In this Taking the Minutes, Alexis rises to the challenge issued by Kaylee in our recently released minisode 3 and stands tall against the barrage of Kaylee's Question of the Week questions. Take a listen now to see how your answers stack up against hers!
Taking the Minutes is a special monthly episode series in which the podcast hosts discuss things they care about, made possible by our Patreon support.
Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
Unfortunately, Kaylee was sick for much of last week, so we were unable to record our episode with Endrift in a timely manner. As such, Endrift's episode will be released in our next full episode slot (two weeks from now), and things will otherwise continue as normal, including a new Taking the Minutes from Alexis next week.
For this minisode, prepare to play Kaylee's Question Extravaganza, a non-stop barrage of the Kaylee's Question of the Week questions you know and love! Once you've listened, feel free to share your answers to some or all of Kaylee's questions with us:
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordSupport Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
Missing episodes?
Flash forward to the dystopian future by flashing back to the... Normal-topian? 80s! In this episode, we talk to Jess, From Online, about synthwave, a style of music that is a love letter to cyberpunk and 1980s neon-lit cinema.
Find Jess's music on Bandcamp: liquidcrystal.bandcamp.com/
Support Jess on Patreon: patreon.com/jessfromonline
Find Jess on Twitter: twitter.com/jessfromonlineSupport Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
Time to put your enjoying things hat on! In this Taking the Minutes, Kaylee talks about NBC's The Good Place, a TV show dear to her heart that recently officially finished. Learn what makes the good show The Good Place so... Good!
Taking the Minutes is a special monthly episode series in which the podcast hosts discuss things they care about, made possible by our Patreon support.
Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
This episode features Luma Lilac, curator of The Webcomic Library, an online collection featuring over 1300 webcomics, each one with carefully added tags, authorship links, content warnings, previews, and more. Learn how this multimedia library grew over the years from a personal to-read spreadsheet to the sprawling haven for webcomics of all stripes that it is today.
Unfortunately, there was an unrecoverable issue with the recording process for this episode. While the episode is still perfectly listenable, it does not stand up to our usual standards of quality, and for that we apologize. Nonetheless, please enjoy!
Visit the Webcomic Library: tagpacker.com/user/webcomic.library
Find the Library on Tumblr and other sites: linktr.ee/webcomiclibrary
Check out the Library's list of 2019's completed webcomics here!Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
In this episode, we bring on Neongrey to explore everyone's favorite three-letter words: Cats and MUDs. Learn all there is to know about multi-user dungeons, a form of online, text-based video game, and what place such a game has in a modern gaming world. And collect cats along the way!
Find out more about, and play, Avendar: avendar.net
Join the Avendar community discord: discord.gg/avendar
Play Neongrey's cat-petting Twine: neongrey.itch.io/pet-that-catSupport Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
In this super-special double-host crossover episode, hosts Kaylee and Alexis discuss their newfound love for Ring Fit Adventure, Nintendo's recently-released long-term exercise plan in video game form.
Taking the Minutes is a special monthly episode series in which the podcast hosts discuss things they care about, made possible by our Patreon support.
Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
In this episode, we talk to Donnie, a teacher and school program coordinator, about his many jobs and responsibilities. Learn how to educate, coordinate, and manage the classroom's many nightmare scenarios from the best!
Follow Donnie on Twitter: twitter.com/dmisunbreakable
Listen to Donnie's Degrassi rewatch podcast: ihopeicanmakeitthrough.podbean.com
Read Working on Progress: bit.ly/36dsvRFSupport Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
It's time for our first Resetting the Record, where we revisit an old topic with new guests! This week, Foone and Gewt call in so that we can ask them questions about the wild world of floppy disks and old telephones.
Follow our guests on Twitter:
Foone - https://twitter.com/Foone/
Gewt - https://twitter.com/gewtSoul Sync Update/Q&A - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19F8lMYHmkU
Death Generator - https://deathgenerator.com/
Foone's PCB - https://twitter.com/Foone/status/1194872469313613824Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
This week, Alexis, who is not a music theorist, psychologist, or person with opinions about music composition, talks about the concept of text painting in music and the fun of interpreting and analyzing things that you like.
The pieces discussed in this episode are "Die Krähe" by Schubert, as performed by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau & Jörg Demus, and "Don't Haze Me" by The Reign of Kindo.
Taking the Minutes is a special monthly episode series in which the podcast hosts discuss things they care about, made possible by our Patreon support.
Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
With all the changes that come to one's body during transition, is it any wonder that body horror can be used for expression? Join us as we talk to Mika about her terrifying poetry about just that!
