
  • In the late 1970s, at the age of 17, Olive Jones joined a communal living experiment in Nelson, living in a kind of Anarchy with each other and off the land. Later, that Community purchased a piece of land in Motueka Valley that came to be known as Graham Downs.

    There, they experimented radically with communal living: anybody could join whenever they wanted for as long as they wanted. They farmed the land with horses, milked cows, butchered their own meat, built their own houses, made their own clothing, all without any governance structure.

    Olive became a pillar of that community and lived there for 13 years. She wrote the book "Commune: Chasing a utopian dream in Aotearoa" about her experience of that time, as well as about the deterioration and falling apart of the Community. In this episode, Olive shares some of her life experiences:

    - How they thought they were creating an alternative culture but ended up reproducing patriarchy;

    - What did not work;

    - How living in Community requires a level of emotional maturity and conflict resolution processes;

    - How choosing an interesting life over a comfortable life makes life worth living;

    - How women playing small contributed to the patriarchal culture;

    - How women's work can be invisible;

    and more.

    Today, Olive lives in Auckland and is a trustee of the Trust holding the land.

    This interview was held by Julia Neumann, who spent several weeks of living on the land in March & April 2024.

    Read more about:

    Archiarchy: https://archiarchy.mystrikingly.com

    Guardianship: https://earthguardian.mystrikingly.com

    Radical Responsibility: https://radicalresponsibility.mystrikingly.com

  • In this episode we bring you the voice of Julia Butterfly Hill.Between 1997 and 1999, Julia sat for over two years in a 1,000 year old Redwood tree („Luna“), taking a stand to protect this tree and the ancient forest from clearing. She and her team succeeded. This interview goes beyond this remarkable event. Julia speaks with immense Clarity about what it takes to be a person who is able to be authentically herself, and from her heart-knowing to be a Radical Stand for life on this planet. She speaks into the necessity for collaboration as Women, despite being raised in a culture that champions competition. Julia’s words call forth the innate power within each person to make a real difference in this world. How important it is to go continuously beyond your comfort zone, lean into your fear, trust your gut, and be willing to make mistakes. It is in those mistakes that we learn and collectively grow our capacities as a human species, in that a different culture is born. Redwoods are trees that grow as a community, not as individual trees. Can you hear their ancient wisdom lacing the words of Julia, their ancient hearts beating in the silence?Julia is available for coaching, interviews and speaking engagements, https://juliabutterflyhill.com.

    Poem “Women and the Earth”, by Julia Butterfly Hill. From her Poetry book “Becoming”, available for purchase here: https://juliabutterflyhill.com/product/becoming-e-book/

    You are afraid of my darkness

    because that.

    is where

    the magic is held.

    You cannot control it,

    so you destroy it

    and oppress it

    and use a book written long ago

    as your excuse

    and then blame it on the women...

    the loss of the Eden which is me.

    See, I am the Goddess...

    See, I am the Goddess,

    the part of your God

    that you wish to get rid of

    because I hold the magic...

    in the dark, moist caverns

    I lie and live and thrive.

    I am the womb

    of life's gestation.

    I am the darkness

    that holds the space for the light.

    We could not see the stars

    without the night.

    Those green shoots,

    the children of tomorrow,

    they are held within

    my darkest depths

    until they are called forth.

    I am the understanding of balance.

    I am the knowing of gods and goddesses.

    I am the Great Mystery,

    and it is this uncertainty

    that scares you.

    I would rather grab hands

    with thousands,

    run off cliffs

    to be swallowed by the sea,

    than to give up

    the magic

    that is me.

    I will be consumed by the fire

    that you thought would kill me,

    and I will come back

    stronger than before.

    I am the phoenix

    arising from that flame.

    And I will hold the hands of thousands, emerging from the seas,

    wetlands, deserts, prairies, caverns, mountains, and trees.

    and I will call forth

    the magic

    that is me.

    This interview was made possible by donations of a group of Possibility Managers, in order to honour Julia’s stand. Possibility Management is a context for authentic initiation into adulthood. https://possibilitymanagement.org.

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  • Annika Möller-Nilsson opens a vast space to explore being Women. Annika Korsten takes this doorway with passion, courage and fierce Love. What follows is part transmission, part recount and part research fresh from Annika Korsten's discoveries of choosing to radically rely on Women for her Healing and Evolution.

