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    It has been a very intense week in northern Israel with a deeply concerning escalation of conflict with Hizballah. We spoke yesterday, Thursday, with Sarit Zehavi, Lt. Col. (Res.) who spent 15 years working in Military Intelligence and is among Israel’s foremost experts on security in the north. Founder and president of the Alma Center, which focuses on

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    Rachel Goldberg-Polin, ever profound in her agony, stated in recent days that it is “an embarrassment to the human race that we haven’t been able to save” the hostages held by Hamas. Her 23-year-old son, Hersh, is among the 125 people still in Hamas Hell, having survived a grenade attack in which his left arm was blown off and his best friend murdered. 

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  • It has been a grim two weeks in Israel, with an onslaught from the International Courts in The Hague, serious hostilities on three fronts – the north, West Bank and, of course, the Gaza Strip – with the added bonus of Egypt being less than friendly
. and the continued torture of what we now believe to be 128 hostages in Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad captivity. How many remain alive is unknown. Israelis are fatigued with this very long war effort and there is no end in sight. Also in recent weeks, as the Rafah operation intensifies, more information dribbles out about the massive tunnel network between Egypt and the Gaza Strip that has been the main supply route for all manner of weapons and supplies since 2007 for Hamas and others. Egypt knows. Israel knows. And yet, they are still there. How can that be? For almost eight months now, the Israeli hostages have been in the hands of terrorists and Israel has been unable to rescue them. How can that be? I spoke late Thursday evening with Jonathan Conricus
..to take on these very difficult topics and more, discussing the tragic events of last Sunday night in the Gaza Strip, in which dozens of Palestinian civilians were killed in a massive fire. The world leaped to blame Israel. By the time the IDF shared information as to what had actually transpired, minds were closed and made up. We cover it all. The north. West Bank. The south. We even chat about the Imperial War Museum in London. Have a listen.

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    Karim Khan, K.C., is the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, and in the last week he has become a household name, globally. Mr. Khan made a lengthy statement one week ago, announcing his intention to seek judicial approval to issue arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Defence Yo

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    Back from a short trip to the U.S., Ya’akov Katz is fired up. Since October 7, Israelis have been pretty obliging regarding commands from leaders in government and the IDF to come together as a united front, but almost eight months later the rage is spilling out. And Ya’akov is no exception. Last week was surreal, even by Israeli standards. But what dom

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    Our regular Sunday man, Ya’akov Katz, is travelling today and we are joined by Jonathan Conricus, Lt. Col. (Res) in the IDF and a familiar face to many around the world from his television commentary for the first few months of the war. He is currently a general consultant and also a senior fellow with D.C.-based think tank Foundation For Defence of Dem

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    October 7 was a huge blow to Israel, but some families were particularly hard hit. There is no rhyme or reason. Some homes were passed over while all the neighbours were burned alive, murdered or taken hostage. The Gat family of Kibbutz Be’eri is one of the unlucky ones. Wife, mother, grandmother and more, 68 Kinneret Gat was murdered outside her home a

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    Never a slow week in these parts. This week the focus was, yet again, on Rafah, the city in the southern Gaza Strip that PM Netanyahu is adamant must be attacked in order to destroy Hamas as a military force and power that can ever dream of repeating October 7th. The Biden administration is vigorously opposed to this operation, to the point that it has 

  • The only thing that Israelis are focused on is ending this agony. From October 8th I have been a broken record. Until the fate of the hostages is settled, for better or worse, israel is stuck on October 7th. This country cannot move ahead without closure, which is, agonizingly, always just a wee bit out of reach. We know that hostages are dying in captivity. They are kept in horrific conditions. Will Hamas release the hostages? We discuss the only thing that matters to most Israelis.

