
  • You know those days when nothing seems to go right?

    You’re exhausted, unmotivated, and just… not feeling like yourself? Yep, I’ve been there too, and I’m not afraid to admit it!

    In this episode, I’m sharing my personal routine for those “off” days—when burnout sneaks in, motivation takes a nosedive, and even the things you love (like riding) feel like a chore.

    We all get overwhelmed, whether it’s from work, life, or just the daily grind. But what matters is how you bounce back! So, I’m pulling back the curtain on my personal step-by-step process to reset and recharge, mentally and physically, so you can feel like yourself again. It’s a simple 5-step process that I use, and you can, too! Whether you’re a rider or just trying to find your spark again, I’ve got you covered. Let’s get back on track together!

    If this episode helped you hit that “reset” button, tag me @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner on Instagram and share it with your community! I’d *love* to hear what resonated with you most. And don’t forget to leave a review on iTunes—it helps more people find the show and recharge their own batteries!

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    - How to *actually* spot burnout before it knocks you out cold.

    - My go-to routine for resetting my mindset and finding my motivation again.

    - Why sleep is the real MVP for mental performance (no, really).

    - The power of meditation and how tiny habits can make a huge difference when you’re feeling burnt out.

    Questions I Answer:

    - How do you know when you’re on the verge of burnout?

    - What steps do I take to reset when I feel completely drained?

    - Why is sleep so crucial for mental and physical performance?

    - How can small, consistent habits like meditation help you get back on track?


    - Save Your Seat in the free Mental Bootcamp for Riders! 💪 [https://www.resilientreiner.com/RRA_free_masterclass_signup]

    - Get Your Step by Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆 [https://www.resilientreiner.com/academy]

    - Join the Herd: free weekly mental coaching straight to your inbox! 🔥 [https://www.resilientreiner.com/]

    Happy Trails,


  • Have you ever had one of those rides where nothing seems to go right?

    You’re left feeling disconnected from your horse, doubting your progress, and wondering if you’re moving backward instead of forward.

    It’s frustrating, isn’t it?

    But here’s the truth—those tough days happen to everyone, even the best athletes in the world.

    Have you ever heard of the Rule of Thirds? It’s a mindset tool used by top athletes that can change how you look at your toughest moments in the saddle.

    In this episode, I’ll share a story from an Olympic champion that will show you why those tough moments are not just okay—they’re necessary. Trust me, you’ll walk away seeing your bad days in a whole new light, and more importantly, you’ll know how to ride through them with confidence.

    If this episode resonates with you or someone you know, be sure to tag me @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner on Instagram. I’d love to hear how it hit home for you! And don’t forget to share this episode with your community and leave a review on iTunes to help others find the show.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    The Rule of Thirds: What it is and why it’s a powerful tool for riders.Why every ride doesn’t need to be perfect to make progressThe mindset Olympic champions use to push through tough momentsPractical steps for staying confident and motivated through tough training sessions.How to stay consistent in the saddle, even when it feels like you’re not making progress

    Questions I Answer:

    How does the Rule of Thirds help riders change their perspective on tough rides?How can you stop tough rides from shaking your confidence?What’s the secret to showing up even when you don’t feel like you’re at your best?How do top athletes mentally prepare for and handle challenging off days?How can you flip your mindset to make every ride—good or bad—a step forward?


    Grab my free masterclass on what you need to develop your unshakable confidence as a rider to start crushing your goals in no time. 💪 [https://www.resilientreiner.com/RRA_free_masterclass_signup]

    Get Your Step by Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆 https://www.resilientreiner.com/academy

    Join the Herd: free weekly mental coaching straight to your inbox! 🔥 https://www.resilientreiner.com/

    Happy Trails,


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  • Life can often feel like a balancing act—between running a business, raising a family, and keeping your horses in top shape, it can be a challenge just to find time to breathe, let alone ride.

    But what if I told you that you don’t need hours in the saddle every day to make real progress?

    In today’s episode, I’m sharing my go-to strategies that keep me riding consistently—even when life gets hectic. I’m covering how you can make the most of every minute in the saddle, so if you’re struggling to stay consistent with your riding because life just won’t slow d

    own, this episode will give you the tools you need to keep moving forward!

    If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I’m curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    How to structure your week with a detailed plan for each ride, so every session is purposeful and effective.The surprising benefits of shorter, focused rides that can actually lead to greater progress than long, exhaustive sessions.How mental rehearsal can be a powerful tool to keep your skills sharp and your confidence high, even when you can’t make it to the barn.Why consistency is more important than perfection and how showing up regularly, even for short sessions, can transform your riding.

