
  • Learning to teach math teachers better with Dr. Katey Arrington, Director of Systemic Transformation at The University of Texas at Austin, Charles A. Dana Center, and the President of NCSM: Mathematics Education Leadership. Listen as she shares her experience and advice on being a mathematics teacher educator and her path toward approaching the systemic transformation of mathematics education from her time as an undergraduate to her roles at the Dana Center and the president of NCSM: Mathematics Education Leadership.
    Links from the episode
    Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin (https://www.utdanacenter.org/)
    UTeach Institute (https://institute.uteach.utexas.edu/)
    NCSM Leadership in Mathematics Education (https://www.mathedleadership.org/)
    TMT Episode 3 - Brian Buckhalter and Candies Cook: Becoming a Math Coach in a School District (https://www.teachingmathteachingpodcast.com/3)
    The Transition Years: A Discussion with Dr. John Staley (https://www.teachingmathteachingpodcast.com/50)
    The Transition Years: Supporting the Work (https://www.teachingmathteachingpodcast.com/56)
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/)
    Special Guest: Katey Arrington.

  • Learning to teach math teachers better with Dr. Hyejin Park, Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Drake University, Dr. Travis Weiland, Assistant Professor at the University of Houston, Dr. Samantha Marshall, Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University, and Dr. Eunhye Flavin, Assistant Professor at Stonehill College, as they share their experience and expertise as mathematics teacher educators and share their work on the AMTE Research Committee, more specifically the AMTE Dissertation Award, and the importance of getting involved and helping others get involved in organizational leadership!
    Links from the epsode
    AMTE Volunteer Form (https://amte.net/form/volunteer)
    AMTE Community Circles (https://amte.net/content/amte-community-circles)
    Flavin, E., & Suh, J. (2024). Centering Empathy in a Mathematics Classroom. Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12, 117(5), 361-370. Retrieved May 22, 2024, from https://doi.org/10.5951/MTLT.2023.0246
    Marshall, S. A., McClain, J. B., & McBride, A. (2023). Reframing translanguaging practices to shift mathematics teachers’ language ideologies. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/09518398.2023.2178683
    AMTE Early Career BIPOC Mentoring Program (https://amte.net/content/amte-early-career-bipoc-faculty-mentoring-program)
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/) Special Guests: Eunhye Flavin, Hyejin Park, Samantha Marshall, and Travis Weiland.

  • Missing episodes?

    Click here to refresh the feed.

  • Learning to teach math teachers with Dr. Barbara King, Associate Professor of Teaching and Learning at Florida International University, Dr. Siddhi Desai, Assistant Professor at Fairleigh Dickinson University, Dr. Justin Burris, Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Houston, and Sheila Orr, a Doctoral Candidate in Curriculum, Instruction and Teacher Education at Michigan State University. They share their experience as mathematics teacher educators and share their work on the AMTE Equity Committee, which includes the Equity Book Club, how their study on AMTE Conference presentations led to changes in the proposal system and conference format, and finally, they share the importance of getting involved and helping others have their voices heard.
    AMTE Volunteer Form (https://amte.net/form/volunteer)
    2025 Annual AMTE Conference in Reno, NV, Proposals due May 15th, 2024 (https://amte.net/content/2025-annual-amte-conference)
    AMTE Community Circles (https://amte.net/content/amte-community-circles)
    Teaching Math Teaching Episode 71 - Siddhi Desai: Ethnomodeling and collaborating around mathematical curiosities (https://www.teachingmathteachingpodcast.com/71)
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/) Special Guests: Barbara King, Justin Burris, Sheila Orr, and Siddhi Desai.

