Анна и Иван обсуждают специфику секс-индустрии в российских реалиях, ведут диалоги с работниками отрасли, задают каверзные вопросы гостям и делятся проверенными фактами из первых уст.
Инстаграм подкаста @industry_of_s
Инстаграм Анны: @annauglitskikh
Инстаграм Ивана: @whokilledsloan
Телеграм-канал: @industry_of_sex
Почта: [email protected]
Кошелёк для "чаевых": -
Roots to Roam is a podcast for seekers of truth and wellness. Join your host, Cat Fríes (200hr Registered Yoga Teacher, entrepreneur), and her recurring guest Madeline Armstrong (most woke person you'll ever meet), as well as numerous other guests from various industries and walks of life, to explore the journey of aligning your life with your highest values and most authentic self. This podcast is all about the process of change and growth, disrupting the status quo, and living an intentional life. We talk to entrepreneurs, feminists, environmentalists, digital nomads, world travelers, life coaches, therapists, yoga teachers, health and wellness junkies, nutritionists, spiritual teachers, vegans, artists, and free spirits; join the conversation and wake the f* up.
Apolline raconte ce qui lui passe par la tête ; vie, découvertes, états d'âme, en essayant de mieux se comprendre pour mieux comprendre les autres, le tout en gardant la tête froide...
💬 N'hésitez pas à noter, laisser un commentaire ou vous abonner
Disponible sur Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Amazon Music / Google Podcasts / RadioPublic / Stitcher / Overcast...
Hello and Welcome to My Neurodivgent Diary with me Kitty Cowell. In this podcast, I’ll be talking to other neurodivergent people as well as Neurotypical people about all kinds of subjects. From music to fashion, to dating and more to see how we relate or don’t relate to our thinking and experiences.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Монголоос гадаад руу гарсан олон мянган залуусын төлөөллийг зочдоор урьж, харь орон гэхээрээ бүх зүйл нь сайхан амьдрал угтдаг мэт ойлголтыг халах, чухам бодит байдал дээр ямар зүйл угтан авдаг тухай нээлттэй, ярилцах зорилготой подкаст. Гадаадад амьдардаг бүхэн амжилттай байдаггүй, бас сошл зураг дээрх шигээ байдаггүй гэдгийг та гадагшаа л гарчихвал болоо гэж бодож суугаа сэтгэхүй дээрээ олж мэдсэнээр юу хүлээж байгаа нь мэдэгдэхгүй тас харанхуй өрөөнд бидэнтэй хамт гэрэл асааж бодитоор харах юм. Даваа гараг бүр шинэ дугаар
My So-Called Whatever is a weekly 80’s/90’s nostalgia and NKOTB podcast (New Kids on the Block) based on awkward moments and experiences of two life-long friends and their listeners. If you love New Kids on the Block, you'll love our biweekly "Block Party" episodes where we share NKOTB fan stories from our listeners or even get lucky enough to have a special guest. Be sure to check out our Original Cover Girl episode where we find and talk to the Original Hangin' Tough Cover Girl - or dive into one of our Donnie Wahlberg Episodes (seriously - is this real life?) OR our amazing Joey McIntyre episode - we still can't believe that happened!
If you love the 80s & 90s you'll love our biweekly nostalgia episodes that dive into many great topics that we love to discuss and remember. We love it when we're able to share a story from our listeners and it's SO exciting when we get the opportunity to bring on a special guest. We've been VERY lucky to have some very special guests on our podcast - in addition to Joey McIntyre (New Kids on the Block) and Donnie Wahlberg (New Kids on the Block) - such as Joey Fatone (*NSYNC), Chris Kirkpatrick (*NSYNC), Jeff Timmons (98 Degrees), Mark Calderon (Color Me Badd), Shane McDermott (Swans Crossing, Airborne), and Keith Coogan (Adventures in Babysitting, Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead).
New episodes are released every Monday - so be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss anything!
Do you have an 80s/90s related story to share with us? What about a New Kids on the Block fan story? Send it to [email protected].
Be sure to follow us on Twitter (@socalledwhatev), Instagram (@mysocalledwhatever), Facebook (My So-Called Whatever), and be sure to join our My So-Called Whatever Facebook Group! -
Dear Asian Americans is a podcast for and by Asian Americans, focusing on authentic storytelling rooted in origin, identity, and legacy. Host Jerry Won brings on guests from diverse backgrounds and career paths to celebrate, support, and inspire the Asian American community. New episodes air every Tuesday across all major platforms. Instagram: @dearasianamericans
She Knows the Way (previously Women on the Rise) is a show about deciding what’s next when doing what’s expected no longer feels right.
Through conversations with women at all stages of life and career, host Lara Dalch explores when and how we forge our own path. What we compromise, whether we’re on a new path or an old one. And how we can rewire ourselves to stay awake to our dreams even when it means doing the unexpected. These conversations will soothe, delight, and guide you towards finding your own answer to the question “What’s next for me?”
If you’ve always followed the script and suddenly find yourself without one, this show is for you. -
Sacred Plant Wisdom. Journey with your hosts, Nina and her guests as we educate, inform & support the conscious and responsible use of Ayahuasca in a western context.
~ Learn about Ayahuasca assisted therapy, supervision and training at
Disclaimer: Ayahuasca and DMT are potentially illegal substances, and we don’t encourage or condone the use of these substances where it is against the law. However, we accept that illegal drug use occurs, and believe that offering responsible harm reduction information is imperative to keeping people safe. For that reason, this guide is designed to ensure the safety of those who decide to use the substance. We don’t encourage using Ayahuasca outside of a legal or traditional context. -
The Geode: delivering unpretentious “Wellness and Woo” content and friendly one-on-one interviews with innovative healers of body, mind, and spirit. Stephanie Wood connects with her diverse roster of guests in a way that allows the down-to-earth people behind the businesses and brands to shine as they educate and entertain the audience. As a National mental health crisis looms on the horizon, Stephanie’s passion for directing wellness resources where they are most needed is sincere and right on time. The Geode, because wellness rocks. Find the magic within you. Support this podcast:
Get an in depth personal look at the life of Jehovah's Witnesses through my own story. Learn how life changed when my family became Jehovah's Witnesses, and then my journey to freedom. Of course, we all know that freedom is never free, and you will learn how great the cost was to me.