The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Nyi Min Han’s audio essay.
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The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Sadia Jahan’s audio essay.
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The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Saumya Vishnoi’s audio essay.
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The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Brammah R. Thangarajah’s audio essay.
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The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Vishnu Reddy’s audio essay.
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The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Sherry Wang’s audio essay.
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The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Api Chewcharat’s audio essay.
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The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Kavitha Ramaswamy’s audio essay.
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In today’s podcast, the team discusses a pregnant patient’s clinical course highlighting normal physiology of pregnancy, common issues you may encounter, and how you can tackle them.
Priya Yenebere
Christel Wekon-Kemeni
Priya John
Editing by:
Mo Ibrahim
Normal Physiology of Pregnancy
Visual Abstract: Physiological Changes in Pregnancy
Blog: (Zac’s blog)
CJASN - “Obstetric nephrology: renal hemodynamic and metabolic physiology in normal pregnancy”
Chronic vs. Gestational Hypertension
Visual Abstract: Pregnancy and Hypertension
Blog: (Priya and Anoushka’s blog)
CDC - “High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy”
Obstetrics and Gynecology - “Hypertension in Pregnancy”
Circulation (AHA) - “Chronic Hypertension in Pregnancy”
Advances in Chronic Kidney Disease (ACKD) - “The Management of Hypertension in Pregnancy”
AHA - “Hypertension in Pregnancy”
Preeclampsia and Eclampsia
Visual Abstract: Preeclamptic Glomerular Injury
Blog: (Christina’s PEC blog)
NIH - “About Preeclampsia and Eclampsia”
Preeclampsia Foundation - ‘What is preeclampsia?”
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth: “Epidemiological trends of maternal HTN disorders of pregnancy at the global, regional, and national levels: a population-based study”
BMJ - “Management of preeclampsia”
NephJC summary: Control-Salt-Delete by Bilal Sheikh of pod 2
Tweetorial: by Rachel
Members of the podcast:
Anand Chellapan
Paramveer Singh
Rachael Kermond
The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Momen Abbasi’s audio essay.
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The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Priya Yenebere’s audio essay.
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The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Anoushka Krishnan’s audio essay.
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The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Cristina Popa’s audio essay.
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Anoushka Krishnan
Cristina Popa
Priya John
Momen Abbasi
T. Alp Ikizler,Jerrilynn D. Burrowes,Laura D. Byham-Gray,Daniel Teta,Angela Yee-Moon Wang,Lilian Cuppari KDOQI Clinical Practice Guideline for Nutrition in CKD: 2020 Update September 2020 AJKD/NKF
Rosman J.B., Langer K., Brandl M., Piers-Becht T.P., van der Hem G.K., ter Wee P.M., Donker A.J. Protein-restricted diets in chronic renal failure: A four year follow-up shows limited indications. Kidney Int. Suppl. 1989;27:96–102.
Cianciaruso B., Pota A., Bellizzi V., Di Giuseppe D., Di Micco L., Minutolo R., Pisani A., Sabbatini M., Ravani P. Effect of a low- versus moderate-protein diet on progression of CKD: Follow-up of a randomized controlled trial. Am. J. Kidney Dis. 2009;54:1052–1061.
Locatelli F., Del Vecchio L., Aicardi V. Nutritional Issues with Incremental Dialysis: The Role of Low-Protein Diets. Semin. Dial. 2017;30:246–250.
Lew QJ, Jafar TH, Koh HW, Jin A, Chow KY, Yuan JM, Koh WP. Red Meat Intake and Risk of ESRD. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017 Jan;28(1):304-312. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2016030248.
S Joshi, . Plant based diets for kidney disease: a guide for clinicians. Am J Kidney Diseases, 2020; 77, 287-296
Goraya N, Simoni J, Jo C, Wesson D.E. Treatment of metabolic acidosis in patients with stage 3 chronic kidney disease with fruits and vegetables or oral bicarbonate reduces urine angiotensinogen and preserves glomerular filtration rate.Kidney Int. 2014; 86: 1031-1038
Goraya N, Simoni J, Jo C, Wesson D.E. A comparison of treating metabolic acidosis in CKD stage 4 hypertensive kidney disease with fruits and vegetables or sodium bicarbonate. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2013; 8: 371-381
Goraya N, Simoni J, Jo C, Wesson D.E. Dietary acid reduction with fruits and vegetables or bicarbonate attenuates kidney injury in patients with a moderately reduced glomerular filtration rate due to hypertensive nephropathy. Kidney Int. 2012; 81: 86-93
Yusuf T, Raji YR, Lasisi TJ, Daniel A, Bamidele OT, Fasunla AJ, Lasisi AO. Predictors of Taste Dysfunction and Its Severity Among Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease. Ear Nose Throat J. 2021 Jul 19:1455613211019708.
Kim TH, Kim YH, Bae NY, Kang SS, Lee JB, Kim SB. Salty taste thresholds and preference in patients with chronic kidney disease according to disease stage: A cross-sectional study. Nutr Diet. 2018 Feb;75(1):59-64
McMahon EJ, Campbell KL, Bauer JD. Taste perception in kidney disease and relationship to dietary sodium intake. Appetite. 2014 Dec;83:236-241.
