Come now my little bunny.
It's time to go to bed.
We'll read some nursery rhymes.
Then you can rest your sleepy head.
We'll read about the pussycat
Who creeps around the house.
And read about the mummy
Who's frightened of a mouse.
But I'm not really tired.
I don't want to go to bed.
Can we play that game of
Rhyming words instead?
Of course we can.
Now let me see.
We'll start with something simple.
What word rhymes with B?
Knee! Mummy.
That's an easy one for me.
Remember the day I got
A bee sting on my knee?
Yes, I remember that day well.
It was sunny and very hot.
You were playing outside
While your sister was in her cot.
Now tell me,
What word rhymes with boat?
If it starts raining today,
I'll have to wear my coat.
Very good. Let's do a hard one.
What word rhymes with lesser?
I know, I was sick last week,
But now I'm feeling better.
What rhymes with dress?
I know mummy.
Every day you say.
My bedroom is a mess.
Mummy, I have a funny word.
There's one we can do.
Let's see if we can find a word
That rhymes with poo.
Poo, you silly Billy!
What a word you had to pick.
Of all the words out there.
Come on, find another one, quick.
Mummy poo is better
Than the other words we've done.
It rhymes with lots of words.
Poo is a funny one.
I know so many words
That rhyme with poo.
Words like you shoo, zoo, b
Boo, goo and who.
When cows talk to each other.
All they say is moo.
I really like that word
Because it rhymes with poo.
I don't want to go to sleep.
I want to play with you.
This has been a great game.
Finding words that rhyme with poo! -
Dive into the enchanting world of "The Mermaid," a captivating poem by Roger Hickson that will whisk you and your children away on an unforgettable ocean adventure. Join a spirited young mermaid princess from Sunny Island as she navigates the wonders and challenges of the deep sea. Through her journey, she encounters friendly sea creatures, faces unexpected storms, and discovers the warmth of human kindness upon an unfamiliar shore.
The Mermaid
Where am I?
What has happened to me?
Oh, yes, I remember now.
I've been blown across the sea.
I'm a mermaid.
A girl with a big fish tail.
I don't have legs and feet like you.
But I can swim with whales.
I come from Sunny Island.
A land far across the sea.
The land where mermaids live.
Who all have tails like me.
My daddy is the king of Sunny Island.
And mummy the queen.
She is the prettiest mermaid
You have ever seen.
My friends call me princess.
That name is silly to me.
I'm just a normal mermaid
Who wants to swim beneath the sea.
It might look strange to you,
But my tail is a big part of me.
It gives me so much power
To glide gently through the sea
As I swim under water.
I see fish below.
I like to think they are talking to me,
Smiling and saying hello.
One day I went swimming
Along the ocean floor.
I went so far down.
Unknown to me on the surface was a raging storm.
I tried to swim home
As dark clouds filled the sky.
I couldn't see where I was going.
The waves were too high.
You can't swim against a rough sea.
So I let the waves carry me along.
Across the ocean.
Far away from where I belong.
I think I fell asleep
When I opened my eyes.
I had reached the shore.
Lying on a beach I'd never seen before.
As the sun came up
In the early dawn.
The cold went away.
I began to feel warm.
I stretched out my arms
And looked out at the sea.
Where is the strange place
The storm has blown me?
After a few days
I met people on the sand.
They were nice and kind to me.
I think I like this land.
Children kept pointing at my tail.
They'd never seen a mermaid before.
They touched my hair.
Puzzled by this creature washed up on the shore.
They lay on the sand with me
And stroked my tail.
Then one girl called out.
Will you teach us to swim today?
Come on, children,
Let's play in the water.
You can say you were taught to swim
By the King’s only daughter.
Never go out of your depth.
You must be careful.
Now put your heads in the water.
Don't be fearful.
Turn your head to the side
And breathe in slowly.
Then watch what I do.
Blowing out bubbles below me.
If you get tired,
Roll over and float on your back.
Quietly kick your legs.
You'll be safe doing that.
I've made so many friends here,
Down on the beach.
Mums and dads. Boys and girls.
So many I've tried to teach.
When I want to be on my own.
I swim to a secret beach.
It's a special place
that people can't reach.
With the rocks around me
And the cliffs up there.
I have it all to myself.
So I sit on the sand and brush my hair.
I will return to my homeland.
