
  • Summary

    In this episode, Jeffery Downs discusses the importance of streaks in navigating through change. He shares personal experiences of various changes in his life and how streaks have helped him stay grounded and focused. Jeffery emphasizes the significance of consistent inputs and the need to prioritize them over outcomes. He quotes from the book 'Think Like a Rocket Scientist' to highlight the value of an input-focused mind and the dangers of focusing solely on outcomes. Jeffery encourages listeners to embrace streaks as a way to build internal strength and achieve extraordinary results.


    Streaks provide a solid foundation during times of change and uncertainty. Consistent inputs are more important than immediate outcomes. An input-focused mind is the mark of anyone who has achieved anything extraordinary. Success should be seen as a consequence, not the ultimate goal. Streaks help build internal strength and resilience.


    00:00 Introduction: Change and Streaks
    02:43 Staying True to Yourself
    12:23 The Importance of Inputs
    19:14 The Input-Focused Mind
    21:18 Success as a Consequence
    26:18 Building Internal Strength with Streaks
    29:23 Conclusion: Embracing Streaks

    Live an intentional life with MyStreaks. MyStreaks is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download MyStreaks and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about MyStreaks by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary

    The conversation explores the concept of choosing the hard in life, specifically in the areas of physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It emphasizes the importance of intentional and deliberate choices in order to become the person one wants to be. The conversation also touches on the consequences of procrastination and the gradual path towards negative outcomes. The analogy of a river is used to illustrate the need for conscious decision-making and actively paddling towards one's desired direction.


    Be intentional and deliberate in choosing the hard in life. Procrastination leads to negative consequences. The gradual path can lead away from one's desired direction. Conscious decision-making is necessary to move towards one's goals. Choose the hard that aligns with becoming the person you want to be.


    00:00 Introduction: Choosing the Hard
    02:26 The Difficulty of Physical Well-being
    05:19 Choosing Your Hard: Deliberate and Intentional
    06:47 Procrastination and Delayed Consequences
    10:30 The River Analogy: Conscious Decision-Making
    12:24 Conclusion: Choosing the Hard to Become Who You Want to Be

    Live an intentional life with MyStreaks. MyStreaks is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download MyStreaks and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about MyStreaks by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

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  • In this episode of the My Streaks podcast, Jeffery Downs discusses the negativity bias of the brain and how to rewire it to be more positive. He explains that the brain has a natural tendency to focus on negative information due to its survival instinct and the impact of negative events. Jeffery suggests several strategies to rewire the brain, including practicing gratitude, reframing negative thoughts, and being mindful or meditating. He emphasizes the importance of consistent and deliberate actions over time to rewire the brain's response to stimuli.


    The brain has a natural negativity bias, which causes it to focus on negative information. Negative bias is rooted in the brain's survival instinct and the impact of negative events. To rewire the brain, it is important to practice gratitude, reframe negative thoughts, and be mindful or meditate. Consistent and deliberate actions over time can help rewire the brain's response to stimuli.


    00:00 Understanding the Negativity Bias
    05:11 Practicing Gratitude and Positive Responses
    09:05 Being Deliberate and Intentional
    11:04 Cultivating Mindfulness through Meditation
    13:00 Conclusion and Call to Action

    Live an intentional life with MyStreaks. MyStreaks is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download MyStreaks and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about MyStreaks by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary

    This episode of the My Streaks podcast explores the relationship between flexibility and consistency. The host shares personal anecdotes and metaphors to illustrate the importance of finding a balance between these two qualities. He emphasizes the need for flexibility in order to adapt to challenges and avoid breaking, while also highlighting the value of consistency in achieving long-term growth and success. The episode concludes with a reminder to maintain a rigid consistency in daily activities while allowing for flexibility in intensity and approach.


    Flexibility and consistency are complementary qualities that contribute to personal growth and success. Being too rigid and inflexible can lead to breaking under pressure, while being too flexible can result in inconsistency and lack of progress. Finding a balance between flexibility and consistency allows for adaptation to challenges while maintaining a steady commitment to daily activities. Consistency provides a foundation for success, while flexibility allows for adjustments in intensity and approach.