Skip First Poem: 48:27
Skip Second Poem: 55:35Play Space Wizard School - https://witchs-hex.itch.io/space-wizard-school
Follow Mika on Twitter - https://twitter.com/tokyo_vamp
Check out Surfaces - https://www.surfaces.cx/Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
Consult the oracle to learn the ways of judging tournaments and advising formats with Charlotte Sable, level 3 Magic judge, on this episode of STRQ! Find out what it takes to be a judge and how to handle difficult players like host Kaylee from the best of the best.
Follow Charlotte on Twitter: twitter.com/jqlgirl
Read Charlotte's "Ask a Magic Judge" blog: magicjudge.tumblr.com/
And Charlotte's columns for Cranial Insertion: cranialinsertion.com/
Support Charlotte on Patreon: patreon.com/magicjudgetumblrSupport Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
In this Taking the Minutes, Kaylee talks about her experience with and thoughts on the recently-released game Luigi's Mansion 3, and how that experience stacks up to her nostalgia for the series' first game.
Taking the Minutes is a special monthly episode series in which the podcast hosts discuss things they care about, made possible by our Patreon support.
Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
Author month (which began in October and ends in November) continues! In this 30th episode of STRQ, we talk to Jackson Bird, long-time YouTube vlogger and recent memoirist. Learn from the best about how to make one's voice heard in print or online and how to prepare a well-aged waffle.
Find Jackson on Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube as jackisnotabird!
Find or request a copy of Sorted in your local bookstore or library. Want an audiobook read by the author? Get one here!
Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
Space! Robots! Thinly veiled futuristic metaphors for modern issues! In this episode, we talk to Rosiee Thor, author of the recently released YA Sci-Fi novel Tarnished are the Stars about the fantastical world of science fiction. Listen to learn Rosiee's tricks of the trade for planning, writing, and publishing.
Follow Rosiee on Twitter: twitter.com/rosieethor
Find Rosiee on Instagram: instagram.com/rosieethor
Visit Rosiee's website: rosieethor.com/You can purchase a copy of Tarnished Are the Stars in most major online or physical bookstores. Want a signed copy? Visit Powell's Books!
Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
This week, Faye Havoc joins us to talk about the enchanting and hilarious world of burlesque theater. It just goes to show that you can lead a burlesque performer/costumer to water, but you can't make them conform to the allonormative societal perceptions of the art form.
Follow Faye on Twitter: https://twitter.com/fayehavoc
Horsin' Around (NSFW Warning): https://vimeo.com/286852404
THE HORSE (Donna Boss Rogers and Faye Havoc) winning Most Comedic at the Burlesque Hall of Fame's 29th Annual Tournament of Tease, Las Vegas NV. Photographer Credit: Ed Barnas 2019: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2dcHbG6OkmwamwwNmZSUEZ3ZlV2RFlVaVF0X2IzTFBiUlBV
Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
In this Taking the Minutes, Alexis gives advice on starting, managing, and moderating communities, and how much of a challenging and rewarding experience community management can be.
Taking the Minutes is a special monthly episode series in which the podcast hosts discuss things they care about, made possible by our Patreon support.
Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
The blocks are falling, and hopefully, it doesn't cause this episode to disappear! Tetris Grandmaster EnchantressOfNumbers joins us to talk about the game and community.
Find EoN on Twitter: https://twitter.com/EoN_Tweets
Follow EoN on Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/enchantressofnumbers
Watch EoN become a Rev Mode GM: https://youtu.be/5IP2FAbppA8Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
It's been 300 years since our last release, but we've restored our photos from the first-25-episodes era thanks to Bo! In this 21st century-style podcast revival, we talk to Bo, a hobbyist photo restorer, about how and why he breathes new life into photos from bygone eras of people he's never met and places he's never been.
Find Bo on Twitter: twitter.com/AmbroseHeffner
See Bo's digital portfolio: bohportfolio.com
See Bo's performance showcase WIP and Kaylee and Alexis' field trip to Brooklyn, NY: imgur.com/a/eir0kBlSupport Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Alexis - twitter.com/doublegearsys
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com -
In this Taking the Minutes, Kaylee talks about bad movies, and how we can appreciate art in ways that may have not been the intention.
Taking the Minutes is a special monthly episode series in which the podcast hosts discuss things they care about, made possible by our Patreon support.
Support Setting the Record Queer on Patreon: patreon.com/settingtherecordqueer
Feedback? Ideas? Contact us!
Twitter - @strqueercast
Email - settingtherecordqueer@gmail.com
Discord - bit.ly/strqcordCredits:
Kaylee - twitter.com/witchshex
Art - twitter.com/qbtic
Theme music & production - thrillmemusic.squarespace.com - Show more