
  • Anxiety is a common problem for athletes:

    00:00 Intro and how I got into somatic trauma work
    03:40 Chronic anxiety is a natural response to past experience stored in your body in a feedback loop with your limbic brain
    06:50 The body cannot lie - it will reveal the truth of your unmet emotional needs from childhood as symptoms
    09:20 Symptom suppression vs. root causes. Athletes can get symptoms of auto-immune, delayed healing, chronic pain, etc if underlying high achieving drivers become unbalanced. Ian's story.
    15:03 Autonomic nervous system controls the body and is regulated by emotions. Autonomic safety (calm connection or neuroception) is necessary for healing and neurological co-regulation.
    19:27 Trauma events can be one-off or more commonly complex PTSD from attachment wounding. Much more common with highly sensitive people (HSPs).
    24:00 Symptom labels are limited being descriptive only. An example from an athlete we have both worked with:
    1/ Betrayal of trust distorts your mindbody perception of self. Hyper-responsibility plays out as the child within unconsciously as feelings of shame transformed to worthiness.
    34:50 High sensitivity (sensory processing sensitivity) correspond to 20% of population. Present in the womb, is a trait you are born with. Their needs are greater in childhood. Porous boundaries create overwhelm.
    39:30 Adult reactions driven by past experience - coaches, trainers take the place of family but can be abusive relationships which retrigger past traumas.
    44:00 What's changed in our environment that anxiety is so huge - social media onslaught, schooling system based on competition, achievement. Inter-generational trauma has built up. See The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate. Much more pressure, less support leads to being bathed in cortisol which destroys us.
    48:00 Competition vs. community. How the mind punishes the body if trained by trauma. Replacing despair with hope, love & gratitude is profoundly healing. Is a resonant system so emotions matter physiologically to restoring energy.
    54:00 Heart mind resonance. Heart is not just a physiological pump but a resonance electromagnetic organ to connect with other living beings and our environment via its sensory system. Allowing your vulnerability and reaching out for help. Heart connection in practice.
    59:00 How to connect with me. Books and courses.

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • I've been looking at innovative new therapies to help calm the mindbody as I'm writing my book Mind Medicine (soon to be published 6th September).
    Here I give a summary of how and why it works and what my experience was recently.
    Catch the original paper I am referring to here which outlines the medical benefits https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2451902218300491

    00:00 Intro to dark therapy/dark therapy/floatation (sometimes referred as sensory deprivation)
    01:30 The practical aspects of floating in salty water - lighting, temperature are all controllable.
    03:05 Why it works - muscular relaxation from floating in Epsom salts high in magnesium, feedback loop to brain is changed - reduction in anxiety from quieting the Default Mode Network
    07:00 Neurological benefits - interoceptive feedback, increases heart rate variability HRV increases wellbeing
    09:30 The hynogogic state increases internal focus and changes the DMN coupling away from mental chatter towards internal homoestasis
    12:20 the effect of stress and changing your brainwaves. the importance of setting.
    17:00 summary and thanks

    Find me on alchemytherapies.co.uk

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

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  • How Health is more than fixing the problem but engaging with a wider perspective - a truly wholistic vision of purpose, beliefs and connection

    We need to understand we are connected to a universal consciousness...

    Find me on alchemytherapies.co.uk and patriciaworby.com

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • In my review of this most important book Understanding Living Systems by brothers Raymond and Denis Noble I show you how biology is beginning to move beyond the concept of the 'selfish gene' and turning to a more co-operative view of life.

    Find out how cells are embedded in organisms and it is our intelligence and agency that allows us to modify our genes to achieve co-operation

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • I've been looking at innovative new therapies to help calm the mindbody as I'm writing my book Mind Medicine (soon to be published 6th September).
    Here I give a summary of how and why it works and what my experience was recently.

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • By special request - more info from the book The Invisible Rainbow by Arthur Firstenberg on the importance of the myelin sheath in transmission of energy throughout the body - and what can go wrong with Electromagnetic pollution.

