
  • MMITN Discussion: " Mental Health Issues (in/out of) the 21st Century church" {PART 3}! Season 2, Episode 16

    As we continue this MHI much needed discussion, we touch on which mental health disorders are prevalent but looked over. Trust me, “the quickest way to get help is to admit you need it” – that’s my famous quote…

    Joyce A. Graham, thank you for tackling this sensitive topic and going deep with it, here on this podcast series and in your book!

    Here is the link to purchase your own copy from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VXKYH1J/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_HKTG2M10YND0BKVAKPMK

    Click, Listen, Learn and Share this entire series, ‘Mental Health Issues (MHI) in and out of the Church! You won’t be disappointed!

    Stay tuned all the way to the end for your ‘positive mental health tip’ from Joyce A. Graham!

    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!

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  • MMITN Discussion: " Mental Health Issues (in/out of) the 21st Century church" {PART 2} Season 2, Episode 15

    Here is part 2 of this much needed discussion!

    Yes, the conversation continues regarding Mental Health Issues in/out of the church! This series discussion was refreshing because my guest, Joyce A. Graham is a true professional, in her own right! Her wisdom reaches beyond the stigmatism of the absence of mental health in order to help those in need.

    In this episode, she breaks down in detail my mantra, ‘Everything Starts in the Mind’; as we begin to focus on the meaning behind her latest book, ‘Mental Health Issues in the 21st Century Church’! There is a SPECIAL message in here for church/spiritual leaders!

    Here is the link to purchase your own copy from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VXKYH1J/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_HKTG2M10YND0BKVAKPMK

    We get very passionate, so enjoy it and stay tuned for additional segments!

    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!

    Have you subscribed to MMITN podcast yet? Don't delay, do it today!!!

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  • MMITN Discussion: " Mental Health Issues (in/out of) the 21st Century Church with Author, Joyce A. Graham! Season 2, Episode 14

    This discussion with Joyce A. Graham regarding 'Mental Health Issues In/Out of the 21st Century Church', did NOT disappoint! That’s what happens when I connect with a dedicated Mental Health Professional!

    And, yes, she is also the author of her latest masterpiece, Mental Health Issues in the 21st Century Church, which is what prompted this 3-part series! 

    Here is the link to purchase your own copy from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09VXKYH1J/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_HKTG2M10YND0BKVAKPMK

    Joyce A. Graham is such an expert in this field, so easy to talk to, and you can find yourself in a therapy session with her without realizing it! And that’s ok, because you will get the help you need mentally!

    Trust that this particular podcast episode is like no other!

    We get raw and transparent here, so enjoy it and stay tuned for additional segments!

    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!

    Have you subscribed to MMITN podcast yet? Don't delay, do it today!!!

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  • MMITN One Year Anniversary Segment! "The Importance of Mental Health Podcasts", Season 2, Episode 13

    Today is the last day of Mental Health Awareness month and it’s our anniversary! Happy One (1) Anniversary to MMITN Podcast!! To celebrate this accomplishment, I took time to discuss The Importance of Mental Health Podcasts.

    Not a podcast listener or fan? Maybe you have heard about podcasts but don’t know much about them? Well, let’s see how you can benefit and understand the significance of podcasts in general!

    Tune in to find out why this topic is so important with respect to Podcasts that are dedicated to Mental Health! And, I welcome your thoughts and opinions!

    Enjoy this segment and share it with someone you care about, even if that person is YOU!


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    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!!

  • MMITN "Are You a Human 'Doing' or a Human 'Being'? Season 2, Episode 12

    I know this sounds like a crazy topic title! But can you relate? So, which one are you?

    In this episode, I try to get us thinking about it by looking at our own behavior in order to understand the question, ‘am I a human that’s doing or being’? Or are you both? Which one do you want to be or should you be?

    Take some time to tune in to find out why this topic is so important with respect to our daily lives and the choices we make! And, I welcome your thoughts and opinions!

    Enjoy this segment and share it with someone you care about, even if that person is YOU!


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    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!!

  • Whelp! I did it this time! I recorded an episode full of transparency! In my acknowledgement and recognition of Mother’s Day, I shared what was on my heart, in hopes of helping someone else!

    To be honest, it was not easy to discuss this topic, “Childless, Not by Choice: Mother’s Day 2022 Edition”!

    Click here for the FULL version on Anchor: https://anchor.fm/annette-harris/episodes/MMITN-Childless--Not-By-Choice-Mothers-Day-2022-Edition-Season-2--Episode-11-e1i7kds

    But I had to because sometimes we tend to overlook this group of people or not even realize that they (we) exist. I wanted this episode to speak up on their (my) behalf.

    Let’s wake up and be cognizant of those around us that are dealing with this issue and encourage them as best we can. We can still honor all mothers (as well we should) while not forgetting about those who are hurting.

