joy?

    Get free resources for this episode at TanyaDalton.com/connect

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    Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts

    Full Transcript and Show Notes:


  • What if I told you that you don't need to check off every item on your to-do list to have a successful day? In this week’s episode, we explore the power of slowing down and being fully present in the moment. From savoring meals to stepping back from work and assessing yourself, you'll learn how being intentional with your time can lead to greater satisfaction, happiness, and success. We discuss the idea of repacing, finding joy in missing out and reducing burnout. Join us as we debunk old models of work and discover a new approach to productivity that puts you in the driver's seat.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    How can I be more present in my daily life?

    What is mindful eating and why is it important?

    How can I improve my time management skills?

    What are some exercises for practicing mindfulness?

    How can I work faster?

    Topics Covered:

    - Mindful living

    - Oxford Talks

    - Mindful eating

    - Joy of missing out (JOMO)

    - Reflection

    - Exercise to start being mindful

    Key Moments in the Show:

    [06:46] The Secret to My Strong Marriage

    [09:31] The Evolution of Who You Married

    [12:50] Selling inkWELL Press

    [16:49] My Identity Crisis

    [18:10] The Need for Re-pacing

    [23:02] The Optimal Nap Time Length

    [25:02] The 4 Questions for Reflection

    [26:09] Time Management Doesn't Work

    [30:49] How to Eat Mindfully

    [33:51] An Exercise to Help You Start Eating Mindfully

    [37:29] Mindful Eating Led to Mindful Living

    Want 5 Minutes to Peak Productivity? Join Tanya’s free Take 5 Challenge at TanyaDalton.com/take5

    Connect with Tanya Dalton on LinkedIn

    Watch the episode on YouTube

    Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts

    Full Transcript and Show Notes: https://tanyadalton.com/podcasts/pregnant-pause/

  • We are often sold on comfort in today's society, but discomfort is actually necessary for achieving growth and success. I’ve got Dr. Nneka Unachukwu on the show to talk about becoming strategic in handling discomfort and understanding that every piece of pain has a purpose. We highlight the importance of getting unstuck by making choices and then taking action. We also address the challenges of looking within to confront internal wounds and the value of observing situations without letting emotions get in the way. The hard times in life can feel dark and hopeless, but they can also lead to growth and positive changes.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    How can I get unstuck?

    What are some tips for finding purpose in difficult experiences?

    What is a self-audit?

    How can I recover from failure?

    Topics Covered: self-audit for professional growth, embracing discomfort, growth, trying new things, opportunity to learn, getting unstuck, building resilience, importance of discomfort, seeking comfort, recovering from failure, forgiveness, resistance points, word of the year, personal growth, strong mindset, pain with a purpose, reflection muscle, evolution, becoming an observer

    Key Moments in the Show:

    [04:34] Why We Feel Stuck

    [06:35] Why You Actually Aren't Achieving Your Goals

    [11:01] How to Be an Observer in Your Own Life

    [14:30] Why Growth Means Failure

    [18:36] Why We Need to Stop Searching for Comfort

    [21:28] Real Talk About Marriage and Life

    [24:38] How to Extract Lessons in Midst of Hard Times

    [34:03] Reflection Exercise with Questions

    Want 5 Minutes to Peak Productivity? Join Tanya’s free Take 5 Challenge at TanyaDalton.com/take5

    Connect with Tanya Dalton on LinkedIn

    Watch the episode on YouTube

    Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts

    Full Transcript and Show Notes: TanyaDalton.com/podcast

  • Are you living by rules and standards created by people long dead? It’s time for liberation and breaking free of the old models of work and life. Today I’ve got Ali Brown on the show who talks about the magic we experience when we let go of our old scorecards for success that no longer serve us, release ourselves from the tight constraints of what everyone else thinks and step into our own power no matter what age we are. We dive into how gratitude helps us rediscover the magic in our everyday lives and how aging is simply another form of empowerment.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    What do I do if I feel like I’ve gotten off track?

    When is a woman in her prime?

    Does practicing gratitude really work?

    What’s the best part about turning 40 or 50?