    00:00 Intro to the book
    02:00 The importance of electrical energy in healing damaged tissue - porphyrins as transmitters of energy within cells - haemoglobin in red blood cells
    05:16 Electrical polarity of the brain can be reversed to cause anaesthesia, pain reduction and healing
    08:00 Porphyrins are energy transmitters in the mitochondria (as cytochrome c in the electron transport chain) but also those in the myelin sheath complexed with zinc, (chlorophyll uses magnesium, haem uses Iron).
    11:00 With a porphyrin manufacture problem excess precursors builds up in tissue along with excess zinc causing hyper excitability of the neurons - predisposes to electro-sensitivity and chronic fatigue syndrome?
    13:06 Robert Becker's investigation in bioelectric healing in bone and nerves - electro-chemical transmission allows much of our activity
    16:25 'Currents of injury' - point to another information system that allows regeneration and healing
    18:17 Myelin sheaths/Schwann/glial cells are intimately involved in signal transmission and energy production in the brain and nervous system
    19:45 Electro-chemical sensitivity may interact with high zinc in brain and nerves, and other parts of body. EDTA (a chelators) complexes Zn and will take it out the body and can reverse cognitive decline
    22:00 90% of oxygen consumption occurs in brain from glial cells - myelin may be the major energy powerhouse completely independent of mitochondria
    24:02 Excess zinc is everywhere in the environment, car tyres a major factor along with denture cream, water supply, etc.
    25:40 Are highly sensitive people (HSP's) the canaries in the coalmine with problems in the porphyrin pathways? What can we do to protect ourselves particularly during sleep and add highly coloured foods into our diet.

    *Watch another video**

    THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW PART 1 https://youtu.be/CYZFxL57paM
    HEAL YOUR SPIRIT TO HEAL CFS/ME https://youtu.be/hXGaOjrV6PA
    HOW TO HEAL BIRTH TRAUMA WITH EMDR https://youtu.be/JmtarRiGsgY
    EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE https://youtu.be/E5TYi9dEBEU
    WHY ANXIETY IS NOT A MIND ISSUE https://youtu.be/Ty-J2pu37tA

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • A book review and interpretation of Martha Beck's wonderfully illuminating book The Way of Integrity based on Dante's The Divine Comedy as a book of an existential midlife crisis!
    Martha takes us through the process of recovery from this through
    The Dark Wood of Error
    The Inferno
    based on her experience and the lessons she learned about being true to yourself.

    My take on this is told through the lens of the people I have worked with as well as my own experience
    A great book. Find out why.

    Find Martha Beck in conversation about the book with Elizabeth Gilbert here
    It's quite literally scintillating (full of light)

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • Chronic or persistent pain is very different to acute pain both in origin and management. Find out the secret to overcoming this debilitating condition

    00:00 Intro - reminder acute vs. chronic pain (nocioceptive, neuropathic vs. psychogenic)
    03:41 Failures of inhibition pain signals - allodynia
    05:00 Stress build up from unheard/ unacceptable emotions cause symptoms as a distractions
    08:00 Unlearn your pain & other programs

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • Healing is an act of self-organising feedback resonance within the body.Here I explain how I came to learn this and what you can do to promote it within your body.
    Here is the video I talk about extensively The Secret Life of Chaos

    Find me on alchemytherapies.co.uk

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • Here I review the understanding put forward in the book The Divided Mind by Dr John Sarno as long ago as 2006. Doctor Sarno was one of the first medical doctors to embrace the idea of psychosomatic medicine which he dubbed mind body disorder to avoid the negative connotation that psychosomatic was all in your head.

    We now find many common conditions relate to what he referred to as TMS or Tension myoneural syndrome commonly expressed as chronic fatigue syndrome or Fibromyalgia but embracing many medically unexplained symptoms
    00:00 Sarno's revolutionary ideas of psycho-somatic (mindbody) medicine
    02:45 The divided mind - pain and emotional centres in the brain are closely linked
    04:20 Unconscious emotions from early childhood repressed by personality traits of goodism, perfectionism as unacceptable
    06:52 My story of unconscious repression of rage/ anger or rebellion plus guilt, fear or grief
    09:25 The need for control - narcissism and the dismay when illness, divorce, etc strikes
    12:16 past & present experience accumulate to speak for you - the symptom imperative
    14:42 Biomedical medicine treats the body symptoms only
    15:11 Other recommended books - including mine The Scar that won't Heal, The Hidden Psychology of Pain
    16:29 Mainstream medicine slowly taking on this view. Accept the brain creates pain and deal with underlying emotions

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • Talking about pain from a mindbody perspective and how to heal.

