Apparently we haven't covered a Daredevil book since our very first episode. We've never even read the death of Elektra, an iconic moment from the middle of Frank Miller's run in the early 80s.
We're reading Daredevil #178-182 to see the big moment for ourselves, along with Daredevil using crutches because he got his leg caught in a bear trap. Oops!
Then we're still reading Thunderbolts with issue #13, in which we deal with some alien BS.
Next Time: Secret Wars 2, Pt. 1 (Issues 1-5)
For some reason, we've devoted two episodes to Batman: Hush.
Why did we do this to ourselves? For some payoff with The Riddler? The Riddler!?!?! Damnit, Loeb.
At least Thunderbolts #12 didn't disappoint with the big finale to their first story arc.
Next Time: The Death of Elektra in Daredevil #178-182 -
Missing episodes?
Hush up y'all, this week we're checking out one of the biggest Batman storylines of the 2000s with Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee's Husssshhhhh [emphasis mine] from Batman #608-619.
We're reading the first 6 issues in which we learn that Batman had a best friend named Tommy who has somehow never been mentioned in any comic before this one.
There's also a mystery bad guy who barely shows up.
Then, we're getting real close to the end of the first Thunderbolts storyline in issue #11, which features zappy mind control laser beams!
Next Time: We finish up Batman: Hush with Batman #614-619 -
We've finally reached the end of Ed Brubaker's classic run on Captain America in issues 37-42. Steve Rogers is dead, probably forever, but now we've got Bucky running around with the shield.
We also get some other clown who thinks he's Steve, and the Red Skull is trying to get his puppet elected as president while also doing some time travel shenanigans.
Then we get to the beginning of the end in Thunderbolts #10. The secret is out! But how???
Next time: Batman: Hush Pt. 1 (Batman #608-613)
Y'all ever heard of this Galactus guy? Always running around in red and green, throwing gas bombs at the Fantastic Four? Yeah, that's classic Galactus.
Dude does way more than just planet-eating.
We read all about it in his very first appearance in Fantastic Four #48-50.
The Silver Surfer makes his first appearance too, spending most of these issues talking to a blind sculptor. Classic Silver Surfer.
Then we move onto Thunderbolts #9, which was mostly an Avengers flashback. We spend a lot of time in the 60s this week!
Next Time: We conclude the Death of Captain America in Captain America (2004) #37-42! -
John Constantine is a badass. He's such a badass that his series is called Hellblazer. He's such a badass that he smokes and gets lung cancer and then tricks demons into cure his lung cancer for him. Wow, what a badass.
We've only seen this guy in the pages of Swamp Thing, so we're reading Hellblazer #41-46 from 1991 when Garth Ennis took over writing duties.
Then we finally say goodbye to the Elements of Doom in Thunderbolts #8.
Next Time: The Fantastic Four meet Galactus for the first time in Fantastic Four 48-50.
Spooky season is swampy season here at SOMFRC and we're back to Swamp Thing! We're reading volume 5 of Alan Moore's run with issues #51-56.
Swamp Thing has no more world-ending catastrophes to worry about, but his girlfriend's being persecuted for being into plants! Nothing to do but take over Gotham, get into a fight with Batman, and then spend a cool time in space.
Then we move onto Thunderbolts #7, where the team disobeys a direct order from Baron Zemo!
Next Time: We check out Garth Ennis's time with John Constantine in Hellblazer: Dangerous Habits (Hellblazer #41-46) -
It occurs to us that we've never actually read an Iron Man comic, and with the recent dual-casting of Robert Downey Jr. as both Iron Man and Doctor Doom, we decided to take a look at Doomquest from Iron Man #149 & 150. The metal bros travel back in time to (friend of the show) the medieval era!
Doctor Doom rides a horse and that's enough reason to read this comic.
Then we move onto our long read of Thunderbolts with issue #6 which requires a periodic table to enjoy.
Next Time: The Saga of the Swamp Thing, Vol. 5 by Alan Moore (Swamp Thing 51-56)
Whelp, we tried to will a Dazzler movie cameo into existence, but Deadpool & Wolverine was unfortunately Taylor Swift-less.
Nevertheless, we still press on to read Dazzler: The Movie, the 12th in Marvel's Graphic Novel line from the 80s, in which Dazzler meets a lot of terrible men who promise her a fast track to stardom.
Then we continue our long read of Thunderbolts with issue #5, which has a dude in the shadows! Classic!
Next Time: Iron Man and Dr. Doom meet in DOOMQUEST (Invincible Iron Man #149-150)
Watch out crooks, there's a new Captain America in town. And he's got a gun! Steve Rogers is dead and Bucky is taking over as we pick back up with Ed Brubaker's run on Captain America in issues #31-36.
Then we continue reading the Thunderbolts with an interlude in the Thunderbolts '97 Annual as we learn all about how the team came together.