    Enjoy this segment and share it with someone you care about, even if that person is YOU!


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    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!!

  • MMITN The Significance of “The Slap” (4-3-2022), Season 2, Episode 10

    In this episode we reference the article: “Why Will Smith's Slap Is Echoing” from Psychology Today because in it there’s a key point of discussion regarding how we act and react and handle our emotions.

    How would you act or react if you were placed in the same position as Mr. Smith or Mr. Rock? Ask yourself, ‘will my actions create harm for myself and others’?

    It takes skill and practice to learn to manage your emotions. Practice by placing yourself in different and uncomfortable scenarios and teach yourself how to react appropriately so that no one (including you) gets hurt, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, etc.

    Did “the slap” make you step back and examine your own life? Why or why not?

    This could have happened to anyone, but let’s learn from it, instead of placing blame. The bottom line is our actions and reactions have consequences.

    Enjoy this segment and share it with someone you care about, even if that person is YOU!


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    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!!

  • MMITN Discussion: "How to Overcome "Bereavement Discomfort" {PART 3} to help the Bereaved! Season 2, Episode 9

    My guest is Brandie McCord, Quantum Imaging Photography. This professional photographer steps away from the camera for, as she says, a 'self-examination'. Brandie is more than willing to engage in a discussion that will make us all see who we really are without filters!!
    This is the last episode of this 3-part series and learned a lot!
    We continued reviewing tips on how to help those who are uncomfortable dealing with the bereaved. And we were able to share how we have unknowingly placed these tips into practice!
    The following article was referenced: Overcome Bereavement Discomfort and Support Others | Psychology Today

    Let me ask you, “how can we overcome our own ‘bereavement discomfort’ in order to help those {we know} that are bereaved and grieving? Click “play” to find out the answer! In this final episode, we get very passionate, so get ready!
    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!
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    Don't delay, do it today!!!
    Have you subscribed to MMITN podcast yet? Don't delay, do it today!!!

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  • MMITN Discussion: "How to Overcome "Bereavement Discomfort" {PART 2} to help the Bereaved! Season 2, Episode 8

    My guest is Brandie McCord, Quantum Imaging Photography. This professional photographer steps away from the camera for, as she says, a 'self-examination'. Brandie is more than willing to engage in a discussion that will make us all see who we really are without filters!!

    This is part 2 of this much needed discussion!

    Brandie and I reviewed tips on how to help those who are uncomfortable dealing with the bereaved! We reference the following article:

    Overcome Bereavement Discomfort and Support Others | Psychology Today

    This 3-part podcast series began because of the following words from Brandie’s Facebook post:

    "People who are in mourning hear your words differently than you may intend. They see their loved one's faces while watching tv, driving, or trying to fix their dinner.


    They are reliving their last encounter with them while you are trying to comfort them, & tell them "I'm praying for you" or "It will get better..."


    No matter WHAT kind words are said, or how many hugs are given - when they are left alone, they are assaulted by an INESCAPABLE reality that their loved one is NEVER coming back.


    Please be patient.... be careful....be accepting of their outbursts....irritability....

    unresponsiveness & displays of hopelessness .


    They are battling something that we could NEVER fully understand.... until we're FORCED to."

    Let me ask you, “how can we overcome our own ‘bereavement discomfort’ in order to help those {we know} that are bereaved and grieving?

    Now, do you understand ‘what bereavement discomfort’ is? Well, if not, I encourage you to click “play” to learn what it is and to see if you’ve experienced it too!

    In this episode, we get very passionate, so enjoy it and stay tuned for an additional segment!

    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!

    Have you subscribed to MMITN podcast yet? Don't delay, do it today!!!

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  • MMITN Discussion: " How to Overcome "Bereavement Discomfort" to help the Bereaved! Season 2, Episode 7

    Trust that this particular podcast episode is like no other! 

    The following words from a Facebook post, sparked this conversation:

    "People who are in mourning hear your words differently than you may intend. They see their loved one's faces while watching tv, driving, or trying to fix their dinner.


    They are reliving their last encounter with them while you are trying to comfort them, & tell them "I'm praying for you" or "It will get better..."


    No matter WHAT kind words are said, or how many hugs are given - when they are left alone, they are assaulted by an INESCAPABLE reality that their loved one is NEVER coming back.


    Please be patient.... be careful....be accepting of their outbursts....irritability....

    unresponsiveness & displays of hopelessness .


    They are battling something that we could NEVER fully understand.... until we're FORCED to."

    Let me ask you, “how can we overcome our own ‘bereavement discomfort’ in order to help those {we know} that are bereaved and grieving?

    Now, did you just ask, “what is bereavement discomfort”? Well, I’m glad you asked so that I can encourage you to click “play” to learn what it is to and to see if you’ve experienced it too!