    00:00 Intro and why I'm talking about pain today
    01:30 how to treat acute pain relating to tissue damage and shock (held in the body)
    05:20 acute vs. chronic pain - pain that doesn't resolve itself after 3 months - neuropathic or 'brain pain' is especially difficult to resolve as the system gets 'stuck' in threat evaluation in limbic brain
    08:20 with repeated trauma the system never re-sets and amygdala is sensitised. All change/uncertainty is seen this way as well as interoceptive signals resulting from fear.
    10:15 Painkillers don't work here - need another solution. Brain re-training is needed in central brain to dampen emotional pain triggers
    12:24 Changing the brain's processing - most effective treatment for pain and fatigue relies on the mindbody link not constant testing or fear signals of no solution
    14:13 Different programs available to desensitise/de-amplify these signals by re-balancing left and right hemispheres too turns off fight and flight system.

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • Explore with me the multi-dimensional nature of complex chronic exhaustive conditions and how you can heal.
    See also Raelan Agle's fabulous channel @RaelanAgle and
    The @crappychildhoodfairy

    00:00 intro and importance of the mind in Recovery - which can and does happen!
    02:12 CFS/ME is not a diagnosis but a description - there are no biomarkers for the condition is 'medically unexplained and it doesn't lead to an answer or plan for recovery.
    04:13 Mindset means what you believe consciously and unconsciously - its not about positive thinking... getting out of denial and 'pushing through', keeping it hidden
    06:00 The loads can be multiple on top of the previous stresses (including epigenetics and the unconscious emotional trauma) combines to form your total allostatic load in the terrain of the body
    so the treatment path is very unclear
    09:20 recovery starts with accepting you have a problem and something needs to change - the mindset shift. All complex chronic conditions have a mindbody component
    10:50 what are the maps to recovery? nutritional supplementation which can be difficult to handle when depleted, physical/structural like Perrin technique, very intense and long.
    14:35 Rewiring the nervous system like Dan Kneuffer's Re-wire, Chrysalis Effect, Gupta, Lightning Process, Reorigin programs. All work on the autonomic nervous system dysregulation.
    16:20 Modern medicine is left hemisphere oriented and cannot look at all the various factors in such a multifactorial disease. Explore the various alternatives and get into recovery mindset.
    17:50 The map for each individual are different but reaching out for help from people who have been through this so they understand the mind and body factors and how to shift the pattern
    19:49 Personality factors, past experiences that were not metabolised, all live on in you that manifest in you - complex trauma. ACEs
    22:14 It's never one thing even though the trigger will be obvious. Alex Howard's metaphor of an overloaded cargo ship which runs aground. Always multi-dimensional and uncertain.

    *Watch a video**
    HEAL YOUR SPIRIT TO HEAL CFS/ME https://youtu.be/hXGaOjrV6PA
    HOW TO HEAL BIRTH TRAUMA WITH EMDR https://youtu.be/JmtarRiGsgY
    EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE https://youtu.be/E5TYi9dEBEU
    WHY ANXIETY IS NOT A MIND ISSUE https://youtu.be/Ty-J2pu37tA

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • Recovery from chronic disease or conditions is not about fixing the problem. How the experience of Craig McKinley's sepsis and the work of Dr Rangan Chatterjee, Nicola Singleton and John Campbell has informed my work.

    Here's the interview with Nicola and Dr Chatterjee where she talks of what she discovered from working with him and how she got well. Sadly a couple of years after this was recorded Nicola suddenly died from an acute bout of sepsis. An absolute tragedy for her family and all the people she encouraged and supported to believe in recovery from chronic disease. We miss her energy.

