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A Day In The Life Of An Adult Actress
“I don’t get where people get this idea that as a porn star I’m having sex all day.”
I’ve always been curious about porn stars.
Does having sex for work take all the fun out of it? Do they ever get embarrassed getting down in front of a room full of cameras and sound and lighting guys? And is the porn industry really as violent and exploitative as we hear?
For answers to all of these conundrums and more, I spoke to internationally renowned adult actress, Kiki Vidis about sex on screen. Here, Kiki reveals all the secrets, and explains why it’s really the women – yep, you read that right – in the industry who call the shots…
A Day In The Life Of An Adult Actress - r/nsfw Podcast - Reddit NSFW Stories -
Male Porn star First Day On Set - r/nsfw Podcast - Reddit NSFW Stories
At 6.30 am one morning last week my twin brother, Paul, asked me to do him a very strange favour. He told me that the film studio where he worked was desperate to find a stand-in for a guy who had rung in sick. I knew that Paul worked in a film studio making adult movies but I didn't know if he was a cameraman, a film editor or what exactly he did. I asked him what kind of work was involved.
Male Porn star First Day On Set - r/nsfw Podcast - Reddit NSFW Stories -
Prostitutes Reveal What Their First Day On The Job Was Like - r/nsfw Podcast - Reddit NSFW Stories
Craigslist foot fetishists and porn shoots that put your first day work jitters to shame.
A few weeks ago, I was asked to perform on a show called Bedpost. Bedpost bills itself as an erotic cabaret. I was one of two storytellers on the lineup alongside a sketch troupe, a few burlesque dancers, and game show. The prize for winning the game show was a $200 couple's vibrator. I performed my set that night to general indifference, which at first I attributed to the crowd, but in retrospect the failure was definitely mine. The audience ate up the rest of the event. They were particularly fond of the evening's second storyteller, a former dominatrix who explained how she first got into the business.
Prostitutes Reveal What Their First Day On The Job Was Like
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Sex workers describe their very first day on the job NSFW - r/nsfw Podcast - Reddit NSFW Stories -
Sex workers describe their very first day on the job NSFW - r/nsfw Podcast - Reddit NSFW Stories
Every job has a first day — and that includes sex work.
It's not like what you see in the movies (though sometimes you may find some elements of Hollywood in there), and it's not all pretty, but it can be interesting and, sometimes, even a little funny.
According to prostitutes, erotic masseuses, and other sex workers on Reddit, here's what that very first day on the job is like.
"I started working because I'd gotten a few propositions through a dating website. I was studying med at the time and I was short on money. So one time, this guy made me what seemed like a lucrative offer and I agreed... A week or two later, I drove over to his apartment. I was petrified, but I needed the money so I rang the doorbell. It was a lovely apartment, and he paid upfront. He was nice enough. He asked me to do some things that I didn't want to do, so I said, 'Maybe not this time.' Kept an eye on the time (via the helpful clock radio next to the bed) and thankfully he finished on time. Had a shower, bit of a chat afterwards, and then he kissed me goodbye on the cheek."
"I drank a heap of wine before I went to the agency. This was about 2.5 years ago when the industry was booming. I did booking after booking and went home with a massive wad of cash. I didn't think about it too much. I just loved the rush of being booked and making so much money. The industry is dead over here now and I have no idea why."
"My first night, I was ridiculously nervous. I went to an upscale hotel, nervously walked through the lobby, hoping I looked like I belonged there, and not like what I was really there for. I was nervous the whole elevator ride up. I walk to his room, lightly knock on the door. He opens the door, says (for the story's sake, we will use the name Sarah) 'Hi, Sarah?' and like an idiot I reply with my real name. We laughed it off. It was quick, 10 minutes. He was polite and clean. In the area for business. I ended up seeing him a few more times over the years, always very nice. Tipped on top of the hourly rate, which was always appreciated and made me choose to see him over other clients in the future."
"I was a different type of sex worker, a pro Domme. My first pro session was terrible! He was a good client, however anything bad that could have happened did happen... Including cracking his rib during a trample session (very rare when everything is done correctly). However I never had an issue after that first session, and ended up with quite a few wonderful regulars."