Márquez-Herrera RM, Núñez-Murillo GK, Ruíz-Gurrola CG, Gómez-García EF, Orozco-González CN, Cortes-Sanabria L, Cueto-Manzano AM, Rojas-Campos E. Clinical Taste Perception Test for Patients With End-Stage Kidney Disease on Dialysis. J Ren Nutr. 2020 Jan;30(1):79-84.
Kusaba T, Mori Y, Masami O, Hiroko N, Adachi T, Sugishita C, Sonomura K, Kimura T, Kishimoto N, Nakagawa H, Okigaki M, Hatta T, Matsubara H. Sodium restriction improves the gustatory threshold for salty taste in patients with chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int. 2009 Sep;76(6):638-43.
Brennan F, Stevenson J, Brown M. The Pathophysiology and Management of Taste Changes in Chronic Kidney Disease: A Review. J Ren Nutr. 2020 Sep;30(5):368-379.
Rodriguez-Benot A, Martin-Malo A, Alvarez-Lara MA, Rodriguez M, Aljama P. Mild hyperphosphatemia and mortality in hemodialysis patients. Am J Kidney Dis. 2005;46(1):68-77.
Kalantar-Zadeh K, Kuwae N, Regidor DL, et al. Survival predictability of time-varying indicators of bone disease in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Kidney Int. 2006;70(4):771-780.
Wald R, Walsh MW. In Search of the Optimal Target for Phosphate Control: Episode 1. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2021;32(3):526-528.
Edmonston DL, Isakova T, Dember LM, et al. Design and Rationale of HiLo: A Pragmatic, Randomized Trial of Phosphate Management for Patients Receiving Maintenance Hemodialysis. Am J Kidney Dis. 2021;77(6):920-930.e1.
The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Mo Ibrahim’s audio essay.
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The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Christel Wekon-Kemeni’s audio essay.
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Priya Yenebere
Zac Cerra
Christel Wekon-Kemeni
Mo Ibrahim
Cooper, DKC. “A Brief History of Cross-Species Organ Transplantation.” Proceedings - Baylor University. Medical Center 25.1 (2012): 49–57. Web. DOI:10.1080/08998280.2012.11928783
Roux FA, Saï P, Deschamps JY. Xenotransfusions, past and present. Xenotransplantation. 2007;14(3):208-216. DOI:10.1111/j.1399-3089.2007.00404.x
Denner J. Porcine endogenous retroviruses (PERVs) and xenotransplantation: screening for transmission in several clinical trials and in experimental models using non-human primates. Ann Transplant. 2003;8(3):39-48. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12977-018-0411-8
Wijkstrom M, Iwase H, Paris W, Hara H, Ezzelarab M, Cooper DK. Renal xenotransplantation: experimental progress and clinical prospects. Kidney Int. 2017;91(4):790-796. DOI: 10.1016/j.kint.2016.08.035
Soin B, Smith KG, Zaidi A, et al. Physiological aspects of pig-to-primate renal xenotransplantation. Kidney Int. 2001;60(4):1592-1597. DOI: 10.1046/j.1523-1755.2001.00973.x
Iwase H, Liu H, Wijkstrom M, et al. Pig kidney graft survival in a baboon for 136 days: longest life-supporting organ graft survival to date. Xenotransplantation. 2015;22(4):302-309. DOI: 10.1111/xen.12174
Cooper DKC, Wijkstrom M, Hariharan S, et al. Selection of Patients for Initial Clinical Trials of Solid Organ Xenotransplantation. Transplantation. 2017;101(7):1551-1558. DOI: 10.1097/TP.0000000000001582
Fishman JA. Infectious disease risks in xenotransplantation. Am J Transplant. 2018;18(8):1857-1864. DOI:10.1111/ajt.14725
Rosner F. Pig organs for transplantation into humans: a Jewish view. Mt Sinai J Med. 1999;66(5-6):314-319.
Mansour T. Azhar issues fatwa allowing transplant of pigs' kidneys. The New Arab. https://english.alaraby.co.uk/news/azhar-issues-fatwa-allowing-transplant-pigs-kidneys. Accessed July 3, 2022.
Lu T, Yang B, Wang R, Qin C. Xenotransplantation: Current Status in Preclinical Research. Front Immunol. 2020;10:3060. Published 2020 Jan 23. DOI:10.3389/fimmu.2019.03060
Carrier AN, Verma A, Mohiuddin M, et al. Xenotransplantation: A New Era. Front Immunol. 2022;13:900594. Published 2022 Jun 9. DOI:10.3389/fimmu.2022.900594
The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Zachary Cerra’s audio essay.
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The first assignment in the Podcast rotation is to record a short essay on why the NSMC Intern chose nephrology (or pediatrics, or nursing, or medical school, etc…). The intern then uses this recording to practice editing, adding music and finally publishing a podcast (if they want to). Here is Priya John’s audio essay.
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