    Questions I Answer:

    How can I fit riding into my packed schedule without sacrificing my other responsibilities?What’s the most efficient way to plan my rides to ensure I’m always progressing?Can shorter rides truly make a difference, or am I just cutting corners?How can I use mental rehearsal to improve my riding when I’m unable to physically practice?


    Grab my free masterclass on what you need to develop your unshakable confidence as a rider to start crushing your goals in no time. 💪 [https://www.resilientreiner.com/RRA_free_masterclass_signup]

    Get Your Step by Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆 https://www.resilientreiner.com/academy

    Join the Herd: free weekly mental coaching straight to your inbox! 🔥 https://www.resilientreiner.com/

    Happy Trails,


  • Would you ride your horse bridleless?

    Are you worried your horse might run off without you? Is your bond strong enough they’ll choose to just hang around anyway?

    What if the key to unlocking that deeper bond is letting go of control and allowing your horse the freedom to choose?

    In this episode of the Resilient Reiner Podcast, we dive into the transformative world of liberty horsemanship with the incredible Avery Sullivan. From her early days in 4-H to becoming a top competitor in the ILHA Championships and a leading voice in liberty horsemanship, Avery’s journey is a testament to the power of trust, understanding, and mutual respect between horse and rider. If you’re ready to elevate your horsemanship to new heights, this conversation is a must-listen.

    Avery’s work with Gamilah Unbridled, where she transformed some of the toughest rescue horses using only liberty techniques, shows that any horse can excel with the right approach. Whether you’re looking to deepen your connection with your horse, learn to manage your energy and emotions, or explore new techniques in your horsemanship journey, Avery’s insights will leave you inspired and ready to take action.

    If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner and @misfit_mares on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I am curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

    In This Episode, You Will Learn:

    The true essence of liberty horsemanship and how it can transform your relationship with your horse.Why giving your horse the freedom to choose is key to building trust and partnership.When to get help and support in your horsemanship journeyThe importance of managing your energy and emotions during training sessions.How Avery approaches liberty training with rescue horses, turning fear into confidence.The value of being real about the ups and downs of your horsemanship journey.How to prepare mentally for a liberty sessionHow Avery “resets” mentally/emotionally when a liberty training session with her horse isn’t going wellThe connection between a horse and rider’s energy (amped up and nervous, or calm and confident)The advice Avery gives if you are interested in doing some liberty work with your horse but you are anxious or scared to get started What’s up next for Avery and her horses at liberty!

    Questions I Answer:

    What is liberty horsemanship, and how does it differ from traditional training methods?How can allowing a horse to make choices lead to a stronger bond?What are the benefits of giving your horse space to express themselves?How do you manage emotions during training sessions when you’re feeling overwhelmed?How does collaboration and support impact both riders and horses?How important is a rider or handler’s mindset during liberty training? What does a typical liberty session look like?What to do if a horse chooses to leave during a liberty session?What is liberty training really about?How competitive riders can incorporate liberty into their training plan and the benefits of adding liberty work with your horse. What are some common misconceptions people have about liberty training? Avery’s number one piece of advice to someone looking to deepen their connection with their horse


    Connect With Avery

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/misfit_mares

    Facebook: Discover more about Avery’s work with rescue horses at Gamilah Unbridled https://www.facebook.com/GamilahUnbridled/

    Grab my free masterclass on what you need to develop your unshakable confidence as a rider to start crushing your goals in no time. 💪 [https://www.resilientreiner.com/RRA_free_masterclass_signup]

    Get Your Step by Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆 https://www.resilientreiner.com/academy

    Join the Herd: free weekly mental coaching straight to your inbox! 🔥 https://www.resilientreiner.com/

    Let’s continue this journey together—because when we support each other, there’s nothing we can’t achieve!


  • Are you and your horse sometimes out of sync, despite your best efforts?

    What if the secret to perfect harmony for more joy and better performance lies not in your technique, but in the way you manage your emotions?

    In today’s episode, I’m diving into the power of emotional frequency and how it can make or break your connection with your horse. In fact your emotional state is critical in shaping your riding experience—and mastering it can lead to rides that feel effortless and in sync every time. Get ready to discover how tuning into the right mindset can transform your partnership with your horse.

    If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I am curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    What Do Tuning Forks Have to Do with Better Riding?How your emotional state affects your horse's behavior and performance.A mindset shift that will revolutionize your approach to create a calm, focused, and positive emotional environment for you and your horse for more joy and better performance.The concept of horses as emotional mirrors and how they reflect your energy back to you.Steps you can take to become a conscious creator of your emotional state during rides.

    Questions I Answer:

    Why is it important to master your mindset as a rider?How does your emotional frequency impact your horse's behavior?What can you do when your horse is having a hard time during a ride?Whether you or your horse is in charge of the emotional frequency of your ride.What steps can you take to ensure you and your horse are in sync emotionally?


