
  • A couple of weeks ago, Charlie Marsh and the folks at Astral made another big splash with a major release of uv called "uv: Unified Python packaging" which has many far reaching features. We had to have Charlie on the show to give us the inside look into this development. Let's get to it.

    Episode sponsors

    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Charlie Marsh on Twitter: @charliermarsh
    Charlie Marsh on Mastodon: @charliermarsh

    Episode follow up: Wrote up how we use uv at Talk Python: mkennedy.codes

    uv: Unified Python packaging: astral.sh
    Python executable management: astral.sh
    Projects: astral.sh
    Tools: astral.sh
    Scripts: astral.sh
    Rye and uv: August is Harvest Season for Python Packaging: lucumr.pocoo.org
    Python Build Standalone releases: github.com
    Rules: astral.sh
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • Every year the core developers meet to discuss and propose the major changes and trends in Python itself. This invite-only conference of about 50 people happens inside PyCon in the US. Because it's private, we rarely get detailed looks inside this event. On this episode, we have Seth Michael Larson here to give us his account of the sessions and proposals. It's a unique look into the zeitgeist of CPython.

    Episode sponsors

    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Seth on Mastodon: @[email protected]
    Seth on Twitter: @sethmlarson
    Seth on Github: github.com

    The Python Language Summit 2024: blogspot.com
    PEP 2026: Calendar versioning for Python: github.com
    PSF authorized as a CVE Numbering Authority: python.org
    Recommends Memory-Safe Programming Languages: blogspot.com
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

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  • Python performance has come a long way in recent times. And it's often the data scientists, with their computational algorithms and large quantities of data, who care the most about this form of performance. It's great to have Stan Seibert back on the show to talk about Python's performance for data scientists. We cover a wide range of tools and techniques that will be valuable for many Python developers and data scientists.

    Episode sponsors

    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Stan on Twitter: @seibert
    Anaconda: anaconda.com
    High Performance Python with Numba training: learning.anaconda.cloud
    PEP 0703: peps.python.org
    Python 3.13 gets a JIT: tonybaloney.github.io
    Numba: numba.pydata.org
    LanceDB: lancedb.com
    Profiling tips: docs.python.org
    Memray: github.com
    Fil: a Python memory profiler for data scientists and scientists: pythonspeed.com
    Rust: rust-lang.org
    Granian Server: github.com
    PIXIE at SciPy 2024: github.com
    Free threading Progress: py-free-threading.github.io
    Free Threading Compatibility: py-free-threading.github.io
    caniuse.com: caniuse.com
    SPy, presented at PyCon 2024: us.pycon.org
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • Do you feel like ADHD is holding you back? Maybe you don't personally have ADHD but you work with folks who do and you'd like to support them better. Either way, how ADHD interplays with programming and programmers is pretty fascinating. On this episode we have Chris Ferdinandi who himself has ADHD and has written a lot about it to share his journey and his advice for thriving with ADHD as a programmer or data scientist.

    Episode sponsors

    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Chris on Mastodon: @cferdinandi
    ADHD FTW Talk Python Page: adhdftw.com
    Building a Second Brain: buildingasecondbrain.com
    Building a Second Brain Book: buildingasecondbrain.com
    White Collar Jobs are Just Meetings: theatlantic.com
    Article with Fighting Duck-Sized Horses Agile: mensurdurakovic.com
    Nothing Phone: nothing.tech
    Apple Watch: apple.com
    Todoist: todoist.com
    Anytype (open source Notion): anytype.io
    Obsidian: obsidian.md
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • Flask is one of the most important Python web frameworks and powers a bunch of the internet. David Lord, Flask's lead maintainer is here to give us an update on the state of Flask and Pallets in 2024. If you care about where Flask is and where it's going, you'll definitely want to listen in.

