
  • In this insightful episode of Reinvent Healthcare, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo is joined by America’s heart-healthy doc, Dr. Joel Kahn, to uncover the most advanced strategies for detecting, preventing, and reversing heart disease. Heart disease remains the leading cause of death worldwide, and Dr. Kahn shares his wealth of knowledge on how to identify risks early and take proactive steps to protect your heart.

    Dr Kahn  has authored several best-selling books on heart health and is a regular speaker at national conferences. Dr. Kahn runs a successful clinic in Michigan, where he applies cutting-edge technology and holistic practices to help patients achieve optimal heart health. He is also the host of "Heart Doc VIP," a popular podcast focused on heart health and wellness.

    Key Topics Covered:

    The alarming rise of heart disease and why it often goes undetected until it’s too late.How calcium CT scans and the advanced Clearly CT angiograms are revolutionizing heart disease detection.Why soft plaque is more dangerous than calcified plaque and how new testing methods reveal hidden risks.The critical role of diet in heart disease prevention and reversal and the advantages of plant-based nutrition.Misleading information about heart health: Debunking myths around butter, bacon, and popular fad diets.Dr. Kahn’s #1 rule for heart disease: Test, don’t guess—how early testing saves lives.Practical tips for practitioners on how to guide patients in preventing and reversing heart disease using lifestyle and testing.

    Dr. Kahn also dives into the fascinating connection between gut health, inflammation, and heart disease, providing a comprehensive roadmap for heart disease prevention. Whether you’re a healthcare practitioner or someone concerned about heart health, this episode offers valuable insights and practical steps to protect your cardiovascular system.

    Resources for This Episode:

    For deeper cardiovascular resources for health practitioners, including Dr. Kahn’s Talk, Get the Recordings and Handouts from SHINE 2024 Genetics, Assessments, and Nutritional Strategies for Optimal Cardiovascular Function hereCheck out other Cardiovascular podcast episodes hereJoin my Next-Level Health Practitioner Facebook group here

    Dr. Joel Kahn Resources:

    Follow Dr. Joel on Instagram hereListen to Dr. Joel’s Podcast hereLearn more about CIMTs here Understand Calcium Scores better here
  • In this episode of ReInvent Healthcare, we have Sachin Patel, founder of the Living Proof Institute, to discuss the vital role of trust in functional medicine and how practitioners can cultivate it both online and offline.

    Sachin, a leading expert in patient-centered healthcare, is not only a functional medicine success coach, author, and speaker, but also a dedicated advocate for lifestyle medicine and breath work. His mission is to help people activate their inner doctor, raise their consciousness, and initiate deep healing. 

    Throughout the episode, you'll gain practical insights on building lasting relationships with your clients that can truly transform your practice. Be sure to listen to the full episode to discover how to effectively address what your ideal client really wants to know and position yourself as the go-to person to help them.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Why Trust is so Important - Trust is the foundation of every successful practice, and building it should be a top priority. Throughout the episode you will learn the key points that Sachin shares that will help you build the trust of your clients.

    2. The Power of Giving - Sachin shares his philosophy of providing clients with more value. He also discusses why this value is important and how it can also deepen trust. 

    3. Converting Followers into Clients - Likes and follows are not enough to build a successful practice. Sachin shares his framework for nurturing leads, moving them from free content to paid programs, and ensuring that messages are tailored to where your audience is on their health journey.

    4. Navigating the Crowded Online Space and Building Engagement - As online spaces become more crowded, Sachin offers practical tips for standing out as well as a simple yet powerful hack to increase engagement on social media. 

    Resources For This Episode:

    Get our FREE Guide to Taking a Detailed Health History that gets you to root causes.Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training.  Visit my ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other episodes that will be beneficial to you and your clients. Join my Next-Level Health Practitioner Facebook group here

    Sachin Patel Resources:

    Connect with Sachin on Facebook here Follow Sachin on Instagram here Visit the Living Proof website here Grab yourself a copy of Sachin’s book through this link Build your practice with Sachin here Check out Answer The Public here
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  • In this episode of Reinvent Healthcare, our very special guest is Dr. Elisa Song, a leading integrative pediatrician and author of the best-selling book Healthy Kids, Happy Kids. She shares groundbreaking insights into the critical importance of gut health in children and how early-life interventions can shape a child’s future, not just for a healthier gut, but for a lifetime of robust health.  

