
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    We heard you have live music here tonight.Excellent, we’re in the mood for some jazz!We’d like to sit in the lounge area.Is smoking allowed here?Do we order at the table or at the bar?Do you have any happy hour specials?Can I order a half pint?Do you have a cocktail menu?Is the cider sweet or dry?May I try a little taste of it?I’ll take a gin and tonic with a lime.Can you keep our tab open?Do you serve food here? We’d love some light snacks to share.The meat, cheese and pickles plate sounds perfect.We’ll take another round of drinks.We want to split a slice of the chocolate cake.The music is a little loud, can we move to the patio?I’d like to pay the tab now.We’re so full, we should have skipped the dessert!
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    Go get your brother.Be nice to your cousin.Tell me what happened.Don’t do that again.Hold my hand.Catch the ball!Look both ways before crossing.Wait for me!Help me bring the groceries in.Take your shoes off.Move that stuff off the counter.Hang your coat over there.Help me set the table.Wash your hands.Eat your dinner.Pass the bowl to her.Finish your homework.Clean up your room.Brush your teeth.Go to sleep.Listen to this episode several times.
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  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    I know you’re upset. We are, too.Let’s take a break from this for now.We can talk about it once we’ve all calmed down.I know you’ve tried really hard to make this work.We appreciate all of your efforts.Can you tell us more about your side of the story?It sounds like when this happened, it made you angry. Is that true?Let me make sure I’m understanding you correctly.I’m sorry that you felt attacked.It wasn’t my intention to make you feel that way.I didn’t understand why you were behaving that way.Now that you’ve shared your point of view, I can understand why you felt that way.What is it that you are asking us to do about this?I think that we can agree to what you are asking.Thank you for being honest with us.We really appreciate you bringing this to our attention.I think we understand each other better now.Are we in agreement about how we will handle this if it happens again?Is there anything else you want to talk about?Just remember that you can talk to us any time.
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    I’m really sorry about what happened.I take responsibility for my side of the problem.I want to resolve this with you.I just wanted to see if we can get on the same page about this.Let’s take a minute to calm down together.Let’s sit down at the table and talk.Can you help me to understand what the problem is, as you see it?Let me repeat back to you what I heard you say.I just want to make sure I’m understanding you.I think I understand where you’re coming from.Let’s start with what we agree on.I just wanted to clarify some things I didn’t understand.I think we both feel the same way about this.Maybe there’s a way to work this out so we can both get what we want.I agree with you about this, but not about that.Thank you for helping me to understand your point of view.I’m sorry that you feel that way.Do you have a suggestion of what we can do differently going forward?I really value your friendship, and I don’t want this to come between us.
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    Do you like to cook?What’s your specialty dish?Do you like baking?What sort of things do you like to bake?Do you have a favorite local restaurant?What is your favorite food?What is your least favorite food?If you could eat the same meal every day, what would you eat?Do you have a favorite dessert?Did your parents cook for you as a child?Did your parents teach you how to cook?Tell me about a memorable meal with your loved ones.What are some of the food traditions you grew up with?Did you share food with your neighbors or community?What type of meat do people eat where you’re from?What types of seasonings do they use?Did you eat street food growing up?Is there a regional cuisine you enjoy the most?What was the best meal you've ever eaten?What was the worst meal you've ever eaten?
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    Where is your family from originally?Do you speak any other languages?Where did you grow up?How old are you?What do you do for work?Are you married?Do you have any siblings?Where do your parents live?What type of work did your parents do?I’m sorry that your dad passed away.I’m sorry for your loss.Do you have any children?How old are your kids?What do your kids do for a living?Do your kids come here to visit you often?Do you have any grandchildren?How often do you see your family?When was the last time you went home?Do you miss your home?Are you happy that you live here now?What do you like most about living here?
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    Listen to me.Talk to me.Be quiet.Speak up.Turn the volume down.Turn your phone off.Leave me alone.Come with me.Go away.Put that down.Give me the keys.Hand me that screwdriver.Bring me my glasses.Open the door.Take your hat with you.Set this on the table.Turn left here.Take the next right.Stop in front of the blue house.Get out of the car.Have a nice day!
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    Do you have any hobbies?I enjoy gardening.What do you do when you're not working?I love being out in nature.Do you like to go on hikes or long walks?What do you like to do in your spare time?Do you enjoy puzzles?What are your favorite outdoor activities?I would like to get involved in a sport, like soccer.Some people enjoy being part of a book club.Do you like to read fiction?Nothing helps me to relax quite like a quiet evening with a good book.Many creative people spend their free time making things.I have one friend who crafts jewelry, and another who brews beer.It takes a long time to become adept at these skills!If you had the time and the money, what would you choose to make?If I had lots of time and money, I would bake bread and sweets for my friends.One day maybe technology will be so advanced that we can do our hobbies all the time!