    Episode sponsors

    Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    David on Mastodon: @davidism
    David on X: @davidism
    State of Pallets 2024 FlaskCon Talk: youtube.com
    FlaskCon: flaskcon.com
    FlaskCon 2024 Talks: youtube.com
    Pallets Discord: discord.com
    Pallets Eco: github.com
    JazzBand: jazzband.co
    Pallets Github Org: github.com
    Jinja: github.com
    Click: github.com
    Werkzeug: github.com
    MarkupSafe: github.com
    ItsDangerous: github.com
    Quart: github.com
    pypistats: pypistats.org
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • If you want to get better at something, often times the path is pretty clear. If you get better at swimming, you go to the pool and practice your strokes and put in time doing the laps. If you want to get better at mountain biking, hit the trails and work on drills focusing on different aspects of riding. You can do the same for programming. Reuven Lerner is back on the podcast to talk about his book Pandas Workout. We dive into strategies for learning Pandas and Python as well as some of his workout exercises.

    Episode sponsors

    Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
    Scalable Path
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Reuven Lerner on Twitter: @reuvenmlerner
    Pandas Workout Book: manning.com
    Bamboo Weekly: Solar eclipse: bambooweekly.com
    Bamboo Weekly: Avocado hand: bambooweekly.com
    Scaling data science across Python and R: talkpython.fm
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • Python is special. It's used by the big tech companies but also by those you would rarely classify as developers. On this episode, we get a look inside how Python is being used at a Children's Hospital to speed and improve patient care. We have Dr. Somak Roy here to share how he's using Python in his day to day job to help kids get well a little bit faster.

    Episode sponsors

    Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Somak Roy: linkedin.com
    Cincinnati Children's Hospital: cincinnatichildrens.org
    CNVkit: Genome-wide copy number: readthedocs.io
    cnaplotr: github.com
    hgvs: readthedocs.io
    openpyxl: readthedocs.io
    Hera is an Argo Python SDK: github.com
    insiM: in silico Mutator software for bioinformatics: github.com
    Bamsurgeon: github.com
    pysam - An interface for reading and writing SAM files: readthedocs.io
    Scientists rename human genes to stop Microsoft Excel from misreading them as dates: theverge.com
    BioPython: biopython.org
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • Python is one of the most popular languages of the current era. It dominates data science, it an incredible choice for web development, and its many people's first language. But it's not super great on front-end programing, is it? Frameworks like React, Vue and other JavaScript frameworks rule the browser and few other languages even get a chance to play there. But with pyscript, which I've covered several times on this show, we have the possibility of Python on the front end. Yet it's not really a front end framework, just a runtime in the browser. That's why I'm excited to have Ken Kinder on the podcast to talk about his project PuePy, a reactive frontend framework in Python.

    Episode sponsors

    Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
    Code Comments
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Michael's Code in a Castle Course: talkpython.fm/castle

    Ken Kinder: @[email protected]
    PuePy: puepy.dev
    PuePy Docs: docs.puepy.dev
    PuePy on Github: github.com
    pyscript: pyscript.net
    VueJS: vuejs.org
    Hello World example: docs.puepy.dev
    Tutorial: docs.puepy.dev
    Tutorial running at pyscript.com: pyscript.com
    Micropython: micropython.org
    Pyodide: pyodide.org
    PgQueuer: github.com
    Writerside: jetbrains.com

    Michael's PWA pyscript app: github.com
    Michael's demo of a PWA pyscript app: youtube.com
    Python iOS Web App with pyscript and offline PWAs video: youtube.com
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • I've gathered a group of Python experts who have been thinking deeply about where Python is going and who have lived through where it has been. This episode is all about near-term Python trends and things we each believe will be important to focus on as Python continues to grow. Our panelists are Jodie Burchell, Carol Willing, and Paul Everett.

    Episode sponsors

    Code Comments
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Shiny course at Talk Python: talkpython.fm/shiny

    Jodie Burchell: @t_redactyl
    Carol on Mastodon: @[email protected]
    Paul Everitt: @paulweveritt
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • I have a special episode for you this time around. We're coming to you live from PyCon 2024. I had the chance to sit down with some amazing people from the data science side of things: Jodie Burchell, Maria Jose Molina-Contreras, and Jessica Greene. We cover a whole set of recent topics from a data science perspective. Though we did have to cut the conversation a bit short as they were coming from and go to talks they were all giving but it was still a pretty deep conversation.

