
  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re having a kōrero with Sarah McLaren.

    In this episode, we chat with Sarah McLaren, Professor in Life Cycle Management at Massey University, and Sustainable Future Project Lead for the HERA led and Endeavour Funded Construction 4.0 research, about the evolving world of dynamic Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

    Sarah breaks down the key differences between static and dynamic LCA, emphasising how assessing environmental impacts over time is crucial, especially as we face the climate crisis. They delve into how future technologies and practices could reshape LCA for long-lived products like buildings.

    Sarah also shares insights from her collaboration with BRANZ on electricity supply modeling and explores how integrating cultural perspectives, such as Māturanga Māori, can make LCA more holistic—incorporating social, cultural, and environmental impacts for better decision-making.

    Connect with Sarah

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sarah-mclaren-1ba880b/

    Connect with Massey University

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/school/massey-university/

    Website - https://www.massey.ac.nz/

    Tactics to achieve low carbon design (steel & steel hybrid commercial buildings) – Seminar

    Join us this September for a series of essential workshops on low carbon design for low-rise buildings using steel and steel-hybrid construction!

    Perfect for architects, engineers, builders, and sustainability professionals, this series offers practical, actionable guidance to help you design more sustainable projects. Learn from real-world case studies, explore evidence-based strategies, and discover how clever design can reduce carbon by up to 50%.

    Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your knowledge and make a tangible impact on the built environment.

    Register now! - https://www.hera.org.nz/event/low_carbon_design_2024-copy/

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re having a kōrero with Yvonne Chan Cashmore.

    This podcast delves into the transformative concept of Interactive Healing Environments (IHEs) and their potential to enhance urban well-being. Dr. Yvonne Chan Cashmore, Associate Dean of Engagement for Auckland University of Technology (AUT), shares insights from her research on how IHEs not only improve individual health but also promote social cohesion, cultural integration, and the preservation of ancient knowledge.

    Building on her multicultural background and passion for smart textiles, Dr. Chan Cashmore emphasises the importance of preserving cultural traditions while evolving them through technology. We also explore how IHEs can foster community well-being and create vibrant urban spaces by encouraging engagement and meaningful feedback.

    Connect with Yvonne

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/yvonnechan999/

    Email - [email protected]

    Connect with Auckland University of Technology

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/school/autuni/

    Website - https://www.aut.ac.nz/

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  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re having a kōrero with Robert Amor.

    Robert Amor, Emerging Technologies Project Lead for HERA’s Construction 4.0 research, breaks down BIM as both a detailed model and a collaborative process. Discover how BIM’s data capabilities go beyond geometry to improve safety, heritage preservation, and cost management.

    We explore the challenges of BIM implementation, such as data standardisation and ownership, with real-world insights from the University of Auckland. Finally, we look at BIM’s evolution and its integration with AI, VR, AR, and other emerging technologies, highlighting how these advancements can propel Construction 4.0 in New Zealand.

    Connect with Robert

    LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-amor-4a5a17/

    Find out more about the Ngākopa Construction 4.0 research:

    Endeavour research: https://www.hera.org.nz/research-endeavour-fund/

    Smart Construction: https://www.hera.org.nz/construction40-smart-construction/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/89558522/

    Pre-order the ‘Ngākopa Construction 4.0’ book here!

    We are close to releasing the first book publication “Ngākopa Construction 4.0” which explores why Construction 4.0 in Aotearoa makes sense. It will share insights and integrated connections across the core themes of the research – and will be a valuable resource for those interested in the future of construction or wanting to take the journey towards implementing Construction 4.0 in their business.

    Register interest here: https://www.hera.org.nz/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=frm_forms_preview&form=ngakopa2024&theme=1

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re having a kōrero with Phil Alexander-Crawford.

    As CEO at Hanga Aro Rau Workforce Development Council (WDC), Phil leads the discussion on transforming vocational education, forging strong industry partnerships, and embracing workforce diversity.

    Phil breaks down the staggering need to fill over 157,000 jobs by 2029 in key sectors like manufacturing, engineering, and logistics and stresses the importance of teaming up with vocational education providers to ensure a steady pipeline of skilled workers.

    This episode also delves into upcoming government proposals and the significant role of industry in shaping a future-ready vocational education system, as well as the mahi of WDCs in aligning education with industry needs.

