
  • In the last of our series of Strategic insight podcasts, Caroline reflects on how we can all impact the world around us. It's up to you how you ‘present’ as a person, how you react to things, and whether you choose to allow difficult situations to affect you.

    During this series, Caroline has shared a host of tools to help you identify anything that is holding you back from being the person you want to be, and maybe your assessment of the values most important to you has revealed a little bit more about that person.

    Caroline reminds us that it's all about practice, so practice being a person who makes a positive change in the world, and… you will be one!

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Production

  • In this episode, Caroline shares her insight on how we can learn to leave things behind us. The stress of the pandemic can exacerbate this problem, and cause us to dwell on the past. So, how do we learn from our experiences, but not let them affect us in a negative way by fixating on them, or worrying to a degree which isn’t healthy?

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions

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  • The general feeling in the business world is that after the pandemic abates, we won’t go back to how we used to work - yet people will really appreciate the benefits of coming together and physically working alongside their colleagues again. So it seems fairly clear that a hybrid model is what will result. But how do we see this as working optimally? Caroline offers some pointers on what needs to be thought through before deciding on an organisation's future way of working.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions

  • Interviewing remotely has become more common under COVID-19 and presents the added challenges of coming across well on a virtual platform, and getting a good feel for your future organisation and boss. In this short podcast, Caroline shares tips on how to approach one of the most important challenges for career progression.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions

  • When we're not truly present, we miss out on what is going on in the here and now as we are not as good at multi-tasking as we think we are. And research shows that we lose 28% of our productivity through switching between things and not really focusing. In this episode of the Strategic insight podcast series, Caroline shares her top tips to help you train yourself to be more in the present.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions

  • Our voices are so important to our communication, especially in terms of the emotion we relay. For meetings in a virtual world, we need to focus even more on voice as body language is diminished. In this podcast, Caroline shares tips and techniques for effective communication.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions

  • In the latest episode of ACT's Strategic insights podcast series, Caroline talks through ways we can enhance our communication in order to overcome some of the challenges of remote working, particularly a significantly reduced ability to read body language. How can we build good relationships across a virtual 'wall'?

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.

  • In this episode of the strategic insight podcast series, Caroline continues her exploration of diversity in teams, with a focus on the opportunities and obstacles presented by remote working and technology.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.

  • In the latest episode of the strategic insight podcast series, Caroline Stockmann explores the benefits of diversity in teams. It has been proven that diversity at senior levels can increase the innovation and profitability of an organisation exponentially. Diversity widens the talent pool; better reflecting the customer base; improves corporate governance as well as organisational culture; and breeds innovation. Listen now to learn about the factors coming into play due to the pandemic and remote working which can make diversity and inclusion easier to have, and how you might think about them, as well as the potential dangers ahead and what to watch out for.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.

  • In this new episode of the strategic insight podcast series, Caroline Stockmann focuses on resilience, particularly in the continuing COVID-19 pandemic. Listen now to learn about some simple steps that we can all take to boost our resilience.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.

  • In this new episode of the strategic insight podcast series, Caroline Stockmann continues to discuss leadership, and focuses on the importance of using your experience – particularly in difficult times such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Listen now to discover some of the actions you can take to become a better leader.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.

  • In today’s episode of the strategic insight podcast series, Caroline Stockmann talks further about leadership, and the importance of talking to new people and gaining new experiences so that we can keep developing, especially in this virtual world.

    With thanks to Herminia Ibarra and her book Act Like a Leader, Think Like a Leader.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.

  • A positive mindset can open the brain up to things we may not believe possible. In today’s episode of the strategic insight podcast, Caroline Stockmann shares some more insights relevant to our new normal, this time around positivity.

    Working non-stop is not only less productive but also potentially dangerous. In today’s episode of the strategic insight podcast, Caroline talks about energy in relation to time. She explains how we can manage our time effectively and become more productive.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.

  • In this episode of the strategic insight podcast, Caroline Stockmann talks about The Zone, or Willingness – one of her favourite models. This model focuses on motivational states and can help us move from a state of fear into one where we’re comfortable, creative and inspired.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.

  • Although we have explored fear in previous episodes, today we look at fear and anxiety in the face of COVID-19: fear of contracting the disease, fear of loved ones contracting it and also fear of a changing world.

    In this episode of the strategic insight podcast series, Caroline Stockmann shares practical tips on how we can conquer pandemic-related fear and how we can reduce our anxiety.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.

  • In this episode of the strategic insight podcast, Caroline Stockmann looks at authentic leadership during the pandemic. She shares insights on how we can develop into better leaders and reduce the fear of uncertainty within our teams.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.

  • In today’s episode of the strategic insight podcast, Caroline Stockmann talks about motivating teams. She shares ideas on how we can encourage our team members when they are feeling low.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.

  • Working non-stop is not only less productive but also potentially dangerous. In today’s episode of the strategic insight podcast, Caroline Stockmann talks about energy in relation to time. She explains how we can manage our time effectively and become more productive.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.

  • In this episode of the strategic insight podcast, Caroline Stockmann explores how being focused and intentional in our actions can make a big impact. She shares ideas that can help optimise our working day. This is an important area for us all, particularly at the moment, as gaining control helps us gain more certainty in uncertain times.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.

  • In today’s strategic insight podcast, Caroline Stockmann looks at some pandemic coping strategies to help you on a personal level. Listen to this episode to learn more about ideas for managing stress and boosting your wellbeing.

    Caroline Stockmann was Chief Executive of the Association of Corporate Treasurers (ACT) until April 2023. The ACT is the only professional treasury body with a Royal Charter. We set the global benchmark for treasury excellence and lead the profession through our internationally recognised qualifications, by defining standards and by championing continuing professional development. We are the authentic voice of the treasury profession representing the interests of the real economy and educating, supporting and leading the treasurers of today and tomorrow. www.treasurers.org.

    Produced by Juris Productions.