    Episode sponsors

    Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
    Code Comments
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Jodie Burchell: @t_redactyl
    Jessica Greene: linkedin.com
    Maria Jose Molina-Contreras: linkedin.com

    Talk Python's free Shiny course: talkpython.fm/shiny
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • You're using Pydantic and it seems pretty straightforward, right? But could you adopt some simple changes to your code that would make it a lot faster and more efficient? Chances are, you'll find a couple of the tips from Sydney Runkle that will do just that. Join us to talk about Pydantic performance tips here on Talk Python.

    Episode sponsors

    Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
    Code Comments
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Sydney Runkle: linkedin.com
    Pydantic: pydantic.dev
    Performance docs: docs.pydantic.dev
    Union tips: docs.pydantic.dev
    Sydney's presentation slides: docs.google.com
    JSON to Pydantic: jsontopydantic.com
    Samuel talking FastUI: talkpython.fm

    CodeFlash: codeflash.ai
    Codspeed: codspeed.io
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • There hasn't been a boom like the AI boom since the .com days. And it may look like a space destined to be controlled by a couple of tech giants. But Ines Montani thinks open source will play an important role in the future of AI. I hope you join us for this excellent conversation about the future of AI and open source.

    Episode sponsors

    Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Ines Montani on Twitter: @_inesmontani
    spaCy: spacy.io
    Prodigy App: prodi.gy
    Ines' presentation at PyCon Lithuania: youtube.com
    LM Studio: lmstudio.ai
    Little Bobby Tables: xkcd.com

    spaCy and NLP course: talkpython.fm

    Use my link to get your .app, .dev, or .foo domain for just $1 right now at Porkbun: talkpython.fm/porkbun
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • Do you want to look inside your Django request? How about all of your requests in development and see where they overlap? If that sounds useful, you should check out Kolo. It's a pretty incredible extension for your editor (VS Code at the moment, more editors to come most likely). We have Wilhelm Klopp on to tell us all about it.

    Episode sponsors

    Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Wil on Twitter: @wilhelmklopp
    Kolo: kolo.app
    Kolo's info repo: github.com
    Kolo Playground: play.kolo.app
    Generating tests with Kolo: kolo.app
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • So you've created a web app with Python using Flask, Django, FastAPI, or even Emmett. It works great on your machine. How do you get it out to the world? You'll need a production-ready web server. On this episode, we have Giovanni Barillari to tell us about his relatively-new server named Granian. It promises better performance and much better consistency than many of the more well known ones today.

    Episode sponsors

    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    New spaCy course: talkpython.fm

    Giovanni: @gi0baro
    Granian: github.com
    Emmett: emmett.sh
    Renoir: github.com
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • This episode dives into some of the most important data science libraries from the Python space with one of its pioneers: Wes McKinney. He's the creator or co-creator of pandas, Apache Arrow, and Ibis projects and an entrepreneur in this space.

    Episode sponsors

    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Wes' Website: wesmckinney.com
    Pandas: pandas.pydata.org
    Apache Arrow: arrow.apache.org
    Ibis: ibis-project.org
    Python for Data Analysis - Groupby Summary: wesmckinney.com/book
    Polars: pola.rs
    Dask: dask.org
    Sqlglot: sqlglot.com
    Pandoc: pandoc.org
    Quarto: quarto.org
    Evidence framework: evidence.dev
    pyscript: pyscript.net
    duckdb: duckdb.org
    Jupyterlite: jupyter.org
    Djangonauts: djangonaut.space
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • Do you use Python in an academic setting? Maybe you run a research lab or teach courses using Python. Maybe you're even a student using Python. Whichever it is, you'll find a ton of great advice in this episode. I talk with Keiland Cooper about how he is using Python at his neuroscience lab at the University of California, Irvine.

    Episode sponsors

    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Keiland's website: kwcooper.xyz
    Keiland on Twitter: @kw_cooper
    Keiland on Mastodon: @[email protected]

    Journal of Open Source Software: joss.readthedocs.io
    Avalanche project: avalanche.continualai.org
    ContinualAI: continualai.org
    Executable Books Project: executablebooks.org
    eLife Journal: elifesciences.org
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • Do you find yourself or your team building internal apps frequently for your company? Are you familiar with the term "forms over data"? They are super empowering for your org but they can be pretty repetitive and you might find yourself spending more time than you'd like working on them rather than core products and services. I invited Jimmy Chan from Dropbase to tell us about their service who's tagline is "Build internal web apps with just Python." It's a cool service and a fun conversation.

