
  • So many Americans are suffering. We are suffering financially, mentally, emotionally, and physically. We are the most sick we’ve ever been. Obesity is an epidemic, nearly half of Americans are considered obese. We’re struggling in so many areas, and it can feel like we’ve totally lost control of our life.

    If this resonates with you, and you’re wondering what to do to find relief, and if you’ve found yourself in a less than desirable state of health, you may love this interview.

    Marc had gotten himself into a bad pattern with life. Work, come home, eat crap convenience food, eat some ice cream, get some screen time and do it all again the next day.

    One day, he decided he wasn’t going to live this way anymore, he vowed to make 2024 his year to make big changes. His purpose was to set an example for his son, and show him it could be done.

    Four months later, he is down almost 30#, no longer has depression, got off of his CPAP machine, stopped eating junk food, gets daily exercise and has chosen to be happy.

    I hope Marc inspires you as much as he did me.

    If you’re ready to make a big change in health, find your happiness and feel better than ever, send me an email, Jerry@biohackingtruth.com, or click the link below to book a call today.

    Peace, Much Love, Live Well!

    Coach Jerry

    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • Have you thought much about the importance of self parenting? Have you noticed how you parent yourself and how that shows up in your personal and professional roles in life?

    Karina Krepp, a Master Chek Practitioner in Holistic Health and Kinesiology speaks about how life’s events showed her the importance of learning from your children and how she took those lessons into coaching high level executives. She doesn’t get intimidated, she doesn’t take excuses, and she doesn’t withhold the truth or compassion.

    Find her on Instagram

    Chakra Holistic

    Buy her co authored book on Amazon

    The Way Holistic

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  • Holistic health isn’t about pseudo science, and weird and wacky rituals. Sure, that all can be a part of one’s holistic mind, body, soul approach. It doesn’t have to be an abstract spiritual view, or philosophy, but it can be. Holistic health is about having integrity (a state of being whole and undivided/a quality of being honest and having strong moral principles) in your total being.

    For many people, they lose integrity in their mind, body, or even soul (whatever that means to you), in getting caught up in everyday life. Work, kids, political and social concerns etc…. This naturally pulls us away from certain things that are integral to our well being. Mental health, weight management, aches and pains are some of the most obvious examples of where we can lose integrity in our well being. This happens, in part, because of our mixed morals on various issues like mentioned above, and not prioritizing what is important in our given situation.

    People are starting to wake up to the reality that they can heal many of their health problems without a Doctor’s orders and prescription medications. In this episode, Holistic health and wellness practitioners John Melgaard and Nick Poppa join me as we discuss what we’ve experienced in our selves and as coaches.

    Success often comes when we address the root causes, and give a person the time they deserve to fully work through their health issues. This approach is very effective in finding motivation and results in their energy, weight, pain and overall sense of well being.

    Several of the following things cannot be denied, whether you have a medical degree or not.

    * If you only have a few minutes with a patient, you don’t have time to form a dialogue and perform proper assessments to address root causes to an issue. You will then be left with the only options of prescribing medications, or surgery.

    * Doctors are chronically pressed for time as they must cram patients into their hospitals as our collective health gets worse and worse. This is a problem that recreates itself over and over.

    * All prescription and over the counter drugs have possible side effects. Every one of these effects, main and side have a risk reward ration.

    * There is seldom a plan to come off of these drugs and the side effects can lead to the need for further prescriptions. (some may call these side effects a disease)

    * All diseases and bodily pains can also be addressed in a holistic manner that may remove several problems, many of which may go undiagnosed in the few minutes a patient has with their expert physician.

    * We all have the choice to take the medical route or not. It is our responsibility to ask questions, consider all of our options and decide what is best for us.

    None of this is medical advice. We advise you to consider all of your options and seek the help you need based on your personal decision. If you feel the medical approach is best for you given your personal situation, you are supported and loved.

    We hope you enjoy this conversation, and feel free to reach out if you want to know more!

    Nick's Website

    Nick's Instagram

    John's Website

    John's Instagram

    Jerry's Website

    Jerry's Instagram

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    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • Join us as we talk about God, Astrology, Spirituality and an encounter with an Angel.

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    Instagram: @tobiasmoquete TikTok: Tobias Moquete

    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • Show Transcript

    Hey, welcome everybody. Jerry with you here today.

    I remember when my kids were young, they're 15 and 16 now, but  I remember when they were young and how much energy  it took to keep up with them.

    And of course, as many of when my kids were real young, I was in my early thirties and that's when I was probably at one of my most unhealthy times of my life. But I just kept thinking how exhausting it was keeping up with those kids. And I'll be honest with you, that was a big impetus for me pursuing holistic health and learning anatomy, physiology, and kinesiology.

    It's because I had all these issues

    that I knew if I did not reverse them, or find a way

     to get to feeling better,

    that'd be broke down old man.

    For me, it was a real make or break moment. It was a, s**t or get off the pot.

    And I had a choice. I could either continue to make excuses every day as to why we shouldn't do this, or we shouldn't do that, or

    Reasons why we couldn't go to the park, or reasons why I didn't have time to take him to the mall.

     Or I could get off my ass and find that energy that's been missing.

    And one thing that really helped me, turn that ship around,

    obviously besides diet and exercise, sleep, finding purpose in my life, besides all of that, I started supplementation. And I didn't just take any supplement that I could find. I read and researched, and I came up with about 10 supplements that I thought were no brainer supplements.

    These were supplements that I thought, you don't need to go get a blood test to find out if you need them. Just assume you're low on them,

    and take these 10 no brainers. One of the no brainer supplements was a B vitamin complex.

    And in pretty short time, I started really noticing the effects of my diet and lifestyle and supplement regimen.

    And it wasn't long, I'd say within a matter of a year or so, I honestly, legitimately could not remember a time in my adult life where I had this much energy, vitality, strength, spring in my legs, all of that. And what I know now was I was able to improve and enhance my methylation process. So that's what we're going to talk about today.

    We're going to talk about the no brainer supplements, B vitamins, \ And we're going to talk about what methylation actually is.

    Now it is my hope that once you understand what the methylation process is, and how important it is to your genetic potential,

    you'll have a further understanding, maybe a broader view, a fuller picture, of the importance of managing your health in a holistic manner. Now a lot of people get nervous when they hear that word holistic, they start picturing tarot cards and

    Dancing fairies and crystals and smoke. And while all of that can be part of anybody's holistic lifestyle, anything can be part of a holistic lifestyle. Living holistically, practicing holistic health.

    They're all branding and marketing terms. Think about it. Everybody lives a holistic lifestyle. So if you drink beer every night, you holistically create tiredness in the morning. You holistically create an unhealthy gut biome. You're just doing that unintentionally. The difference between a holistic life and holistic health is you're being intentional about the actions that you take.

    It's not about man buns and Tibetan singing bowls, chants and mantras.

    Those are just tools to achieve a desired result within your holistic health plan.

    Now we're going to talk specifically about specific things today, but this all just falls in line with the bigger plan. I encourage you not to look at this as a this for that type of recommendation

    and think about this information and how you can use it to fit into your total body of health, your total body of wellness and energy.

    As we're going to talk about today, B vitamins and other supplements can be really monumental in helping you optimize your methylation process. At the end of the day, there's nothing more important. And getting regular exercise,

    managing your thoughts and your emotions so they don't exhaust you, they don't overwhelm you. Best way to do that is through purpose, getting regular exercise,

    making sleep a priority

    and taking the time to get introspective about your life. Those are the things that will balance your nervous system, optimize your digestion. I guess I forgot to throw in there, eat real food, optimize your digestion, create mental clarity, a sense of purpose and a sense of purpose brings wins.

    It also brings losses and losses breed growth.

    So all the no brainer supplements we're going to talk about today will aid in that. Please don't think that's a replacement for managing your pillars of health.

    You got to find time to be happy, you got to make time to move, you got to take time to sleep and introspect, and you've got to eat real species specific food. Whole foods.

    If it grows out of the ground, it's food. If it eats something that grows out of the ground, it's food. If it eats something that grows out of the ground, it's food. If it runs, swims, or flies, it's food. Comes in a box or a bag, it's not food.

    All right, with that we'll get going, but before we do, just a quick word from our sponsor.

    Today's episode is brought to you by Euphoric HealthWorks workshop based app. Have you ever found yourself battling procrastination and distractions? Or just wondering what your next steps are to creating your dream life? The Euphoric HealthWorks app was created just for you. Workshops on the Euphoric HealthWorks app are designed to help you source and remove all the obstacles that keep you from manifesting your best self.

    Whether that be pain in your back, excess stress, or not really knowing what your purpose is in life or why you're doing what you're doing,

    we've got you covered in the Euphoric HealthWorks app. These aren't courses with tests and certifications. These are workshops designed to give you real resources that you can work through on your time, laser focused and efficient. Download the Euphoric HealthWorks app for free today. It's available on the Apple App Store or Google Play. Link will be in the show notes.

    Alright, with that we're gonna get started. First off, methylation. What is methylation?

    Basically, the nerdy scientific explanation. of methylation. Basically, the scientific nerdy explanation of methylation is when one carbon atom and three hydrogen atoms are transferred from one substance to another.

    This activates the receiving molecule or methylates it. And

    basically you got these little signalers that attach to your DNA.

    These little sensors or activators receive a molecule, they do something magic with it, and they signal something to your DNA. That signal to the DNA tells the DNA what you, what genetics to express within you. So if you're familiar with epigenetics,

    this is epigenetics. If you're not familiar with epigenetics is the expression of your genetic potential. So we all, for disease, it's your environment that decides which of those genetics you express part of your environment is your thought process. Your emotional management process and your direct actions and behaviors.

    So if I give the signal to my body that we are in an environment where we don't have to move, food is easily sourced, safety and security are there without question,

    and consequently you move less,

    you're sending a signal to your body, an environmental epigenetic signal to your body to downregulate metabolism,

    downregulate ambitious goal setting behavior. And you start expressing your genetic potential for obesity and disease.

    So we hear all the time about the fat gene, or the athletic gene.

    But at the end of the day, even if you have a fat gene, you've got to express the genetic potential for that fat gene. If you've got an athletic gene, you've got to express the genetic potential for that athletic gene. In other words, you've got to work to maintain whatever state you're in. That's epigenetics.

    So methylation, without proper methylation,

    cellular health is going to be compromised. And you are not going to express your genetic potential to be the best you possibly can.

    That's why getting old isn't just an act of God that happens to us, it's unavoidable. We choose how we get old. We manifest the genetic expression of our aging process.

    And while we might think that starts in our genes, guys, it starts in your mind. What is it you believe? What is it you believe is possible about you? What is it you believe is possible about the aging process? What is it you believe about your ability to be healthy and fit your whole life?

    So obviously, as we mentioned earlier, living a holistic, healthy lifestyle is going to optimize your methylation process. You should only consider supplementation after you've got the basic lifestyle habits in play.

    So that being said Being in a toxic environment, whether it be at work or in a relationship situation, creating a toxic environment in your head, always focusing on the negative, refusing to set goals, and if we don't set goals, we don't have wins in life, we don't have wins in life, we feel sad for eating garbage food,

    not moving, we are expressing our genetic potential for obesity and disease.

    So some clear signs that you are suffering from poor methylation,

    could develop a lot of food intolerances, a lot of allergic reactions to things, fatigue. Or energy swings, energy imbalances, mood imbalances, and mood swings.

    Maybe memory loss,

    brain fog, and of course any disease that you have is going to impair your methylation process. And all that boils down to a thing we call allostatic load. Guys, allostatic load is A fancy way of saying your body is working this hard to maintain balance within you. Allostasis is the process in which our body uses to maintain balance. That's the detoxification process, that's regeneration during sleep, that's the digestion, assimilation of food and shuttling mitochondria can use it as energy. All of that

    is part of the Allostatic process. Now, anything that we add to the body, that causes the body To have to perform a task to compensate for the introduction of that habit, behavior, or substance to our body. That's gonna add to our allostatic load and this is why I go so hard in the pain against prescription drugs They're touted as medicine.

    They're touted as cures But if you're taking them you're taking them because you already have a condition whether it be symptomatic or whether it be full blown disease But you're already under allostatic load. You're already compromising your body's methylation process. You're going to add a prescription drug to it You're adding a foreign substance.

    I don't give a s**t if they call it medicine or not You're adding a foreign substance that was created by man in a lab to your body. That's gonna add to your allostatic load. So while it might relieve symptoms for a short period of time, at the end of the day, it's just going to aid in the disease creation process.

    That's why it's very important. If you get on a prescription drug, you might need the prescription drug. per the doctor's definition of what a need is, but you might need the prescription drug to get you out of symptoms so that you can effectively heal yourself. When you get a prescription, that is not your cure.

    That is not your, okay, I've taken care of this problem. That is a message. That is a wake up call. I need to figure out what caused this and as soon as I can get off of these prescription drugs.

    Sorry, rant over.

    The lower it is, the more open that process is. In other words, the less bogged down it is by excess work that you're putting on it, the better your methylation is going to be. This ties into our telomere health, which I'll do a show on that later, but it's all about cellular health at the DNA level.