    What emerges when Women choose to radically on each other? Well, a totally new culture is possible.

    Topics covered include:

    New Map of sisterhood, speaking before knowing, letting healing happen. Going through the underworld to find something other than gossiping and resenting and competing with other women. Calling through the wisdom and intuition of women by radically trusting the impulses of each woman. The Everythingness of women. Staying close to reality to source new steps for Evolution. Jobs as something to be constantly rediscovered and invented. Celebrating life as a choice. Learning to say what I want. Finding your own authentic Yeses and Nos. Unreasonable requests Not enmeshing, instead travelling as a wave. Switching to thriving. Consciously being with cycles of the womb as a woman.

    Annika Möller-Nilsson is the host of the podcast: Coming Down to Earth. We are publishing here with Annika's permission.

    Gratitude to ⁠Maria Diaz⁠ for her initial research into what it means to be a particle or a wave, and to Millicent Haughey for preparing this episode for publication.

  • Ana Norambuena held space for the Women of Earth Laboratory from 13-17 March 2024 in Kina, New Zealand.

    She speaks about what happened, the shifts that occurred, the Sisterhood that was awakened, the fierce Love that Women reclaimed for moving forward, the radical commitment to following impulses and the Nothingness required to hold space for the emergence of an Unfolding of Everything in chaos.

    She reveals especially the lie in patriarchy that Women are alone. Without that lie, with Women collaborating, being together, patriarchy stands no chance.

    In one of the processes that Ana shares about, all the Women declared, not orchestrated, at the same time:

    "Withdrawing my Love ends here."

    And as Ana points out: A Woman's Love is not just sweet. It is fierce.

    We need your Love, your fierce Love, dear Women.

    To gain access to Women's Laboratories, you will need to attend an Expand the Box Training first. Find all Trainings on offer in New Zealand here: possibilitymanagement.nz, or globally here: possibilitymanagement.org

    The interview was held space for by Julia Neumann, julia-neumann.com.

  • "I think the authority of us Women to authorize ourselves to be that fierceness, unpredictability of Everything is something that in our heart we are deeply longing for. And no one can give this authorization for us to be Everything."

    You may remember Gabriela Fagundes from one of our earlier episodes (Listen in here).

    Meet this transformed Woman and listen to her legends from Women of Earth Lab, a Women's Laboratory that happened in New Zealand from 13-17 March 2024.

    Gabriela shares especially how she came to experience being Everything as a Woman, with other Women, decolonizing her body, and encountering the tension of Creation, which is distinct from the pressure that she knows from trying to be a better man than the men.

    Find Gabriela here:https://www.gabrielafagundes.com/en

    This interview was held by Julia Neumann


    Find out more:




  • Josine Rolina is fresh out of the Women of Earth Laboratory, a 5 days transformatory space that took place in Kina, New Zealand from 13-17 March 2024.

    She shares fresh from her experience of being with Women in radical Sisterhood, how raging with Women woke her up, and how unknown intimacy became possible through Women owning their underworld.

    Josine takes a stand for your authentic No.

    Best to listen in for yourself.

    Rage Club is the place where you get to access your conscious Anger, for your Clarity, your Yes and your No. Find more here: rageclub.mystrikingly.com




    The interview was held by Julia Neumann, julia-neumann.com.

  • Raj Dahiya was born in India and today lives in Motueka, New Zealand. He runs "BeetRoot Groceries" there, a store with a range of organic and gluten free foods and a large selection of refill - to reduce waste.

    We were curious about what he shared about the changes in Village life in India over the past 30 years, as it seems relevant also to what we witness in Western cultures.

    Listen in for clear observations on the implications of lost connection to Village life in many facets - from pollution to financing.

    While RAW is not about returning to the past, human connection and collaboration is an important aspect of creating a regenerative culture, for life to thrive.

    The interview was held by Julia Neumann.




  • Ana Norambuena is a Possibility Management Trainer and Trainer Trainer and the main spaceholder for Possibility Management in New Zealand.

    In this short epsiode, she shares what motivates her to hold spaces for Women, and for Women and Men, to collaborate, and in which ways she goes first.

    "I want Archiarchy to thrive."



    Interview and edit:

    Julia Neumann, www.julia-neumann.com

  • Habet Dahab Ogbamichael is clearly a messenger building bridges between BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and People of Colour) and Western cultures, and between patriarchy and Archirachy.