    Episode sponsors

    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Build internal web apps with just Python.: dropbase.io
    Dropbase on Github: github.com
    Dropbase @ LinkedIn: linkedin.com
    Dropbase on Twitter: twitter.com
    Jimmy Chan: linkedin.com
    Jimmy on Twitter: twitter.com
    Dropbase Docs: docs.dropbase.io
    Dropbase: dropbase.io
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • We all know that tools like ChatGPT have really empowered developers to tackle bigger problems. Are you using TailwindCSS and need a login page? Try asking Chat "What is the HTML for a login page with the login username, password, and button in its own section in the center of the page?" It will literally give you a first pass version of it. But how far can you push this? Fred Tubiermont may have taken it farther than most. He built a functioning SaaS product with paying customers by only using ChatGPT and Python. It's fascinating to hear his story.

    Episode sponsors

    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Frederick Tubiermont: linkedin.com
    The #1 AI Jingle Generator: aijinglemaker.com
    Fred's YouTube Channel: youtube.com
    AI Coding Club: aicodingclub.com
    No Code: saashub.com
    Prompt Engineering 101 - Crash Course & Tips: youtube.com
    gpt-engineer: github.com
    Instant Deployments, Effortless Scale: railway.app
    Self-hosting with superpowers.: coolify.io
    The newsletter platform built for growth.: beehiiv.com
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • What is the state of serverless computing and Python in 2024? What are some of the new tools and best practices? We are lucky to have Tony Sherman who has a lot of practical experience with serverless programming on the show.

    Episode sponsors

    Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Tony Sherman on Twitter: twitter.com
    Tony Sherman: linkedin.com
    PyCon serverless talk: youtube.com
    AWS re:Invent talk: youtube.com
    Powertools for AWS Lambda: docs.powertools.aws.dev
    Pantsbuild: The ergonomic build system: pantsbuild.org
    aws-lambda-power-tuning: github.com
    import-profiler: github.com
    AWS Fargate: aws.amazon.com
    Run functions on demand. Scale automatically.: digitalocean.com
    Vercel: vercel.com
    Deft: deft.com
    37 Signals We stand to save $7m over five years from our cloud exit: world.hey.com
    The Global Content Delivery Platform That Truly Hops: bunny.net
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy

  • We've spoken previously about security and software supply chains and we are back at it this episode. We're diving in again with Charles Coggins. Charles works at a software supply chain company and is on to give us the insiders and defender's perspective on how to keep our Python apps and infrastructure safe.

    Episode sponsors

    Sentry Error Monitoring, Code TALKPYTHON
    Talk Python Courses

    Links from the show

    Series: How Malicious Python Code Gains Execution: blog.phylum.io

    Pick a Python Lockfile and Improve Security: blog.phylum.io
    Bad Beat Poetry: blog.phylum.io
    PEP 665 – A file format to list Python dependencies for reproducibility of an application: peps.python.org
    PEP 517 – A build-system independent format for source trees: peps.python.org
    PEP 518 – Specifying Minimum Build System Requirements for Python Projects: peps.python.org
    Lockfiles should be committed on all projects: classic.yarnpkg.com
    An Overview of Software Supply Chain Security: tldrsec.com
    Typosquatting: docs.phylum.io
    Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification: capec.mitre.org
    Dependency Confusion: docs.phylum.io
    Expired Author Domains: docs.phylum.io
    Unverifiable Dependency: docs.phylum.io
    Repo Jacking: Hidden Danger in Broken Links: blog.phylum.io
    Software Libraries Are Terrifying: medium.com
    phylum 0.43.0: pypi.org
    linguist: github.com
    rich-codex ⚡️📖⚡️: ewels.github.io
    Phylum Community Discord: discord.gg
    The dream is dead?: mastodon.social
    When "Everything" Becomes Too Much: The npm Package Chaos of 2024: socket.dev
    pip-tools: github.com
    Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
    Episode transcripts: talkpython.fm

    --- Stay in touch with us ---
    Subscribe to us on YouTube: youtube.com
    Follow Talk Python on Mastodon: talkpython
    Follow Michael on Mastodon: mkennedy