  • Learning to teach math teachers better with Dr. Nirmala Naresh, Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of North Texas and the AMTE Associate Vice President for the Annual Conference Program, as she shares her advice and expertise on being a mathematics teacher educator as well as gaining insight on improvements for next year's AMTE Conference in Reno, NV.
    AMTE Volunteer Form (https://amte.net/form/volunteer)
    AMTE Annual Conference Information and Proposal Submission (https://amte.net/content/2025-annual-amte-conference)
    University of North Texas (https://www.unt.edu/index.html) Master of Science (Mathematics Education Concentration) (https://math.unt.edu/graduate/master-science-mathematics-education-concentration)
    University of North Texas (https://www.unt.edu/index.html) Graduate Certificate for Dual Credit Teaching in Mathematics (https://math.unt.edu/graduate/graduate-certificate-dual-credit-teaching-mathematics)
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/)

  • Learning to teach math teachers better with Dr. Kyle Whipple, Associate Professor of Education for Equity and Justice at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Dr. Enrique Ortiz, Professor of Mathematics Education at the University of Central Florida, Alexa Lee-Hassan, Learning Sciences Graduate Student and Mathematics Education Lecturer at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and Dr. Liza Bondurant, Associate Professor at Mississippi State University. They share their experience as mathematics teacher educators and their work on the AMTE Advocacy Committee and their plans for the upcoming AMTE conference in February of 2025 in Reno, NV as well as the importance of getting involved and helping others get involved in advocacy and organizational leadership.
    Links from the episode
    AMTE Volunteer Form (https://amte.net/form/volunteer)
    2025 Annual AMTE Conference in Reno, NV, Proposals due May 15th, 2024 (https://amte.net/content/2025-annual-amte-conference)
    AMTE Professional Book Series, Vol 6: Building Community to Center Equity and Justice in Mathematics Teacher Education (https://amte.net/publications/prof-book-series)
    NCTE-NCTM Joint Conference on K-5/Elementary Literacy and Mathematics (https://www.nctm.org/ncte-nctm2024/)
    Creating Welcoming and Inclusive Spaces: How To Make Our Elementary Mathematics and Language Arts Classrooms Safer for LGBTQ+ Children, Families, and Colleagues by Courtney Koestler and Kyle Whipple
    Promoting Equity in Approximations of Practice for Preservice Mathematics Teachers (https://www.igi-global.com/book/promoting-equity-approximations-practice-preservice/326517) due out July 2024.
    MAA MathFest 2024 (https://maa.org/meetings/maa-mathfest) in Indianapolis, Indiana on August 9. Early-bird registration ends April 15th
    International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME) (https://icme15.org/icme-15-scientific-program/topic-study-groups/tsg-5-1-students-identity-motivation-and-attitudes-towards-mathematics-and-its-study/) July 7-14 in Sydney, Australia.
    Sines of Disability (https://sinesofdisability.com/)
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/) Special Guests: Alexa Lee-Hassan, Enrique Ortiz, Kyle Whipple, and Liza Bondurant.

  • Learning to teach math teachers better with Dr. Christa Jackson, Professor of Mathematics, Science, and STEM Education at St. Louis University. She shares her infectious joy about learning and mathematics. Christa is currently serving as the editor of a new book series from NCTM, Powerful Mathematicians Who Changed the World. Four of the planned thirteen books are currently available.
    Show notes:
    Jackson, C., & Delaney, A. (2017). Chapter 10: Mindsets and Practices: Shifting to an Equity-centered Paradigm. (https://www.nctm.org/Store/Products/Access-and-Equity--Promoting-High-Quality-Mathematics-in-Grades-6-8/)
    _Powerful Mathematicians Who Changed the World _series (https://www.nctm.org/Store/Products/Powerful-Mathematicians-Who-Changed-the-World-Series/)
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net) Special Guest: Christa Jackson.