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    I’m so glad I met you!You’re beautiful!You’re so handsome.I find you so attractive.I love your sense of humor.You really are the funniest person I know.You are so smart. You’re a genius!You are a wonderful mother and friend.Your daughter is lucky to have such a great father.You look great today!That outfit looks so good on you! I could never pull that off.Those earrings really make your eyes stand out.You have such a nice smile!That color is perfect on you.You looks so pretty in that dress!Wow, those pants make you look so nice!Whoa, did you get your hair cut? Looks fantastic!Look at your gorgeous sweater! Where did you get that?Your new glasses are so cute!I love your style. You always look amazing!You are wonderful! Have a great day!
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    Can you do me a favor?Could you open the door for me?This is really heavy. Can you help me lift it?Can someone help me bring this to my car?It’s fragile, please be careful when you’re handling it.I want that one up there, can you help me get it down?I’m just grabbing a quick coffee, do you mind if I order before you?Can you hand me the milk?I’m in a hurry, is it okay if I go in front of you?We were actually here before you, do you mind waiting?Could you please move out of the way?Do you mind if I turn the heat up? I’m feeling cold.I’m freezing! Do you have a jacket I can borrow?Will you turn the fan on? It’s so hot in here!Could you turn your music down? It’s really loud.Are you available to drive me to the airport?Are you able to pick me up after class?Will you help me find my glasses? I can't see!Can you toss me the remote?Would you be willing to switch seats with us?Is anyone sitting here? Do you care if we sit here?Can I take this chair for my friend?Would you tell your friend about this podcast?
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    I’m calling to find out what services you offer.I’m interested in deep tissue massage.What is the cost for a 60 minute massage?What amenities do you have available?Is the hot tub included in the price?Is the sauna for both men and women?Is there a time or day that is for women only?Do you have any packages available?What does the package include?Can I add on additional services the day of my appointment?Do you offer a birthday discount?Do you offer tea or other beverages during the appointment?Can I bring my own water bottle?Do I have to pay extra for towels or are those included?Do you provide robes and sandals?Do you have a locker room for personal belongings?Is parking available on site?What is your cancellation policy?Okay, I’d like to go ahead and schedule now.I’m so ready for a day to relax and unwind!
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    Admission for one adult, please.What hours are you open today?Are there any special exhibits to see right now?Do you have a map of the museum?Are there guided tours available?What time do the tours take place?How long does each tour last?Is there an extra charge to take the tour?Can I bring my drink inside?Is there a cafe or restaurant here?I've always been interested in the history of this area.I'm find this sign a bit confusing.Can you explain why the people of this time did this?Where can I find more information on this topic?Is there a restroom nearby?I'm lost! How do I get to this area from here?Is there a gift shop?I want to buy a souvenir to remember this experience.I love the architecture of this building.Such a beautiful museum!I enjoyed my visit very much.
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    Where is the nearest hospital?What is the emergency number for this area?Is there cell phone service there?Are there any common natural disasters around here?Is it wildfire season here?Are there earthquakes or tsunamis in this area?Where do people go in case of tsunami?Are there poisonous plants or animals in this area?How can we prevent encountering them?What do we need to bring in case of a bite or infection?A first aid kit is a necessity.We need to purchase bandages and a cleaning solution.We need to bring lots of water if we’ll be in a remote area.Do you have a way to purify water to make it drinkable?Is there anything else we should be aware of before we go?It’s always better to be safe than sorry!
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    I'm here to pick up a prescription.I was involved in an accident.This is the note from the doctor.Here is my date of birth.Do you know when it will be ready?How much will it cost?Do you have a cheaper option?How often do I need to take the pills?Are there side effects I need to know about?Should I take them with food or water?What should I do if I miss a dose?Can you print the instructions for me?The doctor said I will need gauze for the bleeding.The doctor said I should use antibacterial soap, do you have that?What sort of pain medication do you carry?Is there a way to check my blood pressure while I’m here?Thank you for all the help!