    So those are all symptoms of undermethylation. You can also experience overmethylation in rare cases, rare instances.

    Some symptoms of overmethylation can include anxiety and panic, depression, hyperactivity, and behavioral issues. More allergies and sensitivities and

    imbalances in your histamines.

    And if we're getting a lot of histamines, guys, we're obviously creating an autoimmune situation there where we're not recognizing what is our body and what is foreign. So it's real important that we get that taken care of. But whether it's over or under methylation, if your methylation isn't on point, there is an extreme imbalance in the body.

    Think about it. Your body has decided something is more important than the methylation process. The way our body works, it's survival first and then it's thriving last. If your body has said something is more important to my survival than the methylation process, than expressing genetic potential to thrive,

    that's not a minor issue.

    Now, if you suspect you have over or under methylation, you can definitely go to a doctor. I'd recommend a naturopath, if you can find one.

    But it's my firm belief that's a waste of time and energy. If you know that your lifestyle is out of whack, out of balance, you know that there's adjustments that can be made there. Best case scenario, you're going to show up to that doctor and they're just going to say, Hey, you need to make some lifestyle changes, come back in a little bit.

    Worst case scenario, you go to a doctor and they don't mention the lifestyle changes. They put you on some prescriptions or some sort of herbal protocol that doesn't address the root cause. And you're just going to be dealing with this problem later on down the road.

    Another reason why methylation is so important is if you think about it, it's almost like a switchboard in the body.

    So they have a direct influence on your genetics and what you express.

    And so when you are living a good lifestyle, a nice, healthy lifestyle that your body enjoys and you're not overburdening it with allostatic load, then you can optimize your methylation. You can optimize your genetic potential. And so when you are doing that, when you are filing in all cylinders, your body's going to be properly detoxified.

    Your body's going to be properly detoxifying itself. You don't have to go through herbal cleanses and five day fasts and all these rigorous detoxification protocols. Your body naturally detoxes. Even if you've lived backwards and sideways for years and years, once you stop living that way and you start living in a way that's more friendly to your allostatic load, your body begins a detox process right away.

    It's always pushing towards balance. It's always looking to regulate itself. You're going to have better hormone regulation, neurotransmitter production. You're going to start experiencing less autoimmune symptoms because your histamine balance is going to be more on point. Obviously, energy within the cells.

    Genetic expression and production of DNA and organ health are all going to be major up swings that you're going to experience when you balance your allostatic load and improve your methylation process. Healthy glands and organs make everything in life so much better.

    Alright, so that's a brief overview of methylation and why it's important.

    We're going to talk a little bit about the role of B vitamins in that methylation process.

    So as we mentioned earlier, methylation is a, it's a biochemical process. And

    When these reactions occur within the cell,

    it produces a molecule called S adenosylmethionine, SAMe for short.

    Now SAMe gets involved in transferring the methyl groups to a wide range of molecules, including DNA, RNA, proteins, and other metabolites.

    There's a team of enzymes that tightly regulate the methylation cycle, including B vitamins, B6, 12, and 2.

    Without these nutrients, it's very difficult to produce SAMe and break down homocysteine into other chemicals your body needs.

    aNd utilize the methylation process to get proper genetic potential and cellular health and energy.

    Now, the production of SAMe is reliant on 5 MTHF. I call it the motherfucker, only because that's what I think when I see the MTHF.

    But this is an active B vitamin, it's known as methylfolate. Without this, SAMe will not be turned on.

    But without the SAMe

    And enough of the 5 MTHF,

    methylation is very difficult and a lot of important molecules just cannot be efficiently produced. Now if you're going to supplement, I'd recommend that you're supplementing with active folate as opposed to folic acid. A lot of people have intolerances to folic acid. They cause a lot of issues with people.

    And from what I've seen, people tend to do better with folate. active folate as opposed to folic acid.

    But B vitamins, active folate, living a good holistic lifestyle, not overtaxing your allostatic load is going to be best for you in being able to convert folate to 5 MTHF.

    So B vitamins, the role of B vitamins in this entire process. So we're gonna start out with vitamin B2.

    B2, known as riboflavin, it's required to convert folate to its active form.

    So we go from folate to active folate, which helps in the conversion. of 5MTHF. B6, required to produce methionine, necessary for creating SAMe. It's involved in developing glutathione, an important antioxidant. That's another show, that's another topic, but glutathione is very important.

    If you're taking glutathione currently, Awesome. If you're not, I recommend you get on it. Maybe some NAC, which is a precursor to glutathione.

    So we got B2, which is required to convert folate to its active form. We got B6, which is required to produce methionine,

    which you need to create SAMe. Without SAMe, we are not methylating. If we're not methylating, we're compromising our genetic potential intercellular health. Now we got B12.

    B12 converts homocysteine to methionine.

    Now there are multiple different kinds of B vitamins, B12 vitamins,

    but the B vitamin in the form of methylcobalamin

    provides the methyl group, so that might be a good one to start with for you.

    So that's a brief overview of the B, we're going to dig a little deeper here.

    B vitamins are involved in multiple different metabolic pathways, brain function, energy production, blood sugar regulation, metabolic health.

    Helps regulate your nervous system. We take a look at what's killing Americans right now. It's metabolic diseases, right?

    But I think if we can cast a wide net over this, we can just say that we're suffering from a lack of vitality. We're suffering from a lack of true holistic health. Our cells are sick. Our blood is sick. Our bodies are sick.

    And I do believe that the methylation process is a huge part of it. We age like s**t here in America. We absolutely age like s**t.

    B vitamins, they help you, form red blood cells. Overall cell health, including growth and division. Production of very important molecules for happiness, like dopamine and serotonin. Converting your carbohydrates to energy. These are very important roles and these are Things that B vitamins are very much involved in.

    Now if you can find methylated B vitamins, that's probably what you need to go with, in my opinion, anyway.

    So methylated B vitamins are already bioavailable, they're already metabolically active, easily absorbed, easily assimilated and utilized by the body, because your body doesn't need to convert them from non methylated to methylated.

    Particular if you suspect you have that MTHFR gene variant,

    or genetic problem, methylated B vitamins might be. Your best option.

    You should be able to go into any vitamin store and just ask the vitamin cleric for methyl B complex and they should be able to help you.

    It's now is a good time in any to throw my disclaimer in there and that is before you begin any supplement protocol or regimen consult with your qualified medical, your health care professional. I use health care in air quotes here.

    In case you didn't know, there's a huge difference between medical and health.

    All right, guys, just as a quick recap, Methylation, the methylation process is critical to maintaining cellular health, cellular energy and expressing your genetic potential without proper methylation. You're just going to most likely express your genetic potential for exhaustion, disease and obesity because without proper methylation, your body's working really hard to maintain its.

    homeostasis using allostatic load your metabolism is going to drop which means your energy is going to drop which means your activity is going to drop your sense of well being isn't going to quite be there so it's going to affect you more than just physically so methylation is very important it's critical without total body health you're going to have a hard time with methylation in particular if you're missing B vitamins

    without proper methylation levels of B vitamins in your body, you're not going to produce that SAMe

    without proper B vitamin levels. You're most likely going to be lacking in folate. Without folate, you can't create active 5 MTHF. Without 5 MTHF and without SAMe, your methylation process is going to suffer greatly.

    So that's why I believe that methylated B vitamins fall in the no brainer category of supplementation.

    They're very inexpensive, you're not going to hurt yourself by taking these B vitamins,

    and there's just no reason, to live with low methylation function, this is something you can deal with for years if not decades, and it could be something that really could be alleviated rather simply, rather easily.

    If nothing else, even if you're not living that holistic, healthy lifestyle, you're gonna make yourself feel better until you can maybe get the energy, the motivation, the mental clarity to form a good plan, or to find a good why for you to embark on a plan of optimizing your genetic potential.

    As far as specific brands, I'm not here to push specific brands. I'm not affiliated with anybody,

    and there's a multitude of different varieties out there. So if you can find anything that's based on whole foods, great. Any type of vitamin, if it's a whole food based vitamin, go with that, organic if you can.

    But at the end of the day, go to a good, trusted local vitamin store or health food store, find the clerk, and ask them to help you find the best B vitamin complex. Methyl B vitamin complex that they have. Don't skimp on price when it comes to your supplements.

    iF you can find a multivitamin that contains a good level of magnesium, Batein, choline, and zinc, those are also going to help you optimize your methylation process. So at the end of the day guys, what's really important about this message is that methylation is critical.

    You can't be healthy and happy without it and without proper B vitamin levels, you're not gonna have proper methylation. And if you can connect some dots, just take a look at the prevalence of autoimmunity in our world right now. The prevalence of depression, anxiety, anger issues in our world right now.

    The prevalence of metabolic diseases that are avoidable and reversible that are killing. Two thirds of Americans,

    we can easily say that methylation imbalances and diseases are a major problem in this country. And the answer to it is living a balanced, holistically healthy lifestyle with proper supplementation.

    Alright guys, I appreciate your time today. Thanks for tuning in and listening or watching.

    Stay tuned as I

    Make sure you follow or subscribe to this podcast. Share it with someone you think might need it. I will be doing more features on no brainer supplements as we move forward. Supplementation can get really expensive and that causes people to avoid it altogether or they over supplement or they just just randomly grab things off the shelf.

    Okay. We're going to go over supplements that are no brainers in my opinion. And in other words, the cost benefit isn't even close. The benefit way out risk. weighs the risk and the cost. So these are just no brainer supplements. And I'm going to be covering those more as we move forward in this podcast series.

    All right, guys, have a wonderful day. Peace, much love and live well.

    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
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    Motivation is one of those things. It's when we feel it, we know it, but when it's missing, we don't know where to find it. If that sounds familiar, stay tuned, watch this show. But basically it boils down to in my system, two different types of motivation. You've got the top down motivation. You've got the bottom up motivation.

    So the top down motivation is the white hot motivation. That's what David Goggins is for. That's what Andrew Tate is for. That's what some of my content is for. And that's really to inspire you to act. And really what they're doing there is they're using certain techniques, certain ways of getting their message across, saying certain things that resonate with a lot of people.

    And really what that does is that's tapping into the collective unconscious, the collective conscious. But in doing so, it's tapping into your personal subconscious and your personal unconscious, or your personal conscious, consciousness. And when the right thing is said at the right time, and it sparks the right lever within our subconscious mind, We just can't help but take action.

    So that's the upside of the top down motivation. The downside of the top motivation is it burns white hot. And it burns fast. It needs more fuel to keep going. So if you think about it, you're building a fire. And this is how we build our plates, too. This is how we build our gym program. All of this goes everywhere, and that's why the focus today shows integrity.

    So that white hot motivation, if you think about building a fire, that's like throwing dry kindling on the fire. Pine needles. Dry pine needles on the fire. And they'll burn. They'll burn hot, and they'll burn fast, and there will be no doubt that they're on fire, but within a matter of moments, they're gone, and they're ashes.

    So you gotta keep throwing tinder on the fire. A real fire has that kind of fuel, but it's also got the big logs, but the big logs can't take a while to burn, take a while to catch fire. But those big logs create the coals from which we cook all our meals, from which we're actually Heating the camp. It's from those big logs.

    It's not the white hot s**t that goes on top. So the white hot s**t, that's the top down motivation. That's, my subconscious has been sparked. I don't even know why, but I'm motivated. I got this dopamine and this adrenaline. Let's go. The bottom up, the foundational motivation, that's the stuff that people don't like to get into.

    Guys, men, this is your feminine side that you won't look at. Your inner world. This is the stuff that you haven't sourced. Why do I want to lose weight? And if it goes, if you're not getting past what's in the mirror, Or even how you feel. If you're not getting past those two things, you're not getting down to the truth of it.

    And you're refusing to go to your feminine side, your inner world. What in your inner world is calling to this? On a level of the soul, why is this mission important to you? If you're a father or a mother, look at those kids. How do you want those kids to see you grow old? Because you're the example. That's what I'm talking about.

    If you're spiritual, you're religious, and you believe that you were put here for a purpose, and you believe that your soul has a purpose, we have to go into our inner world and we've got to get in touch with it if we're on the trajectory. To match our soul's purpose or not. So that's the bottom up motivation.

    And I hope you can understand why those are the coals that cook the meals. Those are the coals that keep the camp hot. Those are the coals that keep the fire burning when there is no white hot tinder to throw on top of it. Make sense? And most people only focus on the white hot motivation. That's only one motivation source.

    But it gets deeper than that. So once we source all that, there's a couple other side angles to this. If you're lacking white hot motivation and you're bottom up. Smoldering motivation doesn't seem to be keeping the fire lit for you to take the action that you know you need to take to get to your goals, get to those things that you've been thinking about for years.

    You might be in touch with your core value to some extent. You might be in touch with your purpose to some extent. But if it's still not scratching the itch, if you're still not taking the action you need to take, really take a look at your level of gratitude. Are you busy complaining about your life and how you don't have time to cook meals and go shopping and go to the gym?