    Grab my free masterclass on what you need to develop your unshakable confidence as a rider to start crushing your goals in no time. 💪 [https://www.resilientreiner.com/RRA_free_masterclass_signup]

    Get Your Step by Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆 https://www.resilientreiner.com/academy

    Join the Herd: free weekly mental coaching straight to your inbox! 🔥 https://www.resilientreiner.com/

    Remember, every time you step into the arena, you have the power to create a positive, harmonious environment that both you and your horse can thrive in. I'd love to hear your stories and experiences, so feel free to reach out and share how these insights have impacted your rides. Keep striving for that perfect sync and enjoy every moment with your horse. Until next time, stay focused, stay positive, and keep riding strong!

    Happy Trails,


  • Ever had that moment when you’re all geared up for a show, but deep down, you’re wondering if you really belong there?

    Maybe you’ve even questioned if you’re a “real” rider or just playing dress-up in your boots and hat.

    In today’s episode, I’m taking you behind the scenes of my own battle with imposter syndrome—something that snuck up on me through something as simple as a cowboy hat. Yep, a hat. It might sound silly, but that hat became a huge mental roadblock for me, draining my confidence every time I stepped into the show pen.

    But here’s the good news: I found a way to turn that hat from a symbol of doubt into my secret weapon for success. And today, I’m going to show you how you can do the same with whatever is holding you back.

    If this episode strikes a chord with you or someone you know, be sure to tag me @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I’d love to hear how you’re making your own “hat” , your superpower. And don’t forget to leave a review on iTunes—your feedback helps others discover the show and join our resilient rider community!

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    How to recognize the sneaky ways imposter syndrome shows up in your ridingThe surprising impact that small things can have on your confidencePractical steps to flip the script on your mental blocks and turn them into strengthsWhy it’s so important to own your personal “cowboy hat” and make it part of your identity

    Questions I Answer:

    What’s the story behind my struggle with wearing a cowboy hat?How did I shift from feeling like a poser to owning my look and my confidence?How can you pinpoint what’s draining your confidence and tackle it head-on?What are the actionable steps to overcome imposter syndrome in your riding journey?


    - Grab my free masterclass on what you need to develop your unshakable confidence as a rider to start crushing your goals in no time. 💪 [https://www.resilientreiner.com/RRA_free_masterclass_signup]

    - Get Your Step by Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆 [https://www.resilientreiner.com/academy]

    - Join the Herd: free weekly mental coaching straight to your inbox! 🔥 [https://www.resilientreiner.com/]

    Today’s episode is all about real talk — how we can turn your biggest insecurities into your greatest strengths. So, let’s dig into how you can reclaim your confidence and ride like the rockstar you are. Don’t forget to tag me with your thoughts—I can’t wait to hear how you’re making your own hat your superpower!

  • Ever feel like life is just moving too fast?

    With horse shows, summer fun and the chaos of everyday distractions, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and scattered.

    If you’ve ever found yourself wishing for a pause button, you’re in the right place.

    In today’s episode, we’re going to hit that pause together. I’m inviting you to join me for a doable 5-minute guided meditation that will help you reset, refocus, and find your calm in the midst of the chaos. Whether you're at a horse show, juggling work, or just trying to keep your head above water, this meditation is your tool to reclaim your peace and clarity.

    If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I am curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    The importance of taking a mental pause in a chaotic world.How guided meditation can help you reset and refocus.Techniques for breathing with awareness to cultivate mindfulness and emotional resilience.How to train your mind to stay present and make intentional choices.The benefits of focus training in your personal life, with your horse, and in all areas of life.

    Questions I Answer:

    How can meditation help with focus and productivity?What is the connection between mindfulness and emotional resilience?How can breathing with awareness quiet the inner critic or “inner dictator”?What are the practical steps to start a meditation practice that fits into a busy schedule?


    - Save Your Seat in the free Mental Bootcamp for Riders! 💪 [https://www.resilientreiner.com/bootcamp]

    - Get Your Step by Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆 [https://www.resilientreiner.com/academy]

    - Join the Herd: free weekly mental coaching straight to your inbox! 🔥 [https://www.resilientreiner.com/]

    Follow the podcast to stay up to date with all of our resources and upcoming episodes!

  • Are you ready to level up your game and start pulling checks consistently, run after run?

    In this episode, we're diving into the five most common mistakes that could be holding you back from nailing that perfect run AND how to avoid them! As riders, we often put in endless hours of training, but as a mental coach, I can tell you it’s sometimes the subtle shifts in your mindset and approach that make all the difference. Whether it's overthinking your every move or neglecting a proper mental warm-up, these pitfalls can be costly. But don't worry—I’m here to help you identify and conquer them so you can ride with confidence and precision.

