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    What if the true purpose behind the Book of Revelation's angels has been misunderstood for centuries? Join us as we unlock the profound mysteries of Revelation, dissecting the roles of the Church Age Messenger and the Seventh Trumpet Angel. We promise you'll gain invaluable insights into key scriptures like Revelation 10:7 and 11:15, understanding the critical differences between spiritual beings and human messengers. This episode will illuminate the often-overlooked parenthetical chapters of Revelation 7 and 10, offering a fresh perspective on the prophetic timeline and God's ultimate plan.

    We'll delve into the essence of the seventh angel's role within the seals and trumpets, and how the mighty angel's descent with an open book links to Daniel's sealed visions. Discover the deep spiritual wisdom prepared for the wise in the end times, as foretold in Daniel 12:8-10. Through our detailed analysis, you'll come away with a clearer understanding of the fulfillment of God's mysteries and the significance of these divine revelations for the modern Church. Tune in for an episode filled with spiritual enlightenment and prophetic clarity.

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    Ever wondered what the millennium holds according to biblical prophecy? Join us as we unravel the mysteries of this profound period through the teachings of the Bible and the insights of Brother William Marion Branham. We'll explore who survives the Great Tribulation, who will live on earth, and the transformative role the saints will play in governing the nations with a rod of iron. Our deep dive into Matthew 19:28 and Revelation 11:15 will illuminate the concept of regeneration and the establishment of Christ's new world government.

    Our journey through prophetic scriptures like Isaiah and Zechariah reveals who will endure to see the millennium. Will it be the 144,000 from Israel, the survivors from all nations, or others? Brother Branhamโ€™s interpretations offer a unique perspective, drawing parallels between Noah and Enoch to the Jews and the church, respectively. We discuss how divine judgment and protection will unfold in these prophetic times, painting a picture of a world being prepared for a divine order.

    The Age of Regeneration promises a world transformed under Christ's rule. Imagine a society where technologies once used for war are redirected to benefit humanity, animals live in peace, and children play safely. With Satan bound for a thousand years, the Holy Spirit becomes the new prince of the air, fostering an era of unprecedented harmony and righteousness. Reflect on these profound insights and the hopeful vision of a regenerated world where Christ and the saints reign supreme, and society flourishes under God's eternal Word. Donโ€™t miss this enlightening episode that offers a glimpse into the promises of a divine order set to last forever.

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    What if the mysteries of the end times could be unraveled through the profound teachings of a single ministry? Join us as we uncover the wisdom Brother Branham shared about the Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Seals from the Book of Revelation. We discuss how the Fifth Seal connects to the Jewish martyrs under oppressive regimes, offering them white robes and a promise of rest. The Sixth Seal plunges us into a period of cosmic turmoil and divine wrath, with Brother Branham assuring that the Bride of Christ is already safely raptured. As we reach the Seventh Seal, prepare to explore the silence in heaven, the revelation of seven thunders, and their profound significance in the context of the end-time ministry.

    Moving forward, we clarify the often-misunderstood roles of the seventh trumpet angel and the messenger in Revelation 10:7 and 11:15. Discover the critical distinction between revealing the mystery of the open book and the final act of redemption. We bridge these scriptures with 1 Thessalonians 4:16, exploring the Lord's descent with a shout and the voice of the archangel. Adding depth, we discuss the seven thunders and Brother Branham's pivotal experiences on Sunset Mountain. Concluding with the phases of the Lord's coming, this episode is a call to deepen your understanding of these transformative prophetic events, reshaping our faith journey in monumental ways.

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    How did a cloud formation in Arizona revolutionize an entire ministry? This episode unravels the extraordinary vision experienced by Brother William Branham in December 1962, where he encountered seven angels, setting the stage for the revelation of the Seven Seals. Witness the profound moments that led Brother Branham to preach these divine mysteries in Jeffersonville, Indiana, and understand how each seal uncovers biblical secrets and initiates the third pull, aimed at fostering rapturing faith for the Bride of Christ. Through vivid descriptions of powerful blasts and angelic constellations, we highlight the divine commission that affirmed his mission to reveal these sacred truths.

