Gurpreet, the first of our speakers to reach out to share her story, takes the mic to talk to us about her experience undergoing an organ transplant. Gurpreet for the first time publicly, tells her story - from the circumstances that led to her needing a transplant, the events of the night she got the transplant itself to embracing what she thought of as a weakness and developing a new exciting attitude towards life. Join us as we listen to Gurpreet share her beautiful journey and raise awareness for the need for organ donations and the perception that exists within the South Asian community.
Over 500,000 subscribers on YouTube; and it all started with a plant. Ananas takes the mic to share her journey of becoming a public figure on social media and the challenges, power and responsibility that come with it. Ananas shares how she deals with hate comments, what motivates her, and how she stays true to herself especially on a public stage where there is so much pressure to do a certain thing or be a certain way.
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Shiv takes the mic to share his journey of dealing with bullying as a child, losing 46kgs as an adult, gaining control of his physical and mental well-being, and finding a new love for nature and our beautiful world. We explore what body positivity means to Shiv and the social standards of beauty or appearance that exist for people who identify as men; a topic that is often overlooked.
Shiv has kindly offered to share more about his experience if you have any questions. For brief queries you can DM Shiv on Instagram @shivkaria. If you have more detailed questions please email me at takethemicwithkt@gmail.com.
Mayuri, David, Nicole and Suren take us through their respective journeys of being in a cross-culture, interracial relationship. Join us, as we discuss how they met, their process of sharing their relationships with their families, embracing the cultural differences and truly proving that love has no borders.
Samantha, Nahin, Dipali and Hiten take the mic to share their respective journeys with faith, religion, questioning certain practices and standing firm with what they believe in; regardless of where on the spectrum of belief they are. We also explore some of the reasons why people are reluctant to talk about faith and what we can do to encourage a more open dialogue.
RB takes the mic to share his journey with volunteering his time to two individuals Uncle and AJ. What comes to mind when you think of the phrase "to volunteer"? Giving? A selfless act of kindness? Community service for free? For RB, volunteering means connection, self-development, learning and being on the receiving end of wisdom and quality time. For RB, volunteering is a two way street.
Kiran takes the mic to share her journey of making not just one but two career transitions, until she found what felt right. Join us as we talk about the challenges, emotions and reasons why Kiran was initially afraid to make the jump(s)! Through this episode we hope to encourage you to question whether the time you are, or will, be spending working is in doing something that is worthwhile for YOU.
Silma and Ayasha take us through their journeys as non-drinkers of alcohol. Whilst Silma has never been a drinker, Ayasha transitioned to living alcohol free. Join us as we talk about pressure, becoming more comfortable in situations as a non-drinker and most importantly, respecting each other's choices.
Sara takes the mic to share her journey dealing with depression and anxiety. From symptoms and initial diagnosis to coping mechanisms and reactions from society, Sara takes us through her experience in this open and honest account. With over 790 million people worldwide (at the date of this episode) suffering from mental illness, this is a conversation that needs to be had repeatedly. Join us in becoming more aware and do share the conversation!
To get in touch with Shaista, please reach out on Instagram @Compass_Coach, via email at shaista.kurji@compasscoachingltd.co.uk or through her website: www.compasscoachingltd.co.uk.
Loren takes the mic to share her journey as a third culture kid born in Hong Kong, brought up in Melbourne and currently living in Singapore! Join us as we talk about mixed cultures, languages and of course answering a third culture kid's favourite question: "where are you from?"
Nurani takes the mic to share her journey on wheels, as we talk fashion, fitness, dating, travel and more!
Take the Mic with Ketna Tanna is a podcast that welcomes you to share your story.
Join our host KT as she interviews some remarkable people who take us through a single journey or experience of theirs. Do you want to take the mic? Reach out to us using one of the ways detailed in our show notes. We look forward to hearing from you.