    Here's the new research on mitochondrial function in relation to the immune system

    00:00 Intro - Craig McKinley's sepsis experience made me wonder...
    01:33 Nicola Singleton recovered from Fibromyalgia and then died from sepsis very suddenly. What causes this is unknown.
    03:33 Why such conditions are biopsychosocial? Could it be mitochondrial deficits and/or a constellation of genetic SNiPs (genetic mutation) - the bio part of the biopsychosocial.
    05:30 Psycho - the imprints that change your view of yourself, largely from childhood experience and beliefs.
    06:40 Social - people suffering longterm chronic conditions tend to isolate and we therefore lose connection with others which perpetuates disease
    08:06 It's not all genetic (it's epigenetic) and society disregards co-operation - my answer to the critics - largely left hemisphere thinking driven by fear and competition
    10:02 Symptoms are body's way of communicating your distress, personalised approach to healing dis-ease means paying attention to your body in a new way and journey back to the self

    *Watch a video**
    HOW TO HEAL BIRTH TRAUMA WITH EMDR https://youtu.be/JmtarRiGsgY
    EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE https://youtu.be/E5TYi9dEBEU
    WHY ANXIETY IS NOT A MIND ISSUE https://youtu.be/Ty-J2pu37tA

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • My reaction to the death of TV presenter and doctor Michael Mosley was one of deep sorrow and shock despite not knowing him personally. I was stunned by the unnecessary loss but also realising I was reacting to an event that happened to me 40 years ago!! Find out how here.

    00:00 Nature of Trauma - shock trauma of loss e.g. the tragic death of Michael Mosely, one of the few TV doctors talking the language of integrative medicine - someone I greatly admired.
    02:31 Very triggered by his death due to my own history with shock trauma - losing my Dad while I was away. Trigger = an internal traumatic re-enactment of previous experience.
    05:31 You can't process trauma with willpower as it's generated in your survival brain. Causes many symptoms in body including pain, fatigue, gut issues and inflammation.
    07:40 Trauma exists in most childhoods, as attachment trauma = emotional wounding, particularly for emotionally sensitive people (HSPs).
    09:00 Usually shows up as long-term chronic conditions such as CFS/ME, Auto-immune Disease like Ehlers Danlos and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Will not respond to trying to 'fix it' (cognitive approach), particularly left hemisphere attention (grasping, linear, reductive)
    11.40 Requires unconscious processing via body connection and unprocessed emotions stored there.. In the immediate aftermath need to take control (cognitively) but later on will need a different form of healing allowing you to heal at a deeper level.
    15:50 Healing in safe physical connection with another allows you to feel the feelings without judgement or competition (no shame).
    17:42 Social media is a shaming environment because it lacks heart to heart connection. AI particularly illustrates this as it shuts down our emotional centres promoting disconnection.
    19:50 Recovery requires rewiring brain neurobiologically using somatic psychotherapy (talking therapy doesn't work so well with trauma as it is perceived in the body).
    21:00 Finding a neuro-biologically safe state enables brain integration and mind and body connection. Get help, reach out to reverse chronic disease. Everything is possible...

    *Watch a video**
    AI IS ARTIFICIAL INTIMACY - https://youtu.be/Ii4ylPl9vJ8
    HOW TO HEAL BIRTH TRAUMA WITH EMDR https://youtu.be/JmtarRiGsgY
    EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE https://youtu.be/E5TYi9dEBEU
    WHY ANXIETY IS NOT A MIND ISSUE https://youtu.be/Ty-J2pu37tA

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • My commentary on the insight and understanding of healing ME/CFS as a spiritual disconnect that nevertheless has physical consequences. I draw on an interview between Jenny Lynn and Raelan Agle as well as my own experience as a therapist for over 15 years. See that here