    We also tackle the pervasive spirit of Nicolaitanism and its historical impact on the church, as early leaders like Ignatius of Antioch elevated the bishop's role, overshadowing the Holy Spirit's guidance. Discover how the Book of Revelation's symbolism illustrates the spirits combating the Antichrist across different church agesโ€”from the white horse of the Ephesian age to the pale horse of the Laodicean age. Finally, we explore the modern era's eagle spirit, symbolizing divine clarity and vision needed to counteract ecumenical movements and deceptions. Join us for an in-depth look at the spiritual dynamics within the church and the critical shift towards dealing with the Jews under the fifth seal.

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    Unlock the secrets of biblical manhood and leadership as we draw from the profound teachings of Brother William Marion Branham. Have you ever wondered how proper family order aligns with God's design and contributes to the flourishing of wives and children? This episode uncovers the true essence of manliness according to scripture, reflecting on the distinctive roles of men and women and the importance of bravery, strength, and sacred trusts in modern times.

    We'll journey through scriptures like 1 Corinthians 16:13 and Joshua 1:6-9 to understand the divine blueprint for true masculinity. Discover the responsibilities that come with being a man in alignment with Christ's nature, and how addressing gender roles according to biblical expectations can lead to a more harmonious family dynamic. Together, weโ€™ll explore the consequences of deviating from these roles and the crucial role men play in guiding their families faithfully, drawing wisdom from Adam's account in the Garden of Eden.

    Finally, weโ€™ll discuss the sacred trust of strength and how physical and spiritual resilience are vital to fulfilling God's design for men. From the importance of character over mere physical prowess to practical tips on enhancing physical strength and health, this episode serves as a comprehensive guide for young men aspiring to be effective leaders. Embrace true masculinity and leadership by integrating wisdom, workmanship, and strength into your everyday life, and rise to contribute positively to societal change.

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    "Were the Pharisees spiritually linked to Satan? Discover this shocking assertion in our latest episode." Join us as we dissect the profound interactions between Jesus and the Pharisees, spotlighting Jesus' provocative declaration, โ€œYou are of your father, the devil,โ€ in John 8:44. We navigate the startling implications of this statement, exploring how it ties to the spiritual lineage of humanity, from the biblical tales of Genesis to the actions of Cain. Prepare for an insightful journey that contrasts divine and diabolical origins, examining their influence on the behavior and beliefs of the Pharisees.

    In this episode, we delve into the nuanced dialogue between Jesus and the Pharisees, shedding light on the deeper meaning behind being "born of fornication" and its connection to Satan. By tracing the roots of murder and deceit back to Genesis, we unravel how the Phariseesโ€™ actions mirror those of Cain, revealing a complex spiritual heritage. This thought-provoking discussion promises to enhance your understanding of biblical narratives, spiritual identity, and the origins of sin, challenging conventional perspectives on morality and faith.

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    What profound secrets lie within the Seventh Seal, and how do they shape our understanding of divine purpose? Join us on a spiritually enriching journey as we explore the awe-inspiring mysteries of the Seventh Seal from the Book of Revelation. Beginning with a heartfelt prayer for transformation, we invoke the powerful imagery of God as the potter and believers as the clay, setting the stage for a deep dive into the roles of angels, the golden altar, incense, and the profound silence accompanying the seal's opening. This episode calls for believers to stay focused on Christ amid the unfolding tribulation events, offering insights into the high priestly symbolism and the prayers of the saints.

    Unravel the complexities and interpretations of the Seventh Seal with insights from the Bible and the teachings of the prophet Brother Branham. Discover the threefold unfolding of the Seventh Seal, which takes us from initial understanding, through deep confusion, to eventual clarity. Personal experiences and testimonies amplify the importance of seeking divine revelation and living a godly life. We explore how these prophetic messages tie into the end times and the coming millennium, emphasizing the need for spiritual readiness and openness to God's ongoing revelations.

