Hello everyone! Thank you for choosing our podcast!
These episodes were created based on our videos on our English Fluency Journey YouTube channel for those who'd rather listen than watch. So, happy listening!
However, just a reminder,- you can also enjoy watching these episodes on our YouTube channel following the Link in the below.
Immerse yourself with real French dialogues and learn French language structures naturally in everyday situations.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
We celebrate ADHD entrepreneur success and discuss challenges and solutions. Having lived with undiagnosed ADHD for a large part of his entrepreneurial journey, the host André Brisson shares his personal story of overcoming undiagnosed symptoms and how he refined his systems, routines and habits once diagnosed with self-awareness and personal growth.
André will interview high-achieving ADHD entrepreneurs, ADHD experts, and strength discovery experts covering many topics including their own obstacles and successes, strategies to manage their ADHD, share knowledge to gain insights and more. André will also be interviewed by guest hosts to pull out solutions and information from his brain – since his solutions are impulsive thoughts when talking to someone else.
André Brisson was diagnosed at 44 with severe ADHD and Asperger’s. He has lived it, researched it, and transformed himself into a higher-functioning ADHD entrepreneur. -
🎙️ Welcome to Nihongo Storytime with Noriko
💜 Join our vibrant community, "Japanese Together". Access exclusive content 📚, transcripts with furigana 📝, and meet-ups 🤝 to practice with fellow learners. Let's embark on this adventure together! 🚀
🌐 Visit my website, Learn Japanese with Noriko for Neurolanguage Coach® sessions. Let's discuss your goals 🎯 and vision 👀 for your learning journey.
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Todos crecemos tratando de ajustarnos a una vida “normal” cuando en realidad todos tenemos diferentes y hermosos moldes. En Trapitos al Aire compartimos historias reales y diversas que inspiran a soñar, a mejorar y a sentirnos identificados con nosotras y nuestro magnificos invitados. ¡Los invitamos a que saquemos juntos los trapitos al aireeee!! Support this podcast:
Learn how to navigate constant re-orgs, move your career forward through management changes, stop worrying about people judging you, and feel proud of the work you are doing so that you can confidently reach your career goals.
Do you wake up stressed about everything you need to get done? Are you tired of that constant hum of anxiety about the next unknown escalation? This is the podcast for you.
Lindsay Buchan, a 15+ year top performing eCommerce employee and certified life coach, teaches you all of her self-help tips so that you can learn how to be more confident. Discover how you can start feeling better todays so you can get what you want out of your job, but not have to sacrifice your personal life to get there. From her manager changing day one to getting promoted and leading teams, Lindsay has been sharing her wins and failures all along the way.
Learn how to navigate constant re-orgs, move your career forward through management changes, stop worrying about people judging you, and feel proud of the work you are doing so you can make it to your stock vesting while having fun along the way. Hit subscribe, and get ready to raise the bar. -
Sacred Plant Wisdom. Journey with your hosts, Nina and her guests as we educate, inform & support the conscious and responsible use of Ayahuasca in a western context.
~ Learn about Ayahuasca assisted therapy, supervision and training at
Disclaimer: Ayahuasca and DMT are potentially illegal substances, and we don’t encourage or condone the use of these substances where it is against the law. However, we accept that illegal drug use occurs, and believe that offering responsible harm reduction information is imperative to keeping people safe. For that reason, this guide is designed to ensure the safety of those who decide to use the substance. We don’t encourage using Ayahuasca outside of a legal or traditional context. -
Ngọc Đến Rồi Podcast là nơi chia sẻ những kỹ năng viết blog chuyên nghiệp, cách khiến cho blog cá nhân trở thành một doanh nghiệp online, cách xây dựng nguồn thu nhập thụ động. Đặc biệt cách phát triển một blog thành một doanh nghiệp online thực sự & cũng là nơi kết nối chia sẻ những bài học, câu chuyện thành công từ internet.
欢迎收听The New Chinese Podcast, 我是Barry Li。这是一个适合汉语普通话中级到高级学习者练习听力的节目。This podcast aims to help intermediate to high level Chinese (Mandarin) learners develop their listing skills. With some good contents to listen to every day, you will be more and more familiar with this language. I will only speak Chinese (Mandarin) in these episodes, with occasional English explanations for difficult words/expressions.
The New Chinese Podcastへようこそ、私はバリーです。これは、中国語の中級、上級の学習者向けプログラムです。毎日聞くのに適したコンテンツがあれば、中国語にますます慣れることができます。私はこれらの中国語のみを話します。難しい単語や表現について時々英語で説明する。
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Guided Mindfulness meditations that help you to slow down, de-stress, and access a deep sense of inner calm. A selection of meditations designed to help you to....
Learn how to meditateBuild a personal meditation practiceSupport your existing practiceDevelop compassion for both yourself & othersBuild the capacity to focus the mindAnchor the attention in the present momentLearn to sit with and befriend thoughts, emotions and sensations in the body.Settle the churning mindAccess clarity of thoughtDevelop the capacity to RESPOND mindfully when stimulated, (as opposed to REACTING habitually).All meditations are guided by Professional MBSR Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Instructor Una Keeley.More Meditations will be uploaded over the coming Days and weeksONLINE COURSE:
ONLINE Mini Mindfulness course (At Home With Mindfulness) for those who would like to practice Mindfulness at home. Specially designed for while we are going through these current Covid-19 restrictions. If you would like to find out more about this course see link below.
(At Home With Mindfulness) LINK
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Una Keeley is a professional MBSR Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Instructor. She is the founder and owner of Mindfulness Wexford, Training Adults, to De-Stress with Mindfulness Stress Reduction Skills. She offers Courses & Workshops to the general public and the corporate sector. (Including Executives, Managers & Staff)
Una is also a HSE approved Mindfulness Instructor, training HSE staff & Managers in mindfulness skills. (Irish Health Services Executive).
Una has been practicing meditation for 25 years. She is a professional member of The Mindfulness Teachers Association of Ireland (MTAI) and adheres to The Irish Good Practice Guidelines for Teaching Mindfulness-Based Courses.
Una trained with the Institute for Mindfulness Based Approaches, IMA Germany, and is one of only two people in Wexford, Ireland, qualified to teach the official MBSR course. This is the course on which 95% of the scientific studies have been based. She is a highly experienced and well respected mindfulness instructor.
Una is also a professional Artist with a Masters in Art Education. She has designed educational programmes for arts organisations and institutions for over 25 years. Including 15 years with The Irish Museum of Modern Art. Her background includes a Masters in Art Education, an Honors Degree in ceramics, and a Diploma in illustration for children's books. Una designs and offers courses which combine Mindfulness and Creativity.