    If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I’m curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    The top five mistakes riders make that prevent them from pulling a check.How to avoid overthinking during your run and ride with confidence.The importance of a mental warm-up and how it can improve your performance.Tips for tuning into your horse’s signals and building a stronger partnership.Why rushing through patterns can sabotage your score and how to prioritize precision.The value of a post-run review and how it can lead to consistent improvement.

    Questions I Answer:

    What are the most common mistakes riders make that cost them points?How can overthinking impact your performance and how do you overcome it?Why is a mental warm-up as important as a physical one, and how can it change your rides for the better?How can you better understand and respond to your horse’s signals?What are the benefits of slowing down and focusing on precision over speed in your run?How does a post-run review contribute to long-term success in the saddle?


    Free Masterclass to Develop Your Unshakable Confidence 💪


    Get Your Step-by-Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle🏆 https://www.resilientreiner.com/academyJoin the Herd: Free weekly mental coaching straight to your inbox! 🔥 https://www.resilientreiner.com/

    Remember, the key to success in the arena isn’t just physical skill—it’s mental preparation, strategy, and a deep connection with your horse. As you listen to this episode, think about how you can implement these strategies in your own riding. Be sure to tag me with your takeaways and share this episode with your riding buddies who might need a boost in their performance. I’m here to support you every step of the way!

    Follow the podcast to stay up to date with all of our resources and upcoming episodes!

  • Ever feel like you're spinning your wheels, striving for perfection but never quite getting there?

    As we hit the halfway point of the year, it's time to stop chasing unattainable standards.

    In this episode, I share two powerful messages that can make all the difference in how you approach the second half of your year. Plus, I’ll share powerful tips on how to recognize and harness the amazing potential within you to achieve extraordinary things. Get ready to realign your focus, refresh your mindset, and make the second half of this year your best yet.

    If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag me @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I am curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    Why consistency is more effective than striving for perfection, both in riding and in life.The transformative power of believing in your own capabilities and how it can change your approach to challenges.Strategies to break free from the perfectionism trap and start making meaningful progress.Set realistic, manageable goals that keep you motivated and moving forward.The importance of building daily habits that support your growth as a rider.Practical tips for overcoming self-doubt and turning it into a powerful motivator.

    Questions I Answer:

    How can I shift my mindset from perfectionism to consistency?What steps can I take to start believing in my own potential?How do I deal with frustration when progress feels slow or non-existent?What are some effective strategies for setting and achieving riding goals?How can I maintain motivation and confidence, even on challenging days?What role do small, consistent efforts play in achieving long-term success?How can I use setbacks and mistakes as opportunities for growth?


    Free Masterclass to Develop Your Unshakable Confidence


    Get Your Step-by-Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle🏆


    Join the Herd: Free weekly mental coaching straight to your inbox! 🔥


    General Notes:

    This episode is designed to reignite your passion and help you refocus on what truly matters in your riding journey. By embracing consistency over perfection and believing in your unique strengths, you’ll find new levels of success and joy in both your riding and personal life. Let’s make the second half of the year a time of powerful progress and unshakable confidence. I’m here to support you every step of the way. Together, we can make this your most successful riding year yet!


  • Are you constantly battling self-doubt and wondering why you’re not making the progress you desire?

    Today’s episode is all about those hard truths we sometimes need to hear to break free from our mental shackles and step into our full potential. Whether it’s handling criticism, managing your time effectively, or just embracing the messy, beautiful journey of being a rider, we’re diving into it all. Let’s tackle these challenges head-on and transform our mindset to achieve greatness in the saddle.

    If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I am curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    How your lack of confidence might be holding you back.The importance of developing thicker skin and setting boundaries.Why time-blocking is crucial for both your riding and mental training.The value of patience and embracing slow progress.How physical fitness outside of riding enhances your performance.The transformative power of gratitude in your riding journey.Why loving the process, including the messy parts, is essential.The importance of embracing being a beginner and striving for daily improvements.

    Questions I Answer:

    Why is confidence so essential for riders, and how can it transform your performance?How can setting boundaries help you maintain focus and prioritize your personal growth?What are the benefits of time-blocking in your training routine for both you and your horse?Why is patience important in your training journey, and how can it lead to better results?How does engaging in physical activities outside of riding improve your skills in the saddle?What impact does practicing gratitude have on your mindset and motivation as a rider?How can riders learn to love the process and embrace the challenges of the journey?Why is it okay to be a beginner, and how can you strive for daily improvements to continuously progress?


    Get Your Step by Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆(https://www.resilientreiner.com/academy) Join the Herd: free weekly mental coaching straight to your inbox! 🔥 (https://www.resilientreiner.com/)

    I hope you find this episode as enlightening and motivating as I did creating it. Be sure to tag me on Instagram @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner, and let me know what you think. I am so excited to hear about your journey and experiences.

