We discuss amputation fetishes and their consequences, digressing into the rise of industrial homoeroticism and edgy metal lyrics.
This week in dated affairs, we go undercover to Iran via England. Spoiler alert: we only kindled e-books.
Missing episodes?
In this episode we talk about the failure of democracy and the rise of our glorious leader who will make space great again. Tangents include the entire history of the world, the reason women belong in the navy, and why identity politics is for soy-boys.
| 1950s Cold War
| Eisenhower's Farewell Address
| "Debunking democracy"
| "Labor of love: The Invention of dating"
| "Guys are paying $10,000 to become real men at warrior camps"
In this episode, we discuss the viability of anime cat girls being brought to life through genetic modification. Topics include Jack London and his waifu, how to be a real chad, and the finest literature since Enid Blyton.