    You woke up today and there's several hundred thousand people that didn't. You can always be grateful for something. How much humility are you employing? Are you humble enough to realize that you're not entitled to a perfect life? You're not entitled to a perfectly, uh, structured day and schedule to where it's easy to decide where to fit your exercise in and your meal preparation in and your inner work, meditations, getting enough sleep, what have you.

    Or do you think that I'm a victim and life's just giving me this circumstance where I don't have time to go to the gym? Or I don't have time to prepare my meals? So really, are you humble enough to accept the fact that you aren't entitled to a perfect life and a perfect outcome? And then what's your faith?

    What's your faith like right now? What's your faith in the process? What's your faith in God? What's your faith in your soul's purpose? Do you really believe that's a thing or do you just say it's a thing and you don't really live by it with your heart? These are things we've really got to come to terms with.

    And I'll pick on the men again. Men, this is your inner world. This is your feminine side. And if you don't get in touch with that, you're gonna be not a divine masculine. You're just gonna be a masculine. Some of the side angles around motivation that I discussed recently. So we've got the top down white hot stuff.

    We've got the foundational bottom up stuff. We've got the burning tinder and we've got the smoldering coals. And sometimes those We lose track of those having some humility, having faith in the process, faith in your, the magic that you possess just being a human being. This is part of the mystical, mythical levels of consciousness and your gratitude.

    How grateful are you that you're actually walking around? If you're a type of person that doesn't have any physical obstructions or any major diseases or illnesses that keep you from being able to be healthy and happy and whole, just be grateful that you've got a body that could perform in the gym if you decided to go.

    These are the things that are easy to be grateful for. So what we're actually going to break down today is integrity, okay? And a lot of people might take this the wrong way when I say your integrity might be hindering your motivation. That doesn't mean you're a bad person or you're lazy or anything like that.

    That's not what I'm getting to. Not a lot of people know the actual meaning of the word integrity. They don't know where it comes from, and it's really tied into, in my opinion, the spiritual thing, okay? But this came up to me, actually, as I was doing a little active meditation, and I was doing a meditation around loss, and a little background story.

    I'm not gonna bore you with personal details, but some guy reached out to me. If you guys know the story of, you know, my upbringing, and, you know, my mother left when I was at a real young age. It was a really confusing situation, and I was seven years old at the time, and I'm 45 now, and I've seen her twice since then.

    I haven't spoken to her since I was 21, so really, she was like a phantom in my life. My mother. Some people reached out to me on Messenger a few days ago, and they asked, you know, Is your mom Tina? Did you guys live in Clarkston, Washington? And I was like, Whoa! I didn't recognize the name. I didn't recognize any of these people.

    Anyway, come to find out, these guys were good friends with my parents. They had all these pictures of me when I was young with their kids. And man, as you can imagine, this brought back a flood of memories. Subconscious stuff. Unconscious stuff. All these things started revisiting themselves. I said, I want to spend some time with my mother.

    So I did an active meditation. I went back to my mom and what's the most powerful memory you have of your mother? So I went to that moment and that moment was the moment that she told me that she was going to move At the time we live in in Idaho or if you know, I don't she told me that she was gonna pack up and move to California and I was seven years old at the time Like I said, and I've seen her twice since and what I realized in doing this active active imagination meditation Was that was the moment that I believe?

    That I adopted a couple traits that really, they were spurs in my saddle for a long time. Okay, we'll put it that way. These are, these are deep, dark shadows that I just recently came to terms with. Oh, these are issues with you. These are issues with being able to connect with people and being able to relate to people.

    And those two things were one, my sense of urgency around trying to, um, what's the right word? Try to influence people right be able to be persuasive and it's always been from a place of love and I'm my personality type Enneagram type 8. I'm a protector. I'm a leader. I've got a lot of type 1 in me We're gonna talk a lot about the type 1 Enneagram today, but I see the best in people I always have I always have I've always been that guy that's dude.

    You don't even know what you're capable of and So that, that sense of urgency to, to help talk people into seeing the parts of themselves that they don't see in my mind started at that moment. Another thing, if someone ever told me, yeah, let's get together sometime, it's just off the cuff for them. It might be, they might've forgot it as soon as they said it for me, that was a promise.

    That was a deal that was, Oh, so once, and I are going to go play golf next week. Sometime it was like etched in stone. And the reason why I believe that was formed at that time was in my. In my stressful state as a young child, this sense of urgency. I got a lot of people here on Instagram. Hey guys on Instagram.

    Thanks for tuning in as a child, I'm sensing I'm about to lose my mother and I don't even know where it came from, but I had this, I found this really strong ability to persuade and I persuaded her to promise me that if she ever came back to Idaho, she would stay. I thought I had this ace in the hole.

    Here it is. She did come back to Idaho one other time, but she didn't stay. And that just broke my heart. So I have this hyper vigilant, hyper amnesic memory when anybody says, yeah, we'll do this. Let's do this. And I honestly think this has a big influence on how I got into holism. The holistic aspect of humanity is because it's all about integrity.

    That was my first lesson in integrity. So that's why I firmly believe that I see the golden people. I see what they do not see. I see their potential before they do. And I have a heartfelt desire to persuade them to see it as well. And I'm also on the back end looking for some sort of a commitment from people.

    I didn't realize that about myself. And once I did realize it about myself, I wasn't sure where it came from. And that moment right there is where it came from. So again, that was my first painful lesson in integrity that I can remember. And we've all heard the word integrity, but what does it really mean?

    What does it really mean? Dictionary definition? Wholeness, innocence, blameless, purity. Steadfast adherence. To strict moral or ethical codes. A quality or condition of being whole or undivided. Root word is a Latin one, I don't remember it. But, the same root word where integral comes from, integrated comes from.

    So really, integrity means whole. And in the personality work that I do, the Enneagram personality work, that's the type one in the Enneagram. The type one is all about integrity. Type ones do not like to be blamed for anything. Type ones do not like to do the wrong thing. Type ones do not like to be seen as a bad person.

    When they overexpress that, they can become perfectionistic. They can become overly rigid. Metaphysically, they'll develop digestive issues, constipation, hemorrhoids. So they can just really get themselves painted into such a corner, they shrink their comfort zone. Okay? Ironically, integrity plays both ways in the whole process of getting what you want and being motivated.

    And I want to uncover that for you today. Okay. I see this all the freaking time, all the freaking time. I get so many DMs from people and I'll tell you right now, the people that DM me that they're most excited and are just can't wait to talk to me. Those are the ones I'm most nervous about. Those are the ones that are going to be the first one to back out of a program.

    Those are going to be the ones that don't reply to a DM. And here's why I think I figured it out. So if we have too much or too little integrity, here's the likely play on it. Okay. So too little integrity, what's that look like? Someone that has too little integrity is going to feel scattered. They're going to be unorganized.

    They're probably going to be a little fearful of being present. Because when you're present, then you get to feel and you get to think. They are the types that will commit to things and back out or just flat out refuse to commit. Why? Because they have a fear of commitment and their shadow is completeness.

    They don't feel alive or whole unless they're incomplete. This would be like a personality maybe type 4 in the Enneagram. A lot of type 7 in here. So these are people that are led by their emotions, people that are led by actions. They don't like to think a whole lot. Um, definitely not in touch with their intuition so much.

    So, they're led. In a singular focus either in the emotional body or they're spending all their time avoiding thinking and feeling, okay? So that is their relationship with integrity. Integrity is scary to them. Completeness is scary to them. Wholeness is scary to them. So they don't commit to things because they know that they can't commit to things.

    I should say they know that they believe they can't commit to things, okay? So in their mind, it's futile to commit to something because I always sabotage it. It's a lie to self, but that's what they believe. Okay, so they're underdisciplined and they're seeing everything through too broad of a lens. The Type Enneagram is seeing everything they're missing out on.

    So they can't be present and do one thing right now because they're missing out on everything else they could be doing. The Type 4, the emotionally led types, they're so stuck in their emotional world, that if they go immerse themselves in a structured, rigid, organized Situation where there's schedules and there's deadlines and we expect you to show up here in this way That is just that just seems like absolute terror to them absolute horror to them because they're gonna miss out on figuring out what's going on in their emotional world if they're structured organized and Expected to be accountable for things any of these personality types can work can find discipline can find motivation can find integrity It's just your version of it is gonna look a little bit different than someone else's What happens when you have too much, when you have too much integrity, when you feel you're too integral of a person, you might become overly rigid, fun might be scary to you, emotions might be scary to you, doing things just to do things with no expectation of outcome, no objective way to say it was a win or it was a loss or that it ended up good or ended up bad, that might seem really unattractive to you if you're Overly tied into overly attached to your integrity too much is going to really focus your view.

    Focus your lens on how you see the world. You're going to tend to see the world more through like the lens of a pea shooter. Very narrow focus on things. You don't see the broad picture the big picture because you're so busy about perfecting your little part of the equation so that you can't be blamed or so that you can't make a mistake.

    You end up seeing a lot of saying no, a lot to opportunities in life. Okay. Again, this is someone with too much integrity and. It's not that they really have too much integrity, it's just they haven't really prioritized in their life what needs the integrity. Or they've got mismatched values with their actual goals in life, okay?

    So their goals don't match their values. So their integrity is placed in something that doesn't match their goals, but it might match their values. But if their goals and their values don't match, then you can't form an alignment with, uh, with, of your priorities. And with commitments, they're likely going to find reasons why it's not appropriate at this time to take action.

    Now if this is you at all, think about if that's true in your case. And why would it not be appropriate? If I decide to go on this meal plan, but my family's not, I'll be separating from the family. That wouldn't be good. Or, if I decide to start going to the gym and start exercising, then I might have to sacrifice some family time, or I might have to uh, take a look at my work schedule and see if I can get some sort of accommodation there.

    And that wouldn't be the right thing to do. That's not what a good person would do. That's not very conscientious. But they're missing the big picture and something like that. And those are real life examples, guys. I'm just throwing those out there. But to use the family thing, like Is the family going to miss you for 30 minutes a day?

    And if the answer is yes, what are you giving them on the back end? Would they rather have that 30 minutes a day with you? That may or may not be that important if you were to get more intentional with the time you do spend with them? Would they rather have that and watch you die a slow death because you didn't live your dreams?

    Because you didn't find health ever? You didn't figure out how to get off those prescription drugs and avoid those surgeries? Maybe not. The answer is always individual. Bad optics. Oh, that would look bad. That would just look bad. If I'm the only one going to the gym on my lunch break at the office, and everyone else is working through their lunch, I gotta be part of the team and work through my lunch too.

    That's what the boss expects. Did you see how that, those values, those ethics, that would be work ethic, right? That wouldn't be morals per se. But let's say your work ethic and not wanting to look bad or look like the, the maverick, the rogue employee. Really, that's a misplaced value, right? Because it doesn't really matter.

    And the big, what's important is what's good for you. So again, if you're overly rigid, if we relying too much on our version of integrity, we really narrow the frame of focus. We narrow our experiential innate relationship with the world and we just lack a broad view. So most of us fall somewhere within the spectrum.

    Very few people are all the way, all the way one end or the other. But I would think that you probably know if this is an issue for you, you probably know where you fall on the spectrum. So some things that you can do, right? If you are on the end of the spectrum where you're a little more scattered, a little more unorganized, maybe structure scares you.

    That would be too little integrity at a little bit. You don't need to add a whole bunch. You need to go from zero to a thousand, but also get in tune. The fact that you just like everyone else have 24 hours in your day. And why would you want to go through all your days without having some sort of dedicated time for certain important things?

    And you can express yourself truly authentically. Because you're not denying yourself anything that's important. So for those types, I wouldn't say just start writing everything down on a calendar and tracking everything that you do, but what's one thing you could add to your life on a daily basis that would add some structure that would put you more in alignment.

    With your goals, have you written your goals down? Have you just tried something that, that you didn't think was going to work or that you didn't think you had time for, or that you didn't think you would be disciplined enough to do? Have you actually tried it or did you talk yourself out of it before you did it?

    So I would just add a little bit of structure, a little bit of structure to your life, a little bit of structure to your day, journaling is a great thing for people that are pretty scattered, pretty unorganized, because they tend to be more of a creative type, more of an expressive type, and ironically, it's their repression of their self expression that's getting them in this state, but journaling is great.

    You can express yourself freely. You don't have to worry about what anybody says about it. And if you commit to a certain time every single day to do it, that's a start. Now you've proven to yourself that you can schedule something and do it. If you've got too much integrity, um, really take a look at your values.

    Really take a look at what you want in life. And see how your time appropriation for each of those matches. Are you really getting it right for what you want and for how you want to show up to the world? And then how could you make it a little more fun? Fun is not bad. Fun is not gonna hurt you, okay? Fun is not dangerous.

    So how can you make things just a little bit more fun? Because the reason why they say no to things in life, in part, in large part, is because when you're not having fun, you're missing out on the experiential of life, right? So now you want to look at objective things that you did or didn't do. That say you're a good or a bad person.

    And having fun could really fly in the face of that. But if we take a look at your relationship with integrity, which is highly attached, you're really highly attached to your integrity, and we look at the actual meaning of the word integrity, it means whole. So how whole are you if you're not having any fun?

