
  • What kind of man do you need to become to do the things God is calling you to do? Growth is required if you want changed outcomes. Isaac Tolpin gives a five key roadmap to making lasting change. Whether it’s work, business, family, financial or something else, this will help you. The best time to create change for 2025 is right now. You will be encouraged with biblical truth wrapped around five principles to create the change you want.

    Go to RESOLUTEMAN.COM for all resources and show notes







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  • Are you ready for what’s coming? The next four - six months are likely to be interesting in the world with the United States Presidential election upon us. The spiritual battle is out in the open so it’s vital we walk in wisdom. Isaac shares areas to BE WATCHFUL and the importance to STAND FIRM IN THE FAITH in all areas of our lives with a challenge about persecution. It’s also vital to ACT LIKE MEN in a time where so many aren’t as our communities need it. How vital it is to BE STRONG but not just physically but other vital areas as well. This is from one of Isaac’s favorite Bible verses found at 1 Corinthians 16:13 “Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.” Of course the next verse is vital too and makes it all work which says “Let all that you do be done in love.”

    Go to RESOLUTEMAN.COM for all resources and show notes







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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin

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  • Missing episodes?

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  • Pastor David Ax of the fast growing Church plant in Star Idaho joins Isaac Tolpin to discuss the challenge of growing disunity amongst Christians, the growing issue of believers seeking truth outside of biblical truth, and they both share incredible stories of what God’s been doing in their respective Church plants; @calvarychapelstar and rootedbiblechurch.org.

    They charge that it’s more important than ever to be part of a strong bible preaching church beyond just watching online or attending on Sunday’s. Part of good leadership includes leading your family to church.

    Go to RESOLUTEMAN.COM for all resources and show notes







    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin

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  • Children today must be equipped to be more resilient than we had to be. One of those ways is to teach them about entrepreneurship. Isaac Tolpin teaches the five things he teaches his children so they see entrepreneurship as an option and feel capable of doing it in their future. He gives you three useful scriptures and the five lessons so in the right timing you can teach these things to your own children. What if it becomes vital for your children to have three sources of income in their future? Isaac believes that’s already important and has been promoting that since the world started to change in 2020 on the Courageous Parenting podcast. Listen to this episode to help your children thrive in unprecedented times.

    Go to RESOLUTEMAN.COM for all resources and show notes







    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin

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    [email protected]

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  • Is the way you communicate with your wife limiting the potential for your family? Isaac gives a glimpse of the negative impact of average husband communication but gives five clear answers for leveling up your communication with your wife. When you realize the power of your influence, you can better use your influence for to strengthen your marriage which strengthens your family. It also enables so many more possibilities for what your marriage can accomplish.

    Go to RESOLUTEMAN.COM for all resources and show notes







    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan



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  • Isaac shares nine common Dad concerns about homeschooling and then shares wisdom and truth about each one. He and his wife have three children so far and have been homeschooling for the last eighteen years. Towards the end Isaac shares his thoughts on what must be in your children's education to prepare them for a very different future they will be launching into. Whether you homeschool or are just thinking about it, this will dispel myths and energize you for what’s ahead.

    Resources mentioned in this episode

    Coaching with Isaac https://www.resoluteman.com/work-with-meHomeschooling Blueprint https://www.becourageousministry.org/homeschooling

    Go to RESOLUTEMAN.COM for all resources and show notes







    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan



    [email protected]

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  • Discouragement happens, but make it temporary as nothing should beat you. Nothing could beat Paul in the Bible because of His eternal perspective. If we really lived like Paul, what new ways would God be able to use us? What new things would be possible in our lives. Buckle your seat belt for encouragement to leave safety and do the things God is calling you to do. There’s a spiritual battle happening and when you try and do something good for the Lord you’re putting a target on your back, but that’s never a reason not to press forward! It’s part of doing God’ work.

    Go to RESOLUTEMAN.COM for all resources and show notes







    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan



    [email protected]

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/resolute-man/donations
  • Tim Harris, an executive at a multi-billion dollar American company started by farmers in 1925 joins Isaac Tolpin to discuss success principles relevant to thriving in these unprecedented times. Part of the conversation goes to the impacts of AI and why certain aspects of business that are human will likely grow in demand in the future. Also discussed are leadership principles that work in unprecedented times, breaking barriers to create new growth in your work, and the mindsets that are required to excel in a changing world.

    To learn more about Country Financial go to https://www.countryfinancial.com/

    To learn more about Tim’s organization go to https://www.seeyalater.org/







    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan



    [email protected]

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  • There are huge future ramifications if you aren’t leading your family well, even if your wife is doing a great job at it. Your influence is so essential, however, too often because the wife is doing so well at leading the family, men often subconsciously delegate much of it to them.

    If men don’t lead well, wives always seem to rise to the occasion. It may even look like everythings working great, but is it? Is it working great inside you as your influence and respect are diminishing?

    Men tend to give their best attention to areas in their life where they feel influential, make a difference, and even feel powerful (in a good way). Is it no wonder why so many deviate away from time at home towards areas that feed this?

    Usually, at some point the man began to abdicate his responsibilities as a leader and the wife slowly picked up the slack. So who’s fault is it? It’s the man’s fault. Great leaders always take responsibility and taking responsibility is the beginning of real change.

    Get the five tips that will help you shift this over time in a way that your wife appreciates that helps your family thrive.

    Get the FREE Resolute Man-ifesto at RESOLUTEMAN.COM. Test yourself against the eight principles in these free download.

    You can also find out about working directly with Isaac at RESOLUTEMAN.COM as well.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/resolute-man/donations
  • Special forces combat veteran teaches why every man is called to protect others and why it's important to be prepared. Why he would grab his knife over his gun to protect his family if there was a home invasion and other home defense strategies. Why he's going back to the same foreign lands where he was in combat, but this time for the purpose of sharing the gospel.