    Connect with Phil

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/philip-alexander-crawford-03b12136/

    Connect with Hanga-Aro-Rau WDC

    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/hanga-aro-rau-wdc/

    Website - https://hangaarorau.nz/

    Find out more about vocational education focuses at HERA

    Sparking your career – the role of vocational education in welding - https://www.hera.org.nz/vocational-education-in-welding/

    We need your voice – please ensure you keep an eye out for the plan of action for vocational education being released by Minister Simmonds and have your say in the consultation process - https://www.tiktok.com/@hera.nz/video/7396811190686534913?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7360481645503677960

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Dr Alice Chang-Richards, Dr Yuqian Lu and Dr Yang Zou.

    All based out of the University of Auckland, together they make up the research team focused on Smart Construction in the HERA led and Endeavour Funded Construction 4.0 research via MBIE: “Developing a Construction 4.0 transformation of Aotearoa New Zealand’s construction sector,”

    Join us as we explore the technological shifts reshaping the global construction sector, focusing on Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Construction 4.0 technologies like virtual reality, AI, and robotics. Discover how these tools revolutionise Aotearoa New Zealand's construction landscape, especially for SMEs. We also discuss preliminary research findings, case studies, and the challenges of data acquisition and change management, as well as the importance of global collaboration, integrating academic research with industry practices, and incorporating indigenous knowledge and sustainability metrics. Special thanks to Alice, Yuchen, and Yang for their invaluable contributions to this important conversation on the future of construction.

    Connect with the Smart Construction team

    Smart Construction Lead - Associate Professor, Alice Chang-Richards:


    Construction Process Automation Expert, Yuqian Lu:


    Construction Informatics and Digitisation Expert, Yang Zou:


    Pre-order the 'Ngākopa Construction 4.0' book here!

    We are close to releaseing the first book publication “Ngākopa Construction 4.0” which explores why Construction 4.0 in Aotearoa makes sense. It will share insights and integrated connections across the core themes of the research.

    https://www.hera.org.nz/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php action=frm_forms_preview&form=ngakopa2024&theme=1

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Naomi Manu.

    Join us in this enlightening episode with Naomi Manu, founder of Pūhoro STEMM Academy and co-founder of Auraki Group, as we discuss the Tohu app. This innovative tool integrates traditional Māori practices for culturally grounded career mapping for Māori youth. Naomi explains how the app educates users about Māori values and community contributions, bridging gaps in access to traditional knowledge.

    We also address equity in science education for Māori and Pacific students, highlighting the impact of systemic streaming and the Pūhoro program’s success. Finally, we explore the future of work and the importance of aligning careers with personal values. Tune in for an inspiring conversation on culturally relevant career guidance.

    Connect with Naomi

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/naomi-manu/

    Website: https://aurakigroup.com/equitable-ecosystems/

    Connect with Auraki Group

    Website: https://aurakigroup.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/auraki-group-limited/

    Connect with Troy

    Website: Troy Coyle

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/troy-coyle-she-her/

    Register to attend our launch ceremony ‘Ka rongo te pō! Ka rongo te ao!

    When: 18 June 2024 from 10am.

    Where: HERA House, 17-19 Gladding Place, Manukau

    We anticipate this will be a very exciting event with attendance by a large cross-section of the education and research sectors, construction, engineering and manufacturing sectors, iwi and tauira (students).

    Our two kaupapa we will be launching are:

    The Tohu App – this is a career pathway app for rangatahi. Statistics show there is a slow uptake of Māori into STEMM careers but tracking forward they will make up around 20% of our future workforce, so we have particularly targeted this app toward Māori students as we are keen to stimulate interest in and understanding of the possibilities in our sectors amongst younger generations through channels that they connect with.

    HERA partnered with Auraki Group to develop the app which consists of interactive questionnaires that allow students to discover their alignment to ngā atua, identify their strengths, skills, and interests, and match these core values to STEMM-related jobs that align with kaupapa Māori values.

    Ngākopa Construction 4.0 hub – as discussed in our podcast, our Endeavour supported research on Construction 4.0 “Developing a Construction 4.0 transformation of the Aotearoa New Zealand construction sector” has a dedicated focus on incorporating mātauranga Māori. As part of this mahi, the Ngākopa karakia and a branding entity developed from it has been gifted to represent our Construction 4.0 digital hub which will share research from across Aotearoa with links to this kaupapa. We are excited to publicly launch the Ngākopa branding and the digital hub as part of this ceremony.

    HERA partnered with Maui Studio’s to deliver this mahi based on the whakaaro and guidance of the Mātauranga Māori roopu.