    Remember, confidence is the key to unlocking your full potential in the saddle.

    Happy trails, and until next time, keep riding with resilience!


  • Have you ever found yourself making a seemingly trivial decision that left you feeling frustrated or stuck?

    In this episode, I’m diving into how these small choices can actually reveal deeper mental blocks and how addressing them can lead to greater well-being. Join me as I share a personal story that uncovers the hidden layers of our everyday decisions and offers practical strategies to overcome these mental barriers.

    If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I am curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    How to recognize and address mental blocks in your daily life.The importance of questioning your thought processes.How to balance multiple roles and responsibilities without resentment.Strategies for making choices that prioritize your well-being.The value of being vulnerable and honest with yourself.

    Questions I Answer:

    How do your unconscious mental blocks relate to your daily decisions? Why do you choose things that don’t serve you or make your life harder?How can you address underlying thought processes to make better choices?Why is it important to acknowledge and validate your feelings?How can you balance your roles and responsibilities without feeling guilty or resentful?


    Get Your Step by Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆 (https://www.resilientreiner.com/academy) Join the Herd: free weekly mental coaching straight to your inbox! 🔥 (https://www.resilientreiner.com/)

    Your small decisions often reflect bigger mental patterns. By questioning your choices and being honest with yourself, you can make better decisions that improve your overall well-being.

    So, listen in as I walk you through my own experience and offer insights on how you can address your mental blocks. Remember, it’s all about understanding ourselves better and making choices that serve us best. Be sure to tag me @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner on Instagram with your thoughts and experiences. I can’t wait to hear from you!

    Happy Trails,


  • Are you unable to fully unwind during your vacation?

    Maybe you're at the beach with the sun on your face, but your mind is still at home, worrying about work, your riding goals, and that endless to-do list.

    Sounds familiar, rightttt?

    In today's episode, we're going to explore how your summer vacation can serve double duty for your growth as a rider AND having fun. Imagine coming back not just refreshed, but more focused, confident, and connected with your horse than ever before. I’ll share personal insights from my recent family vacation, along with practical techniques to help you stay present and harness the power of the moment, whether you’re on vacation or in the saddle.

    If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I am curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    How to stay present and focused whether you are lying on the beach or sitting in your saddle The benefits of being present in the moment for ridersMindfulness exercises to improve your riding performancePractical techniques to stay present and engaged both on vacation and in the saddle

    Questions I Answer:

    How can I stay present and focused when my mind wanders?What are the benefits of being present in the moment for riders?How can mindfulness exercises improve my riding performance?What are some practical techniques to stay present and engaged both on vacation and in the saddle?


    Your Step-by-Step A-Z Blueprint for Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆


    Break through to the next level in The Mental Gym for Equestrians! 💪


    Join the Herd: Free Weekly Mental Coaching Straight to Your Inbox!🔥 https://www.resilientreiner.com

    Follow the podcast to stay up to date with all of our resources and upcoming episodes!

    Staying present and mindful isn’t just for vacations—it’s a powerful skill that can transform your riding and overall well-being. By consistently nurturing your mindset and focusing on the present moment, you can achieve greater connection with your horse and improve your performance. Growth comes from continuous effort and practice, not from perfection. So, as you enjoy your summer vacation, remember to stay present and see how it positively impacts your riding journey.

    Happy trails!

  • Are you putting in all the effort and still not seeing the progress you want in your riding?

    Or perhaps you're struggling with that nagging fear that holds you back just when you're about to make a breakthrough? If so, you're not alone, and this episode is just for you.

    Join me in the world of my clients and the challenges they face as they strive to level up as riders. I’ll be sharing some behind-the-scenes insights into their journeys, the mental barriers they’re overcoming, and the incredible progress they’re making. Whether you’re a seasoned rider or just starting out, this episode is packed with valuable lessons on harnessing your mental strength, building resilience, and developing a winning mindset.

    If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I am curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    The critical role mindset plays in your success as a riderHow your mindset influences your resilience and decision making as a rider Specific challenges my clients face and how we worked through their rider mindset to achieve breakthroughsWhy you have to get clear on your mental barriersThe role consistency plays in nurturing your mindset to achieve peak performancepractical strategies for building resilience, enhancing focus, and cultivating a winning mindset

    Questions I Answered:

    - What are the common mental barriers riders face when they feel stuck?

    - How can riders build resilience and confidence in the saddle?

    - Why is mindset such a significant part of a rider’s success?

    - How can past experiences and limiting beliefs affect a rider’s performance?

    - What to do when you feel like a failure?

    - How does mental preparation contribute to long-term success in riding?


