We are joined again by former THA guest Chris from the "ChickenWire" politics and comedy Youtube channel. Following his time out from his channel we catch up with him. Paul John and Chris share their views on the current state of affairs.
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Following the departure of Donald Trump, John joins Paul again to talk about the positives and negatives of Trump's administration and what's to come.
Related Links:
https://twitter.com/JohnTheWhite1 -
Missing episodes?
David Parry joins us again for an update on the "Nephilim Anthropology Conference" in the UK and details on how the first event will now be done online due to the ongoing uncertainty regarding the Corona Virus. We will also hear from the founder of Ted X Lambeth and co-organizer and sponsor, Daniele Irandoost, as he also joined us for an update.
After a long THA absence, John White Joins Paul again to catch up on the latest drama following the US General Elections. Are we experiencing the biggest fraud of our generation?
Related Links:
https://twitter.com/JohnTheWhite1 -
Rev David Parry joins Paul for an update on life as well as information for the second TED X Lambeth event with Daniele Irandoost, Yes its nearly been a year already!
Related Links:
https://www.tedxlambeth.com/ -
Internet trending "Think For Your Self" joins John White for a talk about his new enlightened views towards trump and the political trajectory we are all seeing unfold rapidly today.
Related links:
https://twitter.com/CoronavirusFor -
After a long lay off, John White joins Paul for a chat about the crazy year we have had and the BLM movement.
Related links:
https://parler.com/profile/JohnTheWhite/posts -
Mark Puryear is the director and founder of the new incarnation of "The Norroena Society".
The Norroena Society is an organization dedicated to the thorough and proper investigation of the ancestral traditions of Northern Europe as well as promoting their results and expansion of the Asatru faith.
Related links:
https://norroena.org/ -
We welcome Stefanie back to THA. The founder of Stellium Astrology, A Consultant Astrologer, Blogger, Vlogger & Researcher now based in Northampton where she also now works for the NHS.
We talk about a huge moment in the Astrological trajectory and how it lines up with the very strange times we are now witnessing, That had inspired her to make some very interesting predictions which are now making sense.
Related links:
www.stelliumastrology.com -
Our Rev David Parry is back and has a chat with Paul about the Coronavirus and authoritarian measures we are seeing around the west and beyond.
Related Links:
https://www.youtube.com/user/LeoLyonZagamiChannel/videos -
John and Paul discuss the details of the recent coronavirus outbreak and some advice from John from his days working in Health and Social Care.
https://steemit.com/@john-the-white https://www.subscribestar.com/john-the-white https://steemit.com/coronavirus
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Fresh from the Brexit Days celebrations John white joins me for an update on his "Not My Dr. Who" campaign, As we talk again about the state of the entertainment industry.
Related Links:
https://steemit.com/@john-the-white https://www.subscribestar.com/john-the-white -
We see in the New Year with our friend and companion John White. We discuss the past and what to expect in the New Year, from the Cultural Marxist assault on Hollywood to the delivery of Brexit and the relationship with the USA and the rest of the world.
Related Links:
https://steemit.com/@john-the-white https://www.subscribestar.com/john-the-white -
We welcome back Claire Rae Rendall to THA Talks. An author and transsexual woman who holds an Honors Degree in Philosophy, Psychology and a Graduate Diploma in Art Therapy.
Her book “Waking The Monkey!, Becoming the Hundredth Monkey” will soon be followed up by her new book "The War on Gender". We catch up with Claire for a talk on the recent political explosion in the UK and find out what she is up to with regards to her other work and views on all the identity politics in the western world.
Related Links:
https://www.youtube.com/user/ClaireSapphyck -
John White Joins us again for a talk on the current battle of Brexit. As we are plunged into yet another election and with new dimensions unfolding by the day.
Related Links:
https://steemit.com/@john-the-white https://www.subscribestar.com/john-the-white -
Author, Poet and Dramaturge Rev David Parry discusses his new book on the deep and mystical Christian traditions and arts, "Mount Athos Inside Me", released on the 15th of September by Manticore Press. The book is described as follows.
"Athos as a fortress against the trivial and a portal to the transcendent is a theme that has found its way into British arts and letters. Enter our guide to these worlds, our author, David Parry. David is a man of extraordinary erudition and artistic sensitivity. In this book, he offers to serve not so much as a guide but as a companion through the deep, dizzying, mystifying, heavenly-earthly reality that is Mount Athos, as it is found on a Greek Island and as it is found in the British artistic tradition.” - Fr. Robert McTeigue
Related Links:
Buy "Mount Athos Inside Me" on Amazon https://manticore.press -
Nicholas returns to the show. He is an English writer and a historian of science As well as an author of several controversial books, including “Gardening and Planting by the Moon”, “Newton’s Forgotten Lunar Theory”, “Terror on the Tube”, and more recent releases "The Great British Skripal Hoax", "Who Did 9/11" and "How Britain Initiated Both World Wars"
He’s been involved in a variety of issues as a political activist. In 1986 he co-founded the Belgrano Action Group after the sinking of the ARA General Belgrano, and in 2007 he argued that the 77 bombings in London had not been carried out by the men accused.
He also runs a monthly talk group called "Keep Talking".
Related Links:
https://www.facebook.com/nicholas.kollerstrom.9 Books on Amazon -
Alan Denman is a writer, filmmaker, and vlogger living in the UK, we met Alan through his son Zachary who David Parry worked with on David Icke's old News Chanel "The Peoples Voice". We catch up with Alan and get his views on life and an insight into some of his new work based on storytelling.
Related Links:
https://www.youtube.com/user/alanjdenman/featured -
We welcome back John White, while the hot news keeps coming, this time its to talk about the unfolding Jeffrey Epstein case, its roots, consequences and relation to the Q agenda and of course Donald Trump.
Related Links:
https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&v=X32-Cx501g8&redir_token=P4k6Bz5Nvt4eK4lgjOht0gb4srp8MTU2MzU3MTQ3OUAxNTYzNDg1MDc5&q=https%3A%2F%2Fsteemit.com%2F%40john-the-white https://www.subscribestar.com/john-the-white - Show more