    If you’re a parent, practitioner, or someone who has children in your care, this episode is a must-listen. Dr. Song offers a wealth of knowledge that will not only change how you view children’s health but also give you practical tools for making impactful changes today. Learn how important it is to protect and nurture gut health for a lifetime of well-being.

    Tune in to this episode to uncover the powerful connections between gut health and long-term wellness, and find out what you can do to make a difference, starting today.

    Key Takeaways:

    Rethinking Baby’s First Months: Discover why the first three to six months of a baby's life are crucial for developing a resilient gut microbiome and how this early development sets the stage for their future immune system, brain function, and metabolic health.

    Microbiome Misconceptions: Dr. Song debunks common myths, explaining why a highly diverse gut microbiome isn’t always ideal—especially for infants. Learn why less diversity, focusing on beneficial Bifidobacteria, is key during those early years.

    The Hidden Dangers of Early Medication: Dr. Song reveals startling research showing that infants exposed to antibiotics or antacids in the first six months have nearly double the risk of developing allergic diseases. She explains why these medications are microbiome disruptors and how they can set the stage for future health issues.

    Athletic Kids at Risk: Even our most active and seemingly fit children aren't immune. Dr. Song discusses why she’s seeing alarming levels of insulin resistance in young athletes, often masked by their outward fitness. Uncover the hidden impact of sugary post-practice treats on their metabolic health.

    Gut Health Beyond Childhood: It’s not just kids who need a healthy gut. Dr. Song explains how our modern lifestyle and environmental factors have eroded the beneficial bacteria in our guts—potentially contributing to conditions like anxiety, IBD, and poor COVID-19 outcomes. She offers actionable advice for restoring balance, no matter your age.

    Important Terms:

    1. Gut Microbiome: The community of microorganisms living in the digestive tracts of children, crucial for overall health.

    2. Bifidobacteria: A key type of bacteria in a healthy infant gut, particularly important in the early stages of life.

    3. Human Milk Oligosaccharides (HMOs): Prebiotics in breast milk that support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the infant gut.

    4. Shotgun Metagenomics: A cutting-edge method for analyzing the full range of microbial genes in a sample, offering a more detailed picture of the gut microbiome.

    5. Probiotics vs. Prebiotics: Probiotics are beneficial bacteria, while prebiotics are compounds that feed these bacteria, both essential in maintaining a balanced microbiome.

    Resources For This Episode

    Download my FREE for Functional Food Guide for guidelines on creating customized functional food plans to support individual needs.Listen to Another episode related to
  • In this episode of *ReInvent Healthcare*Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo uncovers the critical gaps between conventional and functional lab testing. If you're relying solely on standard test panels, you might be missing early signs of disease that could be caught with more comprehensive testing. Discover why more advanced testing and functional lab tests are essential for detecting imbalances before they escalate into serious health issues, and learn how they can transform your practice and improve your clients' outcomes. Don't let overlooked tests put your clients at risk—find out how to catch warning signs early and effectively.

      Key Takeaways from This Episode:  

    The limitations of conventional lab testing and standard test panels and how functional testing provides a more comprehensive view.How using functional lab testing can help practitioners identify health imbalances early, leading to better outcomes.Top lab tests that conventional medicine often overlooks, and how they impact metabolic health, cardiovascular health, and  chronic disease risk.Real-world success stories that showcase how these tests transformed client care.Practical steps for health professionals to integrate functional testing into their practice for more personalized and preventative care.

      Key Terms in This Episode:  

    Advanced Cardiovascular Markers - Lab tests such as ApoB and Lipoprotein (a) that assess deeper cardiovascular risks beyond standard cholesterol panels.Advanced Functional Medicine Tests - Certain testing methods give a more complete picture of micronutrient imbalances, gut health, and hormones than blood tests.Comprehensive Blood Sugar Testing- Comprehensive panels that assess blood sugar, insulin, and other markers that influence metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.Thyroid Panel -  Functional testing that looks beyond TSH levels, including T3, T4, antibodies tests, and more, for a more complete view of thyroid health.