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    Where can I find taxis?Are you available?Can you take me to this address?This is my first time visiting.I'm here on vacation.I've always wanted to come here.I'm so excited to get to know the culture.I've been practicing the language as much as I can!I learned a lot by listening to a podcast.I can understand enough to get around, I hope.We'll find out soon!So far I think it's even more beautiful in person!I only have three days in this city.I will be in Sweden for two weeks total.I'm traveling on my own for now.My partner is meeting me in a different city.What activities do you recommend if I only have a few days here?Is there a restaurant that serves great local food?Thanks so much for the information! That is super helpful!Can you help me with my luggage?Please keep the change.Very nice to meet you!
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    Where is the nearest beach?Can we walk there from here?Is it a sandy beach or a rocky beach?Should we wear flip flops or sneakers?Is the water warm enough to swim in?Can we take a bus there, or a taxi?We're a little lost! We're trying to find the public beach.Do you recommend this beach, or is there a better one nearby?There is a business offering boat tours.Do they offer the option to go scuba diving or snorkeling?We are certified for scuba diving.Do people go surfing on this beach?Where can we rent surf boards and wet suits?Are there sharks or stinging fish in the water?We just want to lay in the sun!Oh no, I've got sand in my bathing suit!Are you selling cold drinks?Can we rent an umbrella? We are getting sunburned!Do you mind if we use some of your sunscreen?I love this beach! It's so nice to relax once in a while!
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    What type of music do you like to listen to?I prefer rock, pop, and electronic dance music.Do you like American rock bands?Who do you think is the greatest rock band of all time?Who is your favorite female pop singer?What about your favorite male pop singer?What do you like most about this type of music?Have you ever heard of this artist?What was your favorite music growing up?Do you play any instruments?What is the instrument you would like to learn the most?Do you like to dance or sing?I'm always singing in the shower!I like to do karaoke, do you?I like to dance when I'm alone in my apartment.I worry that my neighbors can hear me.Do you want to go to the dance club with me?We can dance together.I will show you how!
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    I have been thinking about everything I’m grateful for.When I want to complain, I think about the suffering of others.Then I remember that my life is actually very good.I have a lot to be thankful for.My family loves me, and I have many friends.I know that when I’m feeling sad, I can reach out to a friend.My friends always help me to put things into perspective.Sometimes it helps to look at things from a different point of view.Then we can see all the good there is in the world.People are always trying to help each other.Everyone is just doing their best.When I think about my loved ones, I feel a sense of connection.I'm connected to everyone in the whole world.No matter where we live, we are all the same.I’m grateful for the diversity of culture and language.But laughter sounds the same in every language.That’s how we know that we are all one human family.We might be different on the outside, but inside we are all the same.I love being here on planet earth and don't want to leave just yet.What are you grateful for today?
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    Earth is a wonderful planet.I feel so lucky to get a human life on this planet.For you to be born here on Earth required a series of one in a million chances.There never has been, and never will be, another human with your DNA on Earth.You and Earth have a unique relationship.In addition to beauty, Earth is a tremendously resilient complex system.Earth finds balance.Every life form here has found a niche that works, that lives.It's nice to think that, no matter what humans do, we can't destroy Earth.We could certainly ruin Earth for humans. But life will go on here.How amazing it would be if Earth were the only planet with life in the entire universe.And also how amazing if there were other planets out there, supporting life.A planet of different biomes, different species, also in balance, out there among the stars.As interesting as that planet would be to us, Earth is, too.Earth is such an interesting place to visit!I love our planet!
  • This episode exposes you to phrases, repeated in English and Swedish, to improve your Swedish vocabulary and help you to express yourself in Swedish.

    These episodes are meant to accompany and accelerate your existing Swedish language studies, whether you're using an app like DuoLingo, or you're enrolled in a more formal Swedish class. The more you expose your brain to Swedish audio, the faster you'll learn.

    View the full list of English and Swedish phrases in this episode.

    Contact us with feedback and ideas: [email protected]

    Phrases in this episode:

    Earth has made another trip around the sun!New Years is a holiday that everyone on Earth can celebrate together.Every year more places broadcast video of their New Years celebration.It's fun to watch the celebrations in each city around the world.In some places, they drop a fancy ball down to the ground to mark the moment the years transition.In some places, people shoot off fireworks to celebrate the new year.New Years is a great time to reflect on life.Many people make new years resolutions about things they want to improve about themselves in the new year.Do you have a New Years resolution?Why do so many people fail at their New Years resolutions?The people who put off making a positive change until the new year, are people who put off making positive changes.New Years is a great time to celebrate all the positive change we've made that year.And let's not ignore any good reasons to party!