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  • Carmel Gat, 39 and held in Hamas captivity since October 7th, is part of a big, loving family with deep roots on Kibbutz Be’eri. Her younger cousin, Shay Dickmann, spoke with State of Tel Aviv one week ago, on the morning after the Passover seder. Her extended family has suffered terribly for almost seven months and they continue to grieve. For her murdered grandmother and for Carmel. Imprisoned. Shay tells us about the Kibbutz Be’eri seder in Hostage Square, Tel Aviv, which her family attended this year. So many empty chairs. So much despair and, still, so much hope. In today’s short podcast we focus on the seder night and, of course, the morning after. In a few days we will have a lengthier podcast about the dark journey this family has been on and that we all hope comes to as happy an ending as possible. As soon as possible.

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  • In my weekly chat with Ya’akov Katz we focus on the hostages. That’s pretty much the main and only thing on everyone’s mind. This focus was heightened and manipulated masterfully by Hamas during the Passover holiday by the release of two separate videos of Israeli men still in captivity. Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Keith Siegel and Omri Miran, all appeared to be in reasonable physical condition. But, who knows. Hersh lifted the stump of his left arm, having had his dominant hand blown off by a grenade below the elbow. They spoke about how much they missed their loved ones and just want to come home. The whole country wants them home. This war? We were told that it would accomplish two things: destroy Hamas’ military capability and return the hostages. Sadly, it has done neither one. It is time to bring them home. Take a pause. And restore some sanity and accountability to this country.

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  • In Part II of this podcast of my interview with Columbia University Professor Shai Davidai on April 5th, we discuss the similarities between the reluctance of German and Austrian Jews to see the looming crisis almost one hundred years ago and the same tendencies among American and Canadian Jews today. Davidai discusses the ongoing investigation into his conduct that has been launched by the Columbia University administration. He sees it as being little more than an effort to intimidate him into silence. Meanwhile, Columbia has literally become a battleground in recent days. The crisis shows no signs of subsiding. That Columbia leadership has taken such a daft and irresponsible approach to such extreme antisemitism is as disturbing as the Jew hatred itself. But – we do end on a somewhat positive note, with Davidai encouraging everyone to step up so we can save ourselves. “We invented Superman!” he exults. “We can save ourselves!”

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    Shai Davidai is an Israeli Professor at Columbia Business School. He moved to the United States in 2010 to pursue a PhD in Social Psychology from Cornell University and has worked at Princeton University and The New School for Social Research. Ever since October 7, Shai has been devoting his time and energy to battle support for terrorism and the rise in antisemitism at Columbia University and colleges all across the country.

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  • On April 5th State of Tel Aviv spoke at length with Columbia University Professor Shai Davidai about his overnight evolution from low-key academic to high profile activist. The catalyst? The October 7th Hamas massacre in southern Israel which galvanized extreme Islamist sympathizers and hard left “progressives.” Literally overnight, Jews and Israel were vilified on campuses, in media, in massive street protests throughout North America and Europe. Davidai was horrified by what he saw happening on the Columbia University campus and began to speak out and speak up. In this episode we go back to October 7th and get into the university administration’s abdication of responsibility to its community and why and how Shai Davidai became the reluctant activist with a national profile. We also dive into the very dramatic events that have occurred on Columbia’s campus since October 7th, climaxing in anarchy this past week.

    State of Tel Aviv is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

    Shai Davidai is an Israeli Professor at Columbia Business School. He moved to the United States in 2010 to pursue a PhD in Social Psychology from Cornell University and has worked at Princeton University and The New School for Social Research. Ever since October 7, Shai has been devoting his time and energy to battle support for terrorism and the rise in antisemitism at Columbia University and colleges all across the country.

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  • “We face the abyss and we stand tall. I don’t know how I will sit at the Passover table this year.”