    Resources For This Episode

    Free Resource - Guide to Using Genetic Testing to Optimize Patient OutcomesWatch and learn about lab testing for cardiovascular System from our 3-day practitioner event HEREDownload a comprehensive cardiovascular Lab testing guide and watch powerful presentations HERE

    Learn more about Lipoproteins from our blog: Holistic Approaches to Lipoprotein Management: Beyond Statins and Medications

  • In this exciting episode of ReInvent Healthcare, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo and herbalist David Winston dive into the world of personalized herbal approaches for thyroid health. They discuss the importance of considering an individual's constitution, energetics, and medical history when selecting herbal remedies, and the potential risks of adding supplements without considering the individual person. The conversation expands to cover the interconnected factors affecting thyroid function and practical strategies for reducing exposure to environmental toxins. Whether your clients are dealing with hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, or simply looking to optimize thyroid health, this episode offers valuable insights into holistic and personalized care. Listen to the full episode to learn more.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    Why it is important to personalize herbal remedies based on the clients constitution, energetics, and medical historyWhy simple herbal supplements are not recommended, especially in thyroid conditionsHow exposure to environmental toxins may disrupt thyroid healthWhy it is important to Incorporate balanced, moderate dietary and lifestyle choices while avoiding extremesHow to improve detoxification and phase 1 and phase 2 liver detoxification with mild herbs as food to enhance the body's ability to metabolize and get rid of xenoestrogens

    Key Terms In This Episode:

    Thyroid-Suppressive Effects - The potential of certain herbs or substances to reduce or inhibit thyroid gland function, potentially leading to or exacerbating hypothyroidism.Immune Amphoterics -  Herbs that help regulate the immune system, making it either more or less active as needed, depending on the condition, such as ashwagandha and Asian ginseng for one type of autoimmune thyroid condition but not another.Biphasic Effect - The ability of certain herbs, like self-heal (Prunella vulgaris), to have dual actions, either stimulating or suppressing thyroid activity depending on what the body needs.Xenoestrogens - Synthetic or natural compounds that mimic estrogen in the body and can disrupt endocrine function, including thyroid health, often found in environmental pollutants like plastics.

    Resources for this episode

    Free Resource - Optimizing Thyroid Hormone FunctionListen to other podcast episodes about the Thyroid here Read up about Food and Nutrients to Support the Thyroid hereCreate your own super-charging thyroid smoothie hereWatch and learn about lab testing for cardiovascular System from our 3-day practitioner event HEREDownload a comprehensive cardiovascular Lab testing guide and watch powerful presentations HERE

    David Winston Resources 

    Visit David Winston’s website here 
  • In this eye-opening episode of ReInvent Healthcare, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo uncovers the critical differences between conventional and functional medicine in interpreting lab test results. Discover why the standard approach may be missing the mark, and how functional lab ranges can provide a more accurate picture of your health. Tune in to learn why early detection is key to preventing chronic illness and optimizing your well-being.

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    The inherent limitations of conventional lab tests and what they might be missing.The powerful advantages of using functional lab ranges to detect imbalances before they become major health issues.Why catching imbalances early is crucial for preventing chronic diseases and maintaining optimal health.The specific markers and tests that can reveal hidden imbalances and guide more personalized care.

    Key Terms In This Episode:

    Functional Lab Ranges: Derived from a healthier population, functional lab ranges are typically narrower than conventional ranges. They focus on identifying early imbalances that could lead to chronic conditions, aiming to optimize health and prevent disease before it starts.Conventional Lab Ranges: These standard reference ranges are based on averages from a general population that includes both healthy and unhealthy individuals. Conventional lab ranges are often used to diagnose diseases that have already developed, potentially overlooking early signs of imbalance.Subclinical Imbalances: These are subtle, often symptom-free changes in the body that fall outside the optimal range but don't yet meet the criteria for a disease diagnosis. Functional medicine prioritizes detecting and addressing these imbalances early to prevent the progression to overt disease.

    Resources for this episode

    Free Resource - Guide to Using Genetic Testing to Optimize Patient OutcomesWatch and learn about lab testing for cardiovascular System from our 3-day practitioner event HEREDownload a comprehensive cardiovascular Lab testing guide and watch powerful presentations HERE
  • In this episode of ReInvent Healthcare, Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo talks and Dr. Scott Antoine discusses PANS and PANDAS.  Dr. Scott shares his family’s experience with the disease, and how integrative approaches are the best approaches to handling the trials and tribulations of these disorders.  