    Topics Covered: Frequency Illusion, self-discovery, personal growth, women's power, liberation, authority and structure, business complexity, clearing out old relationships, two different worlds, expressing gratitude, reticular activating system, being outside, creating a path, trusting oneself, shifting identity, simplicity, redefining success, aged confidence, stepping into power, women's prime, creativity, traditional work model, breaking away from 40-hour work week

    Key Moments in the Show:

    [04:55] What does liberation look like

    [08:26] Being On The Right Path Might Look Wrong

    [10:00] A Scientifically Proven Way to Find Magic

    [12:22] Why It's Easier to See the Negative Instead of the Positive

    [15:14] Time Management Doesn't Work

    [19:47] Your Scorecard for Success

    [23:11] Why I Left Social Media (and Don't Regret It)

    [24:38] Why It's Easy to Get Stuck in an Identity

    [25:16] The Benefits of Aging

    [28:07] When Is a Woman In Her Prime?

    [29:43] How To Stop Procrastinating (or whatever you think holds you back)

    Want 5 Minutes to Peak Productivity? Join Tanya’s free Take 5 Challenge at: TanyaDalton.com/take5

    Connect with Tanya Dalton on LinkedIn

    Watch the episode on YouTube

    Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts

    Full Transcript and Show Notes: TanyaDalton.com/podcast

  • Sometimes it can feel like a struggle to be heard. We feel like no one is truly listening or we get frustrated because it seems like no one understands our needs. But we need to ask ourselves: Are we communicating effectively? In today’s episode, I’ve got Kris Plachy joining me to explore the challenges and importance of asking for support, dealing with failure, and embracing feminine leadership qualities. We dive into creating a culture of feedback and accountability, which benefits you and your team. We get candid about the difference between feedback and criticism and how important it is to create an environment where feedback is not just accepted but expected. Today’s show is packed with actionable strategies and tips to help you lead at work and at home.


    What is accountability culture and why is it important in organizations?

    What’s the difference between feedback and criticism?

    How can we learn from failure?

    What are some powerful leadership traits that are traditionally associated with femininity?

    What qualities are important for leaders to have

    Topics Covered: clear communication, lack of accountability in society, accountability culture, feedback, culture of feedback, guidelines for giving feedback, criticism, feedback vs criticism, women and asking for support, deal breakers, embracing failure, constant growth, leadership models, feminine leadership traits, work-life balance, new business approach, communication maturity, responsibility, agency, creating change, internal struggle, accountability conversations,


    [00:00] Introducing Kris Plachy

    [06:44] Why Failure is Essential to the Progress

    [09:25] Creating a Leadership User Guide

    [12:20] Why Asking for Help Can Be a Struggle

    [15:36] When Your Assistant Isn't Your Assistant

    [16:59] Why Training People Takes So Much Time

    [20:22] Creating a Culture of Feedback

    [22:04] The Difference Between Feedback and Criticism

    [25:22] Leading with Love

    [28:43] Embracing the Feminine and Masculine Energy in Leadership

    Want 5 Minutes to Peak Productivity? Join Tanya’s free Take 5 Challenge at TanyaDalton.com/take5

    Connect with Tanya Dalton on LinkedIn

    Watch the episode on YouTube

    Subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Google Podcasts

    Full Transcript and Show Notes: TanyaDalton.com/podcast

  • Do you feel like success is just a matter of luck? Think again. Being lucky is a choice… and it’s completely within your realm of control. I’ve got Laura Gassner Otting, author of Wonderhell, on the podcast and we’re talking about the science of making your own luck. We dive into choosing your identity, borrowing confidence, breaking through your limiting beliefs and making choices about what you want to prioritize. No more fake it 'till you make it... believe it until you become it. After the show today, you’ll walk away with actionable strategies to make your own luck with no 4 leaf clover required.


    Did you know just 5 minutes a day can double your productivity? Yes, it's really that easy.

    My Take 5 Challenge is a productivity game-changer and takes just 5 minutes a day for 5 days. That’s it. (I told you it would be easy.)

    This daily action will quickly become your favorite new habit because it helps you be more present, feel confident about your actions and be empowered to create your own extraordinary life.

    Ready to get started? Go to https://tanyadalton.com/take5 to start today!