    00:00 Introduction: Exploring the Relationship Between Flexibility and Consistency
    03:14 The Consequences of Inflexibility
    09:15 The Power of Consistency
    15:52 Flexibility: Adapting to Challenges
    21:23 Conclusion: Embracing Flexibility and Consistency

    Live an intentional life with MyStreaks. MyStreaks is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download MyStreaks and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about MyStreaks by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

  • Summary

    In this episode, Jeffery Downs discusses the topics of perfectionism and how to get unstuck. He shares insights from an article by Greg Vanourek on overcoming perfectionism and emphasizes the importance of getting things done rather than striving for perfection. Jeffery also explores the concept of being perfect in specific areas of life and the benefits of consistency and positive emotionality. He provides practical tips for overcoming perfectionism and getting unstuck, such as making tasks laughably simple, visualizing success, and reviewing development cards.


    Striving for perfectionism can hinder progress and slow you down. Being perfect in specific areas of life is achievable and should be celebrated. Consistency and positive emotionality are key to overcoming perfectionism and getting unstuck. Making tasks laughably simple, visualizing success, and reviewing development cards can help in overcoming perfectionism and staying motivated.


    00:00 Introduction and Rebranding
    00:29 The Problem with Perfectionism
    08:47 Perfectionism and Its Effects
    12:09 Overcoming Perfectionism and Getting Unstuck
    24:07 Conclusion and Call to Action

    Live an intentional life with MyStreaks. MyStreaks is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download MyStreaks and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about MyStreaks by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary

    The hosts discuss the decision to change the name of their app from Streaking to MyStreaks. They explain that the change was prompted by the shadow ban on the word 'streaking' in algorithms, which made it difficult for users to find their app. They also discuss the growing popularity of streaks in other apps and the power of streaks in promoting consistency and growth. The hosts highlight the flexibility and customization options in the My Streaks app, including the ability to set deadlines and authenticate streaks. They emphasize that the app is a central hub for all types of streaks and can be tailored to individual goals and aspirations.


    The decision to change the name of the app from Streaky to My Streaks was prompted by the shadow ban on the word 'streaking' in algorithms. Streaks have become popular in other apps due to their effectiveness in promoting consistency and growth. The MyStreaks app offers flexibility and customization options, allowing users to set deadlines and authenticate streaks. The app serves as a central hub for all types of streaks and can be tailored to individual goals and aspirations.


    00:00 Introduction and Busy Lives
    08:30 Changing the Name to My Streaks
    13:38 The Power of Streaks in Consistency and Growth
    29:36 Conclusion: My Streaks Help Me Become Who I Want to Be

    Live an intentional life with MyStreaks. MyStreaks is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download MyStreaks and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about MyStreaks by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary

    In this conversation, Jeffery Downs discusses the concept of cost versus investment and how it applies to personal growth. He shares his experience with Mark Cuban's masterclass on entrepreneurship and highlights the importance of hard work, luck, and being in the right place at the right time. Jeffery emphasizes the need to measure activity rather than time in streaking and explains how activity-based streaks lead to growth. He also discusses the difference between costs and investments in various aspects of life and the importance of intentional decision-making in streaking.


    Cost versus investment applies to personal growth and streaking. Hard work, luck, and being in the right place at the right time are important factors in success. Measuring activity rather than time in streaking leads to growth. Activity-based streaks are investments in becoming the person you want to be. Intentional decision-making is crucial in streaking.


    00:00 Introduction: Cost Versus Investment
    02:31 The Importance of Hard Work, Luck, and Timing
    05:56 Measuring Activity for Growth in Streaking
    12:13 Activity-Based Streaks: Investments in Personal Development

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary

    In this episode of The Streaking Show, Jeffery Downs discusses the difference between being a victim of circumstances and being a problem solver. He draws inspiration from the book and movie 'The Martian' and shares how the main character, Mark Watney, demonstrates problem-solving skills in order to survive on Mars. Jeffery emphasizes the importance of streaking as a tool for personal growth and compares it to the mindset of elite marathon runners. He also shares a personal story of problem-solving during a snowstorm while on a road trip. The episode concludes with a reminder to be a problem solver in life and to keep streaking.


    Choose to be a problem solver rather than a victim of circumstances. Streaking is a tool for personal growth and continuous improvement. Problem-solving skills are essential for overcoming obstacles and achieving goals. Maintaining a streak requires problem-solving when faced with challenges.