    The final segments of our episode focus on the threefold purpose of God's redemption and the transformative power of preaching the Word. We address misconceptions about the Trinitarian idea and the importance of unity and maturity within the Church. Highlighting the five-fold ministry's role in guiding believers to spiritual maturity, we stress the necessity of continuous revelation and readiness to meet the bridegroom. With heartfelt prayers and reflections, we underscore the importance of humility, spiritual growth, and the vital role of preaching in transforming lives. Tune in for an enlightening exploration of faith, divine purpose, and the profound mysteries of the Seventh Seal.

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    What if the origins of humanity's spiritual battle could be traced back to two distinct seeds and two foundational trees? Journey with us as we uncover the profound theological implications of the "Two Trees, Two Seeds" revelation from Genesis 3:14-15. We promise you'll gain a deeper understanding of the enmity between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent, the prophecy of the Messiah, and the enduring spiritual conflict that shapes human history. Explore Cain's lineage as the serpent's seed and contrast it with the godly line through Abel and Seth, illuminating the roots of our perpetual struggle between good and evil. Insights from theologians like Adam Clarke and Brother Branham will enrich your perspective on hybridization and the serpent's transformation post-curse, all set against the backdrop of the Garden of Eden's pivotal events.

    Ever wondered how the birth of Cain and Abel symbolizes the fundamental duality of human nature? In "Twins of Two Seeds," we'll dissect the intricate narrative of the dual seeds theory, starting from the fall of Adam and Eve and their lost immortality. Through the lives of biblical figures such as Jacob and Esau, Moses and Balaam, and Jesus and Judas, we'll illustrate the persistent conflict between the true elect and false anointed throughout history. Moreover, we'll confront the modern-day ramifications of this belief, highlighting the existence of false prophets and the challenge of discerning God's true purpose amidst the noise of mainstream religious teachings. This episode offers a compelling look at the divine and the deceptive in our spiritual journey.

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    What if Satan, rather than just a deceiver, had a hand in the design of woman? Explore this provocative question as we unpack Brother William Marion Branham's sermon "Marriage and Divorce" in our latest episode. We critically analyze seven key points from the sermon, scrutinizing the scriptural foundations of Branham's assertion and its wider implications for understanding the roles of men and women in biblical narratives. Together, we'll traverse the creation story in Genesis to delineate God's pure intentions from Satan's deceptive influence, emphasizing that while God created woman as Adam's helpmate, Satan's role was solely cunning deception in the Garden of Eden.

    Find out what Branham says about the original divine purpose for Adam and Eve, and how Satan's manipulation of sexual desire altered the course of humanity. We'll discuss the concept of "spoken word children" and how God's initial plan was corrupted by Satan, leading to sex-driven procreation and the fall of man. Learn about Adam's profound choice to redeem Eve out of love and the unique aspects of Eve's design. We'll connect these insights to the grand biblical narrative of showcasing God's glory through vessels of mercy, as elaborated in Romans 9:23. This episode promises to be a riveting exploration of deep theological concepts that challenge long-held beliefs.

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    Could the original sin be far more complex and profound than eating a forbidden fruit? In today's episode, we explore the serpent seed doctrine and its controversial claim that Adam and Eve's fall involved a significant sexual transgression. Drawing from Brother Branham's teachings, we argue that Eve's premature engagement with the serpent led to a hybrid offspring, fundamentally altering humanity's path. We contrast the laws of human reproduction with those of the animal kingdom, highlighting the divine intention behind human multiplication and the critical importance of adhering to God's appointed time.

    Next, we journey into the aftermath of humanity's fall from grace, reflecting on God's decision to guard the tree of life with an angel, preventing humans from attaining immortality. We'll paint a vivid picture of the Garden of Eden as a paradise where heaven and earth were once united and examine the severe consequences of being barred from this divine presence. Despite humanity's corrupted nature and total depravity, we'll uncover the hope for future reconciliation in the new Jerusalem, where heaven and earth will be one again, restoring the lost divine connection. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion that blends scripture with deep theological insights to offer a fresh perspective on these age-old questions.