    Dr. Scott Antoine is a board-certified Emergency and Integrative Medicine physician with additional certifications in Functional and Integrative Medicine. He's renowned for his expertise in treating PANS and PANDAS, having helped hundreds of patients nationwide with his unique approach and his practice is considered a Center of Excellence for these conditions. 

    Beyond his medical background, Dr. Antoine is a clinical hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner, and he's the author of the bestselling book "The Comprehensive Physician's Guide to the Management of PANS and PANDAS."

    What You Will Learn In This Episode:

    Why PANS and PANDAS are a complex neurological disorderThe importance of early detection and treatment in children and adultsHow infections and inflammation are important triggersConventional medicine’s limitationsLab and genetic tests How to use integrative approaches for the best results

    Key Terms In This Episode:

    PANS (Pediatric Acute Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) is an umbrella term for a condition affecting children with sudden onset of severe neurological symptoms.PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder Associated with Strep Infection) is a specific type of PANS triggered by a strep infection.OCD, or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, is a mental health condition characterized by recurrent, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors (compulsions). It is a core symptom of PANS and PANDAS.

    Resources for this episode

    Guide - Immune System GuideBlog Article - Immune System ModulationRecipe Guide - Anti-Inflammatory SoupImmunology Podcast Episodes Grow Your Practice - INE Method

    More on Dr. Scott Antoine

    Website - Fully FunctionalFacebook - The Panda DocsInstagram - @thepandasdocs
  • In this episode of ReInvent Healthcare, I explore the holistic approach to healing chronic illnesses, focusing on strategies for resilience and wellness, together with my dear friend, Dr. Tom Moorcroft. Together we talk about our insights and experiences in guiding clients towards optimal health. From identifying imbalances to embracing self-love and nutrition, we uncover the transformative power of holistic healing practices.

    Dr. Tom specializes in treating patients with chronic Lyme disease, tick-borne co-infections, mold illness, and children with infection-induced autoimmune encephalitis. He emphasizes the body's innate healing abilities, employing natural interventions alongside conventional methods as necessary. With over 15 years of expertise, he has developed a unique approach to chronic disease recovery, shared through his Lyme Disease Practitioner Certification and Mentorship program. Dr. Tom's mission is to empower people to reconnect with their inner source of healing for optimal health.

    Key Points:

    Root Cause Resolution: Dr. Tom and I discuss the importance of identifying imbalances rather than sticking to conventional diagnoses. Learn how focusing on foundational health practices—like nutrition, sleep, and mindset—can initiate profound healing processes and support long-term wellness.

    The Power of Adaptive Healing: Discover Dr. Tom's integrated approach to treating complex conditions such as chronic Lyme disease, mold illness, and infection-induced autoimmune encephalitis. With over 15 years of experience, he brings invaluable insights into natural and conventional healing modalities, emphasizing the body's innate ability to heal itself.

    Stress, Cortisol, and Holistic Recovery: We delve into the critical impact of chronic stress and cortisol on bodily functions, from tissue breakdown to mitochondrial disruption. Understanding the body's stress responses is key to developing effective, holistic healing strategies that enhance resilience and wellness.

    Embracing Gradual Change: Hear about the merits of a 'low and slow' approach to health transformations. We discuss the importance of listening to your body and caution against the risks of pushing too hard, which can lead to setbacks rather than progress.

    Mentorship and Education: Dr. Tom also shares insights from his Lyme Disease Practitioner Certification and Mentorship program, aimed at training health professionals to adopt holistic, effective approaches to chronic disease management.

    Important ReInvent Healthcare Links 

    Get the power of fasting while eating delicious and nutritious meals with my  Fasting While Feasting Program here.Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner TrainingVisit the ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other podcast episodes and resources to support you in empowering your clients health recovery journeys

    Dr. Tom Moorcorft’s Links

    Subscribe to Dr. Moorcroft’s YouTube channel here.  Follow Dr. Moorcroft on Instagram here. Follow Dr. Moorcroft on LinkedIn...
  • In this episode of ReInvent Healthcare, I have a very special guest, Dr, Devaki Berkson, and together we examine the  link between immune health and hormones. We stress the importance of nutrition for a healthy gut microbiome and hormone health to strengthen immune defenses and ward off immune-related issues. We also discuss the connection between hormones and immunity, citing studies on progesterone receptors and COVID-19. Listen to the full episode to learn more. 