    00:00 Introduction and Technical Difficulties
    01:25 Difference Between Victim and Problem Solver Mindset
    06:09 Choosing to Solve Problems
    08:33 Streaking as a Path to Growth
    09:32 Breaking the Two-Hour Marathon Barrier
    11:30 Streaking and Problem Solving
    13:24 Problem Solving During a Snowstorm

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Key Links

    To receive Gregg Vanorek's monthly email you can sign up here

    Click to take the traps test

    Gregg's website www.greggvanourek.com


    Gregg Vanorek, co-author of 'Life Entrepreneurs' and 'Triple Crown Leadership', shares his insights on integrating life and work with purpose and passion. He discusses the importance of asking questions, having patience, and leading oneself first. Gregg also highlights the disappointment of success and the need to find joy in the journey. Drawing from his father's experiences as a CEO, he emphasizes the significance of balancing personal and professional life. Ultimately, Gregg encourages individuals to appreciate the present while looking towards the future. In this conversation, Gregg Vanourek discusses the importance of balancing life and work and provides tips for crafting a fulfilling life. He emphasizes the need to assess one's current situation, create a vision for the future, and take action to close the gap. Gregg also highlights the common traps that people fall into, such as overthinking and negative self-talk, and offers strategies for reframing and overcoming these traps. He encourages individuals to be intentional, aware, and collaborative in their personal growth journey. Gregg's work includes workshops, coaching, writing, and teaching, and he can be contacted through his website gregvanourek.com.


    Ask meaningful questions and have the patience to sit with them.
    Leading oneself is crucial before leading others.
    Success can be disappointing if it does not align with personal values and fulfillment.
    Find joy in the journey and appreciate the present moment. Balancing life and work is a constant challenge, but it is important to prioritize both and create a fulfilling life.
    Crafting your life and work involves assessing your current situation, creating a vision for the future, and taking action to close the gap.
    Common traps that people fall into include overthinking, negative self-talk, and conforming to others' expectations.
    To overcome traps, it is important to be aware, intentional, and collaborative in your personal growth journey.
    Taking small actions and making progress is key to achieving personal and professional goals.
    Gaining perspective and finding joy in life can help overcome challenges and maintain a positive mindset.


    00:00 Introduction and Background
    01:25 Theories of the Good Life
    06:14 The Importance of Patience and Asking Questions
    09:30 Leading Yourself First
    11:24 The Disappointment of Success
    15:41 The Joy in the Journey
    23:42 Balancing the Present and the Future
    24:40 Balancing Life and Work
    25:08 Crafting Your Life and Work
    26:05 Assessing Your Current Situation
    26:35 Creating a Vision for the Future
    27:31 Taking Action and Collaborating
    28:32 Identifying and Addressing Traps
    29:01 Common Traps
    30:26 Reframing and Overcoming Traps
    36:40 Process for Personal Growth
    39:54 Taking Action and Making Progress
    43:08 Gaining Perspective and Finding Joy
    44:37 Gregg's Work and Contact Information

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary

    This conversation explores the concept of getting 1% better and how streaking can help achieve this. The origin of the 1% better concept is discussed, along with the idea of breaking down different areas of life into their smallest parts. The law of diminishing returns is highlighted as a consideration when applying 1% better. The conversation also delves into the role of the Streaking App in self-improvement and the importance of its ecosystem. The power of the sum total of small gains and the value of achievements in the app are emphasized. The conversation concludes with a call to action to start streaking and strive for 1% better in every part of life.


    The 1% better concept is about making small, continuous improvements in every area of life.
    When applying 1% better, consider the law of diminishing returns and focus on the totality of the entire system.
    Streaking involves breaking down different areas of life into their simplest parts and setting streaks in each area.
    The Streaking App provides an ecosystem for self-improvement, combining consistency, consecutiveness, social motivation, and achievement rewards.
    The sum total of small gains leads to overall improvement and becoming the best version of oneself.


    00:00 Introduction to 1% Better
    00:36 Origin of the 1% Better Concept
    01:33 Applying 1% Better to Different Areas
    04:08 Breaking Down Life into Different Areas
    05:05 Starting with a Physical Streak
    06:31 Setting Streaks in Different Areas of Life
    07:56 Setting a Baseline for Improvement
    10:24 The Streaking App and Self-Improvement
    11:32 The Importance of the Streaking App's Ecosystem
    13:53 The Power of the Sum Total
    15:34 Achievements in the Streaking App
    19:00 Conclusion and Call to Action

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary

    In this conversation, Jeffery and Jamie discuss the importance of staying in the groove and the problem with the 1% better concept. They explore the idea of the aggregation of marginal gains and how streaking allows for sustainable improvement. They emphasize the importance of consistency and taking a step-by-step approach to improvement. They also discuss the joy and satisfaction that comes from doing your work and the true source of rewards. The conversation concludes with a call to action to start streaking and experience the benefits for yourself.