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    What if the serpent seed survived the Great Flood? Join us as we unravel this controversial theory, analyzing how Jesus' teachings in John 8 and the genetic purity of Noah, described as perfect in his generations, support this notion. We'll trace the lineage of Noah's family, exploring how the sons of God and the daughters of men intermarried, blending Cain's and Adam's lines. Through Brother Branham's teachings, we'll examine the influence of inherited traits on Noah's sonsโ€”Shem, Japheth, and Hamโ€”and discuss Ham's particular wickedness despite his father's pure genealogy.

    Together, we'll explore the profound concept of spiritual genetics and predestination according to Brother Branham. We'll discuss how every individual is perceived as a hybrid from the original creation and how Jesus identified certain people as being of their father, the devil, due to the absence of God's gene in them. Highlighting the nature of physical versus virgin birth, we'll delve into the idea that divine genetic markers determine God's election. Illustrated by the biblical story of Jacob and Esau, we suggest that God's love for Jacob was due to the life He placed within him. Finally, we'll reflect on the ark as a symbol of the hybrid life passed down through humanity, offering a unique perspective on our shared spiritual heritage.

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    What if you could unlock the mysteries of the Seventh Seal and profoundly transform your spiritual journey? Join me, Jason DeMars, as we explore the deep teachings of Brother William Marion Branham, revealing how the Seventh Seal signifies the coming millennium, the restoration of the Church's original faith, and the union of the groom and bride. I'll also share about my forthcoming mission trip to Lusaka, Zambia, and introduce a new initiative to empower fathers in leading their families through foundational Bible studies.

    Witness a testament to the incredible power of faith as I recount my personal journey of miraculous healing and transformation. I'll share the challenges faced during recovery, from lung pain to physical weakness, and how a commitment to health and fitness through weight loss, strength training, and dietary changes helped me overcome them. Discover the vital connection between physical well-being and fulfilling one's life mission, and how spiritual teachings can guide us toward healthier lifestyle choices.

    We'll also take a critical look at the negative impacts of modern scientific advancements on our health, from hybridized foods to GMOs and harmful chemicals. Learn the benefits of consuming natural, whole foods like grass-fed beef and raw milk to improve overall vitality. Finally, delve into the importance of godly leadership within the family, the role of prayer in setting families in order, and how to raise children according to biblical principles. Don't miss this enlightening and transformative episode!

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    Could the original sin be more than just eating forbidden fruit? What if it symbolically represents a controversial and profound act that changes our understanding of Genesis entirely? In this episode of "Genesis Mystery," we challenge traditional interpretations by exploring the possibility that Eve's interaction with the serpent resulted in Cain being the serpent's seed. We dive into key scriptural passages, genealogical records, and interpretations from both Christian and Jewish traditions to uncover hidden complexities within the book of Genesis. Join us as we unveil a fresh perspective on original sin that dares to question long-held beliefs.

    In "The Serpent's Curse," we delve into the punishment of the serpent in Genesis 3:14-15 with insights from the renowned Bible scholar Adam Clarke. We unravel the dual aspects of the serpentโ€™s curse, examining its physical and symbolic ramifications. From the downfall of the serpent to its enmity with humanity, we trace this theme through biblical events, including the murder of Abel by Cain and the profound implications of Jesus Christ's death and resurrection. Prepare for a thought-provoking discussion on the metaphorical interpretation of the forbidden fruit as we reveal deeper, revelatory meanings behind these ancient texts.

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    Will the Bride face persecution before the Rapture? This episode tackles this controversial question head-on through the lens of Brother Branham's evolving teachings. You'll gain insight into the nuanced distinction between everyday societal hardships and specific ecclesiastical persecution. We delve into Brother Branham's profound "squeeze" concept and the third pull's manifestation, dispelling common end-times misconceptions. By examining his progression of revelations, we emphasize the need for spiritual maturity in interpreting these prophecies, reassuring listeners that the Bride will be taken up before experiencing God's wrath.