    Key Points:

    Gut Health and Immune System Interaction: We explore the relationship between gut health and the immune system, focusing on paneth cells, Secretory IgA, and defensins. Highlighting the significance of a healthy gut microbiome and proper nutrition, we discuss  how these  support a robust immune response, highlighting the impact of diet and lifestyle on gut health.

    Hormonal Influence on Immunity and Health: Delving into the role of hormones in modulating immune function, particularly within the gut, we discuss hormone receptor resistance and its oversight in hormone replacement therapies. We advocate for natural remedies and nutrition to tackle hormone imbalances in response to the impact of environmental pollutants on hormone receptors, .

    Holistic Health Approach: Emphasizing the integration of nutrition, hormone balance, and detoxification practices, we stress personalized approaches for long-term wellness. Prioritizing  daily detoxing, exercise, and supplementation, we highlight the importance of addressing root causes of illness and advocate for a comprehensive healthcare approach prioritizing holistic health.

    Important ReInvent Healthcare Links 

    Join my Fasting While Feasting Program here.Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner TrainingVisit the ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other podcast episodes and resources to support you in empowering your clients health recovery journeys

    Dr. Lindsey Berkson’s Links

    Check out Dr. Berkson’s website here. Be part of Dr. Lindsey’s membership program here. Follow Dr. Lindsey on X here.
  • In this episode of ReInvent Healthcare, I talk about the truth behind the role of sugar and insulin resistance in cardiovascular disease, exploring the prevalence of insulin resistance, its detrimental effects on the cardiovascular system, and practical strategies for early detection and management. Get ready to rethink your approach to nutrition and lifestyle as we unveil the keys to protecting your heart and optimizing your overall well-being. Make sure to listen to the whole episode to learn more.

    Key Points:

    Prevalence of Insulin Resistance: Insulin resistance, characterized by the inability of the hormone insulin to escort sugar into the cells, is widespread and underdiagnosed. Lifestyle factors such as diet, stress, exposure to toxins, and lack of sleep contribute to insulin resistance, which can lead to various cardiovascular complications.

    Effects of Insulin Resistance on Cardiovascular System: Insulin resistance damages the endothelium, leading to plaque buildup in the arteries. It also induces arterial wall thickening and stiffness, increases blood pressure, and disrupts lipid metabolism, contributing to atherogenic conditions and increasing cardiovascular risk.

    Need for Early Detection and Intervention: Detecting pre-insulin resistance and insulin resistance before they progress to diabetes is crucial for preventing cardiovascular complications. The symptoms, the side effects, the negative things that can happen with diabetes start decades before diabetes is diagnosed. Education and awareness about the risks associated with high glycemic foods, inadequate sleep, and chronic stress are essential.

    Important ReInvent Healthcare Links 

    Sign up to access Dr. Ritamarie's FREE Functional Food Guide here.Join my Fasting While Feasting Program here.Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner TrainingVisit the ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other podcast episodes and resources to support you in empowering your clients health recovery journeys
  • In this episode of ReInvent Healthcare, we explore the difference in protein in various diets. So many people are debating which type of diet is best, but what are they actually comparing? We'll explore the various aspects of different diets, what we should be looking at when discussing diets and the needs of our clients, and considerations to use in order to get the best results for our patients and clients. Listen to the full episode to learn more. 

    Key Points:

    Nutritional Superiority of Plant-Based Proteins

    Plant-based proteins offer a denser nutritional profile compared to animal-based proteins. They provide a broader range of essential nutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals per calorie, supporting overall health and disease prevention.

    Environmental Impact and Sustainability

    Plant-based proteins are more environmentally friendly and sustainable than animal-based proteins. They contribute to a lower environmental footprint by reducing land use, resource consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions, highlighting their ecological benefits.

    Customization and Health Considerations

    There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to protein intake. Although animal-based proteins are not discouraged, plant-based diets are a great source of proteins, vitamins, and minerals for optimal health. Personalized dietary approaches prioritize whole, organic plant foods as well as the health needs and culture to ensure adequate nutrient intake and address individual health needs.