    Break through to the next level in The Mental Gym for Equestrians! 💪


    Your Step-by-Step Blueprint for Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆


    Join the Herd: Free Weekly Mental Coaching Straight to Your Inbox!🔥 https://www.resilientreiner.com

    Follow the podcast to stay up to date with all of our resources and upcoming episodes!

    Remember, nurturing your mindset consistently and believing in your worth are essential for your success as a rider. Your growth comes from continuous effort and those 1% improvements each day, not from perfection. Don’t give up, friend.

    Happy trails!

  • Have you ever felt that frustrating pang of jealousy when you see another rider effortlessly glide into a perfect lope, while you’re still struggling with crowhops?

    Do you find yourself comparing your journey to others, wondering if you'll ever reach that level of ease and confidence?

    In this episode, we're going to tackle those feelings head-on and transform them into powerful motivators for your own success. Together, we’ll uncover the 10 critical mindset shifts that will not only help you overcome these challenges but also elevate your riding to new heights.

    If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I am curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    You will learn about the essential mindset shifts that can make or break your success as a rider. We’ll explore ten specific changes in thinking that helped me transition from frustration to triumph, and how you can apply these shifts in your own riding journey. Additionally, we’ll discuss practical self-talk strategies to manage jealousy and stay focused on your own progress, helping you to build a more positive and productive mindset.

    Questions I Answer:

    How can I stop comparing myself to other riders and focus on my own journey?What are some practical mindset shifts that can help improve my riding performance?How can I deal with feelings of jealousy when I see others succeeding?What should I say to myself to stay motivated and positive during challenging times?How can I develop an abundance mindset and cheer for others' successes?


    - Save Your Seat in the FREE Mental Bootcamp for Riders! 💪 – (https://www.resilientreiner.com/bootcamp)

    - The missing piece of your training plan. Get the mental strength elite riders rely upon for consistent performance. 🙌 — (https://www.mentalgymforequestrians.com/)

    - Get Your Step by Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆 – (https://www.resilientreiner.com/academy)

    - Join the Herd: free weekly mental coaching straight to your inbox! 🔥 – (https://www.resilientreiner.com/)

    Follow the podcast to stay up to date with all of our resources and upcoming episodes!

    Be sure to tag me @nicoleburnettmentalcoach and @resilientreiner when you share your thoughts on this episode. I am so excited to hear how these mindset shifts and strategies are helping you on your riding journey. Remember, the only rider you need to be better than is the rider you were yesterday. Let’s get out there and ride with confidence and joy!

    Happy Trails,


  • Today, we're diving into the incredible journey of Olivia Martell, who has transformed their mental game and is now seeing phenomenal results in the saddle and competition as a barrel racer and in pole bending. If you're ready to learn how to be cool as a cucumber under pressure and achieve remarkable success, relax, push play, and let's begin!

    If you or someone you know has benefited from this episode, be sure to tag us @nicoleburnettmentalcoach, @resilientreiner and @martell_rodeo_rush on Instagram and share this episode with your community! I am curious to hear all about your experience. Also, be sure to leave a review on iTunes to help others discover the show.

    About Olivia:

    An equestrian from Three Forks, Montana. Olivia’s family has owned horses her entire life and she has been riding from a young age. She competes in Pole Bending and Barrel Racing with my horses Gunner and Skoal. She's been rodeoing for the last 10 years, and throughout that time there have been so many highs and lows that have taught her invaluable lessons. From winning her first buckle to heartbreaking injuries, victories and defeats, there has been a definite change in the way Olivia approaches her mental state for competition.

    Recently Skoal and Olivia were the 2024 MT High School Pole Bending Reserve Champions, Gunner and Olivia also very recently ran their new personal best in Pole Bending, and she’s so proud to say she and Gunner are headed to the High School National Finals Rodeo in pole bending! Olivia truly believes a stronger mindset has opened so many doors for her and her equine athletes, and she is so grateful for this wonderful opportunity to share some of the lessons she’s learned throughout her time in this sport.

    In This Episode You Will Learn:

    How Olivia overcame mental barriers and achieved success Practical strategies and techniques for managing rider anxiety including Olivia’s favoritesExamples of how Olivia now handles challenges and setbacks with resilience.The impact of a strong mental game on performance. Hear how these mental shifts have enhanced Olivia's riding and competition outcomes.How Olivia continues to develop their mental toughness and resilience.

    Questions I Answer:

    The Tuning Point: What made Olivia focus on their mental game? What tips and insights do you have for other riders looking to improve their mental game?How can riders develop mental toughness? What advice does Olivia have for overcoming setbacks?