When winter comes
And the sea gets colder.
Far, far away.
The sea will be warm.
I'll feel the sun on my shoulders. -
Missing episodes?
Special thank you to all the performers in Barto’s Band:
Barto - Percussion & vocals
Roger - Vocals
Jonas - Vocals
Nova - Vocals
Rick - Vocals and coaching
Barto’s Band
My name is Barto.
I live in the old town,
High up on the hill
With my mummy and daddy
In a land called Portugal.
There are lots of kids
On our street.
We like to be outside
Playing football
‘Till it's time to come inside.
I love to hear music.
I stamp my feet
And clap my hands.
With friends of mine in school
We formed a marching band.
Our teacher helps us
Learn the tunes.
We practise everyday.
Kids from school hang around.
They like to hear us play.
Teacher said
In class today
Our little band in school
Is the first marching band
In all of Portugal.
I love playing my drums.
I've spent so many nights
Dreaming of the day
When I play the drums
In the summer parade.
I wake up early.
The day is finally here
As the sun rises in the sky
I'm so excited.
The parade is on tonight.
We meet up outside our school.
There is so much laughing and talking.
No one is standing still.
We must calm down now and stand in line
And get ready to walk up the hill.
In front of us
Girls are waving flags
Coloured white and black
With the flute players in the middle
And the drummers at the back.
Teacher calls out to us,
“Are we ready, girls and boys?
Let's give the town a treat.”
Come on everybody now!
One. Two. Three!
We make a lot of noise.
There are three drummers in our band.
Maria, Miguel and me.
Come on everybody now!
One. Two. Three!
People line the road.
They shout and wave at us
As we march along the street.
Come on everybody now!
One. Two. Three!
We march up and down the hill.
Then back beside the river
That flows down to the sea.
Come on everybody now!
One. Two. Three!
We pass by mummy and daddy.
I don't hear them calling me.
Come on everybody now.
One. Two. Three!
We cross the main road
And stop outside the school.
“Let's shout out loud one more time.”
Come on everybody now.
One. Two. Three! -
Rosemary Birds sing in the trees above me.
Bees and butterflies hover among the flowers.
In the warm summer air,
I could sit here for hours.
Alone with my book,
I'm in a world of my own.
I've been here all day.
The time has flown.
Suddenly something lands on my hand.
A beautiful creature, a child-like thing.
She has curly hair and a pretty face.
On her back, a pair of wings.
“I don't mean to frighten you.
Can I sit on your arm? My name is Rosemary.
I live in the trees by the stream.
I'm a wildflower fairy.”
“I often see you reading alone.
Would you like to come with me,
And meet my friends today?
We're having a party in the wildflower field.”
“I would love to.
Are you sure your friends won't mind?
Fairies are delicate and small.
I'm so big, I must look like a giant!”
“Don't worry”, said Rosemary.
We might be small,
But we have many friends like you.
Boys and girls, all of them tall.”
“Leave your book here
And come with me.
You'll meet my friends
In the wildflower field.”
I walked through the long grass
with rosemary leading the way.
I'm so excited. I can't believe
I'm going to a fairy party today.
After a while we reached the stream,
Then walk along towards the trees.
Suddenly I can hear music
Drifting along in the breeze.
We slow down and tiptoe
Into the wildflower field.
Wait here, says Rosemary.
My heart is pounding. I can hardly breathe.
One by one they appear
All smiling and saying hello.
Please come and dance with us
Down where the daisies grow.
Fairies and elves hold my hand
As we sit down on the ground.
The band of elves begin to play.
Music fills the air. Oh, what a beautiful sound.
The fairies are holding hands.
Everyone singing out loud.
I sit here clapping my hands
As they go dancing round and round.
Many of the fairies aren't wearing shoes.
It's amazing watching them dance.
They kick their legs up in the air.
Their feet barely touch the grass.
Wearing brightly coloured clothes
With wings of a matching colour.
The elves wear shoes with pointy toes
As they dance with one another.
The dancers slow to take a rest.
Someone calls out, “It's time to eat.”
We gather around as bowls are laid out,
Filled with honey and berries, “Oh, what a treat.”
Our tummies are full so we all lie down
After a sleep, it's time to dance again.
“Come on!”, says Rosemary. “Dance with us!”
“Human or fairy, when we dance, we're all the same.”
I'm feeling tired now.
