This podcast is a journey with the Quran. Season 1 is a reading of the Holy Quran in English. ( It is a translation of the meaning of the Quran. Season 2 is life lessons from the Quran. Selected verses from the Quran by themes/ topic. It can be used as Duaa/ affirmations / life coaching points to add the Quran within your life. 💐 Share your story with the Quran 👍 [email protected]
Talks and reminders from the Qur’an and Sunnah that offer self-improvement and draw you closer to Allah (s.w.t). Learn and understand the beauty of Islam and how science is catching up with the Qur’an. By Dr Musharraf Hussain Al-Azhari, OBE, DL, Translator of The Majestic Qur’an.
Is mother earth and the human race truly experiencing what many are referring to as the "Great Awakening"? Are conspiracy theories really just theories? Has the truth about who we are and where we come from been suppressed and hidden away from the public eye by the elites who control this planet, in an effort to maintain a sinister agenda? After years of research, thumbing through leaked government documents, listening to eyewitness reports and whistleblower testimonies—We believe that not only is this possible, but it may very well be exactly what is taking place on this planet. Thousands of people are waking up and demanding full disclosure. We began Journey to Truth Podcast in hopes of shedding light on this reality, giving people a chance to come forward with their experiences, and discuss the importance of waking up to these truths and what this could mean for the future of humanity. One thing is certain. The truth is wildly stranger than fiction...
Cílem podcastu Eva ženám je dívat se na věci z různých úhlů pohledu, víc do hloubky, a poznávat tak sama sebe. Už samotné uvědomění nám dává prostor pro změnu.Jsem terapeutka emoční svobody, která se nebojí mluvit o všem. Najdeš zde inspiraci a zajímavá témata: vztahy, ženství, endometrióza, seberozvoj, sebehodnota, sex, bolestivá menstruace, mateřství, plodnost, jak ventilovat emoce, rozhovory na různá témata atd..Staň se součástí komunity žen na: HeroHero Eva ženám a vydej se na cestu k sebepoznání:
Join Jesse Welch and Jacob Purifoy for the (Name Change In Progress). This show is filled with good clean fun, a lot of laughs, and strong Biblical and Christian conversations to Encourage, Entertain, and Inspire, and we do it all from a car.
Listen on Spodify, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, Radio Public, Breaker, and OverCast. -
Destiny Praha is an evangelical, Christian church situated in the heart of Prague, Czech Republic. We believe that Jesus loves the Czech nation, as well as all the nations who have made this country their home. Our passion is to communicate this love practically through relationship, discipleship and community.
We have a vision to see people empowered by the love of Jesus and activated by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are fully convinced that you have a very unique and God-given purpose and destiny in life. Your destiny emerges when you begin to discover your gifts and God-given abilities. -
The opposite of throwing shade, TL explores the intersection of spirituality and mental health. With a hefty dose of metaphysics and a whole lot of vulnerability, TL asks questions like: What does it mean to co-create with the universe? Does magic exist? What can ordinary people do about the great injustices of our time? What does living a meaningful life look like? Can we make coffee a food group? Host Brandy Walker attempts to answer these questions, and start new conversations about old paradigms, all while being her awkward, adorable self.
Všichni máme společné to, že jsme spolu na jedné planetě a ŽIJEME. A není nic krásnějšího, než si o tom povídat, inspirovat se a sdílením našich příběhů se podporovat.
Záměrem podcastu je ukazovat běžné a přitom velmi neobyčejné životy lidí, odhalovat nové hloubky a úrovně témat a taky způsoby, jakými se dá žít. Přinášet inspiraci v tom, jak ty krásné teorie z knížek, které čteme, a vize, které nosíme v srdcích, doopravdy v našich životech žít a postupně tak měnit nejenom své životy, ale celý svět. Ukazovat, co všechno je možné a čeho všeho krásného a silného jsme jako lidské bytosti schopni a tím v nás a ve světě posílit nikoliv hodnocení, ale vzájemný respekt a pochopení.
Podcastu a životu zdar!
Verunity -