    Furthermore, we explore the imminent hope of the Rapture for the Bride, emphasizing Brother Branham's teachings that no additional signs are needed for this divine event to occur. The episode unpacks the continuous display of God's power within the Bride and her current spiritual persecution. We also highlight the belief that the Bride will not endure severe physical persecution like the early apostolic church but will be caught up into the presence of Christ. Our discussion underscores the perfecting power of the blood of Jesus Christ, providing a renewed sense of hope and readiness for the Rapture. Don't miss this deep dive into an often-debated topic, aimed at bolstering your faith and understanding.

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    Could following a charismatic leader risk your spiritual well-being? Join us as we tackle the elusive and intriguing world of cults in this enlightening episode. We scrutinize the teachings and actions of Brother Branham under the lens of journalist Rick Ross's comprehensive definition of a cult. Through vivid personal anecdotes and historical accounts, we explore Branham's dedication to spiritual integrity and his firm stance against exploiting his followers for financial gain or personal power. We contrast his life and teachings with the disheartening reality of some leaders who have twisted his message for their own ends.

    Our conversation doesn't stop at Brother Branham; we emphasize the paramount importance of discernment and critical thinking in the spiritual journey. By invoking the spirit of the Bereans from Acts 17:11, we urge you to scrutinize the scriptures and be vigilant in your spiritual walk. This episode serves as both a tribute to genuine spiritual leadership and a cautionary tale about the perils of blindly following self-proclaimed message preachers. Equip yourself with wisdom and integrity as we dissect the delicate balance between faith and discernment in today's religious landscape.

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    Can modern psychology truly offer the healing and transformation we seek, or is there a deeper, more profound path grounded in biblical truths? Join us as we tackle this provocative question, exploring the intersection of secular psychology and scriptural wisdom. We delve into the teachings of Brother William Marion Branham, who highlighted the necessity of a Christ-centered approach to overcoming life's challenges. You'll discover how secular psychology's focus on happiness and victim mentality starkly contrasts with the power of personal responsibility and the transformative impact of the Gospel.

    In this episode, we critically examine the role of modern psychology through Brother Branham's revelations, contrasting his initial acceptance with his later criticisms. We discuss the dangers of relying on psychological methods that drift away from biblical principles and the feminist-influenced worldview that fosters a misguided pursuit of happiness. By highlighting the five channels of the spiritโ€”memory, conscience, reason, imagination, and affectionsโ€”we underscore the significance of faith and personal accountability in achieving spiritual freedom. You'll learn how true deliverance and healing are rooted in God's Word and the Holy Spirit.

    Furthermore, we address the pressing challenges of our modern society, from governmental secrecy to social media pressures and shifting parenting styles. By reflecting on the wisdom of Ecclesiastes, we emphasize the futility of seeking happiness through worldly means and the importance of spiritual fulfillment. We also explore how modern psychology's therapeutic approaches may contribute to a lack of resilience and personal responsibility among today's youth. As we wrap up, I invite you to share your feedback, questions, and suggestions for future topics, ensuring our discussions continue to resonate and support our community's spiritual growth.

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    Is every word spoken by a prophet to be considered infallible? Join us as we unravel this complex issue, specifically focusing on Brother Branham and the perspectives surrounding his words. We'll tackle Brother Joseph Branham's unwavering belief in the infallibility of Brother Branhamโ€™s statements and weigh it against historical biblical examples where prophets, like Nathan and Isaiah, have faltered. Through this discussion, we aim to distinguish the human limitations of prophets from the divine perfection of God's word, encouraging thoughtful discernment among believers.

