
  • This is an interview with Dr. Kelly Shockley - Dr. Of Chiropractic, specializing in clinical nutrition and functional medicine. She talks about the importance of testing to determine the underlying conditions in your body, so your diet will work better.

    If you are on a journey to improve your health, whether it be weight loss, or any other goal you have, testing is critically important. If you are not testing, you’re guessing, which you don’t want to do with your health.

    Just the same way we test out different things in a business to find out what’s making money and what’s draining money, then make the necessary adjustments. The same applies to our bodies and our health; we must keep testing where we are at to have certainty of what we need to do and not do.

    One of the things we talk a lot about on The Real Keto Talk Podcast is customizing our health journeys. Testing is how you know where you are starting at and how you should proceed. Through testing, you know how to more accurately choose foods/supplements, and so your diet works better.

    Listen in to this eye-opening episode to learn why we all need regular testing to know where we are at and how heavy metals and toxins might be holding you back from losing weight.

    Key Takeaways

    How Dr. Kelly got her life back (02:57)Treating the body as a whole, not compartments (07:15)Why testing is the first step to figure out where your health is at (09:03)If you are not testing, you are guessing (10:32)Underlying problems that are uncovered through testing (12:08)Why you are not losing weight even after trying out different diets (15:25)The scientific formula to the amount of water you should be drinking on keto…. (18:46)Electrolyte drinks; Yay or Nay? (19:51)

    Additional Resources

    Dr. Kelly's FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/drkellyshockleyDr. Kelly's 5 Day Challenge: https://corehealthlabs.com/5-day-workshop


    Discover How To Shed Pounds With 10-Minute Keto 'Comfort Meals': https://ketotimehacks.com/ketocookbook

  • Many people wrongly assume that you cannot incorporate the keto diet into the bodybuilding lifestyle. They think that keto means you’ll always be low on energy and weak. This is simply not the case you’ll be finding out in this episode.

    Not only does Tony help pro bodybuilders but also ordinary people who are on a weight loss journey. For both these categories of people, the keto diet helps them get to their goals faster.

    The way that he approaches weight loss with his clients is by ensuring they lose as much weight as possible in the first week. This helps them stay motivated and excited for the journey ahead.

    As you’ll be hearing from us today, keto doesn’t have to be complicated; you just need to start and customize things on the fly. Tune in for some great keto lifestyle tips and tricks.

    Key Takeaways

    How to incorporate keto diet into the bodybuilding lifestyle (04:52)Getting as much weight off in the first week to stay motivated (08:43)These are the supplements you need on keto (10:45)Exogenous ketones: Do they work? (12:01)Tips to starting out an exercise program on the keto diet (13:15)Is it important to have a coach on a weight loss journey? (19:06)The keto lightning round questions (24:27)

    Additional Resources

    Tony's FB Page Tony's The Spartan Body Challenge Website: https://www.spartanbodychallenge.com


    Discover How To Shed Pounds With 10-Minute Keto 'Comfort Meals': https://ketotimehacks.com/ketocookbook

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  • This is an interview with bodybuilder, trainer, and health coach Dominic Papillo. He is able to achieve contest-level strength & composition using the keto diet and has all of his clients (from the ordinary person to professional bodybuilders) utilize the keto diet to achieve their goals. In this interview, he gives all his best tips & methods for getting the most out of the keto diet!

    One of the amazing tips Dominic graciously shares with us and something we talk about a lot here at Real Keto Talk is how to customize your keto journey to suit your present situation. Many people are overwhelmed with all information around Keto and don’t know what actually suits them.

    And having practiced Keto for so many years, we talk about all the benefits that come from this lifestyle. Dominic is quick to say that Keto is the best and healthiest way to eat to maintain quality of life.

    To do Keto correctly, you don’t need a ton of supplements. What you really need is to get rid of carbs. However, in some instances, you may need to supplement.