    Important ReInvent Healthcare Links 

    Sign up to access Dr. Ritamarie's FREE Functional Food Guide here.Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner TrainingVisit the ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other podcast episodes and resources to support you in empowering your clients health recovery journeys
  • In this episode of ReInvent Healthcare, we examine the world of proteins and their role in human health. From building tissues to supporting immune function and enzyme activity, proteins are indispensable for our well-being. We'll explore the various aspects of proteins, including their sources, essential amino acids, and considerations to use in order to get the best results for our patients and clients. Listen to the full episode to learn more. 

    Key Points:

    The Role of Proteins in the Body

    Proteins serve as the fundamental building blocks of the human body, playing a myriad of vital roles in health and function. They are needed for the construction and repair of various tissues, including muscles, bones, skin, and the lining of the digestive system. Moreover, proteins form the foundation of enzymes, necessary  for biochemical reactions crucial for digestion. Additionally, proteins contribute to the synthesis of hormones, neurotransmitters, and transport molecules, underscoring their diverse and indispensable functions in maintaining overall health and bodily processes.

    Understanding Amino Acids

    Proteins, constructed from a complex array of amino acids, encompass 20+ identified variants, categorized into essential, non-essential, and conditionally essential types. While essential amino acids must be consumed in the diet due to the body's inability to produce them, non-essential amino acids are synthesized internally. Understanding individual amino acid requirements is important, accounting for factors such as impaired metabolic pathways, genetic predispositions, and overall health conditions, allows us to create nutritional strategies to optimize well-being and address specific needs effectively.

    The Power of balanced Protein Intake

    While animal proteins are commonly perceived as complete sources of protein, plant-based alternatives offer substantial nutritional advantages. Foods like lentils, lupini beans, broccoli, and kale not only provide notable protein content but also contribute additional essential nutrients to a balanced diet from vitamins and minerals to fiber. Functional practitioners should evaluate protein requirements considering individual factors such as activity level, body weight, metabolic health, recent illnesses or injuries, and dietary preferences, striving for an intake that is optimal without being excessive. By incorporating diverse plant protein sources into clients' nutritional plans, practitioners can promote overall health and wellness effectively.

    Important ReInvent Healthcare Links 

    Sign up to access Dr. Ritamarie's FREE Functional Food Guide here.Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner TrainingVisit the ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other podcast episodes and resources to support you in empowering your clients health recovery journeys
  • In this episode of ReInvent Healthcare, we dive into the world of personalized genetics with Joe Cohen, the founder and CEO of SelfDecode. SelfDecode empowers clients to understand their unique DNA and unlock its potential for optimizing personalized health and wellness. Join us as we explore the exciting world of genetic testing, learn how SelfDecode can help you take control of your health, and discuss the future of personalized medicine.

    Key Points:

    The Importance of Genetic Testing

    Genetic testing holds immense promise for revolutionizing healthcare. A personalized approach to precision health that includes genetic insights,could transform medicine from a reactive system to a proactive one. With the right tools and knowledge, genetic testing has the potential to empower clients to take charge of their health, optimize their well-being, and pave the way for a future of preventive and personalized medicine.

    Methodology of Polygenic Risk Scoring in Understanding Health Conditions

    Many diseases aren't caused by a single faulty gene, but rather a combination of smaller genetic variations. Polygenic risk scoring tackles this complexity by analyzing numerous genetic markers across your DNA. By considering these variations together, it creates a score that estimates your overall genetic susceptibility to a particular health condition. This approach provides a more nuanced picture than traditional genetic testing and can help identify clients at higher risk, allowing for earlier intervention, preventive measures, and personalized strategies.

    Analyzing Genes To Make Effective Health Recommendations

    Genetic testing offers a wealth of information, and translating it into actionable health advice requires validation. Environmental factors, lifestyle choices, and even interactions between different genes can significantly influence how genetic codes play out. To make effective recommendations, we have SelfDecode to validate these genetic predictions. 