    How whole are you if you're not taking some risks in life, some safe risks, and realize, Oh, I can take a little bit of a risk and not die. So it's just little simple tweaks, little simple tweaks. Obviously, The best way to really source this stuff is to just get down into it and get your personality established, know what your personality is, know what your traits are, know what it looks like when you're on your path to growth, and know what it looks like when you're on your path to decline.

    There's all sorts of resources you can have for that. Of course, I recommend the Enneagram, I recommend the Riso Hudson Enneagram system, and any of the testing and any of the resources and books that are around that will be very helpful to you. If you want to fast track that, of course, you can give me a call and we can get you going.

    But really, Really the, in closing here guys, is like the main theme of this is to realize where your motivation comes from. You got the top down white hot stuff and you've got the bottom up foundational stuff and those two need to be feeding each other to keep the fire going and integrity is a big one.

    Integrity is a big one. Okay, your level with integrity is your level with wholeness. So as I brought up in the example earlier, the people that are the most excited when they reach out on DM and the conversation is really hot and heavy really quick. I know right away. Okay. This guy's he's experiencing some white hot motivation and within a few questions.

    I realize there isn't much foundational motivation. Once I realized that I don't write anybody off, but I, I'm not super hopeful that this person is going to actually commit to something. It's because they're running off of white hot motivation. And so if you're missing any of those, if you're missing any, those are the types of people that lack the integrity necessary to actually take focused action.

    Okay? And tied into this, guys, all of this is your level of self love and your level of self acceptance. And self acceptance doesn't mean that I don't need to show up and I don't care, um, in my highest self or my best self, whatever, take me as I am. That's not self acceptance. Self acceptance, um, is accepting yourself for who you are, but the bigger picture is that you love yourself enough to be your best self.

    And most of the things that we put in our way aren't put there by us. Other people put them there for us, and we're young and impressionable, or we're stressed out and impressionable. When these ideas come across our psyche, and we believe them. We believe that there's something wrong with us. We believe that people don't accept us.

    We believe that we're useless. We believe that we provide no value to the world. We believe that s**t. But none of it's true. None of it's true. Your level of attachment, your level of integrity, is gonna be directly correlated to your deep seated beliefs about yourself, whether they're yours or someone else's.

    The better we get at sourcing this stuff, start with your integrity. So those people that reach out to me that are lacking that bottom up motivation, no purpose, it's ironic because those are the ones that need my program the most because they're lacking wholeness, right? Which is why they're on that end of the spectrum, but those are the ones that are most likely to sabotage your efforts or not commit.

    The other ones, if you're way on that level of integrity scale, really high on the other end of the spectrum, those are the ones that sit and wait and wait and wait and don't take action because there's never a perfect time. So if you fall somewhere in that spectrum, know where you're at, know what motivation you're lacking.

    If it's top down, bottom up, okay? And if you have no idea what any of that is, of course I've got you. Like I said, download my app, go to the App Store. There will be a link in the description once all this is published. But again, that is designed to get this set up with you. And I, this is something everybody needs, so I decided to make it free.

    I decided to make it free. Download my app, Euphoric HealthWorks. Y O U P H O R I C, HealthWorks. All one word. I've also got a men's group going in January. I've still got a few spots left for that. Actually, just had one guy back out yesterday. Actually, I had this podcast planned before that happened, too. I just thought, how ironic.

    Had a guy back out yesterday. Got another spot open there. Um, this is a Fit Dad Challenge, guys. It's gonna be 16 weeks. You're gonna get personalized, personalized workout program, personalized nutrition plan, prep plan, 10 weeks of, or 16 weeks of 10 guys in the same position as you, supporting you. Sharing their wins and their losses for the week and just keeping you immersed in the process long enough for you to build habits because It's one thing to run on a white hot motivation But if you aren't immersed in the process long enough to build habits that s**t's gonna burn up You're not gonna have coals to keep it going and you'll just be where you were the last ten times you've tried this Okay, so if you want to get in on that you can go ahead and DM me it's about Oh 25 percent of my one on one investment rate plus an extra month of service on top of that plus group support Yeah.

    And if you guys need help with anything that we talked about today, I'm here for you. Feel free to reach out to me on DM. And even if you are on that lower end of the spectrum and you get all excited and you're lacking that motivation, you can go ahead and DM me. We'll talk. Okay. All right. Real quick.

    We'll see if there's any comments. No, we just got one person said, hi, how's it going? All right. So if nobody's got any questions, I'm going to go ahead and sign off, get to dinner. I appreciate you guys for tuning in. Those of you tuned in on Instagram, tuned in my Facebook group, thank you very much. And as always, if you ever need anything, I'm available for you.

    Reach me on DM, you can email me jerry at biohackingtruth. com. Reach me on my direct cell, 406 241 3763. I'm always here for you, 24 7 365. Alright guys, signing off. Peace, much love, and live well.

    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
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    Alright, guys. We're going back to live podcast for a little bit. So this is a live edition of the Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul podcast with Coach Jerry. I am your host, Coach Jerry.

    Not to bore you with the details of why I feel qualified to talk about such things. But as many of I spent the majority of my career or my life putting all my time, energy into the wrong career and As a consequence of doing that, I found myself in a real bad state of poor health, arthritis, GERD, autoimmunity, obesity, depression, anxiety, anger management issues, all of it.

    And really my soul was just crying out, do something different. And if it weren't for the grace of God, and for some reason my soul, my higher self got my attention at the right time and I made the switch and I made the change. And for the past 10 years, I've been able to keep the weight off, to keep healthy, high level energy.

    Whereas before, much like many of you,   📍 I had experienced multiple rounds of weight loss and weight gain. So I probably lost and gained 50 pounds or more. I don't know, I'd say 10 or 12 times in my life. So I've been there. I know what it's like. So we're going to talk about the most confusing thing for most people, which ironically, once   📍 you get down to, The truth about it.

    It's not confusing at all. And then you will probably understand why it was so confusing to you before. But before we do that, a quick note from our sponsor today. Today's episode is brought to you by Euphoric HealthWorks workshop based app. Have you ever found yourself battling procrastination, distractions, lack of purpose and direction?

     Just wandering, wondering what your next steps are going to be to creating your dream life? The Euphoric HealthWorks app was created just for you. Workshops on the Euphoric HealthWorks app are designed to help you source and remove all the obstacles that keep you from manifesting your best self. These aren't courses with tests and certifications.

    These are real life, applicable workshops designed to give you real resources that you can work through on your time. Laser focused and efficient. Now this is the free version of this. There's a few paid workshops on there. But the free version of this was really designed for you. It doesn't matter what your goal is.

    If you want career advancement, if you want to lose weight, if you want to get back in the gym, but there's something stopping you, you're sabotaging your efforts, you can't find the energy, you can't find the motivation, that free version of the app, the initial part, the foundational part of that app is designed just for you.

    Okay, so you can download the euphoric health works app for free today, available on apple app store or google play link and show notes. I put a link in the description of this show. All right, here we go.   📍 All right, nutrition. So basically what I've seen with myself and with all the people I work with is their inability to understand nutritional value.

      📍 maintain a healthy lifestyle or to stick to a meal plan that works for them is usually falling in one of three different areas. If not all three, I found once you remove these obstacles, things just become such second   📍 nature, just like it's second nature for you to not think about what you're going to eat for the day, to just grab whatever sounds good.

    All of a sudden convenience becomes a virtue when convenience is never a virtue when we're feeding ourselves ever tattoo that on your forehead. Convenience is never a virtue when we're feeding ourselves. Okay. Never as convenience, the determining factor in what you're going to eat if you want to live healthy and be energetic and vital.

      📍 Okay. And once we remove those and it just becomes second nature, just like all those bad habits were second nature, your good habits become second nature after you remove those silly things.

    So first thing we're gonna talk about   📍 is the family dynamic. This one comes up a lot. So generally sometimes I work with both couples, but generally if I end up with working with both couples, I'm working with one person and then I end up working with the other person or 99 percent of the time you don't work with the other person.

    So   📍 what happens is someone embarks on a transformation journey to embark on a. They're making a change in their life and maybe they're the only one that's going to make that change in their life or maybe in their household or maybe they're the only one that really  needs to make that change in their household.

     But whatever the case may be, it all of a sudden becomes where mom or dad is on one plan and the rest of the family. Is it on a plan or they're on a different plan? And when you're already battling temptation, you're already battling doubt, when you're already battling remembering past failures, and you're sitting there eating your healthy meal, your carnivore steak, or, maybe you got a paleo style meal or what have you, and the rest of the family's eating spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread.

    Alright, and then what happens is you eat your good meal, and then, maybe an hour or two later, you just sneak a piece of garlic bread, and then you sneak two pieces of garlic bread, and then you're like, Ah, s**t, I've had two pieces of garlic bread, I might as well grab a Snickers out of the candy dish.

    These things build on each other. tHe one thing, one thing that I really recommend there is taking the time if you haven't already taking the time to get real with your partner about what you need to be successful and really gain their level of support because we don't realize all the time how much our support matters to the spouse or how much our habits and our behaviors could tempt our spouse or a partner.

    And just getting real with it. So it's both of you on this plan, right? Like you've got the, you've got the action taker and you've got the support system. So taking the time to just sit down and getting real with that individual and saying, Hey, this is look, I know it sounds silly, but like when you put the candy out, I literally can't not grab some and at that point you might be telling the truth like you, until you understand how to get this in your life and you start switching your gut biome and you start regulating your insulin better.

      📍 And your glucose and your bloodstream better and your cravings go away, your organs start to heal and repair themselves until you get to that point, you might not be able to say no to that candy. And that's a reality. Okay. You'll be able to   📍 say no a hundred times with that hundred and first time you'll say yes.

    Okay, and that's what happens So just let them know and set some plans in place like know what is gonna get in your way Okay, so I got one client who's? caNdy binging is their thing. They like to binge on candy Halloween just happened So they put on 15 pounds   📍 through holiday the holidays and they got Christmas coming up to worry about that of course, but really what it boiled down to Was just having that big candy dish right out and this guy could not say no when we walk by the candy dish Everyone else in the family could everyone else in   📍 the family can walk by it grab a piece or two every day And he would walk by grab one of each, you got Milky Way snickers Reese's Almond Joy So so really just setting up your environment to be successful Be honest with people about what you need from them to help you be  successful.

      📍 And and then that also bleeds into family gatherings, work gatherings, public gatherings, things like that. Maybe you're maybe there's a function that you're attending or birthday celebration or something you're attending and you know they're gonna have crappy food   📍 there, right? The right thing to do if you want to stay on your plan, and this isn't a day where you plan for an indulgence.

    And so really participating in the food that they're providing would be a core values violation for your mission. Bring your own food or fast and that's why personalized meal plans are really   📍 rock solid. Okay Bringing your own stuff to a barbecue Ordering a la carte at a restaurant if we go get breakfast at a restaurant You don't have to order the omelet that comes with the toast and the hash browns or biscuit and blah blah blah You can just order the omelet and get nothing on the side or get a side of fruit or something like that So just doing things different then everyone else.

    So it starts out with the family   📍 dynamic. Be clear on where your weaknesses are and ask for support for extra strength until that becomes a strength for you. Be mad enough to do that, right? Be strong enough to do that. And just be honest with yourself. If you can't say no to something right now, remove it.

     Move it out of the house. Okay. One example, another candy example. So I'm a client, I'm pre diabetic and they really like candy and they can't say no to candy and they got a spouse that can say no to candy, but they like to have candy out. They've got apples in the fridge. They got pears in the fridge.

    They got oranges in the fridge. They got other sweet treats that are a lot more healthy, but those aren't front and center. So I'm like what about, what if we just take that candy dish? Put it in the pantry above the fridge so your family can still access it if they want and put the fruit bowl out where you're walking by it all the time.

    And just a little simple habit swap like that or a little environmental shift like that, uh, caused him to eat way less candy. Now he could eat candy on his days where he planned for his indulgences instead of every single day. So it starts off with that and then don't be afraid to be weird. Don't be afraid to be a little bit weird.

    Don't be afraid to do something different than everyone else, okay? Because here's the thing. We walk in there. We're 30, 40 pounds overweight. We've got that big belly overlap in our belt buckle and we sit down with the rest of the boys. Maybe we're, at a Bible study or, bridge club or what have you.

    And everyone else looks the same, right? You're going to fit in there, but you fast forward six months later and you've dropped 50 pounds. You're also going to be weird, aren't you? You're going to be the slim guy at the table and they're going to want to know what you're doing. Okay. Don't be afraid to be weird.

    Don't be afraid to do things a little bit different. And, this is a great example I like to use. If you were to, if you were to go on vacation, like Spain or Italy or somewhere, in a blue zone area. If you were to go to a blue zone area. And you met up with groups there and, you're in a group setting and everybody in the group setting is eating the blue zone food and you show up with a bag of Doritos, some Oreos and a sandwich.

    It's got this much bread on it. You might well, besides the bread's pretty normal there, but you're not going to fit in. Are you? You're gonna look a little weird. So why don't you take that blue zone mentality to your current environment? Because in the midst of being weird, being a little bit different, While you're doing that, who's this guy?