    Shifting gears, we'll explore what truly signifies the evidence of the Holy Spirit in believers. Contrary to common beliefs about speaking in tongues or exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit, we'll argue that the true mark of the Holy Spirit is the reception and manifestation of God's Word. Reflecting on Jesusโ€™ teachings in John 14 and Brother William Branhamโ€™s evolving understanding of the Logos and the new birth, we emphasize the Bible as the unwavering absolute. Tune in to understand how Godโ€™s truth shines through fallible humans and how the Holy Spirit continues to reveal Jesus Christโ€™s glory through His followers.

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    How does the prophetic ministry of Elijah intertwine with the revelation of the Son of Man? Join us as we unveil this profound connection, analyzing the significance of "Son of Man" as a messianic title for Jesus Christ and its prophetic implications. By dissecting key biblical passages, including Jesus' encounters with the Samaritan woman and Nathanael, we reveal how Jesus' prophetic gifts authenticated His messianic identity. We also discuss Jesusโ€™ chilling warning about the future longing for the days of the Son of Man, emphasizing the global scope of this revelation.

    In our next segment, we delve into the crucial end-time ministry of Elijah, viewed as a last beacon of grace before impending judgment. Drawing parallels with the days of Noah, we underscore the urgency and significance of Elijahโ€™s message in Malachi 4. We also explore the controversial belief that William Marion Branham fulfilled this prophetic role, delivering a vital message to both Israel and the Gentile nations. Finally, we tie these themes to the events in Luke 17:22-30, highlighting the global and divine recognition of the Son of Man's revelation, despite the world's widespread rejection. Don't miss this insightful exploration of prophetic ministries and their ultimate significance.

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    Can Christians hear from God today, or is the Bible the only source of His voice? This episode promises to unravel this complex question, guiding you through a balanced approach to biblical revelation. By acknowledging the Bible as the final authority while staying receptive to God's ongoing communication through anointed messengers, we explore how to avoid the extremes that lead to misinterpretation. Updates on upcoming missions and free resources on our website will also be shared.

    Preaching remains a vital channel for God's voice in contemporary times. We dive into the foundational teachings of Brother Branham and Paul's scriptural instructions, emphasizing the need for present-day, Spirit-led ministry. While recorded messages from revered figures are valuable, we argue that active ministry is crucial for spreading God's word and safeguarding against attributing infallibility to any human messenger. This episode underscores the principles of sola scriptura and affirms that God continues to guide us through living vessels today.

    The transformative power of the ministry of reconciliation, the role of the Ascension Gifts ministry, and the journey toward becoming a mature bride of Christ are thoroughly discussed. We reflect on the distinct roles within the body of Christ and the importance of adhering to biblical principles for a faith-centered family life. This episode is a deep dive into how God's word continues to resonate in our lives, both through Scripture and through the Spirit-led ministry today. Join us and deepen your understanding of how to live a life aligned with God's perfect will.

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    Ever wondered if the great prince Michael mentioned in Daniel 12 is more than he seems? Discover how Brother Branham identifies Michael as a theophany of Christ, standing for the people during the great tribulation, and what that means for Jewish and Gentile believers alike. This episode uncovers Paul's teachings in Ephesians, revealing how Gentiles are brought near to inherit the promises of God, and analyses the prophetic timeline, the resurrection of the righteous and wicked, and the sealing of the book until the end times, characterized by increased knowledge and travel. You'll be captivated by the striking parallels between Daniel's vision and the Book of Revelation, shedding light on the eventual fulfillment of these prophecies.

    Join us as we unpack the crucial roles of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers in perfecting the saints and building up the body of Christ. Learn how the ministry of the Word, restored by the prophet of Malachi 4:5-6 and ministered by the fivefold ministry, purifies the church, preparing it for the stature of the perfect man, reflecting the fullness of Christ. We'll discuss the distinct roles of the bride church and the Israeli people, the prophetic timelines from Daniel 12, the importance of the abomination of desolation, and the blessedness of enduring the additional days. This episode offers a profound reflection on the revelation given to the bride church, purifying and preparing them for the millennial reign of Christ.