    Born in Eritrea and having lived in Germany for the past 45 years, Habet knows what it's like to be treated like an outsider, and what it's like to be angry at the state of the world.

    In this episode, she shares about her work with people of colour and indigenous people, especially her conscious Anger and Fear work in Rage Club and Fear Club. She highlights the cultural differences in the suppression and expression of anger between people of colour and white people.

    Habet also speaks to the correlation of patriarchy and racism, where one cannot be without the other.

    Let your heart be touched by Habet's Clarity and Love as she takes a stand for speaking to Westerners about the interconnectedness of everything.

    Habet regularly offers BIPOC Rage Clubs and Fear Clubs, which you can find here:



    Read more about patriarchy: https://patriarchy.mystrikingly.com

    Habet was interviewed by Julia Neumann, https://www.julia-neumann.com

  • Birgit Baader is a mother, a dreamer, a visionary, a landdolphin, a writer, a filmmaker, a tree, and much more. The diversity of her Being reflects in her work, which
    weaving the grand and colourful, sacred web of life.

    Ever since she can remember, Birgit could hear the trees, the land, the animals speak. She shares here of her journey of learning to honour and reclaim this skill as she became a mother. Her listening skills are extraordinary, and you can experience her interaction with the animal life in the background of the recording live during this interview.Birgit shares about and is a living example of

    - The possibility and importance of Listening: You can sit down and listen to the land, the trees, and your ancestors;

    - Honouring your uniqueness and your indigenous nature;

    - Radically relying on the resonance field: Letting who you are and what you do create ripple effect, and trusting that, rather than getting caught up in social media;

    - Things not being lost or missing, but that they are still here - including your connection to your ancestors;

    - The importance and potential of Vision Quest.

    As you listen, you will notice how the background sounds are a part of the conversation.

    Birgit is the author of several books, such as Birth – Rediscovery of the Female Way (Geburt – Wiederentdeckung des weiblichen Weges), Geburt - eine Orientierungshilfe (not available in English yet), New Ways of Evolution, Children of the New Millenium, Dance into an inner light: journeys into your sources of power, Power Tools for Power Kids, Raiti and Moonlight, Die Waltänzerin (in German), Weise Reise - neue Legenden aus aller Welt (in German). Find her books here.

    Birgit holds space for Vision Quest, Coaching, and more.

    Read more about and connect with Birgit Baader here: https://www.birgitbaader.com

    Interview by Julia Neumann.

  • This is a first in that for the first time we are broadcasting a girl's voice.

    We're bringing to you the refreshing Wisdom of 10-year-old Ella Hall, who speaks with immense Clarity and knowing. It is simple, really...

    Ella was visiting at The Haven, a co-created living space of adults in radical responsibility, being on each other's side to hold space for vacuum, so that Being becomes possible.

    Ella calls for adults to clean up the rubbish, plant more trees and live more peacefully together. She speaks clearly of future nature schools where young people learn to fish, clean, cook and do maths on their fingers as different ways of teaching. And she touches upon the importance of true friendship.

    Ella knows herself and knows what she wants. With young people who can ask for what they want and make clear their knowing, the world will be in good hands.

    It is our job as adults to listen.

  • "Happy, healthy Women equals a happy, healthy world. Everything we are and we do shines outwards."

    Melody Mortiaux is a modern-day kitchen witch, or naturopath medical herbalist by more conventional title. Based in Motueka, New Zealand, she offers herbal teas and tonics with a specialization in Women's health.

    "We are a finely tuned powerhouse."

    In this episode she speaks about the power of Women and Women's body, herbal remedies with a focus on two power plants: Siberian Ginseng and Shatavari, as well as the physical and energetic role of plants as spaceholders for humans generally.

    Melody shares about her journey to becoming who she is now, about some of her experiences along the way, and mostly essential wisdom about Women's health, Women as natural nurturers, and the nature of Women as natural healers.

    This episode is a call for Women to honour themselves.

    Listen all the way to the end - there's a special add-on that emerged after the first recording had finished.

    You can find Melody here: https://www.rhiannonandreed.com/

    Julia Neumann was holding space for this conversation. You can find her here: https://www.julia-neumann.com.

