For all my corporate gals, powerhouse women entrepreneurs, fierce women doing ambitious and purposeful work in the world - you were created to stand OUT! Throughout the years, so many of us have struggled for so long to fit IN. We have tried doing all the things that we were told will make us successful. Say THESE things. Wear THAT. Do THIS. We are given the ’formula’ for what it looks like to BE successful. We tried so hard to ’look the part’. Well - I call BS. I believe each of us were created within our own original design. A design that was never intended to fit in - but rather was created to stand OUT. You have big ideas. To do big things in this world. And I want to help you do that by using Color & Style as a tool to stand OUT in a way that suits YOU. Authentically. Intentionally. In your own magnificence. On this podcast, I share tips, tools, strategies and fun ways to create a look & style that is in alignment with YOUR goals & ambitions. I’m here cheering you on as your biggest FAN!