    Sharone Lifschitz made those comments when we met last Friday at the Hostage Family Forum HQ in central Tel Aviv. Her 83-year old father, Oded, remains in Hamas captivity. His wife and Sharone’s mother, 85-year-old Yocheved, was released from a Hamas dungeon on Monday, October 23. Sharone talks about the horror she has inhabited since October 7th, when she learned of the Hamas attack while driving with her family in the UK, where she resides, to bring home a new puppy. In an instant she entered a life that no one can imagine and that continues to this day. We speak about her parents, the larger community, and what it means to be Israeli and Jewish in this moment. Throughout, we refer to this Passover week, when Jewish people traditionally gather to celebrate freedom. It is a time of joy, when we remember our historic roots as slaves in Egypt and the exhilaration of liberation. This year, of course, such matters are painfully poignant and all too real. Listen to Sharone. She will enlighten and enhance your perspective, whether or not you mark Passover. Whatever faith you follow. Atheist. This is about honoring life and decency.

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  • Believe me, our heads are spinning. Each week becomes more intense than the last. And there is a general feeling in Israel that rage is on a collision course with despair. Israel remains mired in conflict in Gaza with no apparent resolution in sight. Hostages remain in captivity six months on and the nation is absolutely dumbstruck. There is very little, if any, trust or confidence in the government or IDF leadership. We stand behind our soldiers and civil society leaders but those in positions of actual authority continue to amaze Israelis with their incompetence and arrogance. It seems that the counter-attack against Iran was well-considered and executed but we cannot say that about much, if anything else. Today, Ya’akov and I discuss all these issues and more. The hostage disaster. How many remain alive? And we try to place this very difficult time in the context of Jewish history, distant and recent past. How do we understand this moment, when we are meant to celebrate liberation and freedom? As one hostage family member said to me recently: “We stand and look into the abyss. But with our heads held high.” Not in my lifetime has there been a time when the existence and future of the Jewish democratic state has seemed and actually been so imperiled. How do we understand this and how do we fix it? You can hear the intensity in the pitch of our discussion this week. We’re a metaphor for the national mood.

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  • Five for Fighting, the stage name of singer/singwriter John Ondrasik, has some crazy timing. He popped over to Israel for a five day immersion in the reality and the pain of our post-October 7th reality. And he was in Tel Aviv on the night that the Islamic Republic of Iran launched more than 300 attack drones and ballistic missiles at us. As we now know, 99% of the offensive weapons were intercepted. Beyond miraculously. But within minutes of Ondrasik performing his amazing new song – “OK” – about October 7th and this seriously messed up world we live in – the Home Front Command issued directives country-wide for everyone to seek shelter. Iran was attacking imminently. We were told 24-48 hours. It turned out to be much less. Ondrasik could have left that night – he was travelling with his young son. But he did not. He stayed. And that tells you everything you need to know about the man. Thank you, John. He performed on Saturday night at Hostage Square at the big weekly support rally for hostages and their families. Moments after he finished his set I went backstage to congratulate him on a magnificent and moving performance. Within minutes we were all hurrying home. I caught up with John on Saturday midday - as we were waiting to see what Iran would do - and we had a great talk about the moral cowardice in the west that is emboldening violent extremism. He understands that it's not just about Israel but that western democracy and freedoms are threatened by this surge of Marxist and extreme Islamist violence. Since the introduction to this podcast was recorded, the 7-year old Beduin girl who I mention having been critically injured, has died. Her tragic fatality is the only one. A number of people were injured by missile and drone debris and there was some damage to a major Israeli Air Force base. Ondrasik stayed on for the full five days. Five for Fighting. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing high alert regarding Iran and its proxies in the region, he was unable to visit the site of the Nova music festival. But I am confident that John Ondrasik will be back. Not only is his music beautiful but he is one of those rare artists who has a moral backbone and is speaking out, no matter the consequences. The world needs more John Ondrasiks. Five for Fighting. Go Leafs!

    You really don’t want to miss this amazing discussion. Or the video for the song. “OK.”

    Except. We are so not OK.