    This episode was recorded in the context of Radically Alive Women, a gameworld for Women to play full out together, for regenerative culture: https://www.radicallyalivewomen.com.

  • The first episode of Radically Alive Women Podcast was published one year ago. Meanwhile, it transformed into an Edgecast and has seen 70 publications, broadcasted the voices of 50 Women and 2 Men, released RAW Voices - a format of female authors reading aloud - and Diving Deeper, the Membership platform.

    It's been and continues to be a co-creation of many Women and is supported by many Men.

    Special thanks go to the Edgecast creation team Millicent Haughey, Annika Korsten, Hannah Abouzahrah and Julia Neumann, plus the many Women supporting in the background with wise Possibilities and Coaching.

    Together, we create the mycelium network for higher levels of consciousness - for Gaia, for communities, for regenerative cultures to be birthed through Women.

    RAW Edgecast is a heart piece of a wider gameworld for Women to become radically alive: https://www.radicallyalivewomen.com.

    Take a stand for Radically Alive Women by liking the Edgecast, rating it, sharing it, and supporting it financially with a monthly membership subscription.

  • In RAW Voices, Women read their writing out loud to you.

    Listen to wordsmith Millicent Haughey in this episode: "Dear all, remember to practice your Rage."


    Don’t forget your keys,

    have you got your bag?

    Did you pack your lunch?

    and is the oven turned off?

    Is the dog feed and the washing in? Did you remember to wish her happy birthday?

    Are the plants watered?

    And do you have your phone charger?

    AND, Did you practise your rage?

    At first you will hate me.

    You will cry when you are suppose to be raging

    you might freeze

    and remember everything,

    except to practise your rage

    the excuses will run like confetti through the air,

    what about the kids.. the cat hates it.. what will neighbours think..

    i’m tired.

    I had no time

    my head hurts and my throat sounds weird

    and none of my rage towels are clean

    it is too late

    it is too early

    I swear it counts if I just get annoyed sat in my car as the traffic cuts me in

    Surely it counts to yell at my partner, “to sort their shit out!”

    I’m hungry

    I need to rest

    Yes. It is all true



    Read the full article here: https://medium.com/@milliehaughey/dear-all-remember-to-practise-your-rage-2cc8d08c3538

    Millicent holds space for your writing to emerge. Check out her offerings on her website: https://www.millicenthaughey.com

    An introduction to her course "Left to Write" is happening on Wednesday, 31st January 2024, 6:30-7:30pm NZ (=6:30-7:30am CET). Contact Millicent to learn more.

  • Ariana Aomarere says about herself: "I am Māori and I am a Healer, so I guess you could call me a Māori Healer." She is an Energetic Healer and a Shaman. Ariana is a dangerous Woman because she says how things are.

    For this episode, Julia Neumann interviewed Ariana on her perspective on Women and their role in changing culture.

    Ariana shares with raw Clarity about the power of Women to choose and stop complaining, about the shift to the heart-mind, the mind of the heart that is for feeling, and how this shift naturally occurs through Women, paving the way for the necessary heart-shifts in humankind, when they no longer wait for outside saviors. As life givers, Women shifting their patterns organically birth a new culture.

    "It is a total heart shift that allows the thoughts that have been suppressed within the heart for many, many generations to actually come forth. That is real progress going on."

    Ariana currently lives in Otaki, Aotearoa (New Zealand). If you want to find her, get in touch.

  • Rosemary Wyndham-Jones could be called a Horse Medicine Woman.

    She is the originator of "Dune Lakes Lodge", a horse-inspired learning centre an hour North of Auckland, New Zealand/Aotearoa, where her 12 horses roam freely and live naturally as a herd. These horses are not for riding, they are for learning spaceholding skills, especially on an energetic level.

    This interview was taken by Julia Neumann outside with Rosemary and the horses. Rosemary describes how she was initiated into her energetic wizardry with horses in 1990, when her horse Jody played up and called forth Rosemary's tenacity to reclaim her respect and set clear boundaries.

    In this episode, hear more about how the wisdom, or medicine, that comes through horses, can teach us humans to be human Beings, rather than human Doings: from respecting ourselves, setting boundaries, using the clarity of Anger, to creating a different culture - which Rosemary calls "Wholearchy".

    Rosemary works with humans of all genders and age groups, as individuals and in groups.

    You can find her via https://www.dunelakeslodge.co.nz or on Facebook @dunelakeslodge.