    Staying in the groove is essential for maintaining consistency and achieving long-term success.
    The 1% better concept can be problematic if taken to an extreme, as it can lead to unrealistic expectations and feelings of failure.
    The aggregation of marginal gains, focusing on small improvements in various areas, can have a significant impact on overall performance.
    Consistency is key in streaking, and it allows for small wins and breakthrough moments.
    The true satisfaction and rewards in life come from doing your work and overcoming challenges.


    00:00 Introduction and Setting the Stage
    00:57 The Importance of Staying in the Groove
    01:27 The Experience of Recording a Podcast Every Day
    03:22 The Problem with the 1% Better Concept
    06:42 The Aggregation of Marginal Gains
    09:37 The Importance of Consistency in Streaking
    13:24 Building Streaks Over Time
    15:45 Taking a Step-by-Step Approach to Improvement
    20:31 The Joy and Satisfaction of Consistency
    23:41 The Rewards of Doing Your Work
    25:09 Finding Joy in Challenges and Overcoming Doubt
    28:37 The True Source of Satisfaction and Rewards
    30:01 The Work and Breakthrough Moments in Streaking
    32:25 Conclusion and Call to Action

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary

    In this episode, Jeffery Downs discusses an article titled 'Is This It? On the Disappointment of Success' by Greg Vanourek. The article explores the concept of the arrival fallacy, which is the assumption that achieving a major goal will bring lasting happiness and satisfaction. Jeffery highlights examples of successful individuals who experienced disappointment after reaching their goals. He explains the factors that contribute to this disappointment, including the hedonic treadmill and the focus on outcome and achievement. Jeffery introduces streaking as an alternative approach to goal-setting, emphasizing the importance of enjoying the journey and focusing on daily, weekly, and monthly streaks. He concludes by discussing the power of streaking in avoiding the disappointment of success and invites listeners to explore streaking as a framework for personal growth and fulfillment.


    The arrival fallacy is the belief that achieving a major goal will bring lasting happiness and satisfaction, but it often leads to disappointment.
    Successful individuals, such as Michael Phelps and Tom Brady, have experienced depression and a sense of emptiness after reaching their goals.
    The hedonic treadmill is the tendency to quickly adapt to changes in circumstances and return to a baseline level of happiness.
    Focusing on inputs, such as daily, weekly, and monthly streaks, can bring more joy and fulfillment than solely focusing on outcomes and achievements.
    Streaking offers a framework for personal growth and fulfillment by emphasizing the process, enjoying the journey, and becoming who you want to be.


    00:00 Introduction and Background
    01:01 Introduction to the Article
    02:23 The Arrival Fallacy
    03:22 Examples of Disappointment in Success
    04:50 Factors Contributing to Disappointment
    07:16 The Hedonic Treadmill
    09:12 The Role of Inputs in Finding Joy and Happiness
    13:03 Actions to Address the Arrival Fallacy
    18:15 Streaking as an Alternative to Goal-Setting
    23:30 The Power of Streaking
    29:30 Avoiding the Disappointment of Success through Streaking
    31:04 Conclusion and Next Steps

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary

    In this episode, Jeffery Downs discusses the concept of limiting beliefs and the phrase 'I've never been good at that.' He emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for personal growth and challenges the idea that certain skills or abilities are inherently unattainable. Jeffery also explores the role of ego in streaking and how it can hinder progress. He encourages listeners to change their mindset and adopt a consistent and consecutive approach to building strength in any area of life. The episode concludes with a preview of future topics, including the importance of making learning stick.


    Limiting beliefs can hinder personal growth and prevent individuals from developing new skills.
    Taking responsibility for improvement is crucial in overcoming self-imposed limitations.
    Ego can be a barrier to progress and should be checked when pursuing streaks.
    Consistency and consecutiveness are key to building strength and achieving mastery in any area.


