Life is full of highs and lows. God gives us peace, purpose, strength and joy in life. God is within you. God is within her. I am addressing the elephant in the room of navigating life and faith while pressing on the accountability of our personal relationship with God! Let's talk about it!
The Textual Confidence Collective (TCC) promotes historic confidence in the text of Scripture through an exciting and info-packed seven-episode podcast. We observe three major approaches to the textual reliability of the Bible:
Textual Skepticism
Textual Absolutism
Textual Confidence
We resist a postmodern skepticism toward the text of Scripture, and any form of textual absolutism that would pick one translation of the text as final and jot-and-tittle perfect. The TCC takes a biblically faithful view of the divine origin, authority, and preservation of the text of the Bible.
In seven episodes we introduce you to the TCC; examine the history and claims of Textual Absolutism; recover the Bible’s theology of providential preservation; and uncover the real story of Erasmus, the TR, and the KJB. We then take you by the hand and walk you through the materials, methods, and history of New Testament Textual Criticism and equip you to hold and promote confidence in the text of the Bible. Subscribe now at to get all the upcoming content.
Join the movement.
Connect to Confidence.
Continue the legacy. -
Welcome to Podcast Daniel Tetangga Kamu 🙌Akan banyak cerita tentang perjalanan kehidupan, khususnya perjuangan mereka ketika mereka menghadapi ketidak pastian, kekhawatiran dan ketakutan. Kita semua pasti pernah merasakan hal tersebut dan mudah mudahan kita bersama bisa belajar rahasia tetangga gue untuk bangun kembali dan malah menjadi orang yang lebih kuat! It’s gonna be very exclusive! Jangan lupa share ke tetangga &orang yang kamu sayangi, karena TETANGGA SALING MENYANGGA, BUKAN MENYANGGAH
Join Jessica on the journey of self-discovery as she shares lessons from her quest to find her true purpose in life.In addition to solo episodes, Jessica interviews experts, healers and authors about topics such as health & wellness, motherhood, self-worth and spirituality. This podcast is your companion as you navigate life’s challenges, heal from the past and walk the path to purpose.Jessica is a mom and coach trained in the healing arts. After leaving behind a successful career in tech, she is now focused on her true passion: helping you become the most authentic version of yourself.
Siapakah para pecinta akhirat itu? Rasulullah shalallahu ‘alaihi wasalam selain sbg pembawa kabar gembira juga membawa peringatan kepada manusia. Sebagaimana Rasulullah shalallahu ‘alaihi wasalam menyebutkan tentang surga, beliau jg menyebutkan ttg neraka…..Simak lebih lanjut kajian yang disampaikan oleh ustadz Armen Halim Naro Rahimahullah yang akan meningkatkan semangat kita untuk lebih mencintai akhirat.
Ceramah yamg menjelaskan tentang wasiat perpisahan yang disampaikan oleh Nabi kita Muhammad Shallallahu ‘Alaihi wa Sallam, yang telah membuat air mata para sahabat berlinang air mata, menjadikan hati mereka takut. Begitu istimewanya nasihat ini, sehingga sepatutnya kita sebagai ummatnya, mengetahui, memahami dan mengamalkannya.
Ceramah yang disampaikan tentang oleh Syekh Abdurrazaq bin Abdul Muhsin al Badr tentang Cinta Nabi shallallahu ’alaihi wa sallam, bahwasanya ia merupakan bagian yang tidak bisa terpisahkan dari kecintaan terhadap Allah subhanahu wata’ala, kemudaian beliau membawakan dalil-dalil yang shahih dari kitab dan sunnah wajibnya cinta kepada Nabi shallallahu ’alaihi wa sallam ….
Selamat Bergabung di Podcast Radio Riyadhul Jannah 104,5 FM Tasikmalaya, Insyaa Allah audio yang kami bagikan adalah milik stasiun radio kami dan tidak upload ulang dari sumber lainnya, audio dibagikan secara gratis sebagai bahan murojaah dan mudah-mudahan bermanfaat bagi seluruh kaum muslimin. Barokallahu Fiikum
Calm The Bleep Down is a podcast discussing the benefits and adventures that come from a daily practice of meditation. Check out our video podcasts, classes, and Merch at Watch the video version on