    00:00 Intro
    00:56 CFS/ME is a disconnect from the soul/spirit of the person suffering from it.
    02:20 Your biography becomes your biology - why the body attacks itself - an alternative view
    04:32 Feelings of unworthiness are embedded so that you have to strive/prove it somehow - and when you are not able to continue producing because of illness this creates a lot of fear that you will stay this way forever - spiritually adrift
    06:45 Medicine is spiritually adrift too - a disconnect from you as a person, treats the symptoms only. Lost the art of medicine. a spiritual dislocation in the doctor/patient relationship
    08:45 Most disease is a dys-regulation of the neuro -hormonal/immune system - a metaphorical reflection of the subconscious mind's dysfunctional beliefs
    10:47 The mind and body are one and they read eachother. Integrative medicine brings this in and approaches this as a stress response gone awry. Helps to heal by motivating the body to heal from the bottom up rather than symptom checking.
    13:00 Self-worth/esteem is built from the ground up - with a supportive therapist to engage your creative spirit rather than simply symptom suppressing.
    14:40 Being not doing. Building creativity using metaphor/stories to get a dialogue between head and heart engages self-love and forgiveness of the self.
    17:58 Finding a way out is about engaging new responses from the adult self - is NOT selfish
    19:50 Healing in NOT about fixing the problem but about your own journey back to the authentic self
    No 'one size fits all'.
    21:20 We often have to hit rock bottom to truly heal - we seldom change unless we have to. Transform the relationship with yourself.
    22:24 Healing is a process not a destination - need to assimilate (digest) it for yourself at a deep level. Takes courage and support.

    *Watch a video**
    HOW TO HEAL BIRTH TRAUMA WITH EMDR https://youtu.be/JmtarRiGsgY
    EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE https://youtu.be/E5TYi9dEBEU
    WHY ANXIETY IS NOT A MIND ISSUE https://youtu.be/Ty-J2pu37tA

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • Why is this groundbreaking book so important? Here's my view...

    00:00 Intro and Dr Mate's background
    02:00 A leading light in emotional trauma awareness- and his personal experience of childhood trauma
    03:44 Synopsis of chapters and the general direction of the book - disconnect from the self, attachment wounding, trauma is not always what we got but what we didn't get
    05:32 High sensitivity (SPS) and parental deficits combine, creating dis-ease , aided by a distorted (toxic) cultural milieu
    07:30 Brain creates patterns as adaptation but which is perceived as reality, which can create anxious mental states
    08:50 The current medical model is based on individual disease not the wider picture of your environment and is inadequate to heal.
    10:04 Pathways to Wholeness - the 5 Rs how to heal: Re-labelling (introducing uncertainty)
    12:00 Reattribute (to childhood programming - giving you a new response- ability
    14:49 Refocus - changing what you're doing/ take time out to do practical things.
    16:28 Revalue - what has this belief done for me? Protective, not personal but human perspective
    19:05 Recreate - rework the automatic conditioned responses to life situations via compassion
    20:41 Realign - with a new life without that story?
    21:43 A masterpiece - written in his voice (not AI or ghostwritten!). A passion project.
    *Watch a video**
    HOW TO HEAL BIRTH TRAUMA WITH EMDR https://youtu.be/JmtarRiGsgY
    EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE https://youtu.be/E5TYi9dEBEU
    WHY ANXIETY IS NOT A MIND ISSUE https://youtu.be/Ty-J2pu37tA

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • My commentary on the lecture given by Iain McGilchrist yesterday to McGill University.
    for the original lecture go here

    00:00 Intro to what's the matter with medicine in a left-brain world of disconnect - toxic world vs.
    01:55 The importance of attention as a form of love
    03:00 The doctor patient relationship is devalued now which degrades the skills of doctors as well as a distortion of the body as a faulty mechanism in a mechanistic view of the problem
    04:40 Nothing in the animate and inanimate world is fixed or mechanistic - complex (living) systems are self-organising.
    06:50 A danger to ourselves - medicine and molecular biology can read the notes but not the music!
    08:20 Single celled organisms change their structure to solve problems almost instantaneously. Living systems are in dynamic equilibrium / in motion - even emotions - unlike machines
    11:30 Nothing about a cell is linear. Multiple inputs create a dynamic equilibrium. Grows by differentiation. Engage in bootstrapping - change themselves within at same time as becoming.
    13:30 DNA mapping - left brain approach saw mapping the genome as the answer to world disease but it ignored what it designated non-coding DNA as junk DNA.
    15:13 Humanities are the essential context for science - especially clinical science. Reductionist approach doesn't work. Meaning and values in life. Each life a whirlpool in the stream that returns to source when we die.
    18:00 when we lose the fear of death you see your life as a gift and appreciate the quality over quantity. E.g. money accumulation. Your body responds to how you live your life. Resonance and relationship to everything else.
    19:58 Being human is about attention and intention. Avoiding commodification and mechanistic view of the human experience makes us sick
    21:51 What makes us healthy? Shared community experience in which we can trust. Closeness to nature and connection to the spiritual (bigger than us).
    23:50 Choose your future - avoid capitalist serfdom.