"I'm a straight male escort and... for my first booking, I received an email from a girl that basically went as follows: 'Hi, I'd like to book you as a birthday present for my friend's 24th surprise party.' ... I turned up early to help these girls prepare the surprise and they're all insanely attractive. Out-of-my-league attractive. The girl who booked me then drops this bombshell on me: 'Oh, by the way, all of us are either escorts or strippers.' Uh oh, I'm in way over my head..."
"The guy paid me $60/hour for three hours. He smoked a few bowls, talked about jazz, and then very creepily went on and on about my boobs. I jerked him for like 30 minutes with this horrible rose-scented lotion, blew him, and eventually we had sex. I was impressed he could get it up with how high he was and figured he must be on something else. That's mostly what I was thinking about the whole time."
"I was 22, just graduated with a BA in a major that would make me no money... I posted on Craigslist ($400 an hour; I had no clue about rates and still don't, but from this thread it seems high) and met a man the next night at his house for an agreed-upon 30 minutes. We sat on the couch and talked a little bit. He ran a small business, divorced, overweight, 40s... I liked him, so I kept going until he finished -- maybe another 20 minutes? I didn't charge him for the extra. I didn't enjoy it as much as I would with a regular partner, but it wasn't bad."
"He was in his 40s, from another town, and offered me $900 for the night. When the night came along, he booked a hotel, and I went over there some time that evening. I was so nervous, I could barely speak a word when I got there. He was an average-looking guy. I wasn't attracted to him but it didn't cross my mind that it mattered. I was still about to have sex with someone I technically just met, and for money... After that, we just went to sleep and I left in the morning."
Sex workers describe their very first day on the job NSFW
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Sex workers describe their very first day on the job NSFW - r/nsfw Podcast - Reddit NSFW Stories -
8 sex workers share what happened on their first day on the job.
Like accountants, journalists or retail assistants, sex workers offer their services, in exchange for payment, and as with any other job, things like contentious clients, questionable bosses, and first day job jitters, are also commonplace.
Writing about their initial experiences on a recent Reddit thread, various sex workers from erotic text line operators, to escorts and strippers shared their first day on the job.
This is what they had to say.
1. “Getting partially naked in front of strangers for the first time is very unsettling.”
First day on the job stripping — I was 19 and worked in a very tiny club (used to call it my shoebox club) with a wobbly pole from Lowe’s that went through a gaping hole in the ceiling.
Had a panic attack in the dressing room before it was my turn to go on stage cause getting partially naked in front of strangers for the first time is very unsettling, and then came out to see people that I vaguely knew sitting by the tip rail (I used to live in a small city).
I had actually biked past them on the way to get there! Proceeded to awkwardly roll around on stage and accidentally kicked an ash tray off the tip rail at them. Not my finest hour haha.
2. “I got VERY lucky.”
I got VERY lucky. My first ever client was an attractive, middle aged man who lived in a huge and pristine house. After all was said and done, I divulged that he was my first client. He looked me in my eyes and said ‘you shouldn’t be doing this.’ I only did it for about six weeks.
3. “Much less than minimum wage.”
I once worked for a company where I would reply to explicit text messages. First day I thought it was really funny and kinda cool, I did it from home so I would tell my partner about some of the messages I would get. It was explained to me that I would handle several ‘profiles’ of women. I was sure the men knew it’s a fantasy line as the manager told me it was clear on their website. But she would not tell me what the name of that site was.
Anyway as time went on I realized that the Johns were texting what they thought were real women. They kept referring to it as a dating website. I kept getting general emails from my manager repeatedly to say we must always say we “liked the idea of meeting sometime” but never agree to it, and to keep saying we wanted to talk longer first to keep them replying for longer. Some of these men had been texting ‘one woman’ for YEARS, when in reality that profile could be handled by 20+ women a day.
Found out from one John that it was advertised as meet local singles for sex, and they had to spend £3 (AU$5.41) per message and were getting frustrated that the women never met up.