    Olivia’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/martell_rodeo_rush/ Save Your Seat in the free Mental Bootcamp for Riders! 💪 https://www.resilientreiner.com/bootcamp Get Your Step by Step Guide to Unshakable Confidence in the Saddle! 🏆 https://www.resilientreiner.com/academy Join the Herd: free weekly mental coaching straight to your inbox! 🔥 https://www.resilientreiner.com/

    Follow the podcast to stay up to date with all of our resources and upcoming episodes!

  • Ever feel like you're fumbling through your riding journey without a clue?

    In today's episode, we dive into a universal truth: nobody starts off knowing exactly what they're doing. Every accomplished rider began with doubts and fears, just like you.

    So, what's their secret? They took action despite the uncertainty.

    In this episode, I'll share how you can embrace not knowing and turn it into a powerful tool for growth. We'll explore real-life examples and practical tips to help you push through doubt and use it to fuel your progress. Discover how believing in yourself is the key to breaking free from self-doubt and how every ride, no matter how uncertain, is a step toward mastery.

    This episode is all about shifting your mindset, building resilience, and unlocking your true potential. If you're ready to leap into action and transform your riding experience, this episode is for you.

    Tune in, and let's tackle this journey together. Your adventure to becoming a more confident and skilled rider starts right here. Don't miss it!

    If you're ready to unlock your full potential as a rider, learn what's missing from your training program and get the mental skills you need for peak performance, SIGN UP HERE for the Mini Mental Skills Bootcamp to reserve your seat!

    Ride with confidence,


    Mental Coach & Founder, Resilient Reiner

    If you enjoy the podcast, please rate, review, and follow on Apple Podcasts! This helps me support more people achieve excellence in the show pen! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review."

    If it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway! Snap a picture of yourself, or take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me! @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner

  • This changed everything for me!

    What if the secret to conquering your fears isn't about getting rid of them, but about where you put your focus?

    In today's episode, I'm sharing a game-changing realization from my horsemanship journey: it’s not about eliminating fears and anxieties but about directing your focus toward what truly matters. When I shifted my perspective, everything transformed. I learned to channel my energy into showing up as the confident, kick-ass cowgirl I know I am.

    (And it’s not just me. This works for every rider I’ve shared this with as well).

    We’ll dive into why trying to banish negative thoughts can actually hold you back and how accepting them as part of the human experience can set you free. I’ll share insights from my own experiences and coaching sessions, revealing how to handle those pesky negative thoughts that can derail your rides and your confidence.

    This episode is packed with personal stories, practical tips, and a fresh perspective on mastering your mindset for better rides and a stronger relationship with your horse. So, if you’re ready to elevate your riding game and embrace the mental side of horsemanship, tune in now. Let’s focus on what we want and make those wildest dreams a reality together.

    Join us for an empowering journey that promises to transform not just your rides but your entire approach to life with horses.

    If you're ready to unlock your full potential as a rider, learn what's missing from your training program and get the mental skills you need for peak performance, SIGN UP HERE for the Mini Mental Skills Bootcamp to reserve your seat!

    Ride with confidence,


    Mental Coach & Founder, Resilient Reiner

    If you enjoy the podcast, please rate, review, and follow on Apple Podcasts! This helps me support more people achieve excellence in the show pen! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review."

    If it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway! Snap a picture of yourself, or take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me! @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner

  • Have you ever felt like you don’t fit into the typical mold of a rider because you don’t compete, or maybe you don’t even want to?

    Do you sometimes feel like your journey with your horse lacks a place in the western world?

    Today’s episode is dedicated to those riders who often feel unrepresented – the ones who ride for the love of the horse, not for the ribbons or accolades.

    In this heartfelt episode, I dive into the myriad joys and profound connections that come from simply being with your horse. We’ll explore the unbreakable bonds forged in quiet moments, the peace found in early morning rides through nature, and the resilience built through overcoming setbacks and injuries. I share my personal journey of rediscovering my love for horses beyond the show pen and how horsemanship is a lifelong journey of growth, not perfection.

    It’s about finding fulfillment in every ride, every lesson, and every quiet moment spent with your horse. I’ll share insights on starting a young horse, exploring new events, and even the magic of watching your children ride your heart horse.

    Join me as we embrace the beauty of horsemanship beyond the glitz and glamor of the show pen. Let’s celebrate the unique paths we take with our horses and the strong mental game that helps us shine, no matter where we are on our journey.

    If you’re ready to dive deeper into the true joys of riding and build a mental game that supports your growth, tune in now. Your journey to becoming a more thoughtful, connected, and confident rider starts here.

    If you're ready to unlock your full potential as a rider, learn what's missing from your training program and get the mental skills you need for peak performance, SIGN UP HERE for the Mini Mental Skills Bootcamp to reserve your seat!