    See also the Trauma of Capitalism here

    **Watch another video**
    HOW TO HEAL BIRTH TRAUMA WITH EMDR https://youtu.be/JmtarRiGsgY
    EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE https://youtu.be/E5TYi9dEBEU
    WHY ANXIETY IS NOT A MIND ISSUE https://youtu.be/Ty-J2pu37tA

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • My commentary on the lecture given by Iain McGilchrist yesterday to McGill University.
    for the original lecture go here

    00:00 Iain is a unique voice in that he marries the humanities (philosophy) and science (medicine) which gives him a broad view of the world.
    02:10 Writing my current book Mind Medicine /Emotional Alchemy (provisional title) looking at changing consciousness and therefore health through implicit memory pattern change
    04:10 Parts therapy/ IFS (internal family systems) therapy- disembodied parts argue with eachother.
    May talk to the left brain dominant!! Needs a therapist to pull back a more holistic view
    06:05 A Medicine more Fit for Humanity - my commentary. Very left brain dominant procedural occupation focused on technology and humans as machines
    08:00 Lose contextual information and meaning when we look at the world this way, lacks feeling and relational dynamic between us and the world we perceive
    09:20 Left hemisphere sees the world in parts, (ignores the right hemisphere), deluded in its representation, competition, grabbing, using things - society follows this sadly (narcissism?)
    13:41 The 2 sides are complementary, conserved in all mammals, separated by Corpus Callosum
    15:06 The way we pay attention changes what we find in the world and who we are! Disembodied, disconnected may be as a result of the deficit of the right brain.
    16:20 Medicine is an example of 'left brain' approach that seeks to understand things by studying constituent parts. Right brain understands there is uncertainty in understanding anything this way and we have to have a more wholistic view - opening up to possibility!
    17:25 Transforming people into the realm of possibility - where diagnosis goes wrong - Life Beneath the Labels. Left brain that seeks control the uncontrollable takes us down into disconnect. and fear
    19:26 Getting into implicit, creative view of the world. (work of Martha Beck) getting out of anxiety by getting into the body and looking at your whole world view not as malfunctioning machine.
    20:50 Any dis-ease is biopsychosocial - reflecting the whole of you. Needs to be treated as such
    21:26 Left hemisphere creates a map of the world which is inaccurate, but very compelling. Doctors train in this very view, which limits their ability to help suffering people (a problem of reductionist, technological medical training).
    23:50 This hurts not only patients but also medical professionals - no connection leads to mental health issues for all
    24:40 Complex systems (which we are) need complex nuanced solutions to learn about themselves in the depth of their being.

    **Watch another video**
    HOW TO HEAL BIRTH TRAUMA WITH EMDR https://youtu.be/JmtarRiGsgY
    EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE https://youtu.be/E5TYi9dEBEU
    WHY ANXIETY IS NOT A MIND ISSUE https://youtu.be/Ty-J2pu37tA

    Work with me:
    BOOK A SESSION (individual or g

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • Men and women - the difference in how stress operates and how it manifests. And why men are less likely to admit they need help
    See this article for more details on gender differences in neurobiology