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    In the two decades since Five for Fighting’s first major single, “Superman (It’s Not Easy),” hit the stratosphere, Five For Fighting (aka John Ondrasik), has released six studio LPs, including the platinum certified “America Town” and “The Battle for Everything;” and the top-10 charting “Two Lights,” along with an EP and live albums. A post 9-11 anthem, Ondrasik performed “Superman (It’s Not Easy),” at the 2001 Concert for New York, a benefit show at Madison Square Garden that honored first responders and the fallen about a month after the tragic September 11th attacks. Ondrasik has penned major hits, including the chart-topping “100 Years,” “The Riddle,” “Chances,” “World,” and “Easy Tonight,” which have earned tens of millions of streams and placed him as a top-10 Hot Adult Contemporary artist for the 2000s. The reflective “100 Years” has joined “Superman (It’s Not Easy)” as part of the American Songbook and continues to stand the test of time. Five For Fighting’s music has also been featured in more than 350 films, television shows, and commercials, including the Oscar-winning “The Blind Side,” “Hawaii Five-O,” “The Sopranos,” and the CBS drama, “Code Black.”

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  • Saturday night and Sunday morning were harrowing. For almost two weeks Israelis have been waiting for Iran to attack. A few days ago, the Supreme Leader made clear that the Islamic Republic of Iran would attack Israel directly. Not through a proxy. And, seemingly, Iran would not target a Jewish or Israeli site abroad. For now. Dire warnings of an attack within 24-48 hours were issued on Friday night. Saturday passed. At 9pm Saturday night the Israeli Home Front Command issued directives to follow in light of an imminent attack. A short time later we watched on our TVs as an unprecedented coalition of middle eastern and western air forces collaborated to intercept 99% of more than 300 armed drones and missiles launched from Iran in at least two "waves" to attack Israel. Terrifying does not begin to describe it. Neither does surreal. Ya'akov and I get into the unprecedented security challenges facing Israel, the region and the west. And we do our best to understand what may transpire going forward. Today? We carry on. Somewhat stunned but still standing. Have a listen.

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  • It was great to have Ya’akov Katz back for our regular Sunday riff and we had a lot on our plates today. We spoke about how Israel seemed stuck in Gaza, not really doing anything dramatic and finding itself in quicksand. But last week the main action was elsewhere: Damascus, DC, Doha. Israel bombed a residence in Damascus that served as a base for IRGC officials when in town and a top General was killed as well as numerous other high ranking military officials. This was followed by the tragic attack on a World Central Kitchen convoy in which seven humanitarian aid workers were killed. Israel took responsibility for the incident but President Biden was furious. He has felt for some time that Israel is taking too long and that the civilian toll in Gaza is unconscionable. Tensions and tempers were high. And then today, a few hours after Ya’akov and I had finished recording, the news came out that Israel was partially withdrawing from the Gaza Strip. Fair to say that pretty much everyone was surprised. PM Netanyahu, it seems, was forced to relent and bow to American pressure. We get into the various events that led to this dramatic development and discuss where it may all lead. Hopefully, we will see the release of all the hostages very soon. Amen.

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  • Late-breaking circumstances made it impossible for Ya’akov to do his weekly gig with State of Tel Aviv today but we were fortunate to find the amazing Lt. Col. (res) Jonathan Conricus in Israel and available. Conricus is just back from yet another whirlwind speaking tour in the U.S. and his commentary is always appreciated by our listeners – and major media around the world. Always clear, measured and articulate, he has a way of stripping the most complicated issues down to their essence. Today, we discuss the ongoing war in Gaza, the ongoing captivity of the hostages, and the building tension in the country that really cannot be contained any longer. The good news is that Conricus is a realist but unyielding optimist. He is determined and certain that we will find our way through this period of constant crisis.

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  • One of the most interesting thinkers and writers out there, Batya Ungar-Sargon gets into the moral fecklessness of the “progressive” woke left. What’s so interesting is that Batya was once one of them
 and her personal intellectual journey and unfettered candor make for a fascinating discussion. “I’m a leftist” she says. But she rejects the toxic antisemitism that seems to permeate the Left in the U.S. and elsewhere these days. I had thought and intended that we would discuss the growing chorus of October 7th denialism out there
 and we did
 but we meandered a bit before arriving at that destination. Because I went where she led me. Thanks, Batya, for a fascinating conversation. Shabbat shalom to all.

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