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azotea: rooftop
Menuda vista: What a view
donde hubo fuego, cenizas quedan: (expression) old flames die hard
bendición: blessing
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desembocadura: spillway
espejo: mirror
musgo: moss
estruendo: rumble
placa: badge
acogedor: welcoming
operarios: operators
sindicato: union
vaqueros: jeans
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transcurso: course
asentamientos: settlements
navegación: sailing
presas: dams
capacitaciones: trainings
inversión: investment
renovables: renewables
célebre: famous
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subsistencia: livelihood
instituto: secondary school
moratones: bruises
traje: suit
solidarizarse: to stand in solidarity
pérdida: loss
ingreso: income
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festejos: celebrations
mandíbula: jaw
banco: bench
enmendar: to make things right
rencores: hard feelings
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pernoctar: to spend the night
claxon: horn
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una muda de ropa: a change of clothes
silvestres: wild
margarita: daisy
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portasuero: IV pole
andador: walking stick
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globos: balloons
regalos: presents
movilizada: moved
traidor: traitor
fuentes: sources
racimo: bunch
habladurías: foul rumours
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internado: admitted
enfermeras: nurses
temple de acero: true grit
camilla: bed
acurrucada: curled up
retorcerse: squirm
sepultada: buried
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palas: shovels
uñas: nails
matutino: morning
acudir: to go
gritar a los cuatro vientos: (expression) to yell out loud
sumo: the utmost
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cenizas: ashes
nieve: snow
ilesa: unharmed
zumbido: buzzing sound
tímpanos: eardrums
rescatistas: rescuers
miembros de la ambulancia: ambulance workers
sinfín: myriad
olisquear: to sniff
desenterrar: to dig up
escombros: rubble
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maquiavélica: Machiavellian
tribunales: courts
cadena perpetua: life imprisonment
más allá del bien y del mal: beyond good and evil
condena: sentence
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maniobra: maneuver
esposar: to handcuff
arrimarse: to pull up
subestimar: to underestimate
Iluminar: to enlighten someone
interruptor: switch
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bailar: to dance
robar: to steal
cielo: (affectionately) honey
estar al tanto: to be aware
trato: deal
perdición: doom
carne: flesh
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muñeca: doll
fosas nasales: nostrils
ensancharse: to flare
trato: arrangement
sucio: dirty
revueltas: revolts
billetes: bills
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simplones: simpletons
despedir: to fire
daño: harm
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escrutar: to scrutinise
escarbar: to dig
enderezarse: to straighten up
sien: temple
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patada: kick
hocico: snout
talón: heel
ceguera: blindness
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telarañas: cobweb
antaño: yesteryear
adornar: to decorate
tramos: sections
gruñir: to grunt
tendido: lying
atontada: numb
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