Taking time to reflect on your life is one of the most powerful things you can do. It sounds daunting to some, but truly it's the only thing that has kept me sane throughout all of these years. We ask other people, "How are you?" all the time but when's the last time you've asked yourself, "How am I?" Not only that, but most people routinely meet with their bosses for performance reviews and again...when was the last time you had a performance review with yourself about your own life? How is it that you routinely track your job performance but not your life performance? It's important to take time with yourself to analyze everything going on. It allows you to walk through life confidently knowing that you're doing everything you can to achieve your own goals and dreams. It's something I do often and it's what I wanted to talk about today. It's helped me immensely and I can only hope it does the same for you.
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