    Tune in to hear all about Keto from someone who has done it for more than 25 years, including how to customize your keto journey, summoning the willpower to get over the first 7 days, supplementation, refeed meals, how much water you need, and everything in between.

    Key Takeaways

    Why Keto is the best way to eat to maintain quality of life (06:46)How to build muscle on Keto (07:10)Best tips to customize your keto journey to suit your circumstances (14:18)Why the first 7 days of Keto are the most important and how to get through them (17:55)Refeed Meals: What are they and how to do them (19:05)Supplementation on Keto (24:01)Do you have to measure your macros? (29:27)How much water do you need to drink on Keto (31:40)

    Additional Resources

    Dominic's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/dominic.papillo/aboutDynamite Wholesale Nutrition Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/dynamitewholesalenutrition/


    Discover How To Shed Pounds With 10-Minute Keto 'Comfort Meals': https://ketotimehacks.com/ketocookbook

  • If you are new to the keto lifestyle, you may feel overwhelmed with all the information and all the things you should be doing. You may feel like it is becoming your second full-time job. Here at Real Keto Talk, we aim to make your health journey as less complicated as possible.

    And there’s no better person to help us with this than our guest today. John gives us some excellent tips on navigating the keto lifestyle and being successful in losing a lot of weight.

    One key takeaway for people who are just starting out on the keto lifestyle is not to count calories and macros at the beginning. John advises that the most important things are integrity with yourself and consistency.

    In addition, John being a transformational life coach helps us understand the role of mindset in achieving our health goals. Listen in to get some powerful tips to develop a strong mindset to achieve your weight loss and health goals.

    Key Takeaways

    How John lost more than 100 pounds through Keto (02:44)Basic strategy to start the keto lifestyle (04:05)Why you shouldn’t count calories at the beginning (07:00)How to develop a strong mindset to achieve your health goals (10:11)The power of integrity in your weight loss journey (18:32)Consistency is the secret to hacking Keto (22:57)What is your ultimate goal (24:01)

    Additional Resources

    John's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/MrJohnCanida


    Discover How To Shed Pounds With 10-Minute Keto 'Comfort Meals': https://ketotimehacks.com/ketocookbook

  • I am very excited to interview Elizabeth Kerr, who has lost 120 pounds in 8 months. She talks about conquering and using the internal and mental game to help you not only to succeed in your weight loss/health journey but also how to become mentally tougher and more confident throughout the whole journey.

    She shares some really powerful tips on navigating a weight loss journey while still having fun and staying focused on your weight loss program.

    To be able to do this, Elizabeth had to change her relationship with food. Previously, she could engage in a lot of emotional eating, just like many of us do. But she was able to toughen her mental game and resolve to envision how her choices affected her future self.

    She advises people navigating their health journeys to make micro changes to their diet and lifestyles. These add up and lead to a big transformation. We dive deep and talk about how to feel more confident even when you suffer some setbacks in your journey.

    Tune in to hear Elizabeth’s amazing story and how to successfully navigate both the physical and mental side of a health journey.

    Key Takeaways

    Elizabeth’s journey to losing 120 pounds in 8 months (03:12)How to stay focused as you navigate your weight loss journey (05:28)The one change she made with her food (07:28)Why it’s important to have fun while on a health journey (11:36)Micro changes that can lead to a big transformation (13:28)Feeling more confident as you go through weight loss (15:51)How to handle setbacks in your health journey (18:26)Becoming a better person and showing up your best self (23:16)

    Additional Resources

    Elizabeth's Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/watergurl001


    10-MINUTE KETO ‘COMFORT MEALS’: https://ketotimehacks.com/ketocookbook

  • This is an interview with Ryan Hunt, who has lost almost 80 pounds on a low carb, "carb conscious" diet. He talks about not just achieving this goal but the lessons he learned along the way that made this a sustainable, successful, and more enjoyable journey.

    To enjoy our journey, whether we are on a weight loss program or on a journey to get healthier, Ryan reckons that we need to change our mentality on how we view food. We should view food as fuel for our bodies and what we see it doing to our bodies. When we eat clean, our bodies feel great.