    00:00 Introduction and Background
    03:00 The Phrase 'I've Never Been Good at That'
    06:00 Taking Responsibility for Improvement
    09:00 The Role of Ego in Streaking
    12:00 Changing the Mindset and Building Strength
    15:00 Conclusion and Future Topics

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary

    This conversation explores the article 'Hiding in a Bar Bathroom Stall, Fans Defy Odds to Preserve Wordle Streaks' from the Wall Street Journal. The hosts discuss the popularity of Wordle and similar daily challenge games, the dedication and consistency required to maintain streaks, and the sense of community and camaraderie that comes with streaking. They also delve into the psychology of streaking, the power of turning important activities into games, and the motivation and joy that streaking brings. The conversation highlights the impact of streaking in various aspects of life and encourages listeners to continue streaking.


    Streaking involves maintaining a daily challenge or activity to build consistency and motivation.
    Streaking can be applied to various areas of life, from games and puzzles to important tasks and goals.
    Streaking creates a sense of community and camaraderie, as individuals share their streaks and celebrate each other's successes.
    Streaking taps into intrinsic motivation and can bring joy and variety to mundane aspects of life.
    Streaking helps individuals overcome challenges and stay motivated, even in difficult circumstances.


    00:00 Introduction and Article Overview
    01:18 The Popularity of Wordle and Similar Games
    03:17 The Daily Challenge and Dedication to Streaks
    06:02 Streaking as a Consistency Game
    08:13 Creating and Joining Streaking Communities
    09:40 Overcoming Challenges to Maintain Streaks
    10:38 The Intriguing Psychology of Streaking
    11:32 Competition and Camaraderie in Streaking
    12:27 Applying Streaking Principles to Important Areas of Life
    13:26 Finding Joy and Enjoyment in Streaks
    15:20 Streaking as a Motivational Tool
    17:39 The Power of Streaking in In-Between Moments
    19:58 The Intrinsic Motivation of Streaking
    23:10 Streaking as a Source of Joy and Variety
    26:16 Streaking in Mundane Aspects of Life
    28:34 Harnessing the Power of Streaks in Challenging Times
    31:25 The Real Power and Impact of Streaking
    33:20 Conclusion and Call to Keep Streaking

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

  • Summary Jeff discusses the concept of streaking and the importance of consistency in various aspects of life. He specifically focuses on the implementation of a streak to manage email communication. Jeff shares his personal experience of setting a streak to keep his email inbox at 10 emails or less at the end of each day. He provides principles and tips for effective email management, including unsubscribing from unnecessary email lists, understanding the email personality of senders, and making quick decisions. He emphasizes the benefits of consistent email management, such as improved productivity and better planning and concludes by encouraging listeners to start streaking and offers resources for further guidance. Takeaways Consistency is key in achieving success and personal growth. Implementing a streak can help manage and improve email communication. Unsubscribing from unnecessary email lists can reduce inbox clutter. Understanding the email personality of senders can guide efficient responses. Making quick decisions and utilizing calendar scheduling can enhance email management. Consistent email management leads to increased productivity and better planning. The Streaking book and app provide resources for starting and tracking streaks. Chapters 00:00 Introduction to Streaking and Consistency 02:01 The Importance of Consistency in Email Communication 09:29 Implementing a Streak to Manage Email Inbox 15:21 Principles for Managing Email Inbox 20:41 Benefits and Results of Consistent Email Management 22:08 Additional Tips for Effective Email Management 27:16 Conclusion and Recommendations

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary In this episode, Jeffery Downs discusses the word 'just' and its impact on self-worth and achievement. He shares a conversation he had with his co-host Jamie about using the word 'just' in the context of their marathon training. Jeffery emphasizes the importance of not diminishing oneself or one's activities by using the word 'just' and encourages listeners to celebrate their small wins. He also highlights the significance of consistency and longevity in streaking, focusing on frequency rather than intensity. Jeffery concludes by urging listeners to eliminate the word 'just' from their vocabulary and promoting the Streaking app. Takeaways Using the word 'just' diminishes one's achievements and self-worth. Consistency and longevity are key in streaking. Focus on frequency rather than intensity in order to achieve long-term success. Eliminate the word 'just' from your vocabulary and celebrate your small wins. Chapters 00:00 Introduction to the Word 'Just' 01:18 The Context of 'Just' 03:13 The Impact of Using 'Just' 04:20 The Debate on the Definition of 'Just' 06:17 The Importance of Frequency over Intensity 09:39 The Longevity of Streaking 12:15 Eliminating the Word 'Just' 13:06 Promoting the Streaking App Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary In this episode, Jeff discusses the power of streaking and how it can give you energy you didn't know you had. He shares his experiences with travel and how maintaining streaks helped him stay focused and energized. Jeff also explores the concept of competition and setting a floor of success in streaking. He discusses different types of gamers and how their game styles can be applied to streaking. The episode concludes with a call to action to start and sustain streaks in all areas of life. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Overview 01:00 Applying Streaking in All Areas of Life 02:24 The Energy Drain of Travel 03:53 Streaking Gives You Energy You Didn't Know You Had 09:17 Competition and Setting a Floor of Success 18:26 Different Types of Gamers and Streakers 27:21 Starting and Sustaining Streaks 28:17 Conclusion and Call to Action