Edit: Lots of people asking about pay. It was £0.15p per message (AUD 27 cents). Even going as fast as I could it was much less than minimum wage per hour as I often had to read through the message history or look up info (e.g the John might ask what the weather was like where ‘she’ lived).
4. “Lasted only three days.”
At one point in my life when I lost my job and car I stripped (lasted only three days) and I remember my first day, technically night, like it was yesterday. I was very shy, awkward, clueless, desperate, and ashamed.
I never thought I would turn to dancing (stripping). After I danced the five stages, this [doctor] asked for a private dance. We go to the very back of the building where no one can see. So I’m dancing on him and then he asks could he insert his penis in me. I freaked out!!! I said NO! And he said “okay, can I jack off while you dance, I’ll give you $200”. I agreed, and a few seconds later, he jizzed in his pants…. they were khakis.
I made $250 in about three minutes. I was scarred, and was only able to dance two more nights before I realized I just couldn’t do it anymore.
5. “Sex work saved me.”
So, I started off doing erotic massage back when I was basically homeless and just couch surfing…, working any odd jobs I could find. I had no idea what I was doing, but I was living off stale food left forgotten in random peoples fridges, so I went for it.
I posted an ad on a website with a friend and within a few hours got an inquiry. I didn’t screen or take any precautions because I didn’t know any better, and in retrospect I was INCREDIBLY lucky. I was so nervous. I got all dressed up in the only halfway decent thing I owned.
I went to his hotel and when he opened the door my mouth nearly fell open. He was so fucking handsome and I was floored. He was a 30 something businessman from Iceland. He was absolutely delightful. He was charming, intelligent, immaculate, and funny. I had an amazing hour with him and walking away with what I normally could make in a week working my ass off at a shit cafe getting abused by rich customers who were fine with spending $7 on a latte but not tipping a single cent. The 180° change in my job status was shocking.
After that I started posting ads every day and was able to get an apartment and go back to school. I’m now at a great university and my life is wonderful. It’s been over five years and I’ve never been more grateful for anything in my life. Sex work saved me.
6. “He made it easy.”
I was very nervous. No one in my life knew I was going to work as a sex worker. The madam at the brothel knew it was my first time but she gave me very little useable advice. An older experienced SW told me what I needed to know to get through my first client.
My first client was a young man, he treated me well and the sex was vanilla. It wasn’t scary or anything. He made it easy. I think I had a few clients that night, I can’t remember.
Edit: The advice she gave me was about not telling the clients that it was my first time or that I was new in the industry. She said that the clients would immediately try to take advantage of that. She told me how to use lube to fake enjoyment, and that when I got my period I could still work I’d just need to wet a small sponge and use it as a tampon. She let me know the brothels that where the girls were so competitive that they’d sabotage your jobs, spread shut about you and cut the straps on your shoes. And most importantly she told me that even on your worst night the money would make it worth it.
7. “My coworker had to show me how to give a lap dance.”
I’m a dancer, my first day was kind of awkward but I think I got the hang of it quickly. I was interested in pole tricks before I started the job so I was pretty good at those already, but had no idea what to do for the actual dancing part.
My coworker had to show me how to give a lap dance lol. Talking to customers was also nerve-racking but I quickly learned to just ask questions and they would spend the rest of the conversation talking about themselves. It got easier once I developed a fun, confident persona that was separate from my actual everyday self (I usually have a lot of anxiety and body image issues).
I also learned some very effective ways to shut down creeps.
8. “My feet absolutely killed me.”
My first day stripping was terrifying. I wore off brand stripper shoes so my feet absolutely killed me. I was scared out of my mind to talk to people I was a nervous wreck. Luckily the girls at the club were nice and helped me figure out what to do.
I’m still stripping a year later and it’s pretty much second nature now I love it and I’m pretty good. I also do porn now and my first day doing that was addicting! I loved it I had so much fun it made me feel invincible.
Almost forgot to mention I’ve gotten to meet so many amazing people. All my close friends now are girls I met at the club. Everyone at the club is like a weird, f*cked up family.
8 sex workers share what happened on their first day on the job.
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