    It's common to hear people take a punishment or reward perspective to food, which isn't sustainable. You are not punishing yourself by not eating certain foods, and neither are you rewarding yourself by eating some other type of food.

    Ryan attributes his success in weight loss to customizing his journey by assessing what worked for him and making changes along the way to suit his situation and make these changes sustainable.

    Listen in to hear Ryan's story and how he lost 80 pounds through a carb-conscious diet and changing his approach to food.

    Key Takeaways

    Either you change your mind, or your body will have to change (04:12)Is Keto dangerous for pre-diabetic and diabetic people? (08:19)How to change your perspective towards food to see it as fuel (10:58)Keto Vs. a carb-conscious diet (19:34)How to enjoy the process and your journey by being flexible (28:17)Why you need short term diet goals to get you to your long term goals (32:56)The power of clean eating and movement (33:46)Customizing your journey to make it sustainable (35:26)

    Additional Resources

    Ryan's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanHuntBandRyan's Website: https://www.ryanhuntband.com/


    10-MINUTE KETO ‘COMFORT MEALS’: https://ketotimehacks.com/ketocookbook

  • This is an interview with Cindy & Colt Summers - a couple who have reached HUGE personal, health, and professional goals -- and have had to navigate significant obstacles to get there. They credit a lot of their success in all of this to their faith. This interview dives into how their faith helped them to achieve.

    As you’ve probably heard from the last few episodes of The Real Keto Talk Podcast, we mostly talk about the journey and how to navigate through obstacles to achieve our goals. Our guests today have had to go through many ups and downs to achieve their health, personal, and career goals.

    Colt, a former ex-marine corps, struggled with alcoholism for a long time and just wasted away his life. However, he took action and worked on getting back on track. He joined a church and got the support he needed to overcome his struggles.

    Cindy and Colt Summers credit their faith for helping them turn their life around and reach their health and business goals. But they add that faith alone is not enough. You have to take action and work towards achieving your goals.

    Listen in to hear Cindy and Colt Summers' testimony and story of how they have achieved their health and business goals through faith and ambition.

    Key Takeaways

    Bouncing back after losing it all (02:42)How to utilize faith to reach our health and business goals (05:20)Finding happiness and joy through faith in the ups and downs (08:25)The power of consistency in everything you do (08:57)Can people of faith be ambitious? (10:55)

    Additional Resources

    Colt Summers Facebook Page


    10-MINUTE KETO ‘COMFORT MEALS’: https://ketotimehacks.com/ketocookbook

  • Most people train or exercise with a particular goal in mind. It may be weight training, strength training, fitness, physical looks, etc. Whatever your goal is, Rich recommends that you have to start with the basics first. Just like when building a house, we start with the foundation and not the roof.

    We can build and gain a lot of health-related results when we get the foundation right. One of the foundational aspects of training is uncovering any physical issues and customizing training to address your individual health and condition.

    The one size fits all approach to exercise and training doesn’t work. And we can even extend this approach to overall health. This creates better and more sustainable results.

    Tune in to learn more about customizing your approach to training, get past your struggles and achieve your goals

    Key Takeaways

    How to customize training to be specific to your individual health (02:43)There’s no one size fits all for exercising (13:20)Why you need to figure out and work on any underlying issues to get the best results (16:13)How to find the confidence and motivation to get past your struggles (18:36)You can’t be obsessed with getting to a goal (20:54)Find people who have done what you are trying to do (27:23)

    Additional Resources

    Rich Alten's IG page Rich's Youtube channel: Reality Fighter TVRich's Website


    10-MINUTE KETO ‘COMFORT MEALS’: https://ketotimehacks.com/ketocookbook

  • The keto lifestyle has gained a lot of popularity, with more and more people willing to try it and experience all the benefits that it has to offer. However, for most people, there is just too much confusion on how to go about the keto journey.