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary In this episode, Jeff discusses two articles: one on streaks and streaking by Professor Danny Weathers, and another on teenagers' obsession with YouTube and social media. He explores the characteristics of streaks, including their unchanging performance and temporal parameters, the attribution of completion to personal resolve, the perception of uninterrupted activity, and the quantification of duration. Jeff also highlights the motivation and structure provided by streaks, their relevance to identity, and their potential to facilitate the completion of New Year's resolutions. He emphasizes the importance of guiding teenagers and ourselves in using social media intentionally and finding inspiration through user-generated content. Takeaways Streaks require unchanging performance and temporal parameters, personal resolve, perception of uninterrupted activity, and quantification of duration. Streaks provide motivation, structure, and gamification to activities, and are more effective when aligned with one's identity. Streaks can help individuals complete New Year's resolutions and facilitate self-improvement. Guiding teenagers and ourselves in using social media intentionally can help us find inspiration and positive content. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Setting the Stage 01:12 Discussing Professor Danny Weather's Article on Streaks 04:05 Defining Streaks and Their Characteristics 05:31 Differentiating Streaks from Habits and Collections 08:21 Motivation and Structure in Streaks 09:46 The Relevance of Streaks to Identity 10:15 Streaks and New Year's Resolutions 16:23 Teenagers' Obsession with YouTube and Social Media 19:31 The Effects and Rewards of Social Media 21:59 Guiding Teenagers and Ourselves in Using Social Media 25:28 Using Social Media to Find Inspiration 26:26 Keeping New Year's Resolutions Alive with Streaks

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • Summary In this conversation, Jeff and Jami discuss the origin story of streaking and how it relates to their personal experiences. They explore the laws of streaking, including making it laughably simple, keeping a record, and creating a community. They also delve into the history of New Year's resolutions and how streaking can be a more effective approach to personal growth. They highlight the importance of changing mindsets and celebrate the power of streaking in improving physical and spiritual health. The conversation concludes with a call to action for listeners to set streaks and embrace the streaking journey. Takeaways Streaking involves setting simple, consistent actions to achieve personal goals. The three laws of streaking are: make it laughably simple, keep a record, and create a community. New Year's resolutions originated from ancient Babylonian and Roman traditions. Streaking can help change mindsets and embrace the journey of personal growth. Streaking can improve physical and spiritual health. Start with one or two streaks and gradually add more for long-term success. Chapters 00:00 Introduction and Origin Story 03:22 The Health Question 07:09 The Laws of Streaking 11:41 History of New Year's Resolutions 18:15 Discovering the Power of Streaking 23:21 Changing Mindsets through Streaking 26:06 The Importance of Community 28:24 Streaking for the Heart 31:21 New Year's Resolutions and Streaking 33:11 Conclusion and Call to Action

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’

  • In this episode, Jeffery Downs discusses the gift of consistency and how it can bring credibility and confidence into our lives. He uses the example of Amazon's delivery system to illustrate the power of consistency. Jeffery also emphasizes the importance of finding opportunities and serving others through consistent actions. Finally, he highlights how consistency can help us gain confidence in ourselves and achieve great things. Takeaways Consistency breeds credibility and confidence. Look for opportunities to serve and fill needs on a consistent basis. Gaining confidence through consistent actions can lead to personal growth and opportunities. Streaking, or maintaining consistent habits, can bring about positive change in various areas of life. Chapters 00:00The Gift of Consistency 03:18Amazon Delivery System 04:46Consistency Breeds Credibility 06:11Finding Opportunities through Consistency 07:38Gaining Confidence through Consistency

    Live an intentional life, start Streaking. Streaking is the social media app for intentional self-improvement. Download Streaking app and start your own streaks also invite your friends to follow and celebrate your progress! You can learn more about Streaking by buying the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Indie Books.

    Keep Streakin’