  • Learning to teach mathematics teachers better with Dr. Cat Maiorca from Oklahoma State University and Dr. Jessica Ivy from Purdue University Northwest. They share findings from their presentation at the AMTE 2024 conference that won the 2024 AMTE National Technology Leadership Initiative award, entitled Developing Mathematics Lessons and Assessments with Chatbots for Learning in Teacher Education: Innovation and Challenges. During this conversation, they describe considerations for judiciously selecting and using Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools in mathematics teacher education.
    Show notes:
    Our guests are joined by their colleagues to present an AMTE Webinar on this topic on April 3, 2024.
    AI-Powered Math Education: What Math Teacher Educators Need to Know (https://amte.net/content/ai-powered-math-education-what-math-teacher-educators-need-know)
    Wednesday, April 3 2024, 9 am Pacific; 12:00 pm Eastern
    Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning
    U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Future of Teaching and Learning: Insights and Recommendations, Washington, DC, 2023.
    https://tech.ed.gov/ai/ (https://tech.ed.gov/ai/)
    Reinhart, S. C. (2000). Never say anything a kid can say! Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 5(8), 478-483. https://doi.org/10.5951/MTMS.5.8.0478 (https://doi.org/10.5951/MTMS.5.8.0478)
    Sinek, S. (2009, September). How great leaders inspire action. TEDxPuget Sound. https://www.ted.com/talks/simonsinekhowgreatleadersinspireaction?language=en (https://www.ted.com/talks/simon_sinek_how_great_leaders_inspire_action?language=en)
    AI Tools to play with: (inclusion does not imply endorsement)
    Magic School (https://www.magicschool.ai/)
    Claude (https://claude.ai/login?returnTo=%2F)
    ChatGPT (https://chat.openai.com/auth/login)
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net)
    Special Guests: Cat Maiorca and Jessica Ivy.

  • Learning to teach mathematics teachers better with Dr. Christopher Jett, Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at Georgia State University. We discuss efforts to be an advocate for others within mathematics teacher education, and also his book, Black Male Success in Higher Education.
    Show notes:
    Jett, C. C. (2022). Black male success in higher education: How the mathematical brotherhood empowers a collegiate community to thrive. Teachers College Press.
    https://www.tcpress.com/black-male-success-in-higher-education-9780807767412 (https://www.tcpress.com/black-male-success-in-higher-education-9780807767412)
    Jett, C.,Yeh, C., & Zavala, M. (2022). From argumentation to truth-telling: Critical race theory in mathematics teacher education. MathematicsTeacher Educator,10(3), 223-230. https://doi.org/10.5951/MTE.2022.0007 (https://www.tcpress.com/black-male-success-in-higher-education-9780807767412)
    Jett, C. C., & Terry, Sr., C. L. (2023). Elevating mathematics achievement outcomes for Black boys: Guidance for practitioners, policymakers, and researchers. Theory Into Practice, 62(4), 420-430. https://doi.org/10.1080/00405841.2023.2258733 (https://doi.org/10.1080/00405841.2023.2258733)
    AMTE Volunteer Form: https://www.amte.net/form/volunteer (https://www.amte.net/form/volunteer)
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net) Special Guest: Christopher Jett.

  • Learning to teach math teachers better with Dr. Matthew Campbell, Associate Professor of Mathematics Education and Associate Director & Coordinator of Teacher Education at West Virginia University, as he shares his experiences and advice on being a mathematics teacher educator as well as sharing his work with the Moutaineer Mathematics Master Teacher (M3T) Project. Matt also shares his experiences with the STaR (Service Teaching and Research) Fellowship program and how listeners can apply to be a STaR fellow or help fund the program.
    Links from the episode
    Apply to the Service Teaching and Research (STaR) in Mathemaitcs Education Fellowship Program (https://amte.net/star)
    Help fund the STaR program (https://www.amte.net/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=13).
    Mountaineer Mathematics Master Teachers (M3T) Project (https://m3twv.org)
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net) Special Guest: Matthew Campbell.

  • Learning to teach math teachers better with Dr. Sarah Bush, Professor of K-12 STEM Education and Lockheed Martin Eminent Scholar Chair in the School of Teacher Education at the University of Central Florida. Sarah shares about her roles within NCTM as a Board Member (2019-2022) and Task Force Chair and Lead Writer for Catalyzing Change in Middle School Mathematics: Initiating Critical Conversations. She also speaks about the Master Teacher Fellows and their work in a Noyce Track 3 grant, Empowering STEM Teachers with Earned Doctorates.
    Links mentioned in this episode:
    Empowering STEM Teachers with Earned Doctorates (Noyce Track 3 Grant)
    Noyce Blog post for AAAS
    NCTM's Catalyzing Change Series:
    Catalyzing Change in Middle School Mathematics: Initiating Critical Conversations
    Success Stories from Catalyzing Change
    Simplifying STEM [6-12]: Four Equitable Practices to Inspire Meaningful Learning
    By: Christa Jackson, Kristin L. Cook, Sarah B. Bush, Margaret Mohr-Schroeder, Cathrine Maiorca, Thomas Roberts
    Simplifying STEM [PreK-5]: Four Equitable Practices to Inspire Meaningful Learning
    By: Christa Jackson, Thomas Roberts, Cathrine Maiorca, Kristin L. Cook, Sarah B. Bush, Margaret Mohr-Schroeder
    STEM Education Report
    Amidon Planet E096: The Path to Professor with Dorothy White
    Melissa Adams Corral: Teaching as Community Organizing
    https://www.teachingmathteachingpodcast.com/82 Special Guest: Sarah Bush.