It's time to go home.
I've made so many friends tonight,
I'll never again be alone.
The fairies were so nice to me.
Bringing me into their world.
I have lots of new friends.
I'm such a lucky girl.
Rosemary has a surprise for me.
She sprinkles fairy dust into my hair.
Wow, what's happening?
I'm flying through the air!
“Don't worry”, says Rosemary,
“I'm here with you.
Hold my hand.
We'll be home soon.”
We fly above the wildflowers,
Then over the trees,
Above the stream,
And over the fields.
After a few minutes,
My home is in sight.
We land in the garden.
I'm shaking with delight.
“Rosemary! Rosemary,
What have we just done?
You let me fly through the air.
I've never had so much fun.
I must go inside now.
The sun is going down.
I'll see you again tomorrow
And go back to the new friends I've found.
I go upstairs,
I lay my head on the pillow.
There is a tapping sound outside.
It's Rosemary by my window.
I jump out of bed
And open the window slowly.
“Come in Rosemary, come in.
Lie down with me. You must be sleepy.”
Rosemary soon falls asleep in my arms.
I pull a quilt up to keep her warm.
I wonder, will I see her again?
I know she'll fly away with the dawn.
Tread carefully through the long grass.
That's where I first met Rosemary.
Where birds are singing, wildflowers swaying.
You could meet your own wildflower fairy. -
There's only ten more sleeps ‘till Christmas.
Santa is on his way
With lots of toys for boys and girls.
I can't wait for Christmas Day.
The elves have been busy working hard all year.
They must be very glad that Christmas time is here.
Nine more sleeps ‘till Christmas.
Daddy got our tree today
And bought new lights at the shop.
I helped with the decorations around the bottom.
He did the ones around the top.
You should see our Christmas tree in the corner of the sitting room.
It has lots of sparkling lights.
There'll be presents under it soon.
Eight more sleeps ‘till Christmas.
I hope Santa got my letter.
I told him what I'd like.
“Could the elves make a doll for me?
And I'd really like a bike.”
Mummy marks the sleeps off the calendar on the wall.
Eight sleeps seem a long time.
I don't understand it at all.
Seven more sleeps ‘till Christmas.
It’s getting closer by the day.
I wish Christmas was tomorrow.
It seems such a long way away.
Mummy, are you sure Santa knows where I live?
I said we lived up the hill at number 44, but I'm worried mummy.
He might give my presents to the boy next door.
Six more sleeps ‘till Christmas.
We're learning hymns for our school Christmas play.
Daddy says he can't wait to see me on the stage.
I have to dress up as an angel.
My best friend is going to be Mary.
She has to be out the front with Joseph.
I'd find that a small bit scary.
Five more sleeps ‘till Christmas.
The play is on tonight.
Our mommies and daddies will be looking at us.
We have to do it right.
I'll wear a white dress with sparkling things in my hair.
All our class will be on stage.
I hope they'll see me there.
Four more sleeps ‘till Christmas.
There's only a few days to go.
It's getting cold outside now.
The garden is covered in snow.
Santa doesn't mind what the weather is like.
He can land a sleigh anywhere.
He can land on grass or snow.
The reindeer don't care.
Three more sleeps ‘till Christmas.
Mommy, are you sure Santa knows where I live?
I told him in my letter.
Our house is up on the hill.
There's no need to worry, dear.
Santa knows where all the children live.
There are times I wish my memory was as good as his.
Two more sleeps ‘till Christmas.
Santa will soon be here.
Mummy will leave out a carrot for Rudolph
And for Santa, a glass of beer.
When Santa comes down our chimney
He’s going to be dirty from head to foot.
Mummy move the crib back
Or baby Jesus will get covered in soot.
One more sleep ‘till Christmas.
I'm not going to bed tonight.
I'm going to stay awake till Santa comes.
I'll sleep tomorrow night.
Wake up! Mummy, Daddy!
Look! Look what I got.
Well, aren't you a lucky dear?
But will you go back to bed now?
It's only six o’clock. -
Timmy & the dinosaur.
My name is Timmy.
I want to tell you about
The day I met Flor...
The dinosaur.
It was a lovely sunny morning.
I was playing outside when all of a sudden
I could hear stomp, stomp, stomp.
What was that sound?
It was a strange big animal
stomping on the ground.
It was running down the hill,
heading towards our house.