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Saul Roberts, Fleur Palmer, and Patricia Te Whatu.

    Together, they delve into the steps taken to blend Māori knowledge systems and tikanga to represent modern construction practices through the lens of the Endeavour Funded Construction 4.0 project, Ngākopa. They discuss the integration of Māori perspectives into contemporary construction methodologies, highlighting the significance of a specially composed karakia by Saul which forms the genesis story of the branding for this project.

    This episode also touches on the importance of embedding Māori cultural practices to create a more inclusive and diverse learning environmentand the transformative impacts of acknowledging Māori values in sustainable construction, and digital platforms to leave a lasting legacy for the future of Aotearoa New Zealand’s built environment.

    Connect with Fleur - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fleur-palmer-04042b3/

    Connect with Saul - https://toa.net.nz/people/saul-roberts/

    Connect with Patricia - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patricia-te-whatu-56a85118a/

    Find out more about the Endeavour Fund research project

    News release: https://www.hera.org.nz/research-endeavour-fund/

    Mātauranga Māori: https://www.hera.org.nz/construction40-matauranga-maori/

    Register to attend our launch ceremony ‘Ka rongo te pō! Ka rongo te ao!

    When: 18 June 2024 from 10am.

    Where: HERA House, 17-19 Gladding Place, Manukau

    We anticipate this will be a very exciting event with attendance by a large cross-section of the education and research sectors, construction, engineering and manufacturing sectors, iwi and tauira (students).

    Our two kaupapa we will be launching are:

    Ngākopa Construction 4.0 hub – as discussed in our podcast, our Endeavour supported research on Construction 4.0 “Developing a Construction 4.0 transformation of the Aotearoa New Zealand construction sector” has a dedicated focus on incorporating mātauranga Māori. As part of this mahi, the Ngākopa karakia and a branding entity developed from it has been gifted to represent our Construction 4.0 digital hub which will share research from across Aotearoa with links to this kaupapa. We are excited to publicly launch the Ngākopa branding and the digital hub as part of this ceremony.

    HERA partnered with Maui Studio’s to deliver this mahi based on the whakaaro and guidance of the Mātauranga Māori roopu.

    The Tohu App – this is a career pathway app for rangatahi. Statistics show there is a slow uptake of Māori into STEMM careers but tracking forward they will make up around 20% of our future workforce, so we have particularly targeted this app toward Māori students as we are keen to stimulate interest in and understanding of the possibilities in our sectors amongst younger generations through channels that they connect with.

    HERA partnered with Auraki Group to develop the app which consists of interactive questionnaires that allow students to discover their alignment to ngā atua, identify their strengths, skills, and interests, and match these core values to STEMM-related jobs that align with kaupapa Māori values.

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Shahab Ramhormozian.

    Shahab is a Senior Lecturer in Structural and Earthquake Engineering at Auckland University of Technology. Join us as we chat about him being awarded the #INN0V8 impact industry award at the 2023 HERA Future Forum Industry Awards.

    Connect with Shahab:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shahab-ramhormozian-b58b7583/

    Connect with AUT:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/school/autuni/
    Website: https://www.aut.ac.nz/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/autuni/

    Find out more about HERA’s Industry Awards:


    We also wish to express our sincere appreciation to New Zealand Steel for their invaluable sponsorship of our Future Forum and Nation Dinner events!

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Troy Coyle, Kaveh Andisheh, and Craig Stevenson.

    We’ve brought together the team involved in HERA’s $772K project titled “Circular design for a changing environment – a design framework to reduce construction waste, lifecycle embodied carbon, and to enhance the circular economy for construction materials with a pilot for low-rise buildings."

    Connect with the team on LinkedIn:
    Troy: https://www.linkedin.com/in/troy-coyle-she-her//
    Kaveh: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaveh-andisheh-phd-4139ab36/
    Craig: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craigstevensonaurecon/
    Raed: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raed-el-sarraf-2ab0a713/

    Connect with Beca:
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/beca/
    Website: https://www.beca.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/becagroup/

    Connect with WSP New Zealand:
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wspnz/
    Website: https://www.wsp.com/en-nz/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wsp_in_nz/

    IAG members: https://www.hera.org.nz/iag-branz/

    Funding of $150K from BRANZ: https://www.hera.org.nz/announcement-of-funding/

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with our CEO Troy Coyle and the technical lead team Michail Karpenko and Kaveh Andisheh.