    In this episode, we explore how to have confidence and extreme focus on your keto journey, especially when going for a specific goal. We look at the mindset that you should adopt to achieve your goals and navigate your way to a healthier and happier you.

    In addition, Joel takes us through how to achieve mastery in anything we do. First, you have to love what you are doing and just being laser-focused. True happiness lies in the fact that you love what you are doing, and nothing will distract you from it. You can then easily commit to it. This can apply to our keto journeys as well.

    Tune in to learn more about having confidence and extreme focus in our keto journeys as well as other areas of life to achieve our goals.

    Key Takeaways

    How to feel confident as you navigate your keto journey (01:29)Why we may need to go through ups and downs to find our way along the journey (04:37)How to develop certainty in your goals and dreams (05:21)How to reach a level of mastery in anything you do (08:56)Being laser-focused doing something you love (10:59)How it feels going in the positive direction (12:12)Surrounding yourself with people who will help you along your journey (15:18)

    Additional Resources

    10-MINUTE KETO ‘COMFORT MEALS’: https://ketotimehacks.com/ketocookbook

  • In this episode, I have on Geoff Hooper. He is an expert trainer who helps large salesforces succeed. He shares his knowledge on how to achieve success and shows us how to navigate the journey to our goals. The lessons Geoff talks about are very applicable to navigating the journey on keto.

    Geoff and I dive deep into goal setting, having a routine, reevaluating our progress, making adjustments along our keto journeys.

    To achieve anything in life, you have to set a goal. It's important to understand that the bigger your goal is, the longer you'll take to get there. To get started on our keto journey, we need to clearly define our goals and why we want to achieve them. When this is clear, we need to map out the behaviors and routines, and timelines that will help us achieve them.

    However, even the best-laid plans rarely go perfectly well. There are bound to be some setbacks in our journey. When this happens, Geoff advises us to figure out what is causing the problem and make readjustments.

    Tune in to learn how to successfully navigate our keto journeys to a healthier, happier you, including how to make adjustments along the way when we encounter setbacks.

    Key Takeaways

    How to set a big goal and how to achieve it (04:13)It's about the small steps and progress, not the end goal (06:57)if you're not struggling, then your goals are too small (09:26)How to model successful people but customize our own journeys (12:24)The four stages of learning (15:46)The importance of daily routine in our Keto journeys (17:28)Reevaluating your behaviors, recognizing your wins, and making adjustments (20:16)

    Additional Resources

    10-MINUTE KETO ‘COMFORT MEALS’: https://ketotimehacks.com/ketocookbook

  • In this first episode of the Real Keto Talk Podcast, I talk to Lavi Schechter; he is an expert trainer who helps whole salesforces and corporations get their employees to succeed. We draw similarities between successfully navigating to a goal in the business world with successfully navigating the health and weight loss journey in Keto.

    To find success in our keto journeys, just like in our careers and in business, there’s a lot of work involved. It simply won’t happen overnight. You have to mentally prepare yourself to get beat up over and over again but keep going. This is what separates the winners from the losers.

    Lavi and I talk about how to plan for a big goal then customizing our journeys to set ourselves up for success. Even though it’s important to follow things that work, we need to make them our own and make them work for us consistently.

    Tune in to learn how to apply the successful lessons from the business world to our Keto journeys.

    Key Takeaways

    Success is not an endpoint; it’s a journey (02:09)Pitfalls to avoid in our journeys to success (03:21)How to get past the struggle points (06:13)Why it’s important to follow guides but make them your own (08:43)How to customize things and apply them consistently to succeed (11:39)Being a leader of your own journey by taking responsibility (12:43)Weakness vs. vulnerability (17:01)

    Additional Resources

    Lavi's YouTube ChannelLavi's "The Evolved Leader" bookLavi's "Creating A Winning Culture" book


    10-MINUTE KETO ‘COMFORT MEALS’: https://ketotimehacks.com/ketocookbook