I was so frightened
I couldn't close my mouth
I was so afraid,
standing frozen with fear.
But then this big thing came over to me,
sitting down quite near.
Don't be afraid, little boy.
I'm just a young dinosaur.
What's your name?
My name is Flor.
I'm Timmy, I whispered,
still shaking with fear.
I didn't know there were
dinosaurs running around here.
I've never met a human child before.
Would you like to come with me?
We'll roam around the country
and see what we can see.
Flors back legs are like tree trunks.
They help him stand so tall,
but his front legs are like hands and feet.
They really are quite small.
Come on Timmy.
Climb up on my back.
I will look after you.
You can be sure of that.
Let's go down to the highway
and race the cars and trucks.
Hold on tight now Timmy,
None of them are as fast as us.
Look, look, Flor.
There are children in that bus.
They can't believe what they are seeing.
They're screaming and pointing at us.
I see people on the footpath.
They look up and start to flee.
I yell out loud, “don't be afraid.
It's only Flor and me.
We turn away from the road
and stomp towards the fields.
Scaring those people was great fun.
I know now how dinosaurs feel.
Suddenly Flor slowed down.
What's wrong? I cried.
I can see big dinosaurs coming, Shouted Floor.
I think we should hide.
We'll creep into the forest,
the one beside the hill.
Lie down among the bushes.
Don't move. We must keep still.
Big dinosaurs aren't nice.
They can be so mean.
They'll roar and screech out loud,
trying hard to frighten me.
Don't worry Timmy, when I grow up,
they'll be afraid, the day they see me coming,
I'll roar so loud and stamp my feet
and laugh as they go running.
Flor, let's have some more fun.
Should we run down to the town?
People think it's the end of the earth
with a dinosaur stomping around.
No, Timmy,
that's not the best thing to do.
They would try to catch us then
and put me in a zoo.
We must be going home now.
Our parents will wonder where we are.
There's no chance we'll get lost,
though we didn't go that far.
I can see my house.
It's over by that tree.
Mummy standing by the door.
What will she say to me?
We slow to stop in a field.
Flor goes on to one knee
so I can climb down off his back
and thank him for minding me.
Where were you, Timmy?
I've been looking everywhere for you.
We were so worried.
Our neighbors were looking too.
Where were you, Timmy?
Were you hiding up a tree?
Mummy, if I said I met a dinosaur today,
I don't think you'd believe me. -
Let’s talk about Grandads.
Is your Grandad like mine?
He has white hair, he’s very old
And he reads us nursery rhymes.
When he comes to mind us
My two brothers and me
He always asks,
“How do you turn on the T.V.?”
Then we flick through the channels
For his favourite show
We have to do it for him
‘Cause he doesn’t know.
Grandads know nothing
About computers and phones
I wonder what happens when
They’re at home on their own?
If Mummy’s computer won’t work
I ask Grandad, “How do I make it go?”
He looks at me and says,
“I’m sorry, I don’t know!”
Even my little brother
Can run his finger across the screen,
Turn on the computer
And watch cartoons with me.
You can’t play games on Grandad’s phone
It’s old and very small.
You can’t even take photos
But he doesn’t care at all.
Grandad said “I don’t want a new phone,
I don’t want one like that
I just want a phone so I can ring my friends
And they can ring me back.”
I also use Mummy’s small computer
To watch cartoons and play games
My baby brother watches me
One day he’ll do the same.
My big brother
Showed me what to do
So I’ll teach my baby brother
And I’ll teach my Grandad, too. -
"Mummy, what does God look like?"
I don't know dear, what do you think he looks like?"
Is he a tall handsome man
With a bushy brown beard
And wavy long hair
That comes down to here?
Or a little old man
With no hair at all
Somebody like
The man next door?
Is he the man at the bar
Who's ordered two beers
Or a father at the airport
Fighting back tears?
Mummy, he might have green eyes
Or even one green and one blue
He might have a small nose
And wear glasses, like you
He could have girly hair
Straight, with curls on the end
With twistables and ribbons
That look funny on men
He wears a pink shirt
With a black bowtie
And a long blue scarf
To match his eyes
Or a yellow cape
That goes down to his knees
He'd look cool in that
I'd love one of these
Does he have black hair
That he sometimes dyes pink
Just to match his shirt
Mummy, what do you think?