    What's going on here? But six months later, when you drop that 50 pounds, they're going to go Oh, what he was doing works. So you never know how your success is going to help motivate other people, inspire other people and spark them to take action for their own situation as well. Okay, so right there, very first thing, don't be afraid to be weird.

    Don't be afraid to be weird and don't be afraid to be honest about what your shortcomings are and directly impact your environment so that you can be the most successful that you possibly can be. Don't fool yourself and think just because I'm starting a diet plan today, that means I can walk past that, that bowl of Reese's peanut butter cups or that tray of cookies or what have you, the soda that's in the fridge.

    If they love you, they will be able to support you and they will be able to help you shift your environment so that you can be as healthy as you possibly can. So the second thing planning. Okay, so I'll be honest with you. I don't plan my meals anymore, but for an entire year plus I wrote down everything I ate, how it made me feel, how my bowel movements were, what my training was like in the gym, what my recovery was like.

    So I literally track the effects of everything. That's not my style. That's not my personality at all to do that stuff. It's not like that year sucked. Okay, it really sucked having to write everything down. Be really honest with the effects of what I was eating and putting in my body. It really wasn't fun.

    Okay. But it was well worth it because here we are, what, four years. No, wait, that was before I enrolled in the Czech Institute. That came from Paul's book. So we're talking like seven years ago and I haven't had to track food since. And there's been time where times where, I fell out of alignment a little bit, but it was so easy to get right back.

    So where I'm at the point now, where I don't have to think about what I'm eating, I can just make good food choices. I just know that when I break my fast for the day, I'm going to break my fast a certain way and that never waivers. That's a non negotiable for me. And when I break my fast that way, it says my blood sugar management regulation, my insulin regulation.

    Cortisol regulation, all of that to the point to where I will experience the least amount of sugar crash or blood sugar crash and the least amount of hunger and uncontrollable cravings that I could possibly can. And that's with a really tough training day too in the gym. But too many people want to have that luxury right now.

    They want to start a diet and lifestyle plan and very first day, they don't want to plan anything. I don't want to write s**t down, but you know what? You don't get to do that yet. You haven't earned that. You haven't proved to yourself that you can do that yet. That's not a judgment. That doesn't that's not a you're not enough statement.

    No, it's just being honest and being real with your abilities in the current moment. Okay, winging it, not planning just eating on the fly for out of convenience or emotional eating or whatever. It's what got you here. What got you to the point to the state from which you want to transcend from? So why would you use the same strategy to break out of it?

    Okay, anytime you're making a change You've got to do something different if nothing changes nothing will change So until you get to the point to where you can just wake up at night and think about what you're gonna eat for the day You make good choices and you're like man. I didn't have to think about that today until you get to that point You're just doing yourself a disservice by being lazy and not planning it out.

    Okay. So a lot of my, a lot of my fat loss clients, one of the first, one of the first action items they get is just make a menu for the week. I don't care what you put on it. Pizza, brownies, cinnamon toast, crunch, Coca Cola, whatever. But if you're going to have cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast, put it on your menu on Sunday.

    If you're going to have cinnamon toast crunch for breakfast on Wednesday, put it on your menu Sunday. And you can have Coca Cola with pizza on Friday. Put it on your menu on Friday. tHe number of people that actually do that the first week is less than 20%. Less than 2 out of 10 of my clients will get that done the first week.

    And they'll always come back with some excuse. Always. We plan it out. Sunday you're gonna do this. You and the wife are gonna sit down, write a menu, you're gonna go shopping, blah, blah, blah, blah. The reason why I do that is I prove to them. You're spending all of your mental energy trying to figure out what to eat when your whole effing problem is you don't plan.

    You don't plan. I just gave you full permission as your coach and guide to eat whatever the hell you want, but you've got to plan to eat what you want. Okay, so it's the planning. It's not what to eat. It's really difficult to sit down and plan to abuse yourself with food for the week. And so when they don't do that's a subconscious sign.

    that they don't really believe that they can eat healthy. So they know they're going to eat garbage, and they don't want to be accountable for it. They don't want to write it down and say, I did this, or I'm going to do this. So first thing, gotta plan. Gotta plan your meals. There's two really effective plans.

    It really depends on what your personality is, and how you roll, how you interface with the world. First plan is just pick a day. This is what I did. I pick a day. Sunday was our day. We sit down, we write our menu for the week, and then we go out and we buy all our groceries for the week for our menu.

    That was it. It took more than half the day Sunday, but it was well worth it. I've got to connect with the wife, got to go shopping together. We got to talk about nutrition and what real food is and what real food is. And I think that's my where my wife really learned the lesson of what processed foods are and what real foods are.

      📍 And she's really freaking smart and amazing cook. So I'm really lucky. She knows how to put together healthy meals and she makes awesome meals. My daughter does, too. My daughter is an excellent cook, so I got lucky there. The second thing is just daily planning. Daily planning would be, I wake up and that's part of your morning routine.

    This is part of your intention setting for the day. Bring you wake up and say, Today I am going to eat fill in the blank. And I am, I know that these are going to be my obstacles to   📍 achieving my goal. Okay, so maybe we have a meeting at lunch at work and they always bring croissant sandwiches and cookies and blah, blah, blah.

     I'm going to plan for that. So planning for your meals, knowing what you should be eating is obviously super important, but really just being disciplined enough to plan your meals for the day. I would say is even more important. And then what should I eat? Everybody's different, but I'll just put it to you this way.

    This is the simplest way I can explain it. And all the stuff's on my app, guys, that I mentioned at the intro.   📍 If it grows out of the ground, it's food. If it eats something that grows out of the ground, or eats something that grows out of the ground, it's food. If it runs, swims, flies, it's food.

    So in other words, if it's real whole food, it's food. If it's packaged food, it's not food. Now that doesn't mean you can't   📍 ever eat packaged food again if you work with a guy like me, no. In fact I'm not, nowhere near that, that strict and regimented in my approach. But just realize that what you're doing is eating a non food.

    That's it. You wouldn't believe how many people think they're eating healthy, and I take a look at what they're eating, and it's spaghetti   📍 all kinds of pastas, all kinds of pasta dishes, sandwiches, just all kinds of stuff with a bunch of empty calories, a bunch of digestive irritants, a bunch of things that can cause bloating and fluid retention   📍 And inflammation in the body, just all kinds of things are really bad for a weight loss goal and a health goal, but they think they're eating healthy and with that guideline of look, look, dude, if it doesn't grow out of the ground, it doesn't eat something that grows out of the ground, doesn't eat something to eat something that grows out of the ground, then it's not real food.

     So for you with the amount of weight you want to lose in this amount of time, the more you can stick to eating only real food, the quicker and more predictable you're going to get to your results. That's the way it is. I think you have to eat this and you have to eat that. So that's real food. Got a plan to eat.

    Don't just eat reactionary responsibly. Great. Be intentional about what you're doing and then prep food, prep this thing like you can make a ritual out of it. You could turn it into a second job if you want again. This is all your personality, how immersed you want to be in the process, all of that.

    So a couple different things, much like the menu planning, just like the menu planning, you can plan your, you can plan your meals out and cook them and prepare them and store them and have them last you for the week. Or you can do it by the day. I like the latter option matched my personality better and your food stays fresher.

      📍 So for prepping all of our food on Sunday, by the time you get to that salmon and quinoa on Friday, it's lost a lot of its nutrient value. It's lost a lot of its vitality. A lot of times you got to heat that stuff up in the microwave if you don't have anything else to heat up with. And so there's a lot of   📍 downside to that, but it's much better than not planning at all and eating garbage.

    Obviously a much better choice. Now the daily planning, this is how I roll. This is the simplest way to   📍 prep your meals, avoid sabotage, and to avoid blood sugar crashes and spikes and crashes, insulin dumps, cortisol dumps, and the like. If you intermittent fast, if you skip breakfast, and if you can't do that, if you just, I can't skip breakfast, try a coffee with some grass fed butter in it, not like a 40 ounce coffee,

      📍 you want to stay hydrated, but start your day off with a little bit of healthy fat or if you're vegan, maybe MCTO. So you're skipping breakfast or you're having a fat coffee, a fat induced coffee, and then your lunch is going to be last night's dinner. Leftover and then your dinner is going to be a bomb ass meal, all kinds of whole foods, all kinds of, unless you're carnivore, if you're carnivore, it's just a beautiful steak,   📍

    maybe some liver, but if you're not carnivore talking like. As many colors and culinary creativity, all this different textures and flavors and spices and herbs and just go to town, go for it. Because you haven't had to think about what do I do for breakfast? What do I do for lunch? All of your creativity around your meal planning gets to go towards this one meal for the day.

    So you create this bomb ass dinner and the reason why you want to do that is because you're creating an intimacy with what you're eating.   📍 If you just open up a can and dump it into a pan, that's a lot different than if you went to the store, you picked the vegetables out yourself, you took them home, you washed them, you chopped them, you cooked them, blah, blah, blah.

     And no, first instinct might be, oh, that's a lot of time. But what are you doing instead that's so damn important? What are you doing instead that's going to help extend your lifespan? What are you doing instead that's going to help you have more energy, more vitality, better mood, and set a better example for future generations?

    Okay, so if you think you don't have the time, just look at your priorities. back to the mission here. So you spend all that time and you create something that is loaded with nutrients. It's super satiating. You get the positive feedback that you just did something good for yourself. But more importantly, you create a meal that you wouldn't mind eating again tomorrow.

    That is the you only got to make one decision every single day. Now pause for a second. If that sounds too simple, pause If that sounds like, no way it can be that easy. Oh, I would get bored of that. Just realize that might be a pattern of yours. And if you've had unsuccessful attempts in the past, or you've succeeded and fell off the wagon, gained more weight back, just ask yourself, how often do you do that to ideas that could help you?

    You see this over and over again. People refuse to believe the simplicity of being healthy, fit, energized, and conditioned. I did a reel last week, and I don't know if you guys caught it, I don't think you did, nobody watched that reel but

    Oh s**t, I lost my track.

    It's the simplicity, okay, if we don't believe in the simplicity of what's healthy, then that's part of our pattern of trying to make things too hard. It doesn't have to be hard. Oh, I remember where I was going with this You were created, our bodies are created to be healthy. We've got a, we've got a mechanism within us, it's called allostasis.

      📍 And allostasis is our body's mechanism to always get us back to balance. It wants homeostasis. Homeostasis is balance within our body's physiology. Our body's always working towards that. Now we can use big words like homeostasis and allostasis, but really what is that? What is balance? Is balance healthy or unhealthy?

    It's very healthy, isn't it? So your body's always trying to push you towards being   📍 healthy. Where we experience the lack of energy, the fatigue, the feeling like, like we're beat down, we're not winning in life, is because we're resisting our body's attempts to get us healthy. Our body's trying to give us signals.

    Hey, you're really tired because you're eating s**t. Yeah, you're going to the bathroom four times before you go to work because you're not eating real food. Or you haven't gone to the bathroom in four days because you're not eating real food. But we just think, oh, I'm getting old or I've got this genetic thing or whatever.

     Also take a look at your prescription drug side effects. So for us to believe that we can't is just ignoring God. It's ignoring physiology. It's ignoring, evolution. It's ignoring all that. So the truth of the matter is. Health has got to be simple because we're designed to be healthy given everything we need to be healthy fit heal We got all the herbs we got all the plants We got everything we need to be our best self the plants the herbs all that they're made out of the same stuff We are right spaced us.

    So resist the urge to believe it has to be harder than it is. It's not this super simple Okay So just as a recap Let the family know what your mission is and how you can be supported and where you're gonna might be weak for the next few months until you get things down. So get them on board with you.

    They don't have to change anything they're doing, but let them be your support system. Don't be afraid to be weird if you're at a family gathering or you're in public at a work gathering or something like that. Don't be afraid to be a little bit weird. Order a little differently off the menu. Bring your own food.

    That's okay. If someone gets offended. It's not on you, bro. If they get offended, just ask them how many prescriptions they're on. Don't do that. But you don't have to keep them from being offended. Maybe being offended would help them. Plan. Plan your stuff out. Plan what you're going to eat for the week.

      📍 Plan what you're going to eat for the day. And make it as simple as possible. Prep your food, whatever way works best for you. But really have a plan. This is important stuff, right?

    And then the last thing. None of this is probably a surprise to you. You're like, oh yeah, I've heard that before. Just eat whole foods. But for some reason we can't do it. Now, a lot of it's what I mentioned above, but why do we refuse to plan? Why do we refuse to believe that it's that simple? Why do we let other people's agenda affect our agenda?

    Why do we do that? Yeah, we call that emotional eating,   📍 but really what is that? That's like placeholder for what an unmet need, or one could say a lack of wins in life. So if you haven't had a win in your day and it's 10 30 PM and you're about to go to sleep, but you haven't had a win, you piece of chocolate makes you feel better, doesn't it?