    Enjoy this fascinating conversation with Rob Nigh of Tribe-Survival.com.

    Go to Resoluteman.com for show notes and other valuable resources on being a Godly man in a world that increasingly hates masculinity.







    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan



    [email protected]

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  • Normal masculinity is largely failing, and if you’re listening to this, I know you want excellence in your life. So many men are great at looking like their RESOLUTE when people are watching, but perhaps what matters most is what's going on when no one's looking.

    If we embrace our passivity and fall into the norms of today’s masculinity it will always bleed out negatively in our lives.

    We are living in unprecedented times that require more intentionality than ever. We can't live in any weaknesses. It's not okay. The enemy will exploit them for further destruction.

    You are meant to stand apart, to be an influence, and to see its fruit because we are living out God’s intention for masculinity. It is a short and powerful episode where Isaac Tolpin delivers a clear message on what it means to be resolute.







    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/resolute.man/

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/IsaacTolpin

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheResoluteMan



    [email protected]

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/resolute-man/donations
  • A winning mindset is vital in these unprecedented times with accelerating change. As Christians, we can have an upgraded winning mindset that will yield far better results in our lives, but unfortunately, most don't take advantage of it. Do you want it? It's there for you and Isaac Tolpin and Adam Loomis go deep into discussion about it.

    It's vital we recalibrate our vision and go above the fray of normal Christianity in how we walk, think, and pursue in this world. There's so much more for us Gents.

    Go to RESOLUTEMAN.COM and get the Resolute Man-ifesto that you can test your masculinity against the 8 vital principles that matter. If you are serious about growth and the right change in your life/business schedule a free call with Isaac Tolpin too.

    You can find out more about our guest Adam Loomis at https://www.adamloomis.online/

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/resolute-man/donations
  • Join Isaac and Ben for this encouraging episode for Dads as they talk about the role of Father, God's design for them in that role, both in the family and the Church, and how Dads truly have a super-power of influence in their children's lives.

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  • The power of influence and encouragement changes lives. Hall of Fame college football coach Skip Hall spent thirty years impacting lives by putting principles taught in this episode into practice.

    He shares how he grew up fatherless and was mis-prioritizing his life until he was challenged by his wife to surrender all to the Lord. Everything changed leading to far greater success and impact on others by teaming up with Jesus in all parts of his life.

    There are eight principles of biblical masculinity in the Resolute Man-ifesto FREE for you at resoluteman.com

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/resolute-man/donations
  • A huge wake-up call for parents with statistics on why it's vital to raise boys differently than girls, a lot differently. Get unique insights from Mark Hancock on what it takes to raise boys to become strong Godly men. He's leading a rapidly growing organization with 60,000+ members across America.

    It's the never going to go woke standing firm in biblical principles Boy Scouts replacement. Get ready to be motivated with sound direction on equipping your sons.

    All resources and this episode can be found at RESOLUTEMAN.COM

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/resolute-man/donations
  • Mark Fitzpatrick made an unusual decision with his bar in Eagle Idaho getting the attention of National News and trending on X. A declaration of something he could get behind focusing on something good in opposition to the debauchery that shows up during pride month. It turns out people are fed up across the country and his declaration has been an encouragement to so many. But of course, there's a cost in being bold in society today and he's certainly getting some heat.

    Isaac asks Mark if his focus is to glorify God, then why do it by owning a bar? He gives a thoughtful answer sharing the tremendous impact it's having on the community.

    They also discuss the importance of being bold today and they both hope his example will encourage more on to be courageous in these unprecedented times.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/resolute-man/donations
  • Raw masculinity is discussed by fellow podcasters Isaac Tolpin and Jerrad Lopes from the Dad Tired show. Running the race well is more about surrender than strength. Jerrad shares about not limping your way to heaven but instead becoming healed so that more of what's best happens through you. Transformation starts with one new good habit, marriage tips, and his story of rejecting passivity.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/resolute-man/donations
  • This episode will convince you why it's vital to be knowledgeable about what's happening in the world around us, but not just from listening to the news, but from developing a deeper discernment for what's real and true. Isaac Tolpin breaks down six keys to critical thinking and vital ways to test the validity of the information pouring at us. No matter how good you are at this, this episode will give practical insights that will help you, and maybe more importantly help you help your family grow as critical thinkers.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/resolute-man/donations
  • In a world where being distracted is the norm, it remains true that those who can stay focused for long periods get the rare favor of momentum in their work. It's a unique thing today, but those who understand it will excel so much faster at whatever they do.

    Isaac Tolpin reveals his secrets to leveraging the power of momentum while working, but it's more than that. He shares the details of how to approach the week for maximum productivity, enjoyment and impact revealing his flow.

    Get all resources mentioned and more at RESOLUTEMAN.COM.

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/resolute-man/donations
  • Are you successful yet feel a growing defeat inside? Perhaps a deep yearning for more, for what really matters. At what point in the journey did we decide to make silent agreements to put aside what matters most?

    Perhaps it’s the old myth of; “Once I accomplish _____, then I’ll focus on my callings, faith, and family.” Too many men have traded real excellence for the deceiving picture culture pressures them to pursue.

    It’s actually possible to “have it all”, but it must be redefined if you want real excellence. You have to be willing to stand against the wind of mediocrity pressing against you that most call normal. A mediocrity usually embraced by Christian circles around you.

    Almost all successful Christian men have found themselves suffocating from their own reality even when many around them are calling them blessed.

    There is no success at the sacrifice of your faith, family, and the callings on your life.

    For resources to help you go to RESOLUTEMAN.COM

    Support this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/resolute-man/donations