He might wear flip-flops
When he walks on the sand
Or when he plays the guitar
On stage with his band
Is he a singer
who hits a tamborine
While singing to Jesus
That he believes?
He’s a man with a big heart
And he loves having fun
He has sticking out ears
And has a big bum
He might go to town
For burgers and chips
Get salt in his beard
And wipe sauce from his lips
I'm sure he likes pancakes
With syrup or jam
He will eat three or four
Just like my Dad!
Imagine if he came
To have dinner with us
I know he would help
With the washing up
Mummy, God could be a postman
Or the man who drives the bus
But, the more I think of it
He's just like us
It doesn't matter what God looks like
I don't care if he is big or small
All that matters is
He loves us all. -
My name is Fergie.
I'm a small gray tractor.
I don't go very fast
But that doesn't matter.
As I'm small
And don't have a cab over my head,
My owner's good to me,
He lets me sleep here in the shed.
I do the light work on the farm,
Towing small trailers
with a few bales of hay on board.
I can't tow balers.
I have a friend
whose name is John.
He's a big green tractor
with a cab over the top.
At night, just like me,
He stays here in the shed.
We don't like being left outside.
Like you, we enjoy a warm bed.
John does the big towing jobs.
He's a very strong fellow,
And has four huge wheels
That are painted yellow.
Our best drivers are often girls.
They are careful and drive slower.
Some tractor drivers can be rough.
We don't want to tip over.
During the summer
Silage making tractors come on to our land.
It's a pity I'm so small.
I'd love to lend a hand.
I like watching them work.
It's an amazing sight.
These monster tractors work long hours,
often late into the night.
The tractor pulled harvester cuts the grass
Trailers filled to overflowing,
Tractors and trailers
Coming and going.
Tommy, our farmer's son,
Loves to watch them too.
We can't sit here all day, though.
We have our own work to do.
“John, we're not working today.
Let's race to the top of the field.
You'll have to give me a start, though.
You have a bigger engine and larger wheels.”
I start off first,
Pushing the accelerator to the floor.
Smoke shoots out the exhaust.
My engine roars.
I'm going as fast as I can,
but will it be enough?
I might have to slow down
Where the road gets rough.
A quick look back,
John is on his way.
He's coming up fast.
He wants to win today.
As I round the bend,
I can hear him coming.
He's racing along
Like a tiger running.
Getting close to the top field.
The roadway is better,
but the land up here
Is so much wetter.
Suddenly John is alongside me.
Our wheel's nearly touching.
I hold my steering wheel tight.
I don't want us crashing.
I turn to look at John,
But he's not there.
Where has he gone?
I can't see him anywhere!
Slowing down as I reach the top field,
I've time to look around.
There's John back there.
Two wheels stuck in soft ground.
The road was so narrow
When he tried to pass.
Two wheels went off the road
And on to the grass.
I won. I won. I won.
I can't believe my luck.
I must go back to work now
And tow John out of the mud.
Then I woke up.
Things aren't what they seem.
You must never race tractors.
It was only a dream. -
My sister Mary, and I
sleep in the same room
She has a teddy bear
And I have a teddy gorilla
Mary is only a baby
She’s not as big as me
I am nearly five years old
But Mary’s only three
Mary’s teddy bear is tiny
It really is quite small
He is always smiling
I don’t like teddy bears at all
I like big teddys
Mummy got me a gorilla
I wanted a nice name for her
So I called my teddy Cilla
Cilla has big brown eyes
And a little flat nose
She has lots of furry hair
From her head down to her toes
Do Teddys come alive at night
Running around having fun?
I don’t think Cilla would
She’d just sit there on her bum
No, I’ve changed my mind
That really wasn’t fair
I’m sure Cilla would love to play outside
With all the teddy bears
Imagine if they come alive
As soon as we fall asleep
They’d go racing down the stairs
To meet their friends from down the street
Laughing, talking, holding hands
Singing with all their might
Teddys having lots of fun
Dancing through the night
But now they’re getting tired
They’re running out of puff
Teddys must go home
Before the sun comes up
Maybe that’s why Cilla looks tired
Sitting on my bed
At night while everyone is sleeping
Cilla is out dancing instead
Once when it was raining
We went upstairs to play
I pretended to cook the dinner
And feed the teddys that day
Oh what a mess we made
It really was so funny
Everytime I fed Cilla
The food fell down over her tummy
Bits of popcorn in her hair
Sticky sweets stuck to her face
Mummy will be angry
There was food all over the place
Mummy called out to us
“What are you girls doing up there?”
