AsSalaam Alkuim,
May Allah bless this end of the year project. We have been off the grid for over a year and for that I beg for your apology. We will begin the newest season soon, inshaAllah. Be on the look out for new projects coming soon, inshaAllah.
Fe Aman Allah,
The Haqq Dawah Group -
Missing episodes?
AsSalaam Alkuim,
Please stay tuned to us through our social media: @TheHaqqDawahGrp for Twitter and Instagram
/thehaqqdawahgrp for Facebook.
For more content like this look for Haqq Dawah Media wherever you listen or download your favorite show. Also look out for our newest project The Caliphate Vol. 4 on our Sound Cloud page https://soundcloud.com/haqq-dawah-media/haqq-dawah-media-presents-the-caliphate-vol-4.
You can also check out EP The Caliphate Vol.2
Until the next time,
Fe Aman Allah -
AsSalaam Alkuim,
Please stay tuned to us through our social media: @TheHaqqDawahGrp for Twitter and Instagram
/thehaqqdawahgrp for Facebook.
For more content like this look for Haqq Dawah Media wherever you listen or download your favorite show. Also look out for our newest project The Caliphate Vol. 3 on our Sound Cloud page.
You can also check out EP The Caliphate Vol.2
Until the next time,
Fe Aman Allah -
AsSalaam Alkuim,
If you have ever wanted to know about Islamic history and the great Islamic empires this is the EP for you. We will start with the first Caliphate (accomplishments, history, etc) until the last after the fall of the Ottoman empire, and all between, Exclusively on The Haqq Dawah Media Sound cloud page. Starting on the 3rd of March and every month after.
https://soundcloud.com/haqq-dawah-media/haqq-dawah-media-presents-the-caliphate-vol-1/s-NxwBL -
AsSalaam Alkuim,
This is the ad for Haqq Dawah Media Presents. The first episode starting on 1 February 2020. We've put a lot of work into this season, for your listening enjoyment.
Please stay tuned to us through our social media: @TheHaqqDawahGrp for Twitter and Instagram
/thehaqqdawahgrp for Facebook.
For more content like this look for Haqq Dawah Media wherever you listen or download your favorite show. Also look for this seasons preview on our Sound Cloud page.
Until the beginning of the season,
Fe Aman Allah -
AsSalaam Alkuim,
Haqq Dawah Radio w/DJ Takbir Khan Ep. 6.
We pray you enjoyed the special over the last few weeks, now it is back to business. InshaAllah you were all well while we where away.
If you like this show please search for Haq Dawah Media wherever you listen or download your favorite show.
Feel free to follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @TheHaqqDawahGrp
Facebook: /thehaqqdawahgrp
Last but not least go to our Sound Cloud page to listen to our new mixtape: Jewels of Jannah, the first project dedicated strickly to the Woman of Islam. Click the link below:
Until next time,
Fe Aman Allah -
AsSalaam Alkuim,
This is a sampler of the mixtape Jewels of Jannah Mixtape. This is the first project dedicated to the Woman of Islam. You can find this project exclusively on the Haqq Dawah Media Sound Cloud page. Link Below:
https://soundcloud.com/haqq-dawah-media/haqq-dawah-media-presents-jewels-of-jannah -
AsSalaam Alkuim,
On 2 January 2020 Haqq Dawah Media will release it's next mixtape Jewels of Jannah. The first project dedicated strictly to the Woman of Islam. Excusivly on the Haqq Dawah Sound Cloud page.
Until 2 January 2020,
Fe Aman Allah -
Haqq Dawah Radio w/DJ Takbir Khan The Real story of the birth of Jesus (AS) (Isa)
AsSalaam Alkuim,
This is a beautiful talk I had with my Imam. Imam Bilal Ali from the Gainsville Ga Mosque.
On todays episode we discus the true story of the birth of Jesus.
If you have any question please email us at haqqdawahmedia@gmail.com
Follow us on social media @TheHaqqDawahGrp and be on the lookout for our new mixtape coming on 2 January exclusively on Sound Cloud.
Until Next Time,
Fe Aman Allah -
Haqq Dawah Radio w/DJ Takbir Khan The Christmas Special
AsSalaam Alkuim,
I pray you enjoy this episode of Haqq Dawah Radio.
If you did please search Haqq Dawah Media wherever you download or listen to your favorite podcast.
Also feel free to follow us on our social media accounts @TheHaqqDawahGrp
Take a look at our Youtube account (Haqq Dawah Media) for new uploads every week.
Be on the look out for our new mixtape on 1 Jan 2019.
Until next time,
Fe Aman Allah -
AsSalaam Alkuim,
Haqq Dawah Radio w/DJ Takbir Khan is our best of show with a little flair. We have shows from season 1 and extras (ie. lectures,duas, etc),.If you would like to hear more from DJ Takbir Khan subscribe to Haqq Dawah Radio wherever you find podcast.
Fe Aman Allah -
Haqq Dawah Media Presents: Rootimentary Islam
Thank you for listening to the first season of Rootimentary Islam. Please stay tuned for info about season 2.