    Important ReInvent Healthcare Links 

    Sign up to access Dr. Ritamarie's FREE Guide to Using Genetic Testing to Optimize Patient Outcomes here.For our invaluable genetics charts and video trainings, check out our Nutrigenomics Bundle here.And to go even more in-depth on Functional Nutrigenomics in Clinical Practice we suggest the digital videos and materials form our 3-day 2023 event which you can access here. Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner TrainingVisit the ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other podcast episodes and resources to support you in empowering your clients health recovery journeys

    Joe Cohen Links

    Visit the SelfDecode website here. Subscribe to Joe Cohen's YouTube channel here.Follow Joe Cohen on
  • In today's episode, I talk about why understanding physiology and biochemistry is crucial for functional practitioners as it provides insight into the mechanisms of the human body at both macroscopic and molecular levels. This knowledge enables us to identify root causes of health issues, tailor personalized plans, and empower our clients to make informed decisions about their health journey. Make sure to listen to the full episode to learn more.

    Key Points:

    Cornerstones of Functional Medicine: Physiology and biochemistry serve as the bedrock upon which functional medicine is built. A thorough understanding of how the human body functions at both macroscopic and molecular levels is indispensable for understanding the connections between body systems. Functional Medicine Practitioners understand the “Why and How” these systems are connected to anatomy, emotions, nutrients, and more.. . The practitioners who grasp the intricacies of physiology and biochemistry can identify root causes of health issues and develop tailored, holistic, personalized plans for their clients.

    Personalized Care: One size does not fit all in functional medicine. Generic protocols may provide temporary relief, but true healing requires personalized care based on individual physiology and biochemistry. By understanding the unique biochemical pathways and physiological processes of each client, practitioners can craft customized interventions that address the underlying imbalances driving their symptoms. This personalized approach fosters long-term health and wellness outcomes.

    Empowering Patients: Knowledge is power, and in functional medicine, empowering patients to take control of their health is paramount. By educating clients about their body's physiology and biochemistry, practitioners enable them to make informed decisions about their health journey. Clients gain a deeper understanding of how lifestyle factors, nutrition, and environmental influences impact their health, empowering them to actively participate in their healing process.

    Important ReInvent Healthcare Links 

    Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner TrainingVisit the ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other podcast episodes and resources to support you in empowering your clients health recovery journeys
  • In this episode of ReInvent Healthcare, I share my personal journey with niacin supplementation and the things I learned along the way. Use this to grow your understanding of niacin and to better understand its nuanced effects, from its potential benefits in lowering Lipoprotein(a) levels to the unexpected pitfalls of high-dose administration. Make sure to listen to the full episode to learn more. 

    Key Points:

    Caution with High-Dose Niacin - I emphasize  the necessity of caution when considering high-dose niacin therapy. There are potential adverse effects in some people, including increased homocysteine, flushing and itching, and significant drops in blood pressure. This highlights client safety and thorough assessments before recommending niacin supplementation.Individual Health Factors -  I stress the importance of assessing methylation issues, high homocysteine levels, blood pressure irregularities, and other potential risk factors. By tailoring plans to each person’s unique profile, we as practitioners can mitigate potential adverse effects and optimize cardiovascular health outcomes.Holistic Approach to Cardiovascular Health - I advocate for a holistic approach to cardiovascular health, beyond reliance on niacin therapy alone. As a practitioner, beyond basic labs, it is crucial to  look at advanced lipid panels, genetics, electrolyte balance, and lifestyle factors. By adopting a comprehensive strategy, we can address underlying health imbalances and empower clients to achieve lasting wellness.

    Important ReInvent Healthcare Links 

    Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner TrainingVisit the ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other podcast episodes and resources to support you in empowering your clients health recovery journeysListen to other podcast episodes on Functional Food here
  • In this episode of ReInvent Healthcare, I tackle the importance of gut health and how the foods we  eat  affect the microbiome. You’ll learn about  how  probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics are critical to microbiome balance, and what  important foods our clients need in order to keep their gut flora healthy. I also explore how various health conditions can alter our approach to incorporating these foods and supplements. . 

    Interesting points you will learn in this episode:

    What exactly are prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics?What food and supplement changes can be used to support a healthy gut microbiomeWhat is microbiome in a nutshell?

    Important ReInvent Healthcare Links 

    Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner TrainingVisit the ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other podcast episodes and resources to support you in empowering your clients health recovery journeysListen to my episodes with Steph Jackson - Part 1, Part 2 for more details about microbiome balancing.Listen to other podcast episodes on Functional Food here
  • In this episode of Reinvent Healthcare, I have with me Dr. Jenny Tufenkian, a seasoned naturopathic physician. Together we talk about the pressing issue of long-term fatigue and chronic disability exacerbated by the aftermath of the COVID pandemic, particularly 'Long COVID' or 'long haulers syndrome’ and also a holistic approach to combat these illnesses by emphasizing the identification and mitigation of key energy-draining factors such as stress, gut health, and viral infections. 