“Its alright Mummy” I said
We’re playing with our teddy bears
Then Mummy crept up the stairs
And poked her head around the door
“Oh my goodness what have you done
Look at the food all over the floor!”
I know Mummy
Cilla is a messy eater
But I had so much fun
Trying to feed her
When my friends come to our house
They all want to play with Cilla
They want to take her home
But Cilla is my gorilla
Cilla loves to lie on my bed
And cuddle up with me
After Mummy reads us a story
We close our eyes and fall asleep -
Once upon a time there was a farmer and his wife who lived in a cottage on their small farm. In the field next to the cottage stood a big apple tree.
Every summer the farmer watched the apples grow until he knew it was time to pick them off the tree. It was now the end of summer, and he thought to himself “tomorrow I'll pick the apples, they look perfect now!” The next morning he went out to the tree and he couldn't believe his eyes. All the apples were gone - someone had stolen them!
He was so angry, he called out to the animals who lived on the farm.
Now the farmer had a strange mixture of animals. There were cows, sheep, donkeys, a lion, a hippo and a small puppy. He was so upset that someone had stolen all his apples, he couldn't stand still and jumped up and down as he spoke to the animals.
Where have my apples gone?
Where can they be?
Look, there's nothing left
Not one apple on my tree.
Rah-rah-rah said the lion
He-he-he said the flea
Then who said the farmer
Stole the apples from the tree?
Moo-moo-moo said the cow
Zee-zee-zee said the bee
It certainly wasn't us
Who stole the apples from the tree.
Rah-rah-rah said the lion
He-he-he said the flea
Then who said the farmer
Stole the apples from the tree?
Was it you Jo-jo Hippo?
Why do you look at me?
Have you ever seen a hippo
Slowly climbing up a tree?
Rah-rah-rah said the lion
He-he-he said the flea
Then who said the farmer
Stole the apples from the tree?
He-he-haw said the donkey
Ba-ba-ba said the sheep
Who ever stole the apples
Has been really really mean.
Rah-rah-rah said the lion
He-he-he said the flea
Then who said the farmer
Stole the apples from the tree?
Never you cheeky puppy
I know it couldn't be
You're not strong enough
To shake the apples from the tree.
Rah-rah-rah said the lion
He-he-he said the flea
Then who said the farmer
Stole the apples from the tree?
Then a chirping noise came
From way above the field
Hello Mr. Farmer
Would you like to talk to me?
Rah-rah-rah said the lion
He-he-he said the flea
Then who said the farmer
Stole the apples from the tree?
I'm only a tiny bird
You would be amazed what I can see
I know who it was
Who stole the apples from the tree.
Rah-rah-rah said the lion
He-he-he said the flea
Then who said the farmer
Stole the apples from the tree?
The lion Mr. Farmer
And his friend the tiny flea
They ate all the apples
That were hanging from the tree.
Rah-rah-rah said the lion
He-he-he said the flea
It was us Mr. Farmer
Who stole the apples from the tree
I'm sorry said the lion
I'm sorry said the flea
We knew all along
Who stole the apples from the tree
Rah-rah-rah said the lion
He-he-he said the flea
Next year said the farmer
Share the apples on the tree.
Rah-rah-rah said the lion
He-he-he said the flea
And that was the story of
The farmer's apple tree. -
Have I told you about my friend
Wussy-Wussy our pussy cat?
We love playing outside together
And running around out the back.
Mummy says I gave her that name
When I was small
When I was a baby
And Wussy-Wussy a fury ball.
She doesn’t say too much
She leaves the talking to me
But we’re best friends
Wussy-Wussy and me.
When I woke up this morning
It was a lovely sunny day
Wussy-Wussy was waiting
What was she trying to say?
She looked at me
With her head turned to one side
I know she was saying
“Come on, let’s play outside!”
I ran upstairs
And got dressed in a hurry
I put on my old clothes
In case I got muddy.
Then I hurried back down
Went out the front door
There was Wussy-Wussy
Running round the front lawn.
She ran over to me
And I stroked her head
You must always be gentle with animals
That’s what Mummy said.