You can stay tuned to us on our Sound Cloud account, search for Haqq Dawah Media.
We will begin releasing new videos every week on our Youtube account: Haqq Dawah Media Check out our new show Haqq Dawah Radio w/ DJ Takbir Khan every Sat until Season 2.
Follow us on social media (Facebook,Twitter,Instagram) at TheHaqqDawahGrp
Until Sunday for One Ummah News Hour and Saturday for Haqq Dawah Radio,
Fe Aman Allah -
Haqq Dawah Media Presents: Rootimentry Islam
AsSalaam Alkuim,
Today's episode will be the last episode for Rootimentry Islam. Please excuse the audio, there were a few problems with the equipment. The show notes are below, if you care to read along.
Taqwa is an Arabic word which is explained as a shield against wrongdoing and further expounded as to be “conscious of Allah” or to have “fear of Allah” or to be “cautiously aware of Allah”.
The origin of the word Taqwa is from the Arabic root letters wa’ ka’ ya (meaning shield) and its verb is from the word “Ittaki” meaning to be careful or to be protected or to be cautious.
Taqwa is an internal compass on the path that leads towards Allah. The broader meaning and character of Taqwa is to develop one’s behavior, so as to be cautiously aware in the worship of Allah and attain nearness to Him and in so doing, perfect oneself.
This consciousness and fear of Allah is understood as a protection and a shield against wrongdoing. The abstention of evil through this fear, consciousness and establishing a cautious awareness of Allah, ultimately develops one’s love of Him.
If you enjoyed this episode feel free to search Haqq Dawah Media wherever you listen or download your favorite podcast.
If you have any questions or comments you can email us at haqqdawahmedia@gmail.com
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @TheHaqqDawahGrp
and Facebook/thehaqqdawahgrp
This is the last episode, so there will be no next time for this podcast (please follow the other shows),
Fe Aman Allah -
Haqq Dawah Media: Rootimentry Islam
AsSalaam Alkuim,
Today's episode is all about Dress & Dietary Requirements for Muslims.
If you liked this episode please search Haqq Dawah Media wherever you listen and download your favorite podcast.
It you have any questions or comments please email us at haqqdawahmedia@gmail.com
Feel free to follow us on Twitter @TheHaqqDawahGrp and Facebook/thehaqqdawahgrp.
Until next time,
Fe Aman Allah -
Haqq Dawah Media Presents: Rootimentary Islam
AsSalaam Alkuim,
On today's episode we will discus the basic of Islam,the five pillars.
1. Shahada
2. Prayer
3. Fasting during Ramadan
4. Charity (Poor Tax)
5. The Pilgrimage to Makkah
IF you enjoy the show please feel free to look for Haqq Dawah Media wherever youlisten or download your favorite shows.
Also follow us on Twiter @HaqqDawahMedia and Facebook /thehaqqdawahgrp
If you have any questions or comments please email us at haqqdawahmedia@gmail.com
Until next time,
Fe Aman Allah -
Haqq Dawah Media Present Nabbi The Prophet of The Prophets
Today's episode of Rootamemtry Islam is a cross over show with Nabi The Prophet of The Prophets. Today's show is about the character of Our Prophet, Prophet Muhammad.
If you enjoy please search Haqq Dawah Media where you play and download your favorite podcast.
Feel free to email us any questions or comments at haqqdawahmedia@gmail.com.
Follow us on Twitter @TheHaqqDawahGrp and Facebook/thehaqqdawahgrp
Until next time,
Fe Aman Allah -
Haqq Dawah Media Presents: Rootimentary Islam
AsSalaam Alkuim,
Today's episode is about a brief explanation of The Articles Faith.
1. Belief in the existence and oneness of Allah.
2. Belief in the existence of Angels.
3. Belief in the existence of the books of which Allah is the author: the Quran , the Gospel, the Torah, and Psalms to David.
4. Belief in the existence of all Prophets: Muhammad being the last of them, Jesus the penultimate, and Moses sent before them.
5. Belief in the existence of the Day of Judgment: in that day, humanity will be divided into two groups: that of paradise and that of hell. These groups are themselves composed of subgroups.
6. Belief in the existence of Allah's predestination, whether it involves good or bad.
If you enjoyed this show please search Haqq Dawah Media where you listen and download your favorite podcast.
Follow us on twitter @TheHaqqDawahGrp and Facebook /thehaqqdawahmedia
Until next time,
Fe Aman Allah -
Haqq Dawah Media Presents: Rootimentary Islam
AsSalaam Alkuim,
Todays show will cover the Islamic holy book, and last revaluation of Allah to mankind. I pray you enjoy. If you do please listen and subscribe to our other shows by searching Haqq Dawah Media where you listen and download your favorite podcast.
Feel free to follow us on Twitter @TheHaqqDawahGrp and Favebook /thehaqqdawahgrp.
Until next time,
Fe Aman Allah - Show more