    Dr. Jenny, having treated chronic illness for over two decades, shares her developed system aimed at unlocking the 5 Core Energy Drainers to help individuals regain functionality and feel like themselves again. She incorporates a unique blend of left-brain functional medical approach with deep subconscious work, facilitating powerful shifts in both physical and energetic bodies, which she shares with clients and practitioners both online and in person. Listen to the full episode to learn more.

    Interesting points you will learn in this episode:

    What is the role of the Mitochondria in Chronic Fatigue?How is Gut Health related to Chronic Fatigue?What are the 5 Core Energy Drainers discussed by Dr. Jenny Tufenkian?


    Important ReInvent Healthcare Links 

    Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training.  Visit the ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other podcast episodes and resources to support you in empowering your clients health recovery journeys

    Dr. Jenny Tufenkian Links:

    Check out Dr. Jenny’s WebsiteFollow Dr. Jenny’s TikTokSubscribe to Dr Jenny’s YouTube ChannelFollow Dr. Jenny on InstagramLike Dr. Jenny’s Facebook PageFollow Dr. Jenny on LinkedIn
  • In this episode of Reinvent Healthcare, I talk about the fundamental principles of nutritional endocrinology and its transformative potential in addressing complex health challenges. Drawing from over 30 years of clinical experience, I explain intricate workings of the endocrine system, emphasizing its role as the master controller of the body's functions. From regulating metabolism and glucose uptake to influencing immune responses and appetite control, hormones play a key role in maintaining overall health. 

    Through the lens of nutritional endocrinology, I explore how external factors such as diet, stress, toxins, and lifestyle choices interact with the body's internal processes, shaping our health outcomes. Make sure to listen to the full episode to learn more

    Interesting points you will learn in this episode:

    Why is understanding hormonal balance crucial for us as health practitioners?How do hormones impact different bodily functions, and why is it essential to address hormonal imbalances comprehensively?What role does nutritional endocrinology play in addressing common health issues like obesity, fatigue, and chronic conditions?

    Important ReInvent Healthcare Links 

    Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training.  Visit the ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other podcast episodes and resources to support you in empowering your clients health recovery journeysGet the Endocrinology of Appetite Program here.
  • In this episode of Reinvent Healthcare, I explore a range of foods and nutrients that play key roles in supporting heart health. By understanding the importance of anti-inflammatory nutrients, antioxidants, essential minerals, and beneficial herbs, we can empower ourselves and our clients to make informed decisions about cardiovascular health. 

    Interesting points you will learn in this episode:

    How can we ensure a proper balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in the diet?What role do antioxidants play in heart health?Which nutrients are essential for muscle function, especially the heart muscle?What herbs, used in the kitchen and used therapeutically, help with heart health?

    Important ReInvent Healthcare Links 

    Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training.  Visit the ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other podcast episodes and resources to support you in empowering your clients health recovery journeysFor more podcast episodes related to the Cardiovascular System, go here.
  • In this episode of Reinvent Healthcare, I provide a comprehensive overview of recommended cardiovascular blood tests and I highlight the limitations of conventional testing stressing  the importance of additional markers beyond lipid panels to effectively assess cardiovascular risk. I also discuss various categories of tests, including clotting indicators, inflammation markers, lipoproteins, nitric oxide production, and miscellaneous mechanisms. Make sure to listen to the full episode to learn more about these crucial tests and their role in evaluating  cardiovascular health.

    What you will learn in this episode:

    What is the significance of LDL particle number and size in cardiovascular risk assessment?What are the key limitations of conventional cardiovascular testing, and why may calculated LDL not be entirely accurate?What are the limitations of conventional cardiovascular testing?

    Important ReInvent Healthcare Links 

    Access Additional Resources for Practitioners ready to improve clinical outcomes through our Nutritional Endocrinology Practitioner Training.  Visit the ReInvent Healthcare site to check out other podcast episodes and resources to support you in empowering your clients health recovery journeysFor more podcast episodes related to the Cardiovascular System, go here.