     So where in your life are you lacking purpose? Where in your life do you know how to make goals? Because if you don't have a goal, you're going to want to, you're going to want to soothe yourself. Some way, shape, or form, right? We're put here to keep striving, keep advancing, keep pushing ourselves, be our best self.

    And when we put the brakes on that, our soul sends us a message. And we tend to mute it with food. If you're lacking that in your life, and you find yourself unable to control your eating, or you're just snacking, and mindless eating, get real with that. What in your life would you like to get done?

    And ironically, it's generally around your health, weight loss, what have you. That's the way you're not experiencing. And because you're not experiencing that win. You tune it out. You don't wanna think about it. 'cause maybe you've tried it several times and failed. That's what, we put it in our shadow that becomes our shadow part of ourselves.

    We don't acknowledge or we don't address. I don't wanna think about it right now. Let's say we think about a bunch of other things we do. We occupy our time with a bunch of other activities, and I include career in this. Your career is not more important in your health, in my humble opinion, but we'll do that.

    We'll occupy time and energy with things that aren't as important as our longevity and the example we set for future generations and just feeling great ourselves. So we'll do that. Our health becomes a shadow. And then because our health is the shadow that's creating the emotional distress and we don't know that we haven't sourced it.

    We just know we haven't felt the wind today. So grab some candy. We grab some bread. We grab some things that are gonna make us feel better. It's the opposite of a win. So anyway that's about all I got for that particular subject. I think I talked way too long for as simple it is, but it's super simple.

    And all this boils down to one thing. And it's are you an individuated person? Are you sure that your beliefs Your identity, how you interface with the world, your core values, your basic mission statement for your life. Are you so sure that all those values and virtues that you've adopted are yours?

    Or are you living someone else's belief system out? Because if we're living someone else's belief system out, we will not be able to just show up to the family function with our own food. We will not be able to fast through a work gathering when everyone else is eating cookies and croissants. Okay, so take a look at that.

    A lot of that stuff's on the app I mentioned. And it's free. Yeah, if you don't want a free app, I understand. It's probably about four hours worth of videos and a bunch of resources to go through. It's going to take some of your time. So if you're not ready for it, totally understand, but maybe download it now and just peruse it.

    You might be interested in what it says. It might tickle your subconscious a little bit. All right. We'll check for comments here. All right. Just the spam comments from StreamYard is all we got here. All right, guys, if you if you're interested in joining that DadBot Transformation group, just leave me a comment down below or actually DM me.

    DM me would probably be the best way that I don't miss a message. Again, we got four spots left. We're gonna roll mid January. I've got a really flexible payment schedule if finances are an issue for you. I know Christmas is coming up and what have you. Really for about the cost of a good gym membership.

    You can make this happen. I appreciate you tuning in. The sovereign mind, body and soul live podcast. All right. Peace, much love and live well.

    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder and similar symptoms affect over 10 million Americans every year. Here are some effective perspectives and actions that have been effective remedies for me and my clients.

    Note: This is not medical advice, nor is it a diagnosis or alternative to medical care. If you feel you have a clinically diagnosable condition, please seek the professional guidance you need to be your best.

    Podcast transcript:

    Thank you for joining me for another edition of the sovereign mind, body and soul podcast. And today we're going to talk about sad, being sad, more specifically, seasonal effect disorder, seasonal mood swings.

    Maybe you're one of the millions of Americans that are affected by this every year.

      Maybe you're one of the millions of Americans who's just accepted the label and diagnosis by the pharmaceutical industry. So they can give you some fresh new drugs.

    That you can get addicted to and help. Maybe there'll be enough side effects to create a brand new disease for you. So you'll have to see your doctor even more and be beyond more prescriptions and visit the pharmacy even more.  But before we get into that happy subject, that happy topic, a little note from our sponsor.

    Today's episode of the Sovereign Mind, Body, and Soul podcast is brought to you by Euphoric HealthWorks, workshop based app.

      Have you ever found yourself battling procrastination? Distractions?

    Maybe you're just wondering what your next steps are to creating your dream life. Euphoric HealthWorks app was created just for you. The workshops on the Euphoric HealthWorks app are designed to help you source and remove all the obstacles that keep you from manifesting your best self.

    These aren't courses   📍 with tests and certifications. These are workshops designed to give you real resources that you can work through on your time, laser focused and efficient.

    I've taken all the things in my six to 12 month  program that are the best bang for your buck as far as your personal growth journey goes. And I've combined them all in one app. I've put them in chronological order so that you can go through these different areas of self discovery. In a way that's going to provide the exact benefit at the exact time to keep you in alignment with your best self.

    Download the Euphoric HealthWorks app for free today. It's available on Apple App Store or on Google Play. The link will be in the show notes.

      Alright, on to our topic today of sadness. We're gonna, we're gonna make sadness a happy topic today. Sadness. Seasonal Affective Disorder. Like I said, it  affects 10 million Americans. An additional 10 to 20%, that's 660, 000 Americans have mild seasonal affective disorder, otherwise known as SAD, SAD is four times more common in women than in men.

    And I like to think of the seasons as almost like the the emotional body of our universe, of our earth. I

    mean, just think about what summer, what is summer? Summer is where we have really long days, really short nights. You might find that you need a little bit less sleep in the summer. You might find that you have more energy in the summer.

      Now a lot of that is because there's just more to do. More activities to be excited about. But it's more than that. That continued exposure to sunlight. is adding more vitamin D to your system. Your body is synthesizing more vitamin D.

    Vitamin D is critical in your ability to manufacture and convert energetic and youthful hormones in your body.

    If we're thinking in terms of yin and yang, summer is the ultimate yang.Summer is when the earth goes type A. Summer is when the earth gets extroverted. Summer is when the earth is burning more energy than it's creating. This is a catabolic phase, but we can't do summer year round in most places.

     So most of us live in an area where there are four seasons, And if we think of summer is like a high intensity workout, like high intensity workouts are great. They're going to bump your metabolism. They're going to increase your testosterone.

    They're going to make you stronger and more conditioned. But if you never take a break from high intensity workouts, eventually you'll burn out. Things will start to break down, they'll start to wear down, you'll start to get injuries, you'll start experiencing recovery debts. Particularly if you aren't sleeping, eating real food, hydrating yourself.

    Because those are the important aspects of recovery. Those would represent  the winter in our day. Because if high intensity interval training... Our high intensity training is the summer of our day,

    then the sleep, the stretching, the foam rolling, the hydration, eating real food, nutrient dense food, that's going to be the winter of our day. So the earth goes through the same thing. Summer is like the high intensity workout for the earth, and like I mentioned earlier, we cannot You can't have summer 24 7 365, otherwise the earth will burn up. The ground will stay dry, the plants will dry up, maybe invasive species that grow well in dry weather, hot weather, will take over. So while summer's good, just like a high intensity workout is good,  we can't do it all the time.

    So eventually the earth ramps down and goes from summer into fall. So we go from this massive yang state and we start gearing more towards yin. So to compare yin and yang to the physiology in your body or the physiology of the earth, Yang is representative of our output. It's our burning of our energy.

    It's spending our energy.

     It's like going shopping is yang. Saving money is yin. So yang is outward. Yang is expressive. Yang is extroverted. Yin is going inward. It's the feminine side of us. The feminine receives inward, the masculine delivers outward. So yang is the masculine, yin is the feminine.

      As we go into the fall season on the earth is preparing itself to go into yin phase. It's preparing itself to go into hibernation. Where things can heal, things can pause,   things can take a time out, regulate themselves. So winter is the yin for Earth. And we have yin in our day. We have yin in our week.

    We have yin in our year. So we have  seasons to our life. But our work schedule doesn't have seasons, generally. Our family obligations doesn't have seasons, generally. While the activities and responsibilities  might change by the season, sure. You still gotta be a mom or dad 24 7, 365. I'm sure if you work seven to five, five days a week in the summer, you're probably working something close to that in the  winter.

      If the Earth is going into a yin phase,well, what happens when we switch phases? We see a change in air temp, don't we? We see a change in the humidity. We see a change in the amount of daylight. And our physiology responds to all of that. Our physiology is responding to the daylight, our physiology is responding to the air temperature, to the humidity.

    So our bodies  start preparing for the winter yin cycle with the earth.

    Now as we go from fall into winter, we're in full blown yin mode. Where I live in Montana, the sun doesn't come out until 8, 8. 30 in the morning, and it sets around, between  30 in the evening. It's a real short day. So you get a lot of days where you're waking up in the dark, and you're going home from work in the dark.

     It's tough on your circadian rhythm. And because we live in this modern world, that doesn't allow us really to wind down our body with the changing seasons of the earth.

    We go right from summer, yang, into winter, yin, yet we still have the same work schedule. Our kids have the same school schedule. We have the same responsibilities and commitments that we always had, but now we're not seeing the light of day. We're not getting as much vitamin D as we were in the summer.

    It's just natural for our physiology to change. It's natural for our mood to change. Our hormone profile is going to change.

    Remember, we're not getting socked with vitamin D all day, every day. You're seeing a lot more darkness than you used to see. You're not seeing daylight.

     So all these things happen, and then we get a label of seasonal affect disorder. And I'm not here to give you medical advice, and I'm not saying your seasonal affective   disorder isn't real, and it's a false stu That's not what I'm saying.

    But what I'm saying is, we're really quick to just look for a label, so we can explain what we're going through. And there's people that are all too willing to slap a  label on you. Now once we've been labeled, It's really hard to see your condition through any other lens besides the lens of the label that you've been given.

     That's why labels can be dangerous.

    So now we got a label, it's an explanation.

      📍 Now we can go ahead and manifest this sad disorder every year. Why? Because we accept the label. And the label corresponds with the season. And as the season comes, we pull our label out of the box and we say, Oh, gotta get ready to put this label on. Winter's   📍 coming. My seasonal disorder is coming to with it.

    What if this mood shift that you're experiencing that has been labeled as Seasonal Affect Disorder, mild depression, what if this was just your body's normal physiological   📍 response to the change in the Earth's seasons and the different daylight? And you're just feeling a hormonal regulation occur in your body.

     And you only feel sad because of the lack of daylight. You only feel sad because your Earth is going into a yin phase and your body's trying to follow it. But your work schedule, your life schedule is yang. What is the difference between a yin state and a yang state? A yin state is an introspective state.

      If you think about ancient times, indigenous cultures, they had four seasons in their day. When the sun went down, they didn't turn on the lamps. They didn't turn on the lights. They didn't turn on social media. They didn't turn on Netflix. They likely sat around a fire. Maybe they told some stories. Maybe they did some singing and dancing.

    Maybe they just stared at the fire and did what we would call nowadays is meditate. But they would have that winter every day, but they would also have it. During the winter, they would go into their yin phase because there's a lot less camp to manicure, right? There's lots of grounds around the area that's, you got to keep weed free and you might have to keep it, de iced and keep the snow away, but you're not out harvesting a bunch of plants.

     You might be doing some hunting, but you're not going to be out in that freezing cold snow much of the day. So there's probably a lot of time where we're hunkering down with the family, we're gathering around a fire, we're thinking about how the last season went, maybe we're praying for a bountiful harvest come spring.

     But we would naturally go into a Yin phase. Now, from what I've seen with my clients and with myself, is that when we utilize this time for what it's for,

    we can have such a powerful experience in our wintertime. Because we've just yanked the heck out of ourselves all through summer. It's been go. It's been burn burn spend. And now we get to go inward and we get to take a look at how our seasons were. We get to take a look at our next seasons coming up.

    The next year coming up. What are our plans for that next year? Am I living in a life? Am I manifesting my best self? If not, where did I go off track? What got me off track? How do I get back on track? That's the beauty of the yin approach. That's the beauty of what that time that gets delivered to us can be used for.

      📍 But as a society in general, we're a real yang summer society. We don't like to do that. We don't like to go inward. We don't like to look at our thoughts and our feelings. We don't like to plan our future. And I won't go too deep into that, but When we think about our future, when we think about our trajectory, when we think about how far we are in or out of alignment, it brings up a lot of our self doubts and our insecurities, and that's honestly what we don't like to look at.

     If I'm not where I want to be in life, then I got to take a look at whether or not I believe I deserve it, whether or not I believe I'm capable of it, and along the lines of looking at that, there's a lot of opportunity for self judgment. being critical. So we tend to just avoid that. So a lot of this seasonal mood swing is just a pure resistance to looking at the inner world.

     Shadow work is great. Looking at our blind spots, looking at our unacknowledged aspects of ourself is great, but it's really almost traumatic. When someone does it for us when someone comes into our world and they shine a flash flashlight on our shadows And they point something out to us matter of factly something about ourselves that we've been in a denial of we don't like that winter is a whole bunch of that So if you suffer from seasonal mood swings if you suffer from  the seasonal effect And you don't have a regular habit of going inward if you don't have a regular habit of introspection, meditation, journaling, tracing your triggers, getting real with your traumatic events in your life and what they really mean to you.

     If you don't have a regular habit of doing that and you experience the effects of the season, seasonal changes, you might be a likely candidate. For some inner work therapy.