  • Learning to teach math teachers better with Dr. Sam Otten, Associate Professor, Lois Knowles Faculty Fellow, and Department Chair in Learning, Teaching, and Curriculum at the University of Missouri, as he shares advice and insight on the importance of listening to teachers when working to improve instructional practice in mathematics classrooms. He also discusses his research on flipped mathematics instruction, and the Math Ed Podcast that he started in 2012.
    Links from the episode:
    Math Ed Podcast https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/mathed
    Teddy Chao and OSU Digital Math Storytelling https://u.osu.edu/digitalmathstorytelling/
    Flipped Math Study www.flippedmathstudy.net
    Practice-Driven PD Project www.practicedrivenpd.com
    AMTE Connections article with Sean Yee and Megan Taylor about what teachers think should be in secondary methods courses. https://www.rcml-math.org/assets/Newsletter/rcml%20newsletter%20may%202018.pdf
    To apply for a Ph.D. in Math Education at the University of Missouri www.mizzoumathed.org
    Missing Letters: An Alphabet Book http://www.missinglettersbook.com Special Guest: Sam Otten.

  • Learning to teach math teachers better with Dr. Katie Rupe, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at Western Washington University, and Dr. Dawn Woods, Assistant Professor of Elementary Mathematics Education at Oakland University, as they share their experiences and advice on being mathematics teacher educators, their work supporting first year teachers, and their experience being awarded the first ever Mathematics Education Trust Early Career Research Grant, which is cosponsored by Eugene P. & Clara M. Smith Mathematics Education Research Fund, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and AMTE.
    Links from the episode:
    National Council of Teachers of Mathematics MET Grants (https://www.nctm.org/grants/)
    AMTE in February and will be sharing their work around this project.
    New MTE manuscript that will be in the Teacher Voice special issue and will highlight work from their pilot of this project (https://amte.net/sites/amte.net/files/Special%20Call%20for%20Invited%20Manuscripts.pdf).
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/) Special Guests: Dawn Woods and Katie Rupe.

  • Learning to teach math teachers better with Melissa Adams Corral, Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education at the
    University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley, as she shares her experiences and advice on being a mathematics teacher educator, shares her work in considering teaching as community organizing, and her experience being awarded the AMTE Dissertation Award.
    Links from the episode
    Link to Dissertation Award page on AMTE (https://amte.net/awards/dissertation)
    Melissa Adams Corral, Gladys Helena Krause & Luz Maldonado Rodríguez (2023) “Va a Cambiar” - Identifying and Rejecting Border Patrol Pedagogies in a Dual Language Classroom, Journal of Latinos and Education, DOI: 10.1080/15348431.2023.2257374 (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/15348431.2023.2257374)
    Radical Equations: Civil Rights from Mississippi to the Algebra Project by Bob Moses and Charles E. Cobb (https://bookshop.org/p/books/radical-equations-civil-rights-from-mississippi-to-the-algebra-project-robert-moses/9001275)
    Latina to Latina: Living Icon Dolores Huerta Is Still Fighting the Good Fight (https://latina-to-latina.simplecast.com/episodes/living-icon-dolores-huerta-is-still-fighting-the-good-fight)
    Teaching Math Teaching Episode 81 - Frances Harper: Community Engaged Scholarship (https://www.teachingmathteachingpodcast.com/81)
    Krause, G.H. Worlds and words: entangling mathematics, language, and context in newcomer classrooms. ZDM Mathematics Education (2023). (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11858-023-01516-0
    Gallo, S., & Adams Corral, M. (2023). Transborder Literacies of (In)Visibility. Journal of Literacy Research, 55(1), 101–123. (https://doi.org/10.1177/1086296X231163127) https://doi.org/10.1177/1086296X231163127
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/) Special Guest: Melissa Adams Corral.