  • How can we lead with authenticity and empathy in both our personal and professional lives? In this episode, Patrice Washington and I delve into the importance of self-love and forgiveness, and how they can help us become better leaders. We discuss the toxic patterns we can fall into and how to recognize and remove ourselves from these relationships in our personal and professional lives. We examine the pitfalls of overconfidence and how the practice of forgiveness can help us move forward in healthier ways. Ultimately, we emphasize the value of identifying the people in our lives who can provide a safe space for us to be ourselves and have honest conversations, even if they are uncomfortable.


    Did you know just 5 minutes a day can double your productivity? Yes, it's really that easy.

    My Take 5 Challenge is a productivity game-changer and takes just 5 minutes a day for 5 days. That’s it. (I told you it would be easy.)

    This daily action will quickly become your favorite new habit because it helps you be more present, feel confident about your actions and be empowered to create your own extraordinary life.

    Ready to get started? Go to https://tanyadalton.com/take5 to start today!

  • Do you ever feel like you're just going through the motions, making decisions based on what you think you should do rather than what you really want? In this episode, I sit down with futurist Regan Robinson to discuss how to make better decisions that are grounded in your purpose and aspirations. Through the power of imagination, clarity of vision, and a willingness to let go of fear and ego, you can create new, creative possibilities that enable you to thrive in uncertain times.

    Tune in to learn more about Regan's unique framework for seeing the future, the importance of acknowledging your past in shaping your future, and how to make choices that align with your long-term goals.


  • Cultivating relationship and leaning into friendship and support is one of the most productive things we can do in our lives.

    In this episode, I’m joined by Erika Herridge, my best friend of 20 years, about how we have created strategies for staying close while living hundreds of miles apart. We also share an exercise that I use to manage my inner critic, we emphasize the importance of a village-like support system in life and even how we can get along when we have very different opinions. We dive into parenting, friendship, and cultivating meaningful connections in our lives.



  • Take control of your life and don't let society dictate what you should do. In today's episode, we explore how we can take ownership of our lives despite society's expectations and other people's perceptions. We focus on how to let go of our past decisions--even ones that were self-destructive--and instead recognize and appreciate them them as coping mechanisms that help us move forward.

    Today I'm joined by CEO Steph Tuss as we explore and discuss an unlikely subject in a conversation about agency: Pamela Anderson.



    Did you know just 5 minutes a day can double your productivity? Yes, it's really that easy.

    My Take 5 Challenge is a productivity game-changer and takes just 5 minutes a day for 5 days. That’s it. (I told you it would be easy.)

    This daily action will quickly become your favorite new habit because it helps you be more present, feel confident about your actions and be empowered to create your own extraordinary life.

    Ready to get started? Go to https://tanyadalton.com/take5 to start today!

  • When we are constantly chasing success, it can be easy to lose sight of what's most important. Too often our identities get tied up with overachieving, which means we end up seeing our value and our worth through the tasks, projects and items checked off our to-do list. In today's episode we dive into why success can be a trap and how we break free to claim our own identity (on our own terms).

    Did you know just 5 minutes a day can double your productivity? Yes, it's really that easy.

    My Take 5 Challenge is a productivity game-changer and takes just 5 minutes a day for 5 days. That’s it. (I told you it would be easy.)

    This daily action will quickly become your favorite new habit because it helps you be more present, feel confident about your actions and be empowered to create your own extraordinary life.

    Ready to get started? Go to https://tanyadalton.com/take5 to start today!



  • How does the word spiritual relate to productivity? If we agree that the definition of productivity is doing work that matters, then the two are completed linked to one another: it's tied to the habits you do each day; the way you look at time management; and even the words you choose to describe what work means to you. In today's episode we're going to tackle questions like: How do I find meaning in my life? and How do I stop feeling like my job sucks? and I'll share some quick and easy ways to feel instantly better about your days.

    Did you know just 5 minutes a day can double your productivity? Yes, it's really that easy.

    My Take 5 Challenge is a productivity game-changer and takes just 5 minutes a day for 5 days. That’s it. (I told you it would be easy.)

    This daily action will quickly become your favorite new habit because it helps you be more present, feel confident about your actions and be empowered to create your own extraordinary life.

    Ready to get started? Go to https://tanyadalton.com/take5 to start today!