    00:00 The stress response in men and women are different - physiological differences in brain organisation. Fight and flight vs. Tend and befriend.
    02:31 Emotions are part of that system that communicates safety biologically. When symptoms arise, women are much more likely to notice and respond to them.
    03:30 Men much more likely to come when things get so bad that they can't fix it themselves. Shame in needing others (being emotionally vulnerable) is cultural.
    04:45 Childhood experience is hugely landscaping of men's and women's brains. High sensitivity is just as common in boys as girls (orchid children). Emotional suppression more common in men.
    06:08 Trauma embeds itself in body memory (instances of not having emotional needs met). Anxiety is present in both men and women but presents differently - can be more melancholic, shame filled.
    07:57 The body presents its bill through symptoms, and it needs inter-relational safety to connect with the sensations that mask the underlying emotions wanting to break through.
    09:20 Children have to attach to survive. Strategies develop as a means to manage the situation. But they become dysfunctional later in life particularly in relationships - which causes more shame.
    11:22 The dysfunctional behaviour is not the authentic person but the coping mechanism. Learning to express yourself emotionally is vital to full health.
    12:50 How to contact me - experience somatic psychotherapy which tracks sensations in the body which are proxies for the emotions that could not be felt.

    **Watch a video**
    HOW TO HEAL BIRTH TRAUMA WITH EMDR https://youtu.be/JmtarRiGsgY
    EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE https://youtu.be/E5TYi9dEBEU
    WHY ANXIETY IS NOT A MIND ISSUE https://youtu.be/Ty-J2pu37tA

    Work with me:
    BOOK A SESSION (individual or group - including the Community sessions)
    ORDER A BOOK: See my books here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Patricia-Worby/e/B015TM124G
    MY INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/alchemy.therapies/
    MY WEBSITE: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com

  • Lessons from the life and untimely death of Amy Winehouse after watching the movie Back to Black and also reading The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate. How nervous system dysregulation plays out in the life and how it inevitably takes its toll as we seek to calm our nervous system in any way we can.

    Luckily with support and proper tools it IS possible to quell the anxiety that leads to all kinds of addictions. Learn how you can do this to re-connect to safety inside.

    00:00 Intro - movie drama Back to Black about the life of Amy Winehouse and an interview with ex-husband Blake Fielder-Civil. Usually regarded as the 'bad boy' in the story, was also very young and dys-regulated (no family support)
    02:40 The film shows a rather cosy view of her family but we know that she lacked support from her family also - her mother (ill), her father (somewhat childlike in many ways) and her Nan (the best emotional support she had but who sadly died at the height of Amy's fame). No wonder she was attracted to Blake and alcohol (and later hard drugs)
    05:35 A more nuanced view is that she was lead to these adaptations /strategies to regulate the dys-regulated nervous system - the early life experience is the most important developer of our stress response
    07:00 According to Gabor Mate in The Myth of Normal parents are both important but under-supported themselves, so it's no wonder that things go wrong - the neurological payoff of poor attachment is huge in the lifespan
    09:00 Societal pressures are also huge - social media and access to information that the nervous system cannot always make meaning of without overwhelm. Triggers in adulthood will easily then create addictions.
    10:30 Tools that we can use - e.g. touch based havening is bottom up from the body to the brain (somatically) via feelings rather than thoughts.
    12:00 demo of havening showing the importance of interpersonal support. Connecting with a safe nervous system. Other tools - cranio-sacral therapy, breathwork and humming/chanting (voo sound) helps to stimulate the vagus nerve (calming)

    **Watch a video**
    HOW TO HEAL BIRTH TRAUMA WITH EMDR https://youtu.be/JmtarRiGsgY
    EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE https://youtu.be/E5TYi9dEBEU
    WHY ANXIETY IS NOT A MIND ISSUE https://youtu.be/Ty-J2pu37tA

    Work with me:
    BOOK A SESSION (individual or group - including the Community sessions)
    ORDER A BOOK: See my books here https://www.amazon.co.uk/Patricia-Worby/e/B015TM124G
    MY INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/alchemy.therapies/
    MY WEBSITE: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/

    *If you're suffering from Chronic pain, fatigue or anxiety, I CAN HELP*
    CONTACT ME: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/
    Alchemy Therapies & Emotional Masterclass

    Group Healing Program: http://myemotionalaudit.com
    Author/Book site: https//patriciaworby.com
    Podcast: https://www.alchemytherapies.co.uk/po...
    121 and group therapy and training for stress related conditions like anxiety, fatigue and pain: https://alchemytherapies.co.uk
    See in particular: Thrive! - an introductory mindbody connection program and The Emotional Audit for more intensive training.

    Intensive Training Program: https://emotionalmasterclass.com