    This edgecast episode is brought to you by Radically Alive Women, a context for Women to reclaim their Authority and their Dignity.

  • Michaela Kaiser is a Feelings Practioner, which means she recognizes and uses the Feelings and Emotions to integrate and heal the physical body.

    In this episode, she speaks with Annika Korsten about the power of fully inhabiting her female body and occupying a space where healing happens.

    Listen closely in for the gift that the human body really is and the magic that unfolds when learning to sensitize yourself to its subtle language of feelings as both energy and information. Then the physical body becomes a vehicle for aliveness.

    Michaela shares in this episode how she became a healer and embodied in her female body, with an early commitment to her natural rhythm. She speaks about her fine perception as a physiotherapist of how it is different to touch a male body and female body - how the skin is different, and how the energetic space around a woman is different than that around a man.

    Let yourself be invited into your own Healer, as Michaela portrays the medicine of Women as natural healers in a community of Women.

    "Each of us Women are medicine for each other."

    "The core of our cells are filled with joy."

    Read more about the Feelings Practitioner body of work here: https://feelingspractitioner.org/home/en

    You will find information about Michaela here: https://feelingspractitioner.org/uarbeit/en

    More about Annika Korsten: https://annikakorsten.mystrikingly.com

    More about Possibility Management:


    More about Radically Alive Women:


    Gratitude to a Millicent Haughey for editing this episode, and to Julia Neumann for putting it all together for publication.

  • “The root of our womanhood lives in our pelvis.”Kassandra Angus is interviewed in this episode by Annika Korsten.

    Kassandra is a Traditional Reproductive Therapist. She weaves the connections and nuances of the Earth's seasons with those of a woman's body during a full menstrual cycle.

    Beyond this, Kassandra portrays how settling deeper into the wisdom innate within women's own bodies gives them access to their ability to create from their own Beingness.

    Kassandra speaks with Clarity on the wisdom, richness and magic found as women learn to listen and align their life with their own body's rhythms.

    Let yourself be touched by the calling forth of your Woman-ness and your power of Being in this episode. You will also learn more about your reproductive organs: the cervix and your uterus, as well as hearing about PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) as a symptom of being out of tune with your cycle.

    Find Kassandra here: H . E . R (housingearthsrhythms.com)

    and Annika here: https://annikakorsten.mystrikingly.com

    This episode was edited and summarised by Millicent Haughey (millicenthaughey.com). Final editing and publication by Julia Neumann (julia-neumann.com)

  • Naomi Katz stands for the Earth. She is a ceremonialist, educator and movement facilitator.
    Inspired by the indigenous practices of the women of the earth, she has traveled the world studying ancient wisdom.

    In this episode of Naomi interviewed by Julia Neumann, let your heart listen to the Earth wisdom she speaks of.

    Naomi talks about reclaiming our relationship with our own body, embodied listening by listening through the whole body, the relationship to cycle and its phases as a tool for learning to listen, being present with the elements, our relation with source, paying attention, and the role of ritual and ceremony for our lives.

    It is a deeply grounding conversation that will touch your heart, if you let it.

    You can contact Naomi through her website: https://www.naomikatz.com

    Naomi has generously created a 20% discount for you for her course Cycle. Wisdom. Power. at https://www.naomikatz.com/cycle-wisdom-power. Use the code "radicallyalive" to claim your discount.

    Naomi is also deeply passionate about re-integrating initiations throughout the course of our lives, for example when a girl starts to bleed or a woman finishes bleeding, a child cuts a first tooth or someone dear to us dies. Check out her TEDx talk on this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7mz54faYeY

  • Ylia Sawitzki is a Yoni Mapping Therapist and a Love, Sex and Relationship Coach. She is interviewed in this episode by Annika Korsten.

    This episode goes to the core of what holds women back in all areas of their lives, and - naturally - also in their sexual intimacy with a partner: The core belief that there is something wrong with them; that they should be aroused when they are not.

    Ylia pledges for a woman's own pace, which is much slower and gentler than many women may have experienced before.

    She opens up doorways with real practical descriptions of how sexual intimacy could be a way of healing for women and men, and how sexual pleasure, at a woman's pace and terms, unveils the Goddess within.

    You can find Ylia here: https://www.yonimappingtherapy.com/ylia/