    Now, if you think that stuff's a bunch of nonsense or a bunch of hogwash, I invite you to try it. And if you say no to that, then you're actively choosing to either a deal with the effects of the mood disorder or taking those non efficacious prescription medications.

    that numb you from your feelings, that invite you not to get real with why you're feeling the pain you're feeling.

    And in doing that, what you're gonna do is you're only gonna make the problem worse. These things that you're resisting, think of it like a big beach ball that you're  keeping held under the water. And the more trauma you resist sourcing, the more your triggers that you refuse to dismantle and dissolve, every time one of those comes up.

    You're putting more into that ball, more air into that ball, and pretty soon that ball just gets so full of air, it can't be held under the water. And that's when we break down. That's when we lose our s**t.

    So if you're taking something that's keeping you from feeling, that's keeping you from taking a look at what, what's really causing your situation, your mood, then you're choosing to try to keep that beach ball under the water, and inevitably,

    you will not be able to submerse that beach ball any longer.

     Now if you do winter right, if you do yin properly, when spring comes,

    You will feel that your inner world matches the state of the planet as you start seeing wildflowers start to bloom, as you start seeing the hillsides turn green, as you start seeing the leaves turn green on the trees, that's going to reflect your new spirit coming out for all the introspection and inner work that you've done in the winter that's planting all these seeds of growth and all these seeds of hope that sprout in the spring,

    and that's where you get your energy to go out into the summer and really show off the new you, the energetic happy, Motivated you

    and a good way to tell if you're not taking advantage, or if you're not following suit of the seasons of the universe and your planet is take a look at how your day goes. Do you have winter, spring, summer and fall in each of your days? Do you have a part of your day where you were just straight yang?

    That would be a workout, right? Do you have a part of your day where you're ramping down from yang to yin?

    Maybe after your workout, you're doing a sauna and a cold shower. Maybe a little stretch routine. That would be your fall. Do you have a winter in your day? Do you make time to think about your day, to think about your triggers? Think about your responses to life's events. Journal your experience. An act of imagination meditation.

    How about visualizing your future self? Combining that with powerful emotion. See, if you do that every day, then you get to have a spring in your day. Because when you come out of that meditation, all of a sudden that news program that got you stressed out doesn't have you stressed out quite so much.

    Maybe that appliance or that thing in the garage that still isn't fixed. It's not bothering you near as bad. Because in your meditation, some things came to you that maybe you had not been aware of, or you'd been overlooking. And these are real important things for you to be aware of. But you'd lost awareness of it in the summer of your day.

     But this introspection time got you to see it. Got you to find new hope, new motivation. So as you come out of your daily introspective time, your meditation, your journaling, your visualizations, whatever it is,

    you develop a new hope for tomorrow.

    Then as you wake up the next day, The sun's rising, and you're rising with it. You got a yang mindset. You're thinking about how today's gonna be a win, and all the things it's gonna take for today to be a win, and how you're excited to get them done.

    That's how you get flow in your day. That's how you get health in your day. That's how you put a legitimate, genuine smile on your face. That's how you speed up your metabolism. That's how you optimize your hormone profile.

    Hormone dysregulation is just a lack of seasons in your body. Too much summer. Too much winter. Never a spring. We don't allow fall.

     So specifically, what are some things that we can do? If you say, hey, this is me. This is me. I'm not taking advantage of the seasons in my day. I'm not really tied into my physiology and how it responds to the Earth's seasons. What do I do? Specifically, first thing you can do is you can get my new app, get my new app.

    It's free. Seriously, you go through that first workshop. It's going to, it's going to show you how to use your personality type to know your pattern. It's going to show you how to find your find your beliefs, find your identity

    and how those are leading you what it's like to live in alignment or live out of alignment. Get your core values down around your health. In your purpose, in your meaning in life. This really is the foundational aspect of anybody achieving anything they want in life. You gotta know where you're headed, and you gotta know who's headed there.

    So you can get that Euphoric HealthWorks app, like I said, it's available on the Google Play Store or on the Apple App Store. Get that the very first, in my opinion, it's the most valuable workshop on that whole app. It's free. And then there's other workshops on there as well that will definitely benefit you.

      📍 We got guided meditations. We got calming, moving exercise routines that are like moving meditations. We've got inner work journals   📍 specifically towards your personality type, and we introduce you to the false core, the false self, and how that influences you and the things you do in your life. That would be the first thing I would do for you, honestly, because people have paid 5, for the information that you get for free on that.

    Now actually they're paying for the coaching that goes with it, which obviously you don't get for free, but you're getting all that information. It's the best deal on the interweb. But now, okay, so you got the app. What are some things you can do in your day? You gotta have a morning and evening routine, and I don't care what season it is.

     That's a good idea

    to get a morning routine. Wake up, set your intentions for the day. Be grateful that you woke up today. Ask yourself, what would make today a win?

    Who is it? I want to be in life. And what does that look like today? How am I going to show up today?

    The ideal me, the actualized me, the best me possible. What does that version of me? Where to work today. What does that version of me say when they get stressed? What do they do when they get stressed? What do they do when they feel like they haven't done anything that makes them happy today? What is that person gonna do?

    Set your intention for the day. How are you gonna work out? What's your workout gonna look like? What are you gonna eat today? Get that all planned out. Have some affirmations. Have some things that you can have in your pocket that you can pull out anytime that you're losing sight of the true nature of reality.

    Which is that you can manifest anything you want. All you got to do is get out of the way Or stop attracting things you don't want. Let what you want come to you, because it's seeking you. Have some daily affirmations. I am who I am, and that's enough.

    With my soul's help, I have the ability to fill my cup at any time. I do not need anybody else to fill my cup.

    Something along those lines, but something that is specific to you. Again, you'll find a lot of those affirmations on my app, but you'll find affirmations that are specific to you that really help you that speak to your false core, that speak to your pattern and don't overlook the power of those things.

    You want to get an evening ritual.

    So you've set a good mindset for the day. You've set your intentions. You've honored your core values. You've moved. Now your evening ritual, let's get the lights off at a decent time. Let's spend some time in some in winter. If I'm sittin up watchin Netflix and it's a real exciting show and I turn it off and try to go to sleep I'm tryin to go to sleep in the middle of summer, right?

    So I gotta get winter in my body before I go down to the ultimate yin, which is sleep. A stretching routine. A journaling routine. That's a great time to get your meditation and journaling in. It's a great time to visualize your future self again. Visualize your day for tomorrow.

    But some kind of routine that involves settin a good mindset, exercising, eating real food, staying hydrated... Getting proper rest time. Those are the things that if you have in your day, every single day, you will create a flow. When you create a flow, you create contentment, fulfillment. When you create contentment, fulfillment, your day can end well.

    When we have loose ends, when we feel unfulfilled, our day never really feels like it ends. So make sure you put a ribbon on your day. Wrap a bow on your day. Know what the day looks like to be a win. If you say, I've got to do this one thing today for it to be a win. If you get that thing done when it's bedtime, you'll know you got your day done.

    If you give yourself a list of 10 15 things, and you only get to 9 of them, you're going to be thinking about those 6 things as you're trying to go to sleep. So set yourself up with a flow.

    When you have that flow, when you have fulfillment, when you've burned up your body's excess energy, and you are content that you did everything you could, today, to manifest your best self,

    then there's very little to keep you sad, there's very little to keep you from sleeping.

    Now you might find there's a couple things in your life that you really need to address. Maybe there's a conversation that needs to take place. Maybe there's a career move that needs to happen. Maybe you want to get out of the house you're living in, but you've been putting off facing that, confronting that, taking action on that.

    It's time to go into your winter and introspect. Think, feel, and intuit deeply on what exactly is keeping you from taking action on that

    and find the self love The inner fortitude and the strength to make it happen.

    Alright guys, I hope you appreciated the content there. This is something that comes up every year for me and my clients and prospects that I talk to online. And really, I think we're really missing the boat on this. I haven't had bad luck with people that experience Seasonal Affect Disorder with unrolling this approach and this new way of looking at it with them.

    In fact, it's been really effective.

    It is my opinion, based on observation and experience, that this seasonal effect disorder is really just, it's a physiological and spiritual dilemma in people. We get forced into a time where we have to introspect, we gotta go inward, we don't like what we see when we go in there. We're resisting that, and that's what's creating the sadness, the mood changes, the shifts.

    All right, guys, thank you again for joining me once again. Head on over to Apple podcast or the Google Play Store. Download the Euphorics HealthWorks app for free today. You don't have to get started on right away, but get it on your phone, get it downloaded on your device so you have it,

    get that next step taken care of. Again, that's Euphoric HealthWorks app. Y O U P H O R I C HealthWorks. H E A L T H W O R K S. That's all one word. Euphoric HealthWorks. On the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. And as always, if you're looking for one on one opportunities to work with me, I've got a couple spots left.

    Don't wait to at least reach out, get a consultation.

    Worst case scenario, you're called, those two spots have been filled, but I can get you on the waiting list with my current rates now. Anytime I have a waiting list, the rates always go up. So get the, take advantage of the current rates now. Take advantage of any package deals that I have going on while I still have two spots open.

    As of today, November 8, 2023. Alright guys, thank you for tuning in. And as always, I'm here for you, whatever you need. Coach Jerry, Holistic Health Practitioner, Enneagram Coach,

    Anxiety, Anger, and Trigger Specialist. At your service. Peace, much love, and live well.

    Youphoric Healthworks App

    Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/youphor...

    Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/de...

    Book a Call here: https://calendly.com/coachjerryhlc/60min



    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • Limiting Beliefs: Now this is something that has become almost cliche over the past few years.

    And if we're not careful, we're in the danger of looking over this very important concept. Now what I'm going to do for you today is not only break down limiting beliefs, but we're going to break down the next step, which is the limiting identity structure that we form because of our beliefs. What I've seen time and time again in my coaching career, especially in my clients who've experienced a lot of different types of life coaching, counseling, Psychotherapy and are familiar with the limiting belief structure.

    The one thing that seems to be missing is getting in touch with the identities that they form around that. So it's one thing to dismantle those limiting beliefs, but if you also don't dismantle  the limiting identity and get in touch with the new identity that you can create, sooner or later those limiting identities from those limiting beliefs are going to catch up to you.

     This is what leads directly to that procrastination, the distraction, feeling lost or stuck in life. In other words, not being able to get the crap done that you need to get done.  I'm really excited to dig into this with you guys.

    Download my new app

    Apple version

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  • Dark Night of the Soul: The term "Dark Night of the Soul" originated from the writings of the Christian mystic and poet, St. John of the Cross. It refers to a profound and transformative spiritual experience characterized by a sense of intense inner turmoil, isolation, and a feeling of being disconnected from the divine or the higher self. This period is often seen as a crucible for personal growth and spiritual awakening. It may be considered an adult rite of passage, and one can find themselves feeling as they’ve gone mad, the point of no return in any hero’s journey. As we are confronted with our shadows, we realize that much of what, if not all, of what we’ve believed had been a shadow. A giant lie. A lie perpetuated by our personal ego resistances to what is, lies force fed to us by media, and other trusted authority figures cuts to the soul and we are forced to confront whether or not we are going to continue playing the game of our persona, image, or pleasing God, Mom and Dad at the expense of our individuation.

    The Dark Night of the Soul is the after glow of the awakening. This is where the work happens, and madness is a possibility……S**t or get off the pot….do the work to source your true essential self, that’s the whole point.

    Anyone who refuses to look into their own s**t, and face their shadows is telling the whole world, I’ll show up when you all make a change. Deal with it.

    We are over run by grown ass psychopathic children, leading grown ass victim children raising little brats who are entitled to it all without earning it, and want to affect public policy without living as an adult yet themselves.

    These are literally the people calling us crazy, and we have to stop taking it in the cheeks. When a crazy kid tells you what to think or do, why would we listen?

    To those who are awake, I invite you to take a look at your shadows, and make sure you are not going into child mode. If you’re working somewhere that will fire you for your social media posts, so you self censor, f*****g quit. You’re a part of the problem you’re b******g about. You don’t want Mommy and Daddy to yell at you, and the rest of the family to shame you. You’re dependent on them for your identity and self esteem. If you’re a Christian, look deep into if that’s Jesus or Lucifer running you.

    If this is the battle of good and evil, why the f**k are you on team evil?

    Did you take the jab to work or travel, or get into Starbucks?

    You’re the f*****g problem, stop denying it.

    How’s that feel?

    What resistances and justifications came up?

    Did you tell me to f**k myself?

    That’s what the awakening does, shadows are brought to light, and if we’re individuated, we revere these opportunities. If we get angry and act out inside or out, we’re in our shadow.

    Dark Night of the Soul in Psychological Terms: When we consider the Dark Night of the Soul from a psychological perspective influenced by Jungian concepts, it could be seen as a period of intense self-confrontation and transformation. During this time, an individual might experience a profound encounter with their own shadow aspects and archetypal energies, leading to a disintegration of the previous self-identity.

    The experience of the Dark Night of the Soul might entail:

    * Confronting the Shadow: The individual may face suppressed and denied aspects of themselves, which can lead to a sense of inner turmoil and existential crisis.