    My guest is Brandie McCord, Quantum Imaging Photography. This professional photographer steps away from the camera for, as she says, a 'self-examination'. Brandie is more than willing to engage in a discussion that will make us all see who we really are without filters!!

    We get raw and transparent here, so enjoy it and stay tuned for additional segments!

    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!

    Have you subscribed to MMITN podcast yet? Don't delay, do it today!!!

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  • MMITN Podcast

    Topic discussion: "Physical Health vs. Physical Death Series” with Dr. Shirley Hill, Natural Food Hygienist (Mopheth Nutritional Services) PART 2

    Dr. Hill’s quote: Healing is a gift from God, but your health is YOUR responsibility.

    In this 2nd part series, we continued our discussion with Dr. Hill as she explained about the Chemistry of Food and how it affects our Physical Health. We don’t realize the impact of eating something as simple as a sandwich (and processed foods) will have on our bodies. We create space for dis-ease to take over. And when it takes over your physical health, you have to realize that it will affect you mentally!

    I encourage you to take time and really listen to this professional Natural Food Hygienist. It may not be what you want to hear but you need to hear it before it’s too late…

    Dr. Shirley Hill, NFH, Mopheth Nutritional Services went from a career that creates outward beauty to promoting inward beauty healthwise. Because the “Apostle of Nutrition” cares about you, Dr. Hill, is definitely someone you should know!

    Enjoy this segment and stay tuned for much more to come!

    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!

    Have you subscribed to MMITN podcast yet? Don't delay, do it today!!!

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    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!!

  • MMITN Season 2, Episode 5 Topic discussion: "Physical Health Series” with Dr. Shirley Hill, Natural Food Hygienist (Mopheth Nutritional Services) PART 1

    Dr. Hill’s quote: Healing is a gift from God, but your health is YOUR responsibility.  

    In the 1st episode of this Physical Health series, we introduce Dr. Hill to you and then learn: 

    · about her background and how she became a Natural Food Hygienist. 

    · what forced her to get involved in advocating for “our” health and teaching about preventive health care “naturally”. 

    Dr. Shirley Hill, NFH, Mopheth Nutritional Services went from a career that creates outward beauty to promoting inward physical beauty (healthily). 

    Because the “Apostle of Nutrition” cares about you, Dr. Hill, is definitely someone you should know! 

    Enjoy this segment and stay tuned for more!  

    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!  

    Have you subscribed to MMITN podcast yet? Don't delay, do it today!!! 

    PLEASE Listen Follow and Subscribe: http://anchor.fm/annette-harris https://open.spotify.com/show/5XC0Ifezf1EAZsFk3TohwI... https://www.breaker.audio/mindmending-in-the-net-with... https://radiopublic.com/mindmending-in-the-net-with-annet... https://pca.st/t342guze 

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    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!!

  • Attachment Avoidance and Valentine’s Day (2-14-2022)

    In this episode we reference the article: “Could Valentine’s Day Be Bad for Some Relationships?” from Psychology Today because in it there’s a key point of discussion regarding “attachment avoidance”.

    We discuss attachment styles and then discuss the impact that the “attachment avoidance” style may have on an individual’s development and mental health.

    There may be a good reason why you, your significant other (or anyone else) don’t like to or don’t want to celebrate Valentine’s day! The author of the aforementioned article states that there was a study that found that people high in attachment avoidance did not experience a boost in satisfaction when Valentine's Day was most noticeable or important.

    Yes, this is a different way to look at Valentine’s Day but it may help us to understand an individual’s reaction to it!

    ◦ Positive mental health tip for this episode

    Create a “Grateful Wheel” (post it in plain view) so that you can live in gratefulness and appreciation and not become overwhelmed with what you don’t have!

    Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!!

    Enjoy this segment and share it with someone you love, even if that person is YOU!


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    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!!

  • Topic discussion: "The Link Between Self-Care Improving Mental Health” Hey you! I see you on social media…when you post and say, I’m taking a break from social media or I’m taking a mental health day… BUT… Did you come to the realization to do that because when you’ve had enough or was it because you actually felt the burn out or was it something else? Was it too late at that point or did you catch it in enough time? Do we really understand that there IS a link between self-care and improving our mental health? According to the article "How Self-Care May Improve Your Mental Health", by Dr. Gregory Scott Brown, there is a relationship between self-care and depression. Let’s explore this… Can something as simple as “self-care” help one to overcome something as serious as depression? In this episode, we defined self-care and gave examples of it. We also shared tips on how to create a self-care routine, in order to improve YOUR mental health! Enjoy this segment and share it with someone you love, even if that person is YOU! 


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    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!!

  • TITLE: MMITN Positive Mental Health and Suicide Prevention – what to look out for

    Did you know that 1 in 5 individuals live with a mental health condition? But do we know how to recognize it early enough in order to get them help?