    Together, they reflect on an amazing year of mahi to support the heavy engineering industry of Aotearoa, New Zealand in construction and manufacturing.

    Connect with Troy, Michail, and Kaveh:

    Troy: https://www.linkedin.com/in/troy-coyle-she-her/

    Michail: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michail-karpenko-4ab13730/

    Kaveh: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaveh-andisheh-phd-4139ab36/

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Neil Horsfield.

    Neil is Beca’s General Manager Global Building Structures. Join us as we chat about the potential for adaptive reuse of our building stock.

    Connect with Neil:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/neil-horsfield-41b22622/

    Connect with Beca:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/beca/

    Website: https://www.beca.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/becagroup/

    Find out more about our materials passport project:

    Materials passport for steel re-use: https://www.hera.org.nz/sustainability/material-passport/

    You might also be interested in our other sustainability focuses:

    Zero carbon steel: https://www.hera.org.nz/sustainability/steel-circular-economy/

    Circular economy: https://www.hera.org.nz/sustainability/steel-circular-economy/

    Steel recycling: https://www.hera.org.nz/sustainability/steel-recycling/

    Find out more about HERA’s Industry Awards:


    We also wish to express our sincere appreciation to New Zealand Steel for their invaluable sponsorship of our Future Forum and Nation Dinner events!

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Raed El Sarraf.

    Raed is Technical Principal at WSP New Zealand. He has extensive experience in corrosion engineering and asset integrity management of structural steel and other metal structures.

    Connect with Raed:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raed-el-sarraf-2ab0a713/

    Connect with WSP New Zealand:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wspnz/

    Website: https://www.wsp.com/en-nz/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wsp_in_nz/

    Find out more about HERA’s Industry Awards:


    Find out more about HERA’s resilience and durability research and tools:

    Design for low carbon: https://www.hera.org.nz/announcement-of-funding/

    Corrosion map : https://www.hera.org.nz/resource-corrosion-map/

    HERA Report R4-133: NZ steelwork corrosion and coatings guide: https://www.hera.org.nz/product/hera-report-r4-133/

    We also wish to express our sincere appreciation to New Zealand Steel for their invaluable sponsorship of our Future Forum and Nation Dinner events!

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Fanqin Meng.

    Fanqin, who is no stranger to HERA, is a Structural Fire Research Engineer within our team! We are shining the spotlight on him as the recipient of the Student of the Year Award which he received at this years Future Forum Industry Awards in Ōtautahi Christchurch.

    Connect with Fanqin:

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fanqin-meng-a759b1204/

    HERA profile: https://www.hera.org.nz/team-member/fanqin-meng/

    Find out more about HERA’s Industry Awards:


    Find out more about HERA’s student membership:


    We also wish to express our sincere appreciation to New Zealand Steel for their invaluable sponsorship of our Future Forum and Nation Dinner events!

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Byron Konia.

    Byron is a Senior Mechanical Engineer and Māori Advisor at Stantec in Wellington. We last spoke to him back in 2019 when he was just starting off his career as a young Graduate Hydraulic Engineer. Join us as we reconnect and find out what he has been up to and how he thinks the engineering environment has changed to better attract and retain a diverse workforce.

    Connect with Byron

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/byronkonia/

    You may also want to check out his kemu (game) he developed in his own journey to improve his reo Māori!

    Website: https://kupurorirori.co.nz/pages/maua-korero-our-story

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kupurorirori

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kupu.rorirori

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@kupurorirori

    Connect with Stantec

    Website: https://www.stantec.com/en/offices/new-zealand-locations-hub

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/stantec/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StantecInc

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Stantec

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/stantec/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/StantecInc

    Find out more about HERA’s mātauranga Māori mahi:

    Website: https://www.hera.org.nz/matauranga-maori/

    Research on the intersection between mātauranga Māori and Construction 4.0: https://www.hera.org.nz/construction40-matauranga-maori/

    Whanake Scholarship: https://www.hera.org.nz/hera-whanake-scholarship/

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Geoff Bird.

    Geoff Bird was this years recipient of the HERA Foundation Keith Smith Memorial Award, for distinguished service to Aotearoa New Zealand’s metals industry. Join us as he chats with our Executive Board Chair Craig Stevenson on his career pathway towards this acknowledgement and everything in between!