  • Learning to teach math teachers with Frances Harper, Theory & Practice in Teacher Education Director of Diversity and Inclusion and Associate Professor of STEM Education/Mathematics at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, as she shares her experiences and advice on being a mathematics teacher educator and shares her projects around community engaged scholarship.
    Links from the episode
    Frances Harper's personal website (https://francesharper.com/)
    Culturally relevant robotics: A family and teacher CRRAFT Partnership (https://crraft.org/)
    CAREER: Black and Latinx Parents Leading ChANge & Advancing Racial Justice in Elementary Mathematics PLANAR (https://francesharper.com/planar/)
    TODOS: Mathematics for ALL (https://www.todos-math.org/)
    Michigan State University Center for Community Engaged Learning (https://communityengagedlearning.msu.edu/)
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/)
    Harper, F. K., Caudle, L. A., Flowers, C. E., Rainwater, T., Quinn, M. & The CRRAFT Partnership. (2023). Centering teacher and parent voice to realize culturally relevant teaching of computational thinking in early childhood. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 64, 381-393. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2023.05.001 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecresq.2023.05.001)
    Ishimaru, A. M., Rajendran, A., Nolan, C. M., & Bang, M. (2018). Community Design Circles: Co-designing Justice and Wellbeing in Family-Community-Research Partnerships. Journal of Family Diversity in Education: 38-63. Special Guest: Frances Harper.

  • Learning to teach math teachers with Courtney Baker, Associate Professor in the Mathematics Education Leadership program at George Mason University, and Melinda Knapp, Assistant Professor of Education at Oregon State University-Cascades, as they share their experiences and advice on being mathematics teacher educators. Melinda and Courtney also share their book from NCTM, Proactive Mathematics Coaching: Bridging Content, Context, and Practice.
    Links from the episode
    Proactive Mathematics Coaching: Bridging Content, Context, and Practice (https://www.nctm.org/Store/Products/Proactive-Mathematics-Coaching--Bridging-Content,-Context,-and-Practice/)
    NCTM Book Study: Unveiling the Proactive Coaching Framework (12/13/23) (https://www.nctm.org/Store/Products/NCTM-Book-Study--Unveiling-the-Proactive-Coaching-Framework-(12/13/23)/)
    National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (https://www.facultydiversity.org/)
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/) Special Guests: Courtney Baker and Melinda Knapp.

  • In honor of the life and work of Tim Hendrix, this is a rebroadcast of the episode that was originally published February 22, 2022. In this episode. we share some words of appreciation and remembrance of Tim Hendrix from colleagues and friends and we also extend the conversation around Tim's talk he gave in receiving the Nadine Bezuk Excellence in Leadership and Service Award at the Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators Annual Conference in 2022. Special Guest: Tim Hendrix.

  • Learning to teach math teachers with Carlos LópezLeiva, Associate Professor of Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies at The University of New Mexico, as he shares his experiences and advice on being a mathematics teacher educator, as well as his experiences in school settings in the US and in Guatemala. Carlos also shares his work on considering the identity development of Latinas/os and/or Hispanics as bilingual speakers and as doers of mathematics and the social dimension of teaching, learning, and doing mathematics in different environments.
    Links from the episode
    Center for the Mathematics Education of Latinos/as (CEMELA) (https://cemela.math.arizona.edu/)
    TODOS: Mathematics for All and TODOS 2023 Conference (https://www.todos-math.org/)
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/)
    Special Guest: Carlos LópezLeiva.