I like to watch the birds
Flying from tree to tree
So I walked around to the back of our house
With Wussy following me.
We have trees in our back garden
And tall hedges around the sides
The grass is very high in here
It’s a great place to hide.
I climb onto a branch
I’m on a ship out at sea
We’re the baddest pirates
Wussy-Wussy and me.
The branch is swaying
The sea is getting rough
There’s a ship up ahead
They might have treasure and stuff!
The waves are getting higher now
I’m covered in spray
We race through the sea
Don’t let them get away
Bang!! Our mast breaks in half
Now we can only go slow
They were lucky this time
We’ll have to let them go.
The sea is calm now
The wind has died down
But our mast is broken
We have to turn around
Other pirates keep away
They don’t like us very much
We have to row ashore now
I think it’s time for lunch.
I wonder what pirates eat
When they’re resting on the sand
Do they drink milk from coconuts
And eat stale bread and jam?
I’ll eat my lunch really quick
And tell Mummy about out pirate game
Then I’ll run outside as fast as I can
And climb up the tree again.
“Don’t frighten the birds up in the trees”, Mummy said,
“They are much smaller than you”.
But I’m only having fun
And Wussy loves to chase them, too
Later a bird landed on the branch
Of a tree nearby
It flew so close to me
I got a big big fright.
Wussy wasn’t frightened, she crept up the tree
Oh no! She’s starting to fall!
But as she fell down she turned around
And landed on her paws
I know if I fell out of a tree
I wouldn’t land on my feet
I would fall through the air
And land in a heap.
I’d go crying to Mummy
Telling her my knee was sore
Wussy-Wussy didn’t cry
She wanted to climb some more.
So, digging her claws in deep
She tried again
Climbing up higher this time
But then…
The bird saw her and flew up to the sky
Then looked down at Wussy, saying
“If you want to catch me
You’ll have to learn to fly!”
Come down now Wussy
It’s time for a rest
We’ll leave the birds now
Leave them safe in their nests.
I can hear Mummy calling
It’s time to go inside
I’m feeling hungry now
I’m glad it’s dinner time.
Come on Wussy-Wussy
I’ll pour some milk for you
And put meat in your bowl
I know you like that too.
My dinner is on the table
I must wash my hands real quick
Pussy cats don’t like water
They just give their paws a lick.
After I ate all my dinner
I watched cartoons on T.V.
I didn’t see too many though
I was starting to fall asleep.
Mummy I’m tired now
Will you read me a story?
We’ve had great fun today
Wussy-Wussy and me
We ran around outside
Played pirates up a tree
I wonder if Wussy-Wussy is tired now
And feels sleepy, like me. -
I am a little monkey
I live here in the zoo
With my Mummy and my Daddy
And my sister Mary-Lou.
Everyone enjoys
A day out at the Zoo
You like to look at us
And we like to look at you.
Boys and girls have funny hair
Coloured yellow, red or black
Sometimes we see girls with hair so long
It's falling down their backs.
Our hair is very short
We even have it on our feet
Mummy loves to clean our hair
To give herself a treat.
She searches slowly through the hairs
For tiny fleas and lice
Then puts them in her mouth
She says they're really really nice.
We are very lucky
To live here in the Zoo
Our keeper feeds us
And cleans our house out too.
Do children have keepers who feed them
And keep their houses clean
Or do they feed themselves
And live high up in the trees?
Why do children wear shoes
And all those funny clothes
How can they climb trees?
I've never seen their toes.
To us monkeys
Children are very strange
Watch them run inside
Anytime it starts to rain.
I think people are silly
They are always pointing at me
Why do children laugh and scream
Anytime I have to pee?
Children never stop eating
There is always something in their mouths
To eat lots of ice-cream
They need mouths as big as ours.
We eat good food
Like berries, leaves and nuts.
Not chocolate, crisps and sweets
We don't like them very much.
Sometimes we see a child
With food all over its face
If we ate our food like that
It would be a big disgrace.
Boys and girls are funny
They can't walk on their feet and hands
They always stand up straight
I just don't understand.
I can climb up branches
With my sister on my back
I don't think boys and girls
Could climb on a tree like that.
The visitors are going home now.
The boys and girls are tired
Mummy is calling out to us
It's time to go inside.
So remember the next time
You have a day out at the Zoo
Come and see the monkeys
We like to look at you.