Next Time: Dazzler: The Movie (Marvel Graphic Novel #12) (in four weeks) -
We haven't read nearly enough Hulk on this show, so we're looking at a couple different stories by Peter David.
First up is the wedding of Rick Jones from issues #417-419, in which Captain America gets very bashful about a bachelor party.
Then we check out The Incredible Hulk: The End, a one shot about the last days of the Hulk's life. We'll tell you why it doesn't feel like a comic book!
And of course, we continue our long read of the Thunderbolts with issue #4 in which they accidentally gain a new member!
Next Time: The Death of Captain America Pt. 2 (Captain America 2004 #31-36) -
We're reading some detective comics this week! No, not the Bat. We're reading a lesser known PI published by Renegade Comics in the 80s: Ms. Tree, written by Max Alan Collins with art by Terry Beatty.
We jump into the middle of the book and read issues #18-23 in which Ms. Tree deals with the death of her archnemesis... and kills a ton of people.
We were expecting a little more noir and a little less Punisher.
Then we continue Thunderbolts with issue #3 in which the former Masters of Evil meet the current Masters of Evil!
Next Time: Hulk 417-419 (Rick Jones' Bachelor Party) & Hulk: The End -
It's another classic X-Men story! We're reading God Loves, Man Kills by Chris Claremont and Brent Anderson from 1982, which served as the inspiration for the X-Men 2 film.
We get to know the evil reverend, Stryker, who has made some... questionable life choices. But why didn't they make him a reverend in the movie?
Then we continue our long read of Thunderbolts with issue #2, which contains the ugliest statue ever erected to honor a superhero.
Next Time - Ms. Tree: Heroine Withdrawal
It's time to go back to Fairyland! We loved the first volume of Skottie Young's I Hate Fairyland when we read it back in 2020, so we thought we'd check out volume 2.
Will the art still manage to simultaneously be cute and grotesque? You know it!
Also, we begin our next long read with Thunderbolts #1 by Kurt Busiek and Mark Bagley, with villains posing as heroes. How devious!
Next Time: X-Men - God Loves, Man Kills
April Fools! We're doing some weird comics today, because that feels like it makes sense.
We wanted to read Peter Porker and we only picked issue #16 because it had Baron Zebro in it.
Then we read Avengers #200 because it's said to be one of the worst issues of all time, and it definitely deserves that accolade.
And we finally end Earth X in issue #X, in which Spiders-Man wears a hard hat.
The best thing in all these comics is the cool dinosaur that attacked Avengers Mansion.
Next Time: I Hate Fairyland, Pt. 2
With the passing of Akira Toriyama, we wanted to take a look at his most famous work, and one of the most popular manga/anime series of all time, the Dragon Ball series.
We go back to the first volume from 1986 and it's not what we expected!
Then we continue Earth X with #12 in which... uhh... we can't remember anything that happened. Did anything happen? DID ANYTHING HAPPEN??
Next Time: April Fools Day where Carol Danvers marries her son in Avengers #200 + Spider-Ham meets Baron Zebro in Peter Porker, The Spectacular Spider-Ham #16 + the Earth X Finale! -
It's time for us to visit the late 90s with Kurt Busiek and George Perez's relaunch of The Avengers! Who will be on the new roster? Will we remember any of the history that Busiek digs up?
And is it ever a good idea to relaunch a book with an alternate reality story?
Then we go onto Earth X #11 where we say farewell to the character with the best one-liners.
Next Time: Dragon Ball, Vol. 1
Superman's still a fascist and now his best friend, Lex Luthor, is here to help him change the world in the 2nd half of Injustice: Year One.
Will Superman kill again? He will; he'll do it a lot. It's true Superdickery.
Then we continue to Earth X #10 where the Skull continues to be a major asshole as Captain America and his forces attack.
Next Time: Avengers (1998) #1-6 by Kurt Busiek & George Perez -
When the Mortal Kombat team makes a video game based on DC comic book characters and you need to write the prequel story, what do you do? You turn Superman into a fascist, of course.
We're reading the first half of Injustice: Year One from 2013, where Superman starts killing people, Wonder Woman supports him, and Batman don't like it.
Then we move onto Earth X #9 in which the Red Skull has a pretty good line.
Next Time: We finish Year One of Injustice (issues 7-12, or 19-36 digitally)
We've been building up to the Death of Captain America for a few years now, and it's finally time to read the most memorable moment from Ed Brubaker's run in issues #25-30!
Find out if Cap's supporting characters can sustain the book without him! Also learn a lot about how secret psychic activation codes work.
Then, we move on to Earth X #8, which continues to improve and also prominently features a werewolf astronaut. Coincidence?
Next Time: Injustice #1-6 (or digitally #1-18 - the first half of Year One)
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