    I think it’s extremely important to make sure everyone knows how to recognize/spot early when someone is facing a mental health crisis or contemplating suicide.

    In this episode, we discuss the LATEST tragedies of suicide (Mr. Ian Alexander, Jr. and Ms. Cheslie Kryst) in the media.

    We took time to focus on information and resources to help recognize and prevent thoughts of suicide and the actual act of suicide. Let's get educated and take time to help ourselves and those around us....

    You or someone you know may be going through a hard time right now, BUT please don't give up!

    YOU are NOT alone! YOU are loved! YOU can make it! WE are HERE to help YOU!

    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

    1-800-273-TALK (8255)

    OR TEXT ‘TALK’ TO 741-741

    VISIT www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org

    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!

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  • MMITN Podcast Topic discussion: "Processing Grief During Covid" Season 2, Episode 1

    On this podcast, we focus on Processing Grief During Covid. I think it’s extremely important to make sure everyone knows that the way we process grief is important so that we can remain physically and mentally healthy (as much as possible).

    In this episode, I reference the following article: Processing Grief | Psychology Today

    Key Points of this Podcast:

    · we discussed which emotions are caused by grief;

    · we explored some physical symptoms that are caused by grief

    · tips for self-care while maneuvering through the grieving process

    Also, you will hear the transparency about my own journey of processing grief after the death of my ONLY brother. Unfortunately, I didn’t process my grief in a positive way back then…IRONICALLY, my experience has enabled me to teach/encourage others of what to do and what not to do.

    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!


    FB: MindMending in the Net - MMITN Podcast

    IG: mindmendinginthenet

  • Returning January 2022 with all new episodes uploaded twice a week - Season 2 of MMITN (MindMending in the Net) has been caught and is on its’ way to you!!

    The podcast to help develop Positive Mental Health is a NET for your mind to mend and hosted by Radio Show Personality, Annette Harris of GetcaughtinANet, Inc.!

    Season one kicked off May 2021 with awesome interviews from Mental Health professionals, Apostles, former semi-pro tennis and amateur golf players, financial investors, life coaches, etc. Each interview was detailed enough to show the vulnerable side of a human being but also transparent enough to let us know that we are not alone!

    And as the host of this podcast, I simply want to do my part in helping each of us ‘mentally’ manuever through this and any other life-changing event!

    Remember, to think of this as a safe space!! In this environment, you will no doubt learn my mantra, which is: EVERYTHING STARTS IN THE MIND!

    So get ready for season 2 of MindMending in the Net!!

    Please subscribe to MindMending in the Net on spotify, google, apple or wherever you get your podcast shows!

    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!


    FB: MindMending in the Net - MMITN Podcast

    IG: mindmendinginthenet

  • MMITN The Connection between Psychology and Poetry/Spoken Word

    “The psychologist who keeps the soul in mind is closer in sensibility to the poet, even if he or she is not a poet. Essentially, he/she is acknowledging that poetry is an art of the soul, something which has been tangentially addressed over the years”... Author Unknown

    My guest, Author and Spiritual Lyricist, Anita L. Riddle, helps me to break down the literal connection between psychology and poetry/spoken word. In this session, we learn why spoken word is important and relevant to our daily lives.

    Make sure you listen all the way through to be blessed to hear Anita recite one of her spoken word pieces, entitled, “Horizon”!

    Make sure to check out her book: "We Must Travel" by Anita Riddle https://www.amazon.com/dp/1098099559/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_0JNB4REVGHKSA87M4P8H

    Enjoy this segment and stay tuned for a second part!

    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!

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    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!!

  • MMITN The Psychology of Social Media Part 3 BONUS EPISODE

    This FINAL episode is definitely a BONUS for all of us!

    I found a study that said “social media users are considered to be more trusting than the average internet user”. In this BONUS episode of “The Psychology of Social Media”, my guest, Demetra Williams-Pitts expresses why she doesn’t agree with this statement.

    Maybe we have just gotten caught up in the design of Facebook or other social media platforms as opposed to being more trusting?

    What are your thoughts?

    Tune in to hear the conclusion of this 3-part series on The Psychology of Social Media!!

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    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!!

    Promo created by: Quantum Imaging Photography

  • MMITN The Psychology of Social Media: “Are You on the River of Denial” ?

    “Social media is an extension of who you are and who you desire to be” as stated by Demetra Williams-Pitts.

    In this episode, we discussed the following:

    *Social validation feedback loop: what is it that keeps you/us coming back for more?

    *The tug of social media addiction isn’t all in our heads. It’s very real and we can thank two chemicals that our brains produce: dopamine and oxytocin.

    *Can social media define us or does it create or make you someone that you’re not?

    Enjoy this segment and stay tuned for the BONUS segment of part 3!

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    We are MMITN and we promote Positive Mental Health!!

    Promo created by: Quantum Imaging Photography