  • Learning to teach math teachers with Jonee Wilson, Assistant Professor at the University of Virginia, as she shares her experiences and advice on being a mathematics teacher educator. Jonee also shares her work on creating and disseminating rubrics to identify and promote equitable mathematics instruction and a new project on leadership practices.
    Links from the Episode
    Follow this link for an opportunity to collaborate (https://mailchi.mp/20b48beca7b8/hear-mi-coaching) - Supporting Teachers to Develop Equitable Mathematics Instruction Through Rubric-Based Coaching (https://mailchi.mp/20b48beca7b8/hear-mi-coaching) seeks to build the capacity of school-based coaches to help teachers develop more equitable instructional practices in their math classrooms.
    Validation of the Equity and Access Rubrics for Mathematics Instruction (VEAR-MI) (https://research.ced.ncsu.edu/vear-mi/)
    Wilson, J., Nazemi, M., Jackson, K., & Wilhelm, A. G. (2019). Investigating teaching in conceptually oriented mathematics classrooms characterized by African American student success. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 50(4), 362-400. (https://doi.org/10.5951/jresematheduc.50.4.0362) Special Guest: Jonee Wilson.

  • Pat Nash and Brittany Rollins are both 8th grade mathematics teachers. Pat is in her 49th year of teaching at Mance Park Middle School in Huntsville, Texas. Brittany is in her 7th year of teaching at Midway Middle School in Hewitt, Texas. They share their experiences and advice for working with prospective teachers during field placements and internships.
    Pat Nash - My Huntsville ISD Story (https://youtu.be/IS-JJdOuNcE)
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/) Special Guests: Brittany Rollins and Pat Nash.

  • Dr. Paulo Tan (University of Missouri-St. Louis) shares about his work in humanizing disabilities in mathematics teacher education, and highlights how mathematics is for, with, and by folks with disabilities. In preparing mathematics teachers, he strives to help them cultivate their practices and thinking to enact resistance in their daily practice.
    Articles and resources mentioned in this episode:
    Mason, E. N., Padilla, A., & Tan, P. (2022). Toward justice-driven inquiry: On the rightful presence of students with disabilities in mathematics. (https://atm.org.uk/write/MediaUploads/Journals/MT283/05.pdf) Mathematics Teaching.
    Tan, P., Padilla, A., & Lambert, R. (2022). A critical review of educator and disability research in mathematics education: A decade of dehumanizing waves and humanizing wakes. (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.3102/00346543221081874?journalCode=rera) Review of Educational Research.
    Yeh, C., Tan, P., & Reinholz, D. L. (2021). Rightful presence in times of crisis and uprisings: A call for disobedience. (https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/10665684.2021.1951631?journalCode=ueee20) Equity & Excellence in Education, 54(2), 196–209.
    Tan, P., Padilla, A., Mason, E. N., & Sheldon, J. (2019). Humanizing disability in mathematics education: Forging new paths (https://www.nctm.org/Store/Products/Humanizing-Disability-in-Mathematics-Education--Forging-New-Paths/). NCTM.
    Annamma, S., & Morrison, D. (2018). DisCrit classroom ecology: Using praxis to dismantle dysfunctional education ecologies. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0742051X17313379) Teaching and Teacher Education, 73, 70–80.
    Schalk, S. (2018). Bodyminds reimagined: (Dis)ability, race, and gender in Black women’s speculative fiction. (https://www.dukeupress.edu/bodyminds-reimagined) Duke University Press.
    Tan, P. & Kastberg, S. (2017). A call for mathematics education researchers to lead and advocate for individuals with dis/abilities. (https://jume-ojs-tamu.tdl.org/JUME/article/view/321) Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 10(2), 25–38.
    PMENA Working Group on Disability Justice - See paper in PMENA 44 2022 Proceedings (http://www.pmena.org/pmenaproceedings/PMENA%2044%202022%20Proceedings.pdf):
    Taking up mathematics education research spaces as resistance: Toward disability justice, pp 2210-2212, in
    Lischka, A. E., Dyer, E. B., Jones, R. S., Lovett, J. N., Strayer, J., & Drown, S. (2022). Proceedings of the forty-fourth annual meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. Middle Tennessee State University.
    Mathematics Teacher Educator Podcast (https://mtepodcast.amte.net/) Special Guest: Paulo Tan.