    Ride with confidence,


    Mental Coach & Founder, Resilient Reiner

    If you enjoy the podcast, please rate, review, and follow on Apple Podcasts! This helps me support more people achieve excellence in the show pen! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review."

    If it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway! Snap a picture of yourself, or take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me! @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner

  • Have you ever considered that the pros are just like us? Do you think they handle their horses differently than the everyday rider? Do you wonder if pros ever have to build confidence, overcome anxiety, or take lessons of their own? Do they have mentors, and how do they handle pressure? Sometimes trainers seem like school teachers, where the stereotype is that teachers sleep under their desks at school, and trainers sleep in the tack room and have no family life… right?

    In this episode, we have the pleasure of talking with Jim Greendyk, one of Western Canada’s most successful reining horse trainers and riders. Known for his exceptional timing and balance, Jim shares his journey from the Porcupine Hills of Southern Alberta to becoming a respected figure in the reining industry across Canada and the USA. He provides deep insights into his training philosophy, the importance of confidence in both horse and rider, and the value of learning from others in the industry.

    Episode Highlights:

    **Bridging Worlds:** Emphasizing the benefits of cross-pollination among various disciplines.

    **Building Confidence:** Jim explains why confidence is more important than competence for both horses and riders, and how starting with basics can lead to greater achievements.

    **Training Philosophy:** Jim shares his belief that reining is essentially a steering competition and how mastering the basics can significantly improve any horse's performance.

    **Overcoming Anxiety + Handling Pressure:** Insights into managing show pen anxiety by preparing intensely at home, so competitions feel like a vacation. Discussing how to manage the pressure of horse shows and the importance of not overworking horses, ensuring they remain happy and willing partners.

    **Learning from the Best:** Jim talks about his experiences learning from top trainers and the value of surrounding yourself with the best in the industry.

    **Balanced Work Life + Adapting to Change:** Strategies for maintaining a balanced life, including early starts and family involvement in the business. Reflections on his move from Canada to Scottsdale, Arizona, and how the change in environment and culture has positively impacted his work-life balance and training approach.

    **Mentorship and Influence:** Credits his success to various mentors and influential figures who have guided him, emphasizing the importance of soft skills and emotional control in training.

    **Practical Techniques:** Listeners will learn about specific training exercises, like the five-cone pattern, that help improve steering and overall horse control.

    **Connect with Jim Greendyk:**

    Follow Jim on Instagram @jimgreendykhorses and stay updated on his latest training techniques, competitions, and insights into the world of reining horses.

    Work with Jim: Want to learn Reining but struggling to find a way to do it? Don't have a local trainer close enough to teach you? https://reiningmasterclass.com/

    If you're ready to unlock your full potential as a rider, learn what's missing from your training program and get the mental skills you need for peak performance, SIGN UP HERE for the Mini Mental Skills Bootcamp to reserve your seat!

    If you enjoy the podcast, please rate, review, and follow on Apple Podcasts! This helps me support more riders realize their dreams! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review."

    If it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway! Snap a picture of yourself, or take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me! @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner

  • Are you pushing yourself just enough to grow, or are you tipping into the territory of too much?

    Do you treat yourself with the same compassion you’d offer a friend or your horse?

    In today’s episode, we dive deep into the psychology of hurt, healing, and resilience, exploring the fine line between productive struggle and overwhelming challenge. As riders, we’re often steeped in the ethos that pain is necessary for growth, but how much is too much?

    We tackle tough questions about recognizing when challenges in our riding journey become too overwhelming, handling trauma from bad experiences, and differentiating between helpful pressure and unnecessary stress.

    I share insights on balancing your mental and emotional load, using the analogy of physical training to highlight how manageable challenges can build strength and resilience. We’ll also touch on the difference between sympathy and compassion, and how adopting a compassionate approach can fuel your personal growth and your connection with your horse.

    If you’re ready to transform struggle into strength and cultivate a balanced, resilient mindset, this episode is for you.

    Join me for an empowering discussion that promises to enhance your mental skills, help you overcome limiting beliefs, and make your equestrian journey more enjoyable and fulfilling.

    If you're ready to unlock your full potential as a rider, learn what's missing from your training program and get the mental skills you need for peak performance, SIGN UP HERE for the Mini Mental Skills Bootcamp to reserve your seat!

    Ride with confidence,


    Mental Coach & Founder, Resilient Reiner

    If you enjoy the podcast, please rate, review, and follow on Apple Podcasts! This helps me support more people achieve excellence in the show pen! Click here, scroll to the bottom, tap to rate with five stars, and select "Write a Review."

    If it inspired you in some way, I’d love to hear about it and know your biggest takeaway! Snap a picture of yourself, or take a screenshot of you listening on your device, post it to your Instagram Stories and tag me! @nicoleburnettmentalcoach @resilientreiner