    * Archetypal Struggles: Archetypal energies related to transformation, rebirth, and confrontation with the unknown may play a significant role in the experience. These energies might challenge one's established beliefs and identity.

    * Isolation and Despair: Similar to the feeling of disconnection from the divine, the person might feel disconnected from their own sense of purpose and meaning. This can lead to feelings of isolation, depression, and despair.

    * Integration and Growth: Just as St. John of the Cross saw the Dark Night as a transformative experience, this psychological interpretation suggests that through confronting the shadow and integrating these deeper aspects of the self, an individual can emerge with a greater sense of self-awareness, authenticity, and personal growth,

    Carl Jung's theories of the collective unconscious and collective consciousness are fundamental concepts in his psychological framework that help explain the interplay between individual and shared human experiences.

    Collective Unconscious: The collective unconscious is a concept proposed by Jung to describe the deep and universal reservoir of shared experiences, memories, symbols, and archetypes that all humans inherit as a part of their common humanity. This aspect of the unconscious is beyond personal experiences; it's a kind of psychological inheritance that goes back generations. It's the wellspring from which certain universal themes, symbols, and patterns emerge across cultures and societies.

    Jung believed that the collective unconscious is made up of archetypes, which are innate, primordial, and symbolic images or themes that have been present throughout human history. These archetypes represent fundamental human experiences and feelings, such as the Hero, the Mother, the Shadow, and more. They serve as foundational elements that shape our thoughts, behaviors, and dreams, often without our conscious awareness.

    Personal Conscious and Unconscious: On the other hand, the personal conscious and unconscious pertain to an individual's unique experiences, memories, thoughts, and feelings. The personal conscious includes what you're currently aware of and thinking about. The personal unconscious, like the collective unconscious, contains elements that are not in your immediate conscious awareness. These could be forgotten memories, repressed emotions, and other aspects that have been relegated to the unconscious due to their perceived insignificance or emotional charge.

    Relationship between Collective and Personal: The collective unconscious and the personal unconscious are interconnected. Jung believed that personal experiences and expressions are influenced by the broader archetypal patterns from the collective unconscious. These archetypal influences can shape dreams, myths, art, religion, and other forms of human expression. They also influence the way individuals perceive and relate to the world around them.

    In a sense, the collective unconscious provides a kind of shared psychological framework that underlies and shapes individual experiences. It's like a well of universal human themes that can manifest differently in each person's personal unconscious and conscious thoughts.

    Jung's theory of the collective unconscious and collective consciousness suggests that there is a shared reservoir of symbols, archetypes, and experiences that all humans inherit. This collective level of the psyche influences and interacts with an individual's personal conscious and unconscious, shaping their thoughts, behaviors, and experiences in complex ways.

    Carl Jung, Shadows, and Archetypes: Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, introduced the concept of the "shadow" as a crucial aspect of the human psyche. The shadow represents the unconscious, repressed aspects of an individual, including thoughts, feelings, and desires that they have disowned or denied. These elements can contain both negative and positive aspects.

    Jung also introduced the concept of "archetypes," which are universal, innate, and symbolic images or themes that arise from the collective unconscious. Archetypes are common across different cultures and societies and can manifest in various forms, such as the hero, the mother, the trickster, etc.

    Similar to the Enneagram Personality typing system I use with Archetypes, we use our archetypal nature to develop. For instance, the collective unconsciousness is stirring up a lot of warrior archetypes as well as heretics, hermits, vicitms, prostitutes, saboteurs, wounded and perpetual children. When we adopt an archetypes nature in us to deal with the personal and collective inner and outer worlds, we must be mindful to not become tranced and stay tuned to our highest self. For example, a person who is living as a Warrior who is full of love and wants humanity to wake up and fight tyranny, needs to be careful not to create wars with wounded children, as he may realize his shadow is to bully those that disagree because they are a threat to his perceived safety. The higher self move here is to go into the father archetype and give them through love and empathy, the security in you they seek in the media and politicians. In Enneagram speak, the 8 goes to 2 : ). This warrior will be a true master when they learn to use their personal archetypes/Enneagram to manifest their highest self. From that place, they will truly be able to unconditionally help humanity, and the collective evolve beyond fear, anger, and anxiety traps.

    In short, awakening opens up the doors to where we need to invest the time on our inner worlds, and when we refuse to, and instead project onto others, we become what we’re fighting against.

    As a Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Jew, Hindu or any other religion, how willing are you to ask the hardest questions of your faith? Is your God willing to be asked? Did my beliefs come from personal relationship and experience, or was I made aware of what I should believe and how I should ritualize my spirituality?

    It’s so easy to see a man in a dress who insists you call him a woman and say they’re not living in reality (they are in shadow), but if we’re unwilling to ask the deep and dark questions of ourselves, our god, and our community, then we are just projecting our shadows onto the left.

    The real works starts now…..

    Deepen the process of individuating yourself and you will be a much better follower of Jesus, Buddha, RA, Elohim, Yahweh etc…

    Where to start.

    Learn to know how you are using your personality to form a false identity. You are NOT your personality, or your career, hobbies or interests. If you play in the NFL for 15 years, and don’t know that YOU ARE NOT A FOOTBALL PLAYER, you will have a major dark night of the soul as your football player identity dies and you didn’t plan a funeral or resurrection.

    Know what your true core motivations are in life at the levels of spirituality and personality.

    Find out what you are resisting as a consequence of thinking you are your persona or personality.

    Put the work in to shine light on your shadows, and stop pointing to everyone else’s/projecting. You may need a guide for that, and I recommend a personalized consultation before you begin this critical work.

    In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a very organized effort to keep us dependent, which is a complete lack of individuation. The pedastalizing of mentally ill, other psy op tactics are deadly effective at keeping us from being whole and individuated. Why? It’s easy to believe you’re not a part of the problem when “those people” are hitting the streets.

    I invite you to consider looking into your projections and shadows, not because you need it more than anyone else, but because the people who need it the most will not, and they will drag you into further disintegration. Gaslighting.

    Lefitsm is trying to take over with the notion, that they are the victim, you did it, and you need to pay for what was done to them. If we’re not careful, we adopt the same energy, I’m a vicitm, you did it, and you need to pay. These 3 on some level, are objectively true, but, what in the collective, and personal conscious and unconscious allowed that?

    Happy Shadow Hunting My Friends!

    Peace, Much Love, Live Well!

    Coach Jerry

    Contact Jerry or Book A Call

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    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • Today, we visit with Kelli and Kevin Russell, a husband and wife super duo who own radical enlightenment and radical transformations, where they heal people at a deep level mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.

    Kelli is a classically trained therapist who found out the traditional approaches fell well short of the mark, and after witnessing miraculous and almost instantaneous healing in her friend and husband, she began pursuing her therapy protocols from a different angle. She uses kinesiology, energy work, and yoga as a part of her psych therapy, a true shamanic healer.

    Kevin came from the corporate world of achievement and status only to find himself in a place where his marriage was shaking, his sense of self was fading, and he felt signs of rapid aging. A divine awakening sparked his higher self to call him to action, experiencing quantum growths in his spirit, he wrote a book my guy on the 9th floor in 2 weeks! He now helps people break their cycles of being stuck, and touch base with their highest self. He is a clairvoyant transformation coach currently, and uses his soul to connect to your’s, and follows it’s lead.

    We get into so many deep topics like why we are prone to mass formation trances, individuation, dependence, adult survival child states, and even show you how to connect to your higher self for help solving some of life’s biggest riddles

    This was an amazing and enlightening conversation, I hope you enjoy the show!

    Kelli and Kevin have Generously offered to offer our listeners a very generous discount, take advantage today before fall rate increases hit!

    Experience Rapid Transformation Sessions: Use Code: COACHJERRY20 to receive 20% off all one-on-one sessions through 2023.

    Click to: To learn about their courses or for Kevin's Book, Radical Enlightenment: My Guy on the 9th Floor - a handbook that guides you to connect to your highest self, head over to www.radicalenlightenment.com

    Coach Jerry is offering a 20% discount as well to any of the listeners of this show. Click the link below to book a call and mention KK20 in the “which program are you interested in” portion of the intake questions.

    Click to book and save 20% with COACH JERRY



    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • The emotional connection to autoimmunity does not get discussed by most M.D.’s, instead they insist on throwing more drugs at the problem. In this no holds barred conversation, we speak the truth about the mental and emotional connection to autoimmunity.

    We also pose the question:

    What diseases ARE NOT autoimmune??


    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • Have you noticed how many people have unexplainable weight gain, skin issues, circadian issues, lethargy, mood and energy imbalances, and low motivations for life? Have you done much thought at how much all these symptoms are effected by the food we eat, the environmental toxins, and the junk media we consume?

    Round up (glyphosate) is just one example of an environmental toxin that has been proven to be a carcinogen and causes havoc on our cellular health. It’s in everything besides the most pure organic foods and supplements.

    How do we fight back against all these assaults to our health, energy, and immune system? Are there any options for high quality organic superfoods that can be used for long term food storage and survival? The answer is found in the second question.

    Please enjoy the very frank and entertaining discussion as Raven drops mega bombs of TRUTH!

    Please share and subscribe.

    Order your organic superfoods and supplements for daily use or longterm and emergency storage using the link below.

    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • Kirsti was a hard charging competitor. She was following what she thought was her purpose in life, until the pain teacher gave her pause, and an opportunity to reflect.

    Am I being guided by my ego or my soul? This was a question to self that led her on a search for the truth surrounding her rehabilitation and her life’s mission.

    Today, she has dedicated her life to helping people source the nature of themselves in mind, body and spirit. A student and team member of the Chek Institute, she is fully leaning in to her soul’s mission.

    Join us as we unpack many deep topics and we hope to inspire you to answer the call that is always trying to get through to us. This is how living in alignment works.

    Peace, Much Love, Live Well,

    Coach Jerry and Kirsti

    Find Kirsti here:




    Email: Kirsti@kirstipratt.com

    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • Have you fallen for the fallacy that we cannot control our triggers? Have you noticed how well that’s working in society? We’ve grown entitled to behave like children while claiming victim status to our trauma and triggers.

    I’m calling BS on that. We cannot escape our past, but we can be intentional about how we process and act.

    Here’s my take on the matter, enjoy!

    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • Our personality shows up wherever we go, and whatever we do, so why do we pay so little attention to it?

    That thing that we often identify with is generally looked at with a fixed mindset, or described as “that’s me”.

    What if you could proactively use a laser focus to snap out of undesirable patterns in life? What if we understood why we sabotage, lose energy, or grow nihilistic towards aspirations.

    A few weeks or months of work, and some expert guidance could change your life forever.

    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • Have you experienced waking up to realize that you are taking several medications daily, and it seems like you’re feeling worse by the day? Maybe it started with headaches, or an asthma inhaler. Pretty soon, you needed Prilosec, daily Advil for pain, Skin Creams for rashes and dryness, adult acne, chronic fatigue…….all of which have their own “medicine” to address?

    What if I told you these could all be related and traced back to the same source? What if I shared a story with you of how a Rheumatoid Arthritis client baffled her doctors by being symptom free in 4 weeks without drugs prescribed by the rheumatologist?

    Would you want to know more?

    Tune in, you’ll enjoy the show.

    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • One of the most incredible comeback stories I’ve ever heard. Cheryl was looking for Hospice care a couple years ago, she thought she was tired of living. Thoughts of self harm, and chronic anxiety, bodily amnesia, and illness were overwhelming her.

    The events that led to her disintegration and subconscious beliefs might surprise the heck out of you. Her story is full of twists and turns, but her fighting spirit and the love of the Lord has her on her path towards her purpose in life.

    Heartwarming, Inspiring, Unbelievable.

    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
  • Join me as I go into a critical component of achieving our goals in life, and that involves our level of fulfillment surrounding our needs.

    Have you ever experienced an extreme lack of confidence, or even fear in the goal setting process?

    Was it due to past experiences, and the weight of another failure is just more painful than making a change right now?

    Tune in, I think you will find value in this episode.

    PS- At the end of this show, I share a couple pretty special examples of God working through me to help others get a need met that I got to experience in the last few days.

    Please subscribe and share!

    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe
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    An instinctual drive to be safe, and to do the right thing, and to not harm others. Introduce a threat to our survival, administer confusing demands, and disproportionate penalties.

    A massive state of hypnotic trance confusion sets in on the population. From here, we are more pliable and likely to participate in very non sensical and irrational behavior.


    Because the confusion state and the fear put us in a trance. A trance of confusion that is built on a foundation of irrationality, and fear. In other words, if the foundational premise is non sensical, then any subsequent action we take in response, in a confused state of trance, is likely to be nonsensical as well.

    This is a big part of why we fell for the biggest lie in human history. The biggest crime against humanity ever perpetrated on the world.

    You have to be present, and not in a trance to see it.

    Join me on my first live streamed episode, as I unpack a bunch of topics that the media just doesn’t seem interested in covering.

    Together, we can help the world transcend (trance end), and make the world a safer and healthier place. As God intended.

    Please share, comment, and subscribe!

    Get full access to Sovereign Mind, Body and Soul with Coach Jerry at coachjerry.substack.com/subscribe