    Connect with Geoff & Craig

    Geoff: https://www.linkedin.com/in/geoff-bird-176b89a/

    Craig: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craigstevensonaurecon/

    Connect with Beca

    Website: https://www.beca.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/beca/

    Find out more about HERA’s Industry Awards


  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Robert Finch.

    Robert is Director of Timber Unlimited and is also a member of HERA’s Industry Advisory Group for the "Low Carbon Design Framework for Low Rise Buildings” project. He has a background in Mechanical Engineering and Materials Engineering, has managed research and product development, and set research directions for the past 23 years.

    Connect with Robert

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-finch-508086a1/

    Connect with Timber Unlimited

    Website: https://timberunlimited.co.nz/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/timber-unlimited/

    Materials passport for steel re-use:


    Steel and the circular economy:



    Hybrid Building Seminar Details

    Are you attending the Gala Awards Dinner and want to maximise your travel and add some learning? Then book your place now! Come and hear our speakers present on Hybrid Buildings.Hosted by Timber Unlimited and NZ Timber Design Society.Programme (Coming soon!)Where: Crystal Room at Cordis Hotel, AucklandTime: 9am - 3pmCost: $150+GST (click here to register and pay)TDS Member rate: $130+GST

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Cliff Ellery.

    Cliff Ellery is General Manager - Innovex at Tīra. From grassroot beginnings in the Taranaki, to receiving the 2023 #INN0V8 change industry award for exporting spiral welding innovations – in this episode we talk about the innovation that led Tīra to the win, its business expansion plans, and what others could learn from their experience with technology innovation.

    Connect with Cliff

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cliff-ellery-70611162/

    Connect with Tīra

    Website: https://www.tira.co.nz/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tira-nda/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tiragroupnz/

    Find out more about HERA’s Industry Awards:


  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Phil Gaby.

    Phil is Project Director at Holmes ANZ and a civil structures designer, with expertise in bridges, wharves and water retaining structures. Specialising in design and constructing projects and alternative designs where value engineering is needed to bring projects back on track, Phil’s passion is delivering efficient, elegant, quick and easy-to-construct affordable structures with the lowest practical environmental footprint.

    Join us as he chats with our Structural Sustainability Engineer Dr. Amir Shah Mohammadi about structural steel design for bridges in particular and how we can push the boundaries of these designs to be more innovative and courageous.

    Connect with Phil

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/phil-gaby-137114246/

    Connect with Holmes

    Website: https://holmesanz.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/holmes-anz/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/holmes.anz/

    Find out more about HERA’s works in steel bridge design:

    HERA Report R4-97: New Zealand Weathering Steel Guide for Bridges – rev 3: https://www.hera.org.nz/product/hera-report-r4-97/

    Contact Kaveh: https://www.hera.org.nz/team-member/kaveh-andisheh/

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Nico Patchay.

    In this episode, we’re having a korero with Nico Patchay, Technical Manager of Niche Modular Construction.

    As the first company to use HERA’s zero carbon steel program, Hōtaka Whakakore Puhanga Waro, through offsetting – we thought we’d delve into how they’ve utilised the program for their steel modular building projects and what their experience has been in using it.

    Connect with Nico

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicopatchay/

    Connect with Niche Modular

    Website: https://www.nichemodular.co.nz/

    Find out more about HERA’s sustainability focuses:

    Zero carbon steel: https://www.hera.org.nz/sustainability/steel-circular-economy/

    Circular economy: https://www.hera.org.nz/sustainability/steel-circular-economy/

    Materials passport for steel re-use: https://www.hera.org.nz/sustainability/material-passport/

    Steel recycling: https://www.hera.org.nz/sustainability/steel-recycling/

  • In this episode of Stirring the Pot we’re talking with Thomas Hörnfeldt.

    Thomas is the Vice President of the Sustainable Business at SSAB, coming from a background in the metals, construction and process automation industry.

    Join us as he chats with our Senior Structural Sustainability Engineer Dr. Amir Shah Mohammadi about SSAB's HYBRIT® technology which has resulted in the world's first fossil free steel production.

    Connect with Thomas

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-h%C3%B6rnfeldt-7715036/

    Connect with SSAB

    Website: https://www.ssab.com/en

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ssab/

    Find out more about HERA’s sustainability focuses:

    Circular economy: https://www.hera.org.nz/sustainability/steel-circular-economy/

    Materials passport for steel re-use: https://www.hera.org.nz/sustainability/material-passport/

    Steel recycling: https://www.hera.org